libera/##covid-19/ Monday, 2020-12-07

CoronaBot04/r/coronavirus: Rudy Giuliani tests positive for COVID-19 (10469 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for Canada: +6261 cases (now 415182), +76 deaths (now 12665) since 23 hours ago00:35
BrainstormLjL: From At-risk groups to receive free winter supply of vitamin D - GOV.UK00:40
LjLalthough it's just 2.5 million people so it's going to be a narrow definition of "at risk"00:41
BrainstormUpdates for Uruguay: +338 cases (now 7303), +1 deaths (now 82) since a day ago00:53
BrainstormNew from COVID-19 Vaccine News: Sinovac Confirms $500 Million of Vaccine Research Support for COVID-19: Sinovac Life Sciences has secured around US$500 million in funding to grow, expand capability and produce its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, CoronaVac... →
BrainstormUpdates for Switzerland: +5 deaths (now 5349) since 11 hours ago01:21
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Queen will not jump queue for Covid vaccine, Palace sources say →
gigasu_shidaljl do you take probiotics?01:36
LjLnot currently01:36
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Pakistan: Several COVID patients die after oxygen supply runs out | Pakistan →
gigasu_shidai read an article saying we may need certain gut bacteria to utilize vitamin D01:39
gigasu_shidathe vitamin D that you take as a supplement or that your skin produces from exposure to sunlight is just a precursor form that doesn't matter01:39
gigasu_shidawell, it does matter in that you need it available to be converted to another form01:39
gigasu_shidabut only bacteria in your gut can do this01:40
LjLideally you'd get your vitamin D measured in blood and only supplement if you're deficient, and after supplementing for a while, you'd get measured again01:40
gigasu_shidahopefully your gut already has a diverse set of bacteria01:40
gigasu_shidayes, sure, that's a good approach. because you wouldn't want to overdose on it01:40
LjLto make sure you're actually assimilating it. of course this ideal may translate into "just take some vitamin D" in a streamlined healthcare system where each exam has a much higher cost than just giving you vitamin D01:41
LjLwell also to avoid overdosing, but if you stay around the 400-1000IU that are usually recommended, i don't think an overdose is likely01:41
LjLyou'd definitely want to monitor blood levels if you're taking so-called megadoses, but also i wouldn't do that01:43
gigasu_shidai was basing what i just said on this article01:43
gigasu_shidayeah my aunt took some megadoses before and was monitored once a week using blood tests01:43
gigasu_shidabut a lot of people don't have medical care as good as what she has01:44
LjLgigasu_shida, that sounds like it's very specific bacteria at play so just taking generic probiotic would likely not help01:46
gigasu_shidayeah i was thinking it's better to just eat a diverse diet01:46
LjLit does say the bacteria they've found a correlation with produce butyric acid, which is found in various fats, and they do generally instruct you to take vitamin D with fats, fwiw01:47
LjLbut if your gut flora is messed up, it's tricky to restore no matter what you do. i don't think there's any *solid* evidence that ingesting probiotics helps01:48
LjLso any evidence that ingesting those particular probiotics actually enhances vitamin D assimilation is probably further down the line to come01:48
LjLbut there's a lot of study currently on gut flora01:48
gigasu_shidayeah poop pills and all that01:49
LjLthat's the one thing that seems to have some actual measurable effect01:50
LjLbut then i would be a bit apprehensive with that, like you know, shit happens.01:50
LjLanyway, based on the article you showed me, i think the vitamin D that's normally measured in the blood is still the precursor, so it's useful to avoid overdoses but won't tell you if you actually have enough of the real thing01:51
BrainstormUpdates for France: +8742 cases (now 2.3 million) since 22 hours ago — Netherlands: +5065 cases (now 558472), +22 deaths (now 9715) since 22 hours ago01:53
gigasu_shidayup, you gotta have the precursor to make the final product. so it's still important to get checked for that01:55
gigasu_shidaljl : it's interesting that both the liver and kidney are needed to get the activated form of vitamin D02:00
gigasu_shidai'm going to try to do some research to find out what role bacteria play in this02:01
tinwhiskersI don't think gut bacteria are involved in the vitamin D produced through sun exposure so I'm guessing it's something else involved [too].02:19
gigasu_shidais commensal the opposite of symbiotic?02:26
gigasu_shidaare those pretty much antonyms?02:26
gigasu_shidaoh wait, maybe parasitic is the antonym of symbiotic but commensal is in the middle02:28
LjLcommensal is similar to symbiontic02:28
LjLnot identical02:28
LjLi think commensal means both organisms take advantage of whatever there is to be taken advantage of, without either aiding or hindering each other much02:28
LjL%w commensal02:28
BrainstormLjL, commensal  — adjective: 1. (ecology) Of a form of symbiosis in which one organism derives a benefit while the other is unaffected, 2. Eating at the same table — noun: 1. (ecology) An organism partaking in a commensal relationship, 2. One who eats at the same table →
LjLwell there you go02:29
gigasu_shidaso is that closer to symbiosis than parasitism?02:32
gigasu_shidaor is it kinda like right in the middle?02:32
BrainstormUpdates for New Zealand: +1 cases (now 2079) since a day ago02:35
LjLi would say in the middle02:38
LjLit's kind of tempting to say it's closer to symbiosis because... i guess we tend to think absence of harm is a good thing?02:38
LjLit is sometimes the best we can aim for ;(02:38
gigasu_shidai would say if one animal is living INSIDE the other in a commensal way, it's closer to symbiosis. but if two animals are for example eating carrion or drinking from the same water hole, then it's neutral relative to symbiosis and parasitism02:39
LjLbut maybe a more sobering view is that it's closer to parasitism, because the damage the other organism suffers is simply too small to matter, but it exists02:39
gigasu_shidawatering hole*02:39
gigasu_shidaor am i wrong?02:40
LjLi'm not sure that's even consider commensalism except in a less specific way02:40
gigasu_shidahahaha that's funny ljl02:40
LjL%wik commensalism02:40
BrainstormLjL, from English Wikipedia: Commensalism is a long-term biological interaction (symbiosis) in which members of one species gain benefits while those of the other species neither benefit nor are harmed. This is in contrast with mutualism, in which both organisms benefit from each other; amensalism, where one is harmed while the other [... want %more?] →
LjLwell this calls it symbiosis02:40
LjLit does say it has to be long-term, so just "eating at the same table" is commensalism in a layman sense but not in the biological sense02:41
gigasu_shidahmm mutualism is maybe a step lower than symbiosis02:41
LjLi think there are probably two axes02:41
LjLone is "doing good vs doing harm"02:41
LjLthe other is "having a one-off casual relationship vs spending their entire lives together"02:41
LjLso mutualism is like symbiosis in the first axis, but it's different in the second axis02:42
LjL"living inside the other" happens to be one type of very long-term, very close, very if-you-die-i-die relationship, but i think you can probably find a continuum from that, to just a one-off interaction02:43
gigasu_shidaso two animals who often congregate at the same watering hole and drink together and help alert each other to nearby predators is mutualism?02:43
gigasu_shidabut if they're competing for the same resource that could be a "potential-harm-done" relationship02:44
LjL"Mutualism is often conflated with two other types of ecological phenomena: cooperation and symbiosis. Cooperation refers to increases in fitness through within-species (intraspecific) interactions. Symbiosis involves two species living in proximity and may be mutualistic, parasitic, or commensal, so symbiotic relationships are not always mutualistic. "02:44
LjLthis kind of explains the distinction between the two concepts02:44
LjLsymbiosis is on the axis of being very uh attached to one another02:44
gigasu_shidaoh wow symbiosis can be parasitic. interesting02:44
LjLi started on the assumption that symbiosis = good but that's not what that says02:44
LjLthe etymology of symbiosis is just "living together"02:45
gigasu_shidayeah i didn't realize that either02:45
LjLso it's about how close the relationship is (e.g. "living inside the other")02:45
LjLthen you can be helpful, neutral, or harmful02:45
LjLbut that's a separate axis02:45
LjLbut i think our mistake is excusable because in most cases you don't say that, say, harmful bacteria that cause pathogenesis are in "symbiosis" with us02:46
gigasu_shidalol 02:46
gigasu_shidabut i think it's important to teach ppl from now on that symbiosis can be parasitic02:47
LjLit's just arbitrary terms though. the important takeaway imo is that you can conceptualize inter-species relationships on two axes: 1) how close and tied to one another the organisms are (symbiosis vs ???)  2) whether the interaction is helpful, neutral, or harmful towards one organism (mutualism vs commensalism vs parasitic)02:48
LjL"In 1879, Heinrich Anton de Bary defined it as "the living together of unlike organisms". The term was subject to a century-long debate about whether it should specifically denote mutualism, as in lichens. Biologists have now abandoned that restriction."02:50
LjL(article on Symbiosis)02:50
LjLgigasu_shida, this diagram kinds of shows the two axes i was imagining, if in a bit of a uh zigzaggy way02:51
LjLin addition it distinguishes between things that are good or bad for *one* vs *both* of the organisms02:51
LjLso if one organism gains by causing harm to its symbiont, it's a parasite. if both cause harm to one another, it's competition02:52
gigasu_shidathat's a very helpful way to visualize it02:52
LjLand it distinguishes commensalism from neutralism in the same way: in commensalism, one gains, the other gets nothing. in neutralism, both get nothing02:52
LjLnow i have to look up "Amensalism" and why the hell any organisms would end up with that02:53
gigasu_shidai don't like the "unlike organism" stipulation 02:53
LjLwell when it's organisms belonging to the same species, other terms are used02:54
LjLlike ants or bees aren't symbiontic with one another02:54
LjL seems to make a bit of confusion between amensalism and competition02:54
gigasu_shidatwo ant colonies of the same species can be hostile toward one another, but yet be symbiotic by keeping wasps at bay or something02:55
LjLthat's not symbiosis that's just cooperation03:01
LjLsymbiosis would entail like one ant colony living inside the other ant colony03:01
gigasu_shidabut it's not planned cooperation03:01
LjLbut it's not what being symbiontic means, didn't we just figure this out03:01
gigasu_shidaahh ok you're right03:02
gigasu_shidathis is difficult for me i am not on your level ljl03:02
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: (news): Former cybersecurity chief says Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are trying to steal coronavirus vaccine IP →
gigasu_shidathere could even be cooperative amensalism when you think about it. like groups are helping each other out but one is located closer to natural resources so it constantly has a survivability advantage03:07
snakewe could maybe share it03:14
snakethe vaccine03:14
snakeresponding to the cnbc article03:14
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Trump’s lawyer Giuliani tests positive for COVID-19, latest in his inner circle →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: The effectiveness of population-wide, rapid antigen test based screening in reducing SARS-CoV-2 infection prevalence in Slovakia (80 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Rudy Giuliani admitted to hospital after COVID-19 diagnosis →
BrainstormUpdates for Belgium: +1814 cases (now 591756), +66 deaths (now 17320) since a day ago05:07
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: South Korean President Moon orders more testing as coronavirus cases surge →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Airflows inside passenger cars and implications for airborne disease transmission (80 votes) | |
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Britain gets ready for rollout of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine this week →
de-facto%title source:
Brainstormde-facto: From COVID-19 Germany ICU beds - Album on Imgur06:58
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, ^^06:58
de-factoThis is a new version, they have floating URLs so there is an additional step required to finalize an url and also this is written in bash now, does not write *any* files but works purely with pipes, quite a lot faster and outputs to stdout (first argument can be "png" but defaults to "svg"), so pipe it into the file to write something to disk07:01
lesmo%cases Mexico 07:06
BrainstormUpdates for Ontario, Canada: +1965 cases (now 130962), +20 deaths (now 3794) since a day ago — Germany: +10910 cases (now 1.2 million) since a day ago — Prince Edward Island, Canada: +7 cases (now 80) since 2 days ago07:06
Brainstormlesmo: In Mexico, there have been 1.2 million confirmed cases (0.9% of the population) and 109717 deaths (9.3% of cases) as of 4 hours ago. 3.0 million tests were performed (39.0% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 0.2% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 11.2% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See for time series data.07:06
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, the urls are rolling with each daily update, so the script from yesterday broke with todays update hence the finalizing url step now07:13
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Argentina Passes "Millionaire's Tax" to Fund Covid-19 Recovery →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: An autocrine Vitamin D-driven Th1 shutdown program can be exploited for COVID-19 (81 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for Saint Petersburg, Russia: +3753 cases (now 148153), +47 deaths (now 5830) since a day ago — Wales, United Kingdom: +1915 cases (now 88992), +14 deaths (now 2709) since a day ago — Moscow Oblast, Russia: +1295 cases (now 118235), +28 deaths (now 2252) since a day ago — Pskov, Russia: +880 cases (now 14178), +1 deaths (now 77) since a day ago07:53
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: China suggests Australian beef exports may have first introduced coronavirus →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: As Pandemic threatens Britain’s mental health, these ‘fishermen’ fight back →
BrainstormNew from Science-Based Medicine: The Oregon Medical Board suspends the medical license of antivax pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas. Good!: Late last week, the Oregon Medical Board suspended the licenses of two physicians, one for bragging about not wearing a mask around his patients, the second being Dr. Paul Thomas, an antivaccine pediatrician, whose [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: New study shows every week of lockdown increases binge drinking: Harmful drinking among adults increases the longer they spend at home in lockdown, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Chinese Covid-19 vaccine maker gets $500 million funding boost: Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac Biotech has secured half a billion dollars in extra funding to produce its COVID-19 vaccine, it said Monday, as the country races to roll out a jab for general use. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Citing low virus rates in schools, NYC again reopens schools: It's back to school again for some New York City schoolchildren, weeks after the schools were closed to in-person learning because of rising COVID-19 infections. →
BrainstormUpdates for Anguilla: +2 cases (now 9) since 3 days ago10:21
DocScrutinizer05de-facto: ta10:28
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Record US virus cases as reports say British queen to get vaccine soon: The United States notched up a record number of coronavirus cases in 24 hours for the third day running, as it was reported that Britain's Queen Elizabeth II will get a vaccine within weeks. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Pharma: STAT+: A payoff for U.S. taxpayers? CDC may have claims on remdesivir patents held by Gilead →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Opinion: Covid-19 vaccine safety and the public trust: lessons from Paul Meier and polio: We appreciate the urgency of getting these newly developed Covid-19 vaccines out to millions of Americans and potentially billions of people around the world. We also know all too well… →
BrainstormUpdates for Germany: +175 deaths (now 19166) since 20 hours ago11:06
DocScrutinizer05de-facto: do you want me to run your scripts on and publish the results?11:27
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: Medicine: Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Veklury, remdesivir, Coronavirus Infections, Date of authorisation: 03/07/2020, Revision: 3, Status: Authorised →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: 'V Day' is coming: The UK prepares to rollout Covid vaccine to the public on Tuesday: The U.K. is preparing to administer the first Covid-19 vaccines to the public on Tuesday, making it one of the first countries in the world to do so. →
BrainstormUpdates for Switzerland: +9809 cases (now 354306), +63 deaths (now 5407) since 22 hours ago12:06
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Southern California goes into virus lockdown: Southern California went into a strict lockdown Monday, with more than 20 million people under stay-at-home orders triggered after hospitals faced being overwhelmed by record COVID-19 cases. →
BrainstormNew from ECDC: Download the daily number of new reported cases of COVID-19 by country worldwide: The downloadable data file is updated daily and contains the latest available public data on COVID-19. You may use the data in line with ECDC’s copyright policy. →
BrainstormUpdates for Liechtenstein: +1 cases (now 1397), +2 deaths (now 19) since 23 hours ago13:06
BrainstormNew from "Cluster 5" on Wikipedia: Biscuit-in-Chief: Reverted good faith edits by (talk): Use dmy in this article: Reverted good faith edits by ( talk ): Use dmy in this article ← Previous revision Revision as of 12:58, 7 December 2020 Line 1: Line 1: {{short description|Outbreak of a mutated variant of the SARS-CoV-2}} [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for US: +176640 cases (now 15.2 million), +1120 deaths (now 288962) since 23 hours ago — Germany: +197 deaths (now 19188) since 23 hours ago14:06
BrainstormNew from "Cluster 5" on Wikipedia: Biscuit-in-Chief: /* Name and mutations */ corrections: Name and mutations: corrections ← Previous revision Revision as of 13:01, 7 December 2020 Line 6: Line 6: ==Name and mutations== ==Name and mutations== − In Denmark there have been five [[Gene cluster|clusters]] of mink variants of SARS-CoV-2; the Danish [... want %more?] →
DocScrutinizer05LjL: de-facto 14:16
DocScrutinizer05ooops\\   <Brainstorm> New from ECDC: Download  ...  You may use the data in line with ECDC’s copyright policy14:16
DocScrutinizer05MEH!  >>ECDC will move to a weekly reporting schedule for the COVID-19 situation (both worldwide and in the EU/EEA and the UK) in December 2020. All daily updates will be discontinued from 7 December, and from 10 December ECDC will publish updates on the number of cases and deaths reported worldwide and aggregated by week every Thursday.<<14:18
BrainstormUpdates for Switzerland: +73 deaths (now 5422) since 13 hours ago14:20
BrainstormNew from "Cluster 5" on Wikipedia: AnomieBOT: Dating maintenance tags: {{Use dmy}}: Dating maintenance tags: {{Use dmy}} ← Previous revision Revision as of 13:22, 7 December 2020 Line 1: Line 1: − {{use dmy}} + {{use dmy |date=December 2020 }} {{short description|Outbreak of a mutated variant of the SARS-CoV-2}} {{short description|Outbreak of a [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from "Cluster 5" on Wikipedia: Biscuit-in-Chief: add name from SSI, wikified: add name from SSI, wikified ← Previous revision Revision as of 13:32, 7 December 2020 Line 1: Line 1: {{use dmy|date=December 2020}} {{use dmy|date=December 2020}} {{short description|Outbreak of a mutated variant of the SARS-CoV-2}} {{short description|Outbreak of a [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Netherlands: +6236 cases (now 564291) since 23 hours ago14:38
BrainstormNew from "Cluster 5" on Wikipedia: Biscuit-in-Chief: add name: add name ← Previous revision Revision as of 13:36, 7 December 2020 Line 6: Line 6: ==Name and mutations== ==Name and mutations== − In Denmark there have been five [[Gene cluster|clusters]] of mink variants of SARS-CoV-2; the Danish [[Statens Serum Institut|State Serum Institute]] (SSI) [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from WHO Euro: Turkey shielded its elderly from COVID-19 by protecting health workers in nursing homes: Almost two weeks before the first COVID-19 case was identified in the country, visits to nursing homes in Turkey were restricted. Six weeks earlier, the country had also begun implementing measures to protect its older citizens from the virus. A [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Screening system for lung sound analysis: A multi-channel recording device developed at TU Graz for pathological lung sounds and associated automatic lung sound analysis could support existing screening methods for early detection of, for example, COVID-19 infections. This now requires clinical data and interdisciplinary collaboration. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Existing antihistamine drugs show effectiveness against COVID-19 virus in cell testing: Three common antihistamine medications have been found in preliminary tests to inhibit infection of cells by the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, University of Florida Health researchers have found. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: STAT+: Pharmalittle: Biden taps HHS and CDC heads; U.S. taxpayers may get a payback on Gilead’s remdesivir: President-elect Joe Biden picked California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be his health secretary, putting a defender of the Affordable Care Act in a leading role to oversee the coronavirus… →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: COVID-19 contact tracing less successful in more deprived areas, new analysis reveals: New analysis from the Health Foundation, led by an Honorary Associate Clinical Professor at University of Warwick, published in The Lancet shows that a smaller proportion of positive COVID-19 cases and their contacts are reached by NHS Test [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: 'V Day' is coming: The UK prepares to roll out Covid vaccine to the public on Tuesday: The U.K. is preparing to administer the first Covid-19 vaccines to the public on Tuesday, making it one of the first countries in the world to do so. →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): Covid: Army could be used to transport vaccine, says minister →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: 'V Day' is coming: The UK prepares to roll out Covid vaccine to the public on Tuesday: The U.K. is preparing to administer the first Covid-19 vaccines to the public on Tuesday, making it one of the first countries in the world to do so. →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): Covid: Army could be used to transport vaccine, says minister →
BrainstormUpdates for Canada: +4453 cases (now 417107), +63 deaths (now 12691) since 23 hours ago — Netherlands: +6599 cases (now 565071) since 15 hours ago17:06
BrainstormNew from (news): Seroprevalence Study of CoV-2-SARS Infection in Patients With Chronic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases →
BrainstormUpdates for Italy: +13679 cases (now 1.7 million), +528 deaths (now 60606) since 23 hours ago — United Kingdom: +14718 cases (now 1.7 million), +189 deaths (now 61434) since 23 hours ago — Arizona, US: +1567 cases (now 365843) since a day ago17:20
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Cyclosporine A plus low-dose steroid treatment in COVID-19 improves clinical outcomes in patients with moderate to severe disease. A pilot study (80 votes) | |
LjLlowest number of tests since a long time in italy18:17
LjLDocScrutinizer05, well the good news is i think pretty much no one was looking at ECDC data :P18:18
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Covid: Military could be used to transport Covid vaccine: Military personnel could transport doses of virus vaccine to ensure supplies, a minister says. →
CoronaBot04/r/covid19: Mass testing with a short period of contact restrictions dramatically reduced SARS-CoV-2 infections in Slovakia (81 votes) | |
LjLi assume nobody will mind a this point if i remove the Denmark-related Wikipedia articles from the bot's watchlist? the emergency seems to be over (hopefully) and the Wikipedia RSS format isn't really very clear anyway...18:32
BrainstormNew from In The Pipeline: Gene Therapy, Absolutely and For Real: This weekend brought some really significant news in the long-running effort to use gene editing to treat human disease. As most readers will have heard, Bluebird and a Vertex/CRISPR effort both published papers in the NEJM addressing sickle-cell anemia and beta-thalassemia. These [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Surgery safety during COVID-19 pandemic: COVID-19 has changed many daily routines, from socializing, work, school, eating at a restaurant and filling your gas tank. Even a trip to your health care provider's office is different due to COVID-19. →
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Chemotherapy and blinatumomab improves survival for patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A study led by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center showed that first-line treatment with a regimen of chemotherapy combined with the monoclonal antibody blinatumomab resulted in increased survival and achieved a [... want %more?] →
ArsaneritLjL: no, it isn't.19:05
ArsaneritLjL: no, it isn't really an issue that the bot has some misfirings about earthquakes.19:06
BrainstormUpdates for Cuba: +124 cases (now 8906) since a day ago19:06
LjL<CarlSagan> [NYT - Science] Coronavirus Apps Show Promise but Prove a Tough Sell 2020-12-07T17:43:1219:09
BrainstormNew from Retraction Watch: Public health journal “seeking further expert advice” on January paper about COVID-19 PCR testing by high-profile virologist: After a petition from nearly two dozen people in Europe, the United States and Asia, a public health journal says it is investigating an article it published last January about a way to detect the [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Yes, your boss can fire you if you refuse to get a Covid vaccine: Companies have the legal right to make Covid inoculation a condition of employment, similar to how the annual influenza vaccine is required in some workplaces. →
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, actually it was meant as proof of concept, so its not tested at all (i just ran it once and published as soon as it was able to produce results) hence needs probably more testing and debugging to be run in a production system, but sure you can do with it what you like, its your decision, i would like if you find bugfixes and improvements that you share them too :)19:44
de-factoLjL, quite interesting that the country with all those tech giants (USA) is one of the last to roll out Covid tracking apps19:45
DocScrutinizer05well, I wasn't prepared to debug it, first I just would run the script by cron and put the result on vhost document root19:46
LjLde-facto, well given its president, i wouldn't be too surprised *if* it weren't for the fact that the tracing apps were always meant to be created by the states19:46
LjLso yeah i don't know why the states are giving up the ball19:46
LjLor maybe they're giving up the ball because they see it's not working very well in Europe, but that begs the question, why did they wait until so much later than Europe19:46
LjLde-facto, DocScrutinizer05: so anyway not a problem with you if i remove the updates to the Danish wikipedia page from the bot?19:47
DocScrutinizer05the mink stuff?19:47
de-factowhy remove it? does it make any problems?19:48
DocScrutinizer05I'm not following the wikipedia edit commit logs anyway.19:48
Brainstormde-facto: From Denmark has found 214 people infected with mink-related coronavirus: State Serum Institute | Reuters19:49
DocScrutinizer05LjL: so no, not a problem with me19:49
LjLDocScrutinizer05, de-facto: i have two articles about it that the bot is following, the one specifically about mink, and the one about the pandemic in Denmark in general (which i added because i assumed it would contain updates about the mink). but now the mink issue seems mostly solved in denmark (?), and the updates as the bot presents them are not very readable, while taking up a lot of text19:49
DocScrutinizer05yes, indeed. the commit logs are not really useful19:50
de-factoi mean its not over yet (the mink issue), but if it makes problems then go ahead i guess19:50
LjLalso, the bot checks all feeds every n minutes and only posts *one* article from one feed each cycle, so if there's an update to wikipedia that may hide something else more important (this is true of all the feeds though... i designed it that way to avoid excessive spam, but now it's become an annoying restriction)19:51
DocScrutinizer05kick the wili commit logs then19:52
BrainstormUpdates for Bermuda: +18 cases (now 306) since a day ago — Canada: +6524 cases (now 419453) since 23 hours ago19:52
LjLi will do this, i'll move them to ##covid-ticker. de-facto is there so he can still monitor them if he wants19:52
de-factoperfect :)19:53
DocScrutinizer05WISO hat wieder "Kuchenblech" :-D ;-P19:53
DocScrutinizer05oops sorry echan19:54
BrainstormJigsy: From More than 200 struck with mysterious disease in India19:54
JigsyIntroducing the pandemic of 2021?19:54
de-facto"Doctors said the symptoms include dizziness, nausea, headache and epilepsy-like symptoms, affecting both young and old alike. The state's health minister who visited Eluru Government General Hospital said the situation is under control, with all patients now reported as stable. Blood samples were sent to labs and no viral infections were detected. All the patients were tested for COVID-19 and all tested negative, according to local 19:55
de-factomedia reports."19:55
de-facto"no viral infections were detected" <-- well shall we say "no known viral infections" instead?19:56
LjLoh yeah i was about to post the India thing, then i talked about wikipedia and forgot... god my memory lasts literally less than a minute19:57
LjLi read it on
LjLerr, minus all the cookie-like stuff19:57
LjL  i kind of hope it's something that happens "often"-ish but that we don't really get to hear much in non-COVID times... *shudder*19:58
de-factoepilepsy sounds very nasty, like an infection of the brain or such19:58
de-factohopefully its not like Nipah or such19:58
LjLde-facto, yeah i don't think there i a way to detect "viruses" in general19:58
de-factobut that woudl be a known virus to test for ... hmmm19:59
LjLlast time they had a Nipah outbreak they tested for it rather quickly19:59
LjLbut it was in a different state19:59
LjLwhich state... gah19:59
LjLi believe Kerala is a bit more advanced than Andhra Pradesh to put it mildly20:00
LjLthe above says our Minister of Interior is COVID-positive. TV is saying she's asymptomatic for now20:02
de-factohmm but if it would be a viral infection they should be able to detect the effects from that (e.g. on the immune system etc) even if they cant detect the virus itself yet20:07
de-factodepending on their diagnostic capabilities there that is of course20:08
de-facto"So far, water samples from affected areas have not shown any signs of contamination, although the sick are thought to have collected their water from the same source."20:08
de-facto"According to reports, a note released by Andhra Pradesh's health department said initial blood tests did not find any evidence of a viral infection, such as Japanese encephalitis, dengue or chikungunya - diseases which are caused by mosquito bites."20:09
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: When and where? How vaccines will roll out in US: With coronavirus vaccines on the horizon, when and where will most Americans get their shots? →
Brainstormde-facto: From Andhra Pradesh: 'Mystery' illness puts hundreds in hospital - BBC News20:21
LjLwhy would they test specifically for diseases caused by mosquito bites?20:23
Brainstormde-facto: From Mystery illness puts 450 in hospital in Indian state of Andhra Pradesh | India | The Guardian20:25
de-facto"Over the weekend hundreds of people in Eluru, a town in the southern state, collapsed and experienced seizures and nausea, and some reportedly foamed at the mouth"20:26
tinwhiskerswow. 20:26
de-facto"Dolla Joshi Roy, a district surveillance officer, said 455 people had been taken to hospital and 200 had since been discharged."20:27
de-facto"Some of those who collapsed complained of burning eyes."20:27
de-facto"Specialist doctors are still working on finding out the cause of this disease and we are waiting for results from the labs. It could be food or waterborne or airborne or some other condition. But we do know this was very localised, the people affected all lived in the same city"20:28
tinwhiskersindustrial accident or illegal dumping of toxic waste would be my guess20:28
LjL<CarlSagan> [Ars Technica - Science] Senate invites fringe, unscientific medical group to testify about COVID 2020-12-07T19:04:5820:29
de-factoi also was thinking that, possibly also a chemical accident?20:29
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Tips for managing stress: The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly disrupted everyone's lives, creating a lot of stress. You might not realize it, but that stress can affect your health. Frequent headaches, trouble sleeping, fatigue, muscle pains and an upset stomach are just a few of the symptoms that stress can cause in your life. →
de-factolike FX or such (probably not though)20:29
tinwhiskersLjL: "The latest conservative flirtation with a group that’s both libertarian and deranged." lol20:30
de-factobut how about some plant protection chemicals to fight bugs or such? 20:30
LjLtinwhiskers, ars technica's use of language is much less dull than most newspapers20:30
tinwhiskersyeah, Ars is a gem20:31
de-factoOrganophosphorus compound?20:31
de-facto"Organophosphorus compounds are organic compounds containing phosphorus. They are used primarily in pest control as an alternative to chlorinated hydrocarbons that persist in the environment. Some organophosphorus compounds are highly effective insecticides, although some are extremely toxic to humans, including sarin and VX nerve agents."20:33
de-factoquote from wiki but thats pure speculation, we need to wait for lab results from india20:34
tinwhiskersyeah, pretty sure this "mystery illness" will be fully explained in short order.20:35
tinwhiskersat least it isn't contagious. *phew*20:36
de-factowell do we know its not contagious?20:40
de-factothey say probably all came from one location, possibly related to one water source20:41
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Trump officials push ambitious coronavirus vaccine timeline as California locks down →
tinwhiskersdoesn't appear to be contagious20:41
tinwhiskersbut could be albeit yet unnoticed.20:42
de-factohopefully not contagious, i am not so relieved yet, but some other explanation such as chemical accident could also explain many of the symptoms i guess20:42
de-factowhat worries me is that symptoms seem to point at the brain20:42
de-factopretty sure we will read more about it when more lab results are availlable20:43
tinwhiskersIt *is* India. It may be quietly swept under the carpet if there happens to be people responsible for whatever it was and they have deep enough pockets.20:44
de-factopossibly, but now when international media is on top of this they have to give some explanation about the cause20:46
LjLhahah the ever-attentive international media20:47
tinwhiskersThe international media will only publish something if it's reported. They won't follow up themselves.20:48
tinwhiskersHopefully the specialists involved are independent enough that that won't happen but it could happen.20:49
de-factohmm even in the current context? i think there is quite some public interest about this (at least if new cases continue to appear)20:50
tinwhiskersI mean, that a cover-up won't happen20:50
de-factothat actually is the real question: will new cases continue to appear or will it be like a one time peak?20:50
tinwhiskerswell if water has been contaminated cases could continue and not indicate anything infectious.20:50
tinwhiskersthe important question is whether cases appear in people in other areas.20:51
de-factoyeah if it is contagious from human to human or only from something to human20:52
tinwhiskersI suspect we'll have a clear answer in a few days20:53
de-factoyeah definitely something worth to keep an eye upon20:53
BrainstormNew from COVID-19 Vaccine News: Wellness 4 Humanity Announces At Home Test Kits for COVID-19: Social enterprise Wellness 4 Humanity launched their first COVID-19 home test kit. The kit consists of two tests, one intended to be taken before traveling and a second once arriving at the user's destination. →
BrainstormUpdates for Tennessee, US: +8136 cases (now 408730), +66 deaths (now 5009) since 23 hours ago21:06
CoronaBot04/r/coronavirus: Nursing home staffers attended a 300-person superspreader wedding. Now six residents have died. (10028 votes) | |
BrainstormUpdates for Rhode Island, US: +3681 cases (now 65818), +35 deaths (now 1448) since 3 days ago — Uganda: +701 cases (now 23200), +1 deaths (now 207) since a day ago — Spain: +3183 cases (now 1.7 million), +394 deaths (now 46646) since 3 days ago21:20
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Exclusive: Leading Covid-19 vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna decline invitations to White House ‘Vaccine Summit’ →
tinwhiskersthat's a prudent call really21:33
tinwhiskersgoing to a white house "vaccine summit" would likely harm your vaccine reputation.21:34
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: 'V Day' is coming: The UK prepares to roll out Covid vaccine to the public on Tuesday: The U.K. is preparing to administer the first Covid-19 vaccines to the public on Tuesday, making it one of the first countries in the world to do so. →
de-factoJohnson is going to rub this into everyones face that UK was first to roll it out21:44
de-facto"The first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech shots, which gained emergency approval from the U.K. drug regulator last week, will be given Tuesday to front-line health workers, care home workers and those aged over 80."21:46
de-facto"As it’s a two-dose vaccine, the country has bought enough doses to vaccinate 20 million people. Pfizer’s delivery of the vaccines will be staggered, with the total amount expected to have been delivered by the end of 2021. Britain has also preordered other Covid-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca and Moderna, but these are yet to be granted approval."21:48
de-facto"Pfizer confirmed to CNBC that the U.K. will first receive around 800,000 shots from its manufacturing hub in Puurs, Belgium."21:49
de-facto"The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can only be moved four times, has to be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit), and once thawed, can only be stored at refrigerated temperatures for up to five days."21:50
tinwhiskersUK population 66 million, so by the end of 2021 they will have vaccinated about 30% of the population :-(21:52
de-factowell its not the only vaccine they intend to employ for this i guess21:52
tinwhiskersI assume they will be using... yeah21:52
DocScrutinizer05>>god my memory lasts literally less than a minute<< no idea if "don't worry" is the right thing to say, just because I experience exactly same trouble21:53
de-factoin the raise of 2021 we probably also will see quite some more vaccinations getting approval from their phase III studies, afaik also some more from Germany like CureVac (the owner claiming to have discovered the unexpected efficiency of mRNA vaccinations in his PHD thesis)21:55
DocScrutinizer05((mysterious disease)) let's jope it's one of the india-typical intoxications from some rogue factory or whatever21:55
de-factoso i am pretty sure we will read some more good news about all this pretty soon21:55
de-factoDocScrutinizer05, indeed21:55
tinwhiskersyes, I imagine so21:55
DocScrutinizer05>>can only be moved four times<< HUH?21:57
de-factoI am curious about if Moderna has a more stable mRNA (folding?) or if they just stick to other regulations for more or less the same molecular sensitivity to temperature21:58
de-factoafaik once a concept about cold storage is established (e.g. during the studies) it wont be changed anymore21:58
de-factoso maybe Pfizer/BioNTech are just more careful? idk21:59
tinwhiskersfurther studies *may* allow them to reduce the storage requirements21:59
de-factowhat i am also curious about: there are ssRNA virions (e.g. SARS-CoV-2), stable for extremely long times at room temperature, so for example SARS-CoV-2 got ist Nucleocapsit protein (N-protein) that somehow helps folding (and stabilizing?) the ssRNA in its core: why cant those mRNA vaccines employ a similar protein to stabilize their recipe molecule?22:01
de-factoit would even expose another antigen if the original from SARS-CoV-2 could be employed somehow22:02
tinwhiskersDo they also need to enter cells?22:02
tinwhiskers(presumably so)22:02
de-factoyes they have liposomes (tiny fat droplets) to transport their mRNA into cells where it forces the cell to produce the antigen (s-protein) that gets then exposed onto the cells surface provoking the immune reaction22:03
de-factoat least i think they do it with liposomes (i am not entirely sure about that)22:03
tinwhiskersoh, I knew mRNA needed to enter the cells. My vague question was whether ssRNA also needs to enter cells.22:04
de-factoyeah thats how SARS-CoV-2 replicates, injecting its ssRNA into cells to force it to produce more virions22:05
tinwhiskersohhhh. I see what you mean now22:05
de-factoi am not sure about differences between mRNA and ssRNA22:05
tinwhiskers(I had no idea what ssRNA was but assumed it was involved in a therapeutic approach - fail)22:06
de-factoi simply am curious about if mRNA can be stabilized in its transport vehicles with something similar to the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2 virions22:07
BrainstormNew from PLOS ONE: Behavioral measures to fight COVID-19: An 8-country study of perceived usefulness, adherence and their predictors: by Jürgen Margraf, Julia Brailovskaia, Silvia Schneider Behavioral measures, such as the wearing of facemasks and maintaining of distance to other people, have been central in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and will [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Connecticut, US: +8129 cases (now 135844), +78 deaths (now 5224) since 3 days ago22:20
Brainstormde-facto: From With positive early data, Biontech looking to supply chain requirements for COVID-19 vaccine | BioWorld22:33
de-facto..." Pfizer Inc. has developed a “thermal shipper” to encase the vaccine, keeping it at this ultralow temperature for up to 10 days. The shipper itself can be stored at the benign temperature of +15 to +25 degrees C. Once taken out of the shipper, the vaccine will remain stable for up to five days at the more regular vaccine storage temperature of +2 to -8 degrees C."...22:34
de-facto"Stability testing is ongoing, but BNT-162b2 can be stored in those freezers at minus 70 degrees centigrade for up to six months."22:34
de-facto"Biontech is working on improving the stability of BNT-162b2, to optimize the supply chain requirements. “We are looking at formulations that are more stable,” said Marett. “We have a project running to do that.” The aim is to come up with a version “you can stick in the fridge for longer periods of time,” he said. If successful, Biontech and Pfizer will launch a line extension."22:35
de-facto"Demand for BNT-162b2 is “strong around the world,” with firm commitments to purchase 570 million doses in 2020 – 2021, from 13 countries and the EU on behalf of 27 member states. Biontech said there will be capacity to manufacture 1.3 billion doses in 2021."22:35
BrainstormUpdates for Mali: +155 cases (now 5290), +11 deaths (now 175) since a day ago22:38
LjL%droid scihub22:40
LjL%fdroid scihub22:41
BrainstormLjL, DOI to SciHub 1.2.0 (com.sigmarelax.doitoscihub) in Quickly download research - updated 2020-12-07, see 22:41
BrainstormLjL, Last time I checked, not all indexes could be downloaded! 22:41
LjLNew version just out!22:41
LjL%fdroid corona contact tracing22:42
BrainstormLjL: no application with that name was found!22:42
BrainstormLjL, Last time I checked, not all indexes could be downloaded! 22:42
LjLCorona Contact Tracing Germany (Trace corona in Germany) -
LjLThis is the fully open version of CWA, now on F-Droid22:42
Brainstormde-facto: From DOI to SciHub | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository22:43
de-factoLjL, hmm those are all 404 urls22:43
LjLNot the DOI one for me, yes about the CWA one22:45
LjLI guess the site hasn't been updated yet but I've got a repository update in F-Droid22:46
de-factoi mean and
de-factoyeah the website seems to be ancient it advertises Version 1.1.0 DOI to SciHub from 2019-07-1922:48
de-factoso probably they need to run a cronjob or such22:48
LjLThe website will likely get updated in short order. It's not ancient, the previous version of DOI to SciHub *was* 1.1.0 from 201922:49
de-factoyeah and the F-Droid.apk itself being the recommended way to install from their repo anyhow22:50
LjLActually I have issues downloading the latest apks even from the client. But it happens sometimes, I'll wait22:53
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: Covid-19 vaccine: the next steps in the US: How quickly can Americans hope to get the coronavirus vaccine? Here is a look at the next steps in the approval and distribution process: →
BrainstormUpdates for New Hampshire, US: +1045 cases (now 25816), +2 deaths (now 566) since a day ago23:20
BrainstormNew from Medical Xpress: In US, vaccine operation soon to be put to the test: Trucks and cargo planes are at the ready to distribute millions of doses of coronavirus vaccine across the United States, a complex task led by a four-star general that will ultimately proceed more slowly than initially expected. →
BrainstormNew from CNBC Health: Trump to sign 'America First' executive order on Covid-19 vaccines Tuesday: Trump is expected to sign an executive order designed to promote his "America First" foreign policy with regard to Covid-19 vaccinations. →
LjLtrying to fuck things up until the very last moment, is he23:53
tinwhiskersI think it'll be a popular policy inside the US though.23:53
gigasu_shidai used to think the US had the best healthcare system until this year23:55
tinwhiskersThey do have some of the best research and capability, but well-known to those us of in countries where access is far better and cheaper than the US that it was no good. It always fell on deaf ears until this year though. People would defend that cruddy system to their death (literally).23:58
gigasu_shidado you think the average american taxpayer essentially subsidizes medical research for the rest of the world?23:59

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