libera/##covid-19/ Monday, 2020-02-24

BrainstormNew from Google News at 22:57: Another Study Claims Wuhan Seafood Market May Not Be Source of Covid-19 Outbreak - Caixin Global: Another Study Claims Wuhan Seafood Market May Not Be Source of Covid-19 Outbreak Caixin Global Don't buy China's story: The coronavirus may have leaked from a lab New York Post Author argues the coronavirus behind the [... want %more?] →
LjLcontingo, Austria revoked the train hold00:22
LjLpassengers with a ticket to Italy for monday can get it refunded, but that's all00:23
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 23:21: Can someone please share one of Li Wenliang's final videos? The one where he criticizes the CCP and the video is cut off: As I recall, he was on his deathbed, had a mask for supplemental oxygen, and was tearfully upset at the entire situation. He began to criticize the Chinese government and his video was cut off. →
contingoI'm seeing people commenting along the lines of, this stopped being containable a long time ago, I'm sure it's freely circulating now, but then insisting more should be being done to contain it, like strict quarantine, but then saying they really don't want to be under quarantine00:25
LjLcontingo, my understanding is that the "containment" measures aren't really intended to contain it (although authorities may not always say this), but to slow it so that the healthcare system has at least a chance not to be overwhelmed. like, we *know* it'll eventually infect pretty much everyone, but one thing is if it does it 2% of people at a time, another is if it does it all at once00:27
LjLa psychiatric ward in Korea has 99 cases out of 102 patients apparently :\00:28
LjLsome prison(s) in China are similar00:28
contingoright, OK00:28
LjLthere's a big prison right inside of Milan's city center, btw00:28
contingowell then, in that light, news that supports the view that it is already freely circulating, that it is unprecedentedly infective both pre- and post-illness, that a larger unreported population exists that are largely asymptomatic and largely mild cases, to me has both a reassuring side and a scary side00:29
contingoreassuring in that the mortality rate would be much lower than reported, scary in that penetration will be much higher and total deaths will be much higher and systems more likely to be overwhelmed00:30
contingoI don't mean scary sorry00:30
LjLcontingo, a lot about this thing has both a reassuring and a scary side to me... although it's sometimes easier to see the scary00:30
LjLyes you mean scary00:30
LjLyou're just taking it back because you realized that'd scare me :P00:31
LjLcontingo, i feel like saying, i can't get much *more* scared than after hearing an authoritative figure say "we're at war" on public TV, but... well, realistically i'm probably not even scratching the top of how scared i can get00:32
contingoI'm just trying to be consistent with characterizing my own emotional responses00:32
LjLwhich is... scary00:33
contingooh my days00:33
LjLcontingo, well, the opposite of reassuring is not challenging00:33
contingowell we've been at war with drugs and with terrorism and with the "causes of crime" for a long time00:33
LjLterrorism was a bit scary at times, even if rationally i knew i was very unlikely to be hit00:34
LjLthis time that doesn't hold true, and the enemy is invisible even to my €30 Amazon microscope00:34
contingoyou can adjust to new levels of scared once it becomes a daily thing00:34
LjLcontingo, unless i'm already close to my limits at baseline, due to anxiety disorder00:35
contingoI really want to dose you with etizolam and see what happens00:35
contingoetizolam addiction, probably00:36
LjLcontingo, that's one of those cases when "there's always time to write my shrink" doesn't hold true when it turns out there's no longer time to do anything00:37
LjLcontingo, anyway, the war thing was somewhat significant, because earlier today, i had told my mom about the preparedness things you (and Spec) thought should be obvious, and she was like "oh come on, your friends are crazy, it's not like we're at war"00:38
LjLso there is that00:38
contingoI'd ship you some but it's breaking too many laws00:38
LjLyeah, i'm sure there are dogs addicted to etizolam that the cops use00:38
contingoexcuse me LjL's mom00:38
LjLalso i don't really know how long international shipments will continue... USPS is no longer delivering to China for example00:39
contingoI'm a goddamn doctor00:39
contingoof mushrooms but that gives me a framework here00:39
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 23:37: Coronavirus: New presumptive coronavirus case in Toronto - Woman sent home from hospital to self isolate, tested positive with mild symptoms. Province states that “it is unlikely that [she] was infectious.” →
contingoLjL just pop onto the darkweb and order some from a domestic vendor00:39
LjLcontingo, yes the problem might lie in the fact i also told her about the mushrooms00:40
LjLcontingo, lol i barely know what the darkweb is really00:40
contingomy MSc thesis and attendant publication were on retroviral evolutionary genetics00:40
LjLi open the tor browser... just when i look up med names into google because i don't want google to track me00:41
contingoyou can tell her that00:41
contingothen I switched to mushrooms00:41
LjLcontingo, well i'm not going to relay these points to her at this stage because she forbade me to speak of the outbreak again until tomorrow00:41
contingomushrooms are harder than viruses00:41
LjLcontingo, viruses have tiny DNA, if i just had a look at one i'd probably crack the code, man, i've written C, with even  sparklings of C++00:42
LjLthis one doesn't even have DNA00:42
contingodo you want me to order you some? I don't have the energy rn but I'll look into it tomorrow00:42
LjLonly the ugly twin of DNA00:42
LjLwhat threat can it be00:42
contingothe code is indeed quite easy00:43
LjLcontingo, nah look anything new i try could set me into panic even if it's technically something to prevent panic... has happened before, except this time calling 112 would be a very bad idea (worse than the other time anyway)00:43
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 23:42: Coronavirus: If mortality rate is calculated from confirmed cases, and real cases are likely a much higher number than confirmed cases, then doesn't it follow that mean real mortality rate is way lower than 3%? →
LjLcontingo, meanwhile for panic: doctor at milan's policlinico is the first confirmed case inside milan proper, and he's a dermatologist, and my sister was treated by dermatologists at policlinico... also, i'll see my shrink therapy person in a couple of days, and she works at the same hospital, counseling transplant recipients and oncologic patients00:45
LjLmaybe i should accept her offer of a session over skype that she made months ago00:45
contingosome viruses just have three genes. A gene for the encapsulating protein, a gene for a protein that sticks out of the capsule and unlocks your cells, and a gene to help copying itself using your cells' copying apparatus00:46
contingothree genes00:46
contingoit's all so neat... neatly majestic, as Spec might say00:46
LjLi replied to that redditor above00:48
contingomushrooms have a lot of genes00:48
contingothat's a good one for panicking about00:48
LjLcontingo, we also have a lot of genes, and also a lot of cruft that's probably semi-dead viral DNA, yay00:49
contingomaybe we're precipitating all this somehow00:49
contingolike it really does feed on fear woooo00:49
LjLcontingo, i don't know, i see a lot of reasonable "maybe"'s, and then days later, often when circumstances have changed, people repeat them as certainties00:49
LjLso i think it's okay to remind people that there's a lot of maybe all over everything00:50
LjLcontingo, really i can be here worrying about where to get which type of masks all day, but meanwhile they've estimated early cases probably started as far back as 20 days ago... and it's people who deal with Milan. what are the chances one of us four here isn't harboring it already? and even if not, what are the chances some handwashing or a lousy mask will stop it?00:53
LjLi'm not turning from full interventionist to full fatalist00:53
LjLi still think we should be doing a little more, or at least be able to talk about what to do without yelling at one another00:53
LjLbut chances are we'll eventually just have to ride this and hope it all goes okay00:53
LjLi'm starting to be more worried about isolation enforcement than the disease itself00:54
LjLlike i hope i don't dream i'm taken away by force into a crowded makeshift hospital full of sick people tonight00:54
contingoLjL, of the about 8% portion of our genomes that is detectable as retrovirus sequence that has integrated into our genomes at some point in our evolutionary past, you get shades of "semi-dead" the more anciently it was integrated and become defective. Eventually it becomes indistinguishable from background sequence00:54
LjLcontingo, information theory at its best?00:55
contingoat one time me and a guy called Aris Katzourakis, now Prof at Oxford, held the record for the most ancient characterized clade of human endogenous retroviruses00:56
LjLsomeone with that name would never become a respected person in italy00:56
contingoiirc it was so ancient that we estimated it would have infected the common ancestor of primates and rodents and we found homologous sequences in a bunch of primates and rodents to support this00:57
LjLcontingo, well that's not very ancient, aren't rodents like smaller versions of us, and that's why they use them in the lab?00:57
contingoand statistically reasoned it wans't possible to find more anciently integrated viruses unless they'd been selectively maintained00:58
LjLalso, you don't have an opinion on the origin of viruses, or more generally you get pissed if i talk about the origin of things, right?00:58
contingoit's quite ancient to still be detecting pseudogenes undergoing mutation by drift00:58
LjLcontingo, has it become much easier to do that sort of research now with fast parallel processing of sequences?00:58
LjLhmm, i just realized i haven't squatted on channel names related to this one on Matrix... probably late now01:00
contingothere are lots of different higher-level groups (clades) of viruses and other more or less independently-existing selfish genetic elements likely with different origins at different times01:00
LjLcontingo, i've read a bit about selfish genes and various selective pressures and all that the other night but at some point i was just too confused to continue01:01
contingothe principles of genetics are simple. the details of genetics are tortuous01:03
LjLcontingo, if complexity didn't arise from simple laws we wouldn't be there, or at least we wouldn't be there and finding some of those laws01:05
LjLoh lawd, is like half meme half meme-based preparedness01:05
contingoI know but at times the level of complexity is at a level that just seems designed to be ridiculously hard to keep track of for people taking exams01:07
contingothere's so many chat things01:11
LjLcontingo, Matrix is kind of the only one that's comparable to IRC in a number of ways, though01:15
LjLothers are proprietary protocols, or not geared towards "channels"-based communication01:16
LjL(although Matrix calls them rooms but that hardly matters)01:16
contingowell, I probably shouldn't explore it01:20
contingoI have a big deadline in one week's time01:21
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 00:20: China_Flu: Reddit is lagging? →
contingomy internet chatting is at capacity01:22
contingonevertheless LjL, would you please share some preparedness memes01:23
LjLcontingo, nah, i've just closed the Matrix client, i really just quickly saw what the room was like and didn't dwell on it much, i don't need a place full of people playing half-make-you-scared-half-make-fun-of-you01:25
contingothings are looking up for my silver listings01:25
LjLcontingo, should i sell my bitcoins or expect them to look up01:28
LjLthey've hovered around 9k for a while01:28
contingoor if you're in clear profit start selling bit by bit01:34
contingobitcent by bitcent01:36
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 00:47: CoronaVirusInfo: Coronavirus: Wuhan to quarantine all cured patients for 14 days after some test positive again →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 00:50: Novel Coronavirus Infection Map: My friend sent this to me. It is by far the best map of the spread of coronavirus I've seen. Has dates associated with each country. →
LjL (old news/data, just didn't see them as a graph before)02:23
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 01:29: Why are states allowed to override what the CDC wants to do?: I am all for states rights but we can’t just all go around rejecting patients what kind of sense does that make? Also these patients are in quarantine there not going to McDonald’s or some shit →
contingoI keep almost commenting on reddit02:34
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 01:39: Will looters be a genuine concern?: Should a mass quarantine happen in USA (and hell, even if it shouldn't) Am I going to need to worry about madmen coming to my home and killing me for whatever stuff I may have? If so then I'm honestly more scared of that than the virus. →
LjLcontingo, don't do it02:44
LjLi sense that my rss feed needs finetuning02:45
contingoI shouldn't do it as contingo02:45
contingocontingo is just positive vibes and nature photography02:45
LjLyou'll just get short tempered02:45
BrainstormNew from Google News at 01:56: Another Study Claims Wuhan Seafood Market May Not Be Source of Covid-19 Outbreak - Caixin Global: Another Study Claims Wuhan Seafood Market May Not Be Source of Covid-19 Outbreak Caixin Global New study further proves Wuhan seafood market not the source of COVID-19 CGTN Coronavirus: China scientists say virus did not [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (testing) at 02:20: Good news: So to spread some cheer, the likelihood of catching this right now is like 80,000/8 billion. →
LjLpretty sure that's not the likelihood03:22
contingoyou correct him, LjL03:23
LjLNo I sleep03:24
contingomy powers of correction are spent03:24
contingoOK I will man the fort03:24
contingoand promulgate our ##truth03:25
LjLOkay I denied his claim without offering an alternative03:26
LjLLet's settle for that03:26
LjLcontingo: if weirdos join, it may be because someone spammed my ##alerts with their own Matrix room about this so I contested that I already have my own thankyouverymuchly03:27
contingowell done03:27
contingoI strangely ended up ranting about the evils of Singapore03:28
contingothat wasn't the plan at all03:28
LjLcontingo: but it's a good plan, drive everyone away from Singapore so you can use it as your reassuringly authoritarian hideout03:30
LjLcontingo: I'm listening to to cheer me up03:30
LjLOn my walkman03:30
contingoyes that's a good rationale03:31
contingowhen I looked for my DACs / DATs03:31
contingoI found my stash of normal cassettes from the late 80s too03:31
LjLSo now you'll be driving my tape decks auctions way up, damn03:32
LjLAnd by mine I mean the ones i want to win03:32
contingoI don't think I'm ready for that level of sheer nostalgia and what-did-I-do-with-my-life feelings yet03:33
LjLThough perhaps it's not the best of times to be ordering stuff from abroad03:33
contingothey're mostly not music cassettes, they're recordings I made of our family life03:33
LjLAnd you'll let them demagnetize without moving them to a more tenable format?03:34
contingoI don't view their existence as necessarily positive03:35
LjLI did it, the thing I was scared of doing with my walkman03:36
LjLMistakenly and suddenly turning the volume knob way up03:36
contingoexcept for the tape labelled "Green Blood: mostly songs about Green Blood"03:36
LjLThis thing drives headphones scarily loud03:36
LjLThat sounds like a tape Autoclesis would want to know about03:37
contingoyes, I'll put that one into an argon chamber03:47
contingoso far, ##truth is just cannabis spambots and "that's what your mom said" level discourse03:47
BrainstormNew from Google News at 04:35: (news): Drones. Disinfecting robots. Supercomputers. The coronavirus outbreak is a test for China's tech industry - CNN →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 05:54: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates - Al Jazeera English: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates Al Jazeera English Coronavirus infections surge in Italy, South Korea as virus kills at least 8 in Iran Fox News More than 600 people infected by coronavirus in South Korea CBS Evening News [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 07:07: (news): Coronavirus: Xi ammette 'evidenti carenze' nella lotta al virus - Agenzia ANSA →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 07:13: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates - Al Jazeera English: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates Al Jazeera English Coronavirus infections surge in Italy, South Korea as virus kills at least 8 in Iran Fox News More than 600 people infected by coronavirus in South Korea CBS Evening News South [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 07:45: (news): Coronavirus: Cina, altri 150 morti e 409 nuovi casi - Agenzia ANSA →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 08:05: (news): Stranded lobsters and missing wedding dresses: The coronavirus is a daily reminder of China's global reach - CNN →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 08:17: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates - Al Jazeera English: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates Al Jazeera English More than 600 people infected by coronavirus in South Korea CBS Evening News Coronavirus infections surge in Italy, South Korea as virus kills at least 8 in Iran Fox News [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 08:23: (news): Coronavirus, quarto morto, è un 84enne di Bergamo. - la Repubblica →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 08:42: (news): Coronavirus: Cina, altri 150 morti e 409 nuovi casi - Agenzia ANSA →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 09:00: (news): Coronavirus in Italia, le ultime notizie: quarta vittima a Bergamo, aveva 84 anni - Corriere della Sera →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 09:11: (news): Coronavirus, 152 contagiati e 4 vittime in Italia. Stop a scuole e università al nord. Austria revoca blocco dei treni - Il Sole 24 ORE →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 09:22: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates - Al Jazeera English: China coronavirus outbreak: All the latest updates Al Jazeera English Coronavirus infections surge in Italy, South Korea as virus kills at least 8 in Iran Fox News Fears of coronavirus pandemic growing as cases rise in South Korea ABC News Virus [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 10:28: (news): Coronavirus, quarto morto in Italia, il terzo in Lombardia: un uomo di 84 anni, era ricoverato a Bergamo - Salute & Benessere - Agenzia ANSA →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 11:03: (news): Coronavirus in Italia, le ultime notizie: un morto a Bergamo, aveva 84 anni - Corriere della Sera →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 11:16: (news): Coronavirus, quinta vittima in Italia, il quarto in Lombardia - Salute & Benessere - Agenzia ANSA →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 11:28: Coronavirus: Iran disputes death toll in city of Qom – live updates - The Guardian: Coronavirus: Iran disputes death toll in city of Qom – live updates The Guardian Coronavirus infections surge in Italy, South Korea as virus kills at least 8 in Iran Fox News More than 600 people infected by coronavirus in South Korea [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 11:43: (news): La mappa del contagio del coronavirus - AGI - Agenzia Italia →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 11:56: Coronavirus: Iran disputes death toll in city of Qom – live updates - The Guardian: Coronavirus: Iran disputes death toll in city of Qom – live updates The Guardian Coronavirus infections surge in Italy, South Korea as virus kills at least 8 in Iran Fox News More than 600 people infected by coronavirus in South Korea [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 12:33: (news): Coronavirus in Italia, le ultime notizie: vittime e contagi, tutti gli aggiornamenti - Corriere della Sera →
theglasshi contingo13:51
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 12:48: (news): Coronavirus, Juventus-Inter si potrebbe giocare a porte chiuse. Lega Pro, rinviate 35 gare - Sky Sport →
LjLOmg, fallout on football matches. It's definitely the apocalypse.13:59
theglasshi LjL14:07
theglassfallout on what?14:07
LjLErr I didn't mean fallout, my phone aitocompleted something else14:07
LjLBut I forgot what I meant :p14:07
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 13:00: (news): Coronavirus, quinta vittima in Italia, il quarto in Lombardia - Salute & Benessere - Agenzia ANSA →
theglassdidn't see the news14:07
theglasson the match, you were commenting14:08
LjLMaybe I did mean fallout14:08
LjLFallout can mean like consequences14:08
LjLBut my memory is extra short14:08
theglassbut also fallout14:11
LjLAftermath is more when the thing has concluded and you assess the damage14:14
LjLFallout is the direct and indirect consequences, I believe it's from nuclear fallout, now used more generally14:14
theglassle ricadute14:17
LjLAh yeah that seems like an apt teanslation14:18
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 13:11: (news): Coronavirus, Juventus-Inter si potrebbe giocare a porte chiuse. Lega Pro, rinviate 35 gare - Sky Sport →
LjLI'm better at knowing what words mean than at translating them back and forth ;)14:18
theglassthere's often an hidden correspondence between words in different languages14:19
LjLBut people are often too lazy to find an appropriate replacement14:20
LjLSo on TV they've been talking about "lockdown" without even trying to translate it14:20
LjLI'm not a language purist, and I use English almost more than I use Italian, but some anglicisms seem really gratuitous and could easily be avoided except they are "cool"14:21
LjLEspecially in Milan14:21
BrainstormNew from Google News at 13:11: Coronavirus: Iran disputes death toll in city of Qom – live updates - The Guardian: Coronavirus: Iran disputes death toll in city of Qom – live updates The Guardian More than 600 people infected by coronavirus in South Korea CBS Evening News Coronavirus pushes beyond Asia, taking aim at Europe and Mideast; financial [... want %more?] →
contingoit's the same with little snippets of English I hear in languages all over the world14:54
BrainstormNew from Google News at 13:45: (news): Stranded lobsters and missing wedding dresses: The coronavirus is a daily reminder of China's global reach - CNN →
LjLcontingo, what is?14:59
LjLcontingo, yeah there are languages where it's even much more pervasive14:59
LjLbut it's all a matter of 1) degree 2) what you're actually using it for14:59
LjLi have nothing against using english words in technical fields and/or where there just aren't appropriate italian words to use instead15:00
LjLbut sometimes it's just laziness and/or feeling "cool" and/or feeling "superior" to the people who don't understand those words15:00
LjLi've heard some people in the fashion industry or the disruptive startup business basically speaking "italian" where only the grammatical particles are italian, the nouns and stuff are english15:00
contingomy family and their wider social circle in Malaysia and Singapore just rapidly alternate between Cantonese and English and Malay in informal conversation15:01
LjLcontingo, yes, that's code switching, it's normal in multilingual communities... but italy's not like that15:01
LjL%wik code switching15:01
BrainstormLjL, from English Wikipedia: In linguistics, code-switching or language alternation occurs when a speaker alternates between two or more languages, or language varieties, in the context of a single conversation. Multilinguals, speakers of more than one language, sometimes use elements of multiple languages when conversing with each [... want %more?] →
LjLcontingo, people who code switch are generally able to stick to one language if the register requires it15:02
contingothey are15:02
contingowith my previous statement about "little snippets" I wasn't thinking of my family15:03
LjLi think india is the first place i heard "hardcore" code switching from15:03
LjLalthough i witnessed an amusing conversation during high school, one time i went to the house of an originally chinese schoolmate15:03
LjLshe spoke italian fine, but there was also her cousin there, who i assume was less comfortable with italian15:03
LjLthey had a long conversation where my schoolmate would speak all italian, and her cousin would speak all chinese15:04
theglasstechnically it would be possible to communicate by speaking two different languages15:05
LjLwell they were communicating fine, so it seemed quite possible15:06
theglassI speak mine, you speak yours and magically we mutually understand each other15:06
LjLi just didn't understand half of the communication, but evidently they did15:06
LjLtheglass, that's true of things like italian and spanish, but not italian and chinese15:06
LjL(and even with italian and spanish, it takes some helpful adapting from both speakers)15:06
theglassbut it require a level of empathy and listening which nowadays I don't think can be found15:06
LjLduring the catalonia crisis i had no issue at all understanding TV3... catalan has features of northern italian languages, which i speak only barely but can understand to some extent... and it makes a *huge* difference whether i'm listening to people on TV, or random people in the street who speak without a "TV accent"15:07
LjLalso even on TV it makes a lot of difference whether it's the news, or say a thriller series where everyone is using slang and speaking fast and over one another15:08
LjLwhen i was actually in Valencia (though most people spoke Spanish there, not Valencian/Catalan) i could make myself understood, and understand others, but it'd take multiple attempts, it wasn't straightforward. that was many years ago though15:09
theglassValencia is quite cozy for Italians15:12
theglassIt's a recurring destination15:12
LjLit got popular after there was some regata there, i went there in those years, a long time ago15:17
LjLit seemed nice15:17
LjLbig metro system built in just a few years and very clean... the city itself had some strange combination of very large streets with underpasses for cars that just came up again out of nowhere, and very tiny streets, often in front of churches and such, which didn't make those buildings stand out like in many squares in italy15:18
LjLalso they had recently completed rerouting of the river that used to cross the city, and it had become a "long park" instead, which was nice to walk and cycle in15:19
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 13:45: (news): Coronavirus, sei vittime, 229 contagi. Sette regioni coinvolte, 27 milioni di italiani - la Repubblica →
LjLi hope it's not basically a dumpster now. it would be if it were italy15:19
LjLcontingo, btw, in "my parents not getting it"... i asked my dad whether our cars are loaded up fully with petrol, and he snapped "oh come on, it's not the gulf war" (actually he said something different that took me a few minutes to understand, but that was the gist)15:22
LjLin Wuhan, gas stations closing down was one of the first thing that was reported, so, i dunno what the middle east really has to do with it15:22
contingoit sounds like they've already committed to staying put15:23
theglassI have relatives in Valencia15:25
LjLcontingo, staying put as in... behaving like nothing's happening?15:26
theglassmore like "don't move and stay put"15:27
theglassI think15:27
LjLtheglass, well that ship has kinda sailed considering they've visisted a ton of supermarkets, and the pharmacy, between yesterday and today. i expect them to see our GP later, despite me saying that's statistically one of the riskiest places15:32
BrainstormNew from Google News at 14:34: Coronavirus: seventh person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates - The Guardian: Coronavirus: seventh person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates The Guardian More than 600 people infected by coronavirus in South Korea CBS Evening News Coronavirus pushes [... want %more?] →
LjLseventh :(15:40
LjLwhat's the percentage now?15:40
LjLtheglass, general practitioner, il medico di famiglia15:42
theglassuhm yeah15:42
theglassI'm waiting for a tutorial to begin, here on IRC15:50
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 14:37: (news): Coronavirus, sei vittime, 229 contagi. Sette regioni coinvolte, 27 milioni di italiani - la Repubblica →
theglassbut the guy's not responding to my email15:50
theglassI mean to my message, where I was sending my email to him15:51
theglassfor registration15:51
theglassseems disappeared15:51
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 14:37: (news): Borsa, Milano in forte calo per il coronavirus. Petrolio giù, oro ai massimi - Corriere della Sera →
LjLma un bel chissenefrega16:01
LjLcontingo, recoveries in China seem to be tapering down from the graphs... i think that's not great news16:03
LjLthey were previously increasing quadratically or so16:03
LjLthe graph that used to be here isn't displaying anymore for me16:05
theglass<LjL> ma un bel chissenefrega16:06
LjLtheglass, chissenefrega della borsa e del petrolio16:06
LjLson stufo del mercato che è più importante di tutto16:06
theglassah ok16:06
theglassma se non sale il mercato salgono i bitcoin, quindi..16:07
contingoi seem to have lost track of my textfile of the links I found most dependable and useful16:08
LjLcontingo, please contribute it if you find it again...16:08
LjLi did add the tracker you found to the paste16:08
contingothat was not working for awhile16:08
LjLi assume the trackers will come and go depending on traffic16:10
LjLthe JHU tracker seems to be depended upon by all Italian media16:10
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 15:03: (news): Coronavirus in Italia: le news di oggi e le ricadute sullo sport - Sky Sport →
LjLtheglass, there are purported Red Cross volunteers going door to door for screening, it's a scam. probably only in the north, but just saying16:14
theglassno I heard it, btw16:21
theglassjackals pops out almost everytime there's an emergency16:22
LjLespecially in this country16:22
LjLaside from Repubblica, also has live updates on this16:23
LjLand just like Repubblica, they don't provide an RSS feed of it ;(16:23
LjLoh wait they do16:24
theglassaside from the fact that the victim are 6, not 716:27
LjLtheglass, i believe one was reported as a victim first but then they were cleared as having died from something else16:29
LjLcontingo, did already i show you this
LjLalso the milan policlinico doctor who was supposedly positive has turned out negative instead16:30
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 15:34: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus: seventh person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates — from The Guardian at 15:34: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 15:50: Business: Wall Street plummets as coronavirus spreads in Europe – business live — from The Guardian at 15:50: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 15:59: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus: seventh person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates — from The Guardian at 15:59: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
LjLTerremoto in Calabria, 4.7, avvertito forte a Cosenza17:12
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 16:08: (news): Coronavirus in Italia: le news di oggi e le ricadute sullo sport - Sky Sport — from The Guardian at 16:08: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 16:25: Coronavirus: seventh person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates - The Guardian: Coronavirus: seventh person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates The Guardian Global outbreak causes coronavirus pandemic fears after cases jump in Italy, South Korea and Iran [... want %more?] →
LjLcontingo, my dad went down to the pharmacy because we had ordered a few things... they said they received nothing today and it's all a mess and there's a queue outside of the pharmacy (for buying things that aren't there, i assume)17:42
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 16:41: (news): Borsa, Milano in forte calo per il coronavirus. Petrolio giù, oro ai massimi - Corriere della Sera — from The Guardian at 16:41: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 16:54: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus: sixth person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates — from The Guardian at 16:54: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 17:22: (news): Coronavirus: sesta vittima in Italia, morto 80enne a Milano. Oms: 'Molto preoccupati per i casi in Italia' - Salute & Benessere - Agenzia ANSA — from The Guardian at 17:22: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 17:38: (news): La mappa del contagio del coronavirus - AGI - Agenzia Italia — from The Guardian at 17:38: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 17:38: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus: sixth person dies in Italy amid confusion over death toll in Iran – live updates — from The Guardian at 17:38: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 17:52: Coronavirus outbreak: Italians struggle with 'surreal' lockdown as coronavirus cases rise — from The Guardian at 17:52: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Reddit WorldNews Live at 18:43: /u/BlatantConservative: 18 new cases in the United States, all repatriated quarantined former passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise ship — from The Guardian at 18:43: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
contingoLjL  yes you showed me that link19:45
BrainstormNew from Google News at 18:55: Coronavirus: WHO plays down pandemic fears after sixth person dies in Italy – live updates - The Guardian: Coronavirus: WHO plays down pandemic fears after sixth person dies in Italy – live updates The Guardian Coronavirus may be 'Disease X,' World Health Organization expert warns New York Post Wuhan reverses [... want %more?] →
LjLGoogle News is a bit confusing, i'd probably rather get individual RSS feeds, i have for some papers but others make it hard or impossible to reach them...20:06
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 18:55: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus: WHO plays down pandemic fears after sixth person dies in Italy – live updates — from The Guardian at 18:55: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
contingothere is no evidence for reinfection afaik20:16
contingojust indications of prolonged phases of infectivity pre- and post- symptoms or without symptoms20:17
LjLcontingo, the SCMP is an HK based newspaper, recently bought by Alibaba so mostly under mainland control now... but so far i've found their articles decent20:17
LjLcontingo, which is quite annoyingly worrying in and of itself :\20:17
LjLin italy they're talking about extending the quarantine from 14 to 21 days20:17
contingoit could well be the central control problem with this thing20:18
BrainstormNew from Gazzetta Ufficiale italiana at 19:26: DELIBERA DEL CONSIGLIO DEI MINISTRI 13 febbraio 2020: Proroga dello stato  di  emergenza  in  conseguenza  dell'eccezionalemovimento  franoso  verificatosi  il  giorno  29  gennaio  2019   nelterritorio del Comune di Pomarico, in Provincia di Matera. (20A01200) [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 19:29: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus: WHO plays down pandemic fears after sixth person dies in Italy – live updates — from The Guardian at 19:29: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Reddit WorldNews Live at 19:52: /u/BlatantConservative: 5 new cases and one new death in Italy, making 233 cases and 8 deaths. — from The Guardian at 19:52: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 20:02: (news): Coronavirus: WHO plays down pandemic fears after sixth person dies in Italy – live updates - The Guardian — from The Guardian at 20:02: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from The Guardian at 20:11: Coronavirus outbreak: Coronavirus: WHO plays down pandemic fears after sixth person dies in Italy – live updates — from The Guardian at 20:11: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 20:44: (news): Coronavirus in Italia: le news di oggi e le ricadute sullo sport - Sky Sport — from The Guardian at 20:44: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
LjL<Brainstorm> New from r/WorldNews at 16:47: worldnews: China bans human consumption and trade of wild animals →
LjLmaybe i should add a top worldnews feed21:56
BrainstormNew from Reddit WorldNews Live at 21:04: /u/BlatantConservative: 14 new cases in Iran — from The Guardian at 21:04: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 21:13: (news): Coronavirus in Italia: le news di oggi e le ricadute sullo sport - Sky Sport — from The Guardian at 21:13: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News at 21:26: (news): Coronavirus live updates: Reported cases spike as Europe struggles with its first major outbreak - CBS News — from The Guardian at 21:26: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Reddit WorldNews Live at 21:36: /u/BlatantConservative: 1 new case in Kuwait — from The Guardian at 21:36: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from Google News Italia at 21:44: (news): Coronavirus in Italia: le news di oggi e le ricadute sullo sport - Sky Sport — from The Guardian at 21:44: How to protect yourself from coronavirus →
LjLebbasta con 'ste ricadute sullo sport chissenefrega22:50
LjLcontingo, Guardian is a little less optimistic on how long the virus may survive on surfaces than the official indications we get (which is "hours at worst"): Viruses can also be spread through droplets landing on surfaces such as seats on buses or trains or desks in school. However, whether this is a main transmission route depends on how long viruses survive on surfaces – this can vary from hours to months.22:56
LjLi do see the nuance where they aren't actually attributing anything to *this specific* virus22:56
LjLthat's how i'd write it too22:57
LjLbut maybe reassuring people about packages from China being safe is more important22:57
LjL-MatrixFor the Matrix room, I'm going to disable snippets and images by default. The bot is spammy enough even without them22:58
LjL-MatrixYou can enable them in your clients if you want them anyway22:58
contingothere's nothing unequivocal about survival on surfaces for this virus, just ongoing studies23:07
contingoall of us are participating in the study23:42
contingoAND THEN23:42
LjLGood point23:48

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