libera/##covid-19/ Thursday, 2021-06-10

de-factoif that was one trusted site it would be easy to verify for anyone if a vaccination is authentic or not00:00
de-factoofc would have to be individualized links00:00
de-factoeven just a SHA256 about some info (with a secret salt) would have already been enough, printing out 64 letters00:02
de-factocan that be so difficult?00:02
de-factoor publishing that hash in the blockchain as comment for a tiny BTC transaction, then the claim would have been proven to 1) be authentic (secret salt) and 2) pinned on a time (when appearing in the blockchain)00:04
LjLde-facto, they give us a QR00:04
LjLwith all the things you say00:05
LjLmaybe i can show you mine with something blanked out00:05
LjLi mean, the QR you'll just have to trust, but the rest of the information is also in text :P00:05
de-factooh nice, well i did not get *anything* but a sticker in my yellow vaccination booklet and a signature there00:05
de-factoand its not like i asked for that on every station, they just did not have any cert or such00:06
LjLde-facto, we have an electronic vaccination record, i can print a list of vaccinations i have had if i need that00:06
de-factoso basically i went away with the injection, the sticker and signature in the yellow WHO vaccination booklet00:07
de-factoLjL, that is REALLY nice, i wish we had that too00:07
LjLde-facto, logging in is a nightmare though00:07
LjLwe used to need a card reader to read our healthcare card's chip00:07
LjLnow we use this SPID thing that is a national eID that can be used with a number of things, but still a chore to get and use00:08
BrainstormUpdates for South Africa: +8881 cases (now 1.7 million), +127 deaths (now 57310) since 23 hours ago00:08
dTalOkay this is a bit weiird00:09
dTalI'm getting sharp pains in my upper right arm00:09
dTalnot at the injection site, a little further down and around00:10
de-facto2 days ago?00:10
dTalso 4 days00:11
de-factoi think it hurting is more or less normal, not sure what you mean with sharp pain though00:11
dTaltoday is the first day the injection site hasn't felt bruised00:11
de-factofor me it was hurting 3 days00:11
dTalthis is different00:12
de-factoin what way different?00:13
dTallike an ache that breaks out into very brief but intense sharp cramps00:13
de-factohmm muscle cramps?00:13
dTalI can't exactly recall feeling this sensation before00:13
dTalno not muscle cramps00:14
dTalit's hard to describe00:14
de-factoits a bit weird, i cant make any sense out of it00:14
dTalnot clotting I hope00:15
de-factocan you provide yourself with some magnesium or such (to mitigate cramps, maybe the muscle is a bit out of balance or such)?00:15
de-factoi dont have any idea how that would manifest00:16
dTalI don't have any of the good magnesium, all I have is oxide00:16
de-factoor banana?00:16
dTalbut the muscle feels fine anyway, I could hit a hammer just fine00:17
dTalit doesn't seem at all related to what the arm is doing00:17
de-factoidk i would try to do some moderate physical movements, just to ramp up metabolism in the muscle and drink and eat good stuff00:19
de-factome, being a bit exaggerating about stuff i also take aspirin and nac, but i am not sure if that would be recommended for anyone else00:19
de-factoi had my arm hurting, sometimes a bit more, other times a bit less, but basically only 3 days00:20
de-factoi heard about others having longer aches though00:20
de-factodTal, not sure maybe massage that muscle?00:21
de-factoi dont have a clue about such medical things, just telling you what i would do00:22
dTalyeah just did00:22
dTalprobably I'm paying closer attention to aches and pains than I otherwise would00:22
de-factoi mean its an inflammation, cells being killed and all that, so it probably can ache a bit more and other times less, yet it will regenerate eventually00:23
de-factoi had the feeling that it would become less of an ache when i was eating protein rich diet and moving it moderately (ofc not workout or such)00:24
* LjL-Matrix uploaded an image: (233KiB) < >00:24
LjL-Matrixthis is my certificate de-facto , hopefully anonymized enough00:24
de-factonice so with that QR code they could check authenticity?00:25
de-factoi guess you scanned it and looked at that data00:26
LjL-MatrixI haven't tried to reverse-engineer it00:26
de-factoaaw but LjL ... :P00:26
LjL-MatrixI didn't check the code00:26
LjL-MatrixAlso though this is a Lombardy-specific paper so I bet it's not gonna be interoperable with other regions00:26
de-factoi did even scan the code they had on the intermediate documents in the center00:26
de-factoi still have the it, it just encoded my full dataset, with everything, also the questions answered (allergy, that i take aspirin etc)00:27
de-factowell if an official center of Lombardy can verify it they always could transition to a more generic thing with that00:28
de-factoi even made pictures from all the documents i signed there00:28
de-factowas not allowed to do that, did it anyway00:28
de-factoLjL-Matrix, can you scan the QR and look if it contains any hash or such or unique code for your ID or if its just plaintext data stuff?00:29
de-factolike, is it verifiable or fakeable?00:30
LjL-MatrixI think they wouldn't have been happy if I had taken pictures in there00:30
de-factoyeah it was not allowed00:30
de-factoi did not take pics of any other people or the center, just my documents00:31
de-facto(and i did it in a way they would not notice, so maybe i would have gotten into trouble if they did)00:32
LjL-Matrixde-facto: it contains the booking code, date and time in cleartext, then a seemingly base64 string that decodes into binary I cannot make sense of so it may presumably be encrypted00:34
de-factonice so maybe thats a signature then00:34
de-factolike a watermark or such00:35
de-factothe intermediate code from vax center just contains cleartext of my record and some ID and GUID, i dont think its a sig but just a reference to some db or such00:36
de-factobut thats only for their internal use anyhow00:37
de-factoactually a proper PKI would be best for that, publicly verifiable signatures derived from signing with a private key and verifiable with the public key00:42
de-factoalso with granular private keys (e.g. each vaccination center having its own private key), so if some leaks would occur they could be revoked without affecting too many00:42
de-factochain of trust, back to national level and EU level00:43
LjLde-facto, well happily the EU green passport is all on github likely including all those things!00:43
LjLand by "likely" i mean "i'm sure de-facto will check"00:43
de-factoi have to admit i did not read into the code, just linked it here00:44
de-factomy head is trash since i stopped drinking coffee, cant focus00:44
de-factohopefully over in a few days00:44
LjLde-facto, i think it might be a bit overkill to stop drinking coffee just because dTal linked one random paper that's not even about COVID00:49
de-factoyeah its just me i am like that00:49
LjLif you like coffee and it makes you feel good it's a positive addition to your life that afaik has very few health drawbacks in moderation, and as such don't you think indulging in it may lower your stress and ultimately make your immune defenses better? :P00:49
de-factowell i think i would be better without being dependent on it on the longterm00:50
de-factoi mean if i am used to it its not giving me a push anyhow, its just "normal" so why not being normal without it then?00:52
LjLbecause it tastes good and signals to my body that breakfast is done and the day has begun00:52
LjLwell, the late afternoon has begun00:52
de-factoyes same was with my morning cig back a year ago, until i realized im just fine without it too00:53
de-factoi was like drinking my coffee while reading news, then going for a cig then going to the toilet then leaving00:54
de-factoi did not even eat anything00:54
de-factobtw LjL how is your arm?00:57
LjLde-facto: it's fine although I think it still hurts veeeery slightly if I push the spot01:00
de-factoyeah i had that too, it was like a ellipsoid inside the muscle where it was a bit harder and sore, i guess the inflammation zone, it was not hurting by moving at the end but just by squeezing it01:05
de-factobefore when it sore that it also hurt when moving it was a bit more at some times and a bit less at other times, sometimes even when resting01:06
de-factoi am still a bit worried that drinking so much coffee might have dampened the reaction too much, 3 days is less than from most others that i heard from01:07
* pwr22 thinks de-facto sounds very scientific in describing his deltoid ellipsoid 😛 01:07
pwr22I doubt coffee will have had a significant effect personally01:08
pwr22Coffee is common enough that we would probably see issues with it by now if it caused them 🤔01:08
BrainstormUpdates for Curacao: +6 cases (now 12287) since a day ago01:10
BrainstormNew from Politico: Coronavirus: Macron backs waiving COVID-19 vaccine patents ahead of G7 summit →
de-factoso if they found a caffeine dose dependent dampening of the antibody reaction in mice to exposure with an foreign protein as antigen, could that possibly also be linked to secondary effects such as: caffeine would prevent the mice from sleeping in a dose dependent way and thereby also dampen the immune reaction by substance induced insomnia?01:10
pwr22I dunno, it can be quite difficult to tease out cause and effects in such things01:16
BrainstormUpdates for Norway: +212 cases (now 127466) since 23 hours ago — Zimbabwe: +111 cases (now 39432), +5 deaths (now 1622) since a day ago — Switzerland: +1 deaths (now 10851) since 10 hours ago01:35
Brainstormde-facto: From The ChAdOx1 vectored vaccine, AZD2816, induces strong immunogenicity against SARS-CoV-2 B.1.351 and other variants of concern in preclinical studies. | bioRxiv02:05
LjL%wik original antigenic sin02:07
BrainstormLjL, from English Wikipedia: Original antigenic sin, also known as antigenic imprinting or the Hoskins effect, refers to the propensity of the body's immune system to preferentially utilize immunological memory based on a previous infection when a second slightly different version of that foreign pathogen (e.g. a virus or [... want %more?] →
de-factohmm yeah i know about that, yet idk if its determined that any kind of problem is to be expected in our scenario here from that effect02:10
LjLi looked it up because it's mentioned in the abstract you linked02:11
de-factoexample: the other covs also mutate (was it complete evasion in a few years?) yet immunity can get updated02:11
de-facto"We demonstrate AZD2816 is immunogenic after a single dose and when used as a booster dose in animals primed with original vaccine AZD1222, we see no evidence of original antigenic sin but high titre antibodies against a number of variant spike proteins."02:14
de-factoso yeah that would be consistent with that i guess02:14
de-factoi think we can expect to get shots to for "antivirus signature updates" every fall that work just fine02:16
de-factokinda of a COVID patch day :D02:16
LjLde-facto, just fine for something that has already been around infecting people02:25
LjLthat doesn't make me jump in joy02:25
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Seattle Becomes First Major American City to Fully Vaccinate 70 Percent of Residents 12 and Older →
de-factoi mean what should i say? since we cant get our things organized for a global synchronized vaccination campaign it wont go away, hence having shots that update our immunity "just fine" would be a good thing to have i guess02:36
BrainstormUpdates for United Kingdom: +5094 cases (now 4.5 million), +7 deaths (now 127989) since 22 hours ago — Tunisia: +2102 cases (now 360285), +103 deaths (now 13229) since a day ago — Malawi: +22 cases (now 34432) since a day ago — Canada: +1416 cases (now 1.4 million) since 23 hours ago02:37
de-factowe were discussing this scenario (spread of the phylogenetic tree into several evasive mutants) over a year ago here in irc hence i guess the experts should have know in even more detail even sooner02:39
de-factoa closing window in time for immunization with just the original spike, we had almost a year with the original variant, now we have to make multivalent vaccines02:40
* de-facto has to get some sleep, gn802:43
Lindisfarneyep thats always been the chief risk, unconstrained mutation02:46
LjLi would jump in joy if we figured out a way to *predict* what mutations are most likely and most advantageous, ideally using computers so it doesn't take fancy BSL# laboratories with long times and further risks02:48
BrainstormUpdates for Fr. Polynesia: +12 cases (now 18914) since a day ago03:02
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: The world has marked the first rise in child labour in two decades and the coronavirus crisis threatens to push millions more youngsters toward the same fate. The UN report said the number of child laborers stood at 160 million at the start of 2020 -- an increase of 8.4 million in four years. →
LindisfarneLjL you're talking about the ability to design custom viruses for lethality, transmissibility, etc04:09
LindisfarneI hope we never gain that function, pun intended04:09
LjLwell i hope i don't spend the rest of my life wondering whether i'll make it in time for the autumn shot before getting the newest nasty variant04:10
LjLif that involves gain of function research... uh, well, this virus likely came out of that in the first place, i think that jar has been opened04:10
LjLand i would add that if gain of function research is bound to happen, which i suspect it is, i'd rather it be in silico if possible, to avoid future whoopsies04:12
Lindisfarneai meta-germ warfare04:13
BrainstormUpdates for Liberia: +92 cases (now 2382) since 2 days ago — Benin: +27 cases (now 8109) since 6 days ago04:29
BrainstormUpdates for Guatemala: +1826 cases (now 265662), +30 deaths (now 8361) since a day ago — United Kingdom: +5486 cases (now 4.5 million), +5 deaths (now 127991) since 21 hours ago — Netherlands: +1216 cases (now 1.7 million), +6 deaths (now 17831) since 21 hours ago — Macau: +1 cases (now 52) since 7 days ago05:06
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Texas hospital suspends nearly 200 workers for refusing to get COVID-19 vaccine →
BrainstormUpdates for Mexico: +3855 cases (now 2.4 million), +253 deaths (now 229353) since a day ago05:31
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: In UK on first foreign trip, Joe Biden to announce Covid-19 vaccine plan →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: US to buy 500 million Pfizer vaccines to share globally: Sources →
BrainstormUpdates for Belgium: +1183 cases (now 1.1 million), +10 deaths (now 25061) since a day ago06:08
BrainstormNew from This Week In Virology: TWiV 766: The CORONA project with David Fajgenbaum: David joins TWiV to relate how his near-death experience with Castleman’s disease motivated him to found the Center for Cytokine Storm Treatment & Laboratory and the CORONA project to identify and track all treatments reported for COVID-19 in an open-source data repository. →
BrainstormNew from EurekAlert!: Molecular changes in white blood cells can help diagnose 'the bends' earlier in divers: Despite knowing about decompression sickness - or 'the bends' - for more than a century, researchers are still mystified about how this condition occurs. A new study published by the open access journal Frontiers is the first to explore the [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Health: Here’s how flu vaccine can help keep kids safe in case of a Covid-19 third wave →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: India records world’s highest single-day COVID-19 death toll with 6,148 fatalities →
BrainstormUpdates for Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil: +10927 cases (now 1.4 million), +172 deaths (now 35581) since 23 hours ago — Texas, United States: +11210 cases (now 3.0 million), +37 deaths (now 51814) since 23 hours ago — Bahia, Brazil: +6733 cases (now 1.0 million), +125 deaths (now 22064) since 23 hours ago [... want %more?]07:35
BrainstormUpdates for Bolivia: +3839 cases (now 396814), +70 deaths (now 15247) since a day ago — Kyrgyzstan: +494 cases (now 108667), +5 deaths (now 1869) since 21 hours ago08:00
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: A second NSW woman, 52, has died of blood clotting after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Germany makes rapid virus tests a key to everyday freedoms →
BrainstormUpdates for Mongolia: +1460 cases (now 70482), +10 deaths (now 334) since a day ago — India: +62505 cases (now 29.2 million), +2781 deaths (now 356309) since 18 hours ago08:38
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Doctors Suspect Delta Variant Behind Hearing Loss, Severe Blood Clots In Covid Patients: some Covid patients are developing very severe blood clots that are killing affected tissues, leading to gangrene. “I saw 3 to 4 cases the whole of last year, and now it’s one patient a week" →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Thread | June 10, 2021: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
BrainstormUpdates for Taiwan: +254 cases (now 12222), +28 deaths (now 361) since 23 hours ago09:40
BrainstormNew from BMJ: Seven days in medicine: 2-8 June 2021: Covid-19Antibodies “cut reinfections” in care homesA study of 682 residents and 1429 members of staff at 97 long term care facilities in England indicated that having antibodies to SARS-CoV-2... →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Sri Lanka requests Japan to provide 6,00,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine →
pwr22Morning everyone10:11
pwr22Did anyone else see the announcement that the US Gov is going to buy a bunch of Pfizer and give it to less fortunate countries?10:12
mambang[m]that nice10:13
BrainstormUpdates for Mizoram, India: +338 cases (now 14534), +1 deaths (now 58) since 23 hours ago10:29
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: India reports more than 6,000 daily Covid deaths — highest ever in the world →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: More transmissible, wilier variant makes Covid-19 vaccinations even more crucial, experts say: There is a new coronavirus variant, one with a nasty combination of features that make it even more dangerous than the other strains that have caused global alarms. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Opinion: The future of pandemic preparedness: agile coordination around clinical trials: It may feel paradoxical to begin preparing for an unknown future pandemic when Covid-19 is still largely present, but that future starts now. →
* KREYREN[m] uploaded an image: (63KiB) < >10:59
KREYREN[m]"Look key sticks to meee"10:59
KREYREN[m]"vaccine bad"10:59
BrainstormUpdates for Philippines: +7470 cases (now 1.3 million), +122 deaths (now 22312) since a day ago11:07
mambang[m]%cases Malaysia11:17
Brainstormmambang[m]: In Malaysia, there have been 633891 confirmed cases (1.9% of the population) and 3611 deaths (0.6% of cases) as of 22 hours ago. 12.9 million tests were performed (4.9% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 0.2% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 0.7% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See for time series data.11:17
mambang[m]%cases Austria11:18
Brainstormmambang[m]: In Austria, there have been 647688 confirmed cases (7.3% of the population) and 10650 deaths (1.6% of cases) as of 23 hours ago. 46.9 million tests were performed (1.4% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 8.7% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 1.7% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See for time series data.11:18
mambang[m]%cases China11:19
Brainstormmambang[m]: In China, there have been 97283 confirmed cases (0.0% of the population) and 4741 deaths (4.9% of cases) as of 3 hours ago. 160.0 million tests were performed (0.1% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 0.6% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 4.7% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See for time series data.11:19
mambang[m]that absurb. China is faking the numbers11:20
BrainstormUpdates for Russia: +11699 cases (now 5.2 million), +383 deaths (now 125278) since a day ago — Germany: +2101 cases (now 3.7 million) since 23 hours ago11:32
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Hospital waiting list tops 5m in England: But number of people waiting over a year drops for first time since pandemic began. →
undefined_bobmambang[m]: russia too11:44
mambang[m]%cases russia11:45
Brainstormmambang[m]: In Russia, there have been 5.2 million confirmed cases (3.5% of the population) and 125278 deaths (2.4% of cases) as of 13 minutes ago. 141.5 million tests were performed (3.7% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 2.3% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 2.6% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See for time series data.11:45
mambang[m]look like the number are cool. why you think russian fake the number? should it lower or more? undefined_bob11:47
undefined_bobshould be more11:47
undefined_bobindia doesnt fake, they just cant test enough11:47
mambang[m]sputnik not working?11:48
undefined_bobnot working would be too harsh. they just havent released all the data other scientists wanted to check their study data. on some of their published data look suspicious, like its made up11:49
undefined_boband until they released/shared the requested raw data other scientists cant confirm the papers of the russia vaccine11:50
undefined_boband as far as I remember one of the south american countries which got a delivery of the russian vaccine rejected it because they found too many impurities11:51
humpelstilzchen[undefined_bob: wasn't that Slovakia?11:59
undefined_bobhumpelstilzchen[: could be, I dont remember which country it was but I really think it was one in south america. Maybe it was more than one country?12:00
-RSSBot[LjLmatrix- Feed: Colloquio telefonico Draghi - Stoltenberg ( )12:06
mambang[m]> not working would be too harsh. they just havent released all the data other scientists wanted to check their study data. on some of their published data look suspicious, like its made up12:07
mambang[m]research paper are suspicious unless it comes with raw data and process data.12:07
undefined_bobmambang[m]: instead it came with data to which other scientist said 'uhm that looked photoshoped. Can we have the raw data please' and Russia 'no'12:16
BrainstormNew from BMJ: Covid-19: AstraZeneca vaccine linked with small risk of ITP, real world data show: The AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine is associated with a small increased risk of immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), real world data from Scotland’s vaccination programme has shown.The autoimmune... →
BrainstormNew from Politico: Coronavirus: UK health secretary hits back at Dominic Cummings over pandemic lying claims →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: ‘Extremely rare’: Australia records second death ‘likely linked’ to AstraZeneca vaccine blood clots →
BrainstormNew from WHO Euro: COVID-19: Learning from experience: With increasing social gatherings, greater population mobility, and large festivals and sports tournaments taking place in the coming days and weeks, WHO/Europe calls for caution.  COVID-19 notification rates across the Region show that widespread community transmission continues; the new Delta [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): Delta variant: Time between NI Covid vaccines to be shortened →
BrainstormUpdates for Switzerland: +2 deaths (now 10852) since 23 hours ago14:38
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Health: New Covid guidelines for children: Experts on wearing masks, steroids, six minute walk test →
BrainstormNew from NIH Director's blog: U.S. Surgeon General on Emotional Well-Being and Fighting the Opioid Epidemic: From September 2019 to September 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported nearly 90,000 overdose deaths in the United States. These latest data on the nation’s opioid crisis offer another stark reminder that help is [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Indonesia: +8892 cases (now 1.9 million), +211 deaths (now 52373) since a day ago — Nepal: +2874 cases (now 601687), +59 deaths (now 8238) since 22 hours ago15:03
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Pharma: STAT+: Pharmalittle: U.S. to donate 500 million Covid vaccine doses; WTO to step up talks on waiving IP protection for Covid shots →
BrainstormUpdates for Bangladesh: +2576 cases (now 820395), +40 deaths (now 12989) since 23 hours ago — Afghanistan: +2438 cases (now 87716), +56 deaths (now 3412) since 23 hours ago15:40
-RSSBot[LjLmatrix- Feed: Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 23 ( )15:57
-RSSBot[LjLmatrix- Feed: Consiglio dei Ministri n. 23 ( )15:57
BrainstormNew from WHO Euro: With the pandemic far from over, we all need to practice #SummerSense: With lockdowns easing in many countries across the European Region, many are finding themselves tempted to begin booking foreign holidays, attending music festivals and sporting events, or possibly heading to popular beach resorts. Today, WHO/Europe launches the [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for India: +6982 cases (now 29.2 million), +128 deaths (now 356437) since 8 hours ago17:07
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Thursday 10 June 2021 Update: submitted by /u/HippolasCage to r/CoronavirusUK →
BrainstormNew from LitCovid: (news): Correspondence to: Humoral immune response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in patients with multiple sclerosis treated with high-efficacy disease-modifying therapies. →
BrainstormUpdates for Portugal: +910 cases (now 855432), +6 deaths (now 17043) since 22 hours ago18:09
BrainstormNew from (news): Data-driven Approaches to Healthcare Provider Resilience & Burnout During COVID-19 →
LjL<CoronaBot> /r/covid19: Poor antibody response to BioNTech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination in SARS-CoV-2 naïve residents of nursing homes (80 votes) | |
LjLmaybe to de-facto's delight, AZ will actually prove to be better in elderly/vulnerable population? :P18:31
BrainstormNew from WebMD: Pandemic Boosted Drinking Among Americans Over 50: A new poll finds drinking rose among older Americans during the worst of the pandemic, and that could put their health at risk. →
BrainstormUpdates for Iraq: +4684 cases (now 1.2 million), +34 deaths (now 16648) since a day ago18:34
LindisfarneNorthern Ireland accelerating gap between vaccine doses from 12w to 818:49
LindisfarneDelta variant is the cause18:50
darsieIs Moderna or BioNTech/Pfizer better?18:55
Lindisfarnenot sure there's good data on that18:55
Lindisfarneboth are over 90% iirc18:56
LindisfarnePfizer might be 95%18:56
darsieok. How about harm?18:56
Lindisfarnenot aware of any harm, although young ppl have had myocardia18:57
LindisfarneIMO I think anything with the spike is going to carry that risk, since the spike alone has been observed to propagate damage to mitochondria18:58
darsieMyocardial infarction?18:58
darsieI'm not "young", though.18:58
BrainstormUpdates for Kenya: +624 cases (now 174285), +17 deaths (now 3362) since 23 hours ago — Israel: +39 cases (now 839624), +10 deaths (now 6428) since 2 days ago18:59
Lindisfarneno, myocardia19:00
BrainstormNew from Gazzetta Ufficiale italiana: MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE - ORDINANZA 10 giugno 2021: Ulteriori misure  urgenti  in  materia  di  contenimento  e  gestionedell'emergenza epidemiologica da  COVID-19  in  relazione  alla  garadell'11 giugno 2021 del Campionato europeo di calcio UEFA EURO  2020,Turchia-Italia, presso lo Stadio Olimpico di Roma. (21A03618) →
darsiemyocardia is an uncommon word.19:04
darsiemyocardia See myocardium; myocardium the muscular tissue of the heart19:05
Lindisfarnein the US, this is how doctors describe swelling of the muscle in heart tissue19:07
darsieSo ppl had muscular tissue of the heart after the Moderna vaccine? :)19:09
BrainstormUpdates for Italy: +2078 cases (now 4.2 million), +88 deaths (now 126855) since 23 hours ago — Germany: +2203 cases (now 3.7 million), +64 deaths (now 89878) since 23 hours ago19:36
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Covid2019: The COVID-19 virus can cause diabetes, new studies find: The virus actually destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin." →
BrainstormNew from Politico: Europe asks: Can Biden put his money where his mouth is?: Burned by Biden’s vaccine policy, the Belgian prime minister says Europeans can’t always count on the US. →
BrainstormUpdates for Saudi Arabia: +1286 cases (now 462528) since a day ago — Kosovo: +116 cases (now 107544) since a day ago20:01
LjLmore fire over AZ in Italy... a 18 year old girl who had developed thrombosis from it died today, and AIFA and the scientific committee and the press and everyone are dancing around whether it should be "strongly recommended" for people over 60 or just banned for people under a certain age or women under a certain age or everyone or what20:14
LjLdarsie, myocarditis is what will find you hits20:15
LjL<Brainstorm> New from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Taiwan says AstraZeneca COVID shot production talks fell through →
-RSSBot[LjLmatrix- Feed: Comunicato stampa del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 23 ( )20:22
BrainstormUpdates for Sri Lanka: +2738 cases (now 216134) since 15 hours ago20:38
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: High COVID vaccine uptake may protect the unvaccinated: Mary Van Beusekom | News Writer | CIDRAP News Jun 10, 2021 For every 20 percentage points of vaccinated people, positive COVID-19 tests in unvaccinated children halved. →
BrainstormUpdates for Zambia: +2146 cases (now 105909), +8 deaths (now 1332) since a day ago21:03
-RSSBot[LjLmatrix- Feed: Il Presidente Draghi al Vertice G7 ( )21:07
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: News Scan for Jun 10, 2021: Immunoglobulin for COVID vaccine clots Heart health, comorbidities, COVID-19 Saudi MERS case Wolbachia mosquitoes against dengue Avian flu in 3 countries →
BrainstormUpdates for Spain: +14004 cases (now 3.7 million), +133 deaths (now 80465) since a day ago — France: +87 deaths (now 110288) since 19 hours ago21:40
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: African health officials welcome COVID vaccine, other support: Lisa Schnirring | News Editor | CIDRAP News Jun 10, 2021 Elsewhere, European officials say only 30% of the population has received 1 vaccine dose. →
BrainstormNew from WebMD: Delta Variant and COVID-19 Vaccines: What to Know: A study conducted in the United Kingdom finds that one dose of the Pfizer vaccine provided about 33% protection against the Delta variant, first identified in India. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: FDA accuses company of distributing unapproved Covid test and using falsified data: The FDA announced a recall Thursday of a coronavirus rapid antigen test, accusing the company that makes the tests of distributing them without regulatory approval. →
BrainstormUpdates for South Africa: +9147 cases (now 1.7 million), +100 deaths (now 57410) since 22 hours ago23:08
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: American Society for Virology: Free COVID-19 Vaccine Education Town Hall. Scientific experts from major colleges and universities across the country are hosting a series of live meetings to answer your questions about COVID-19 vaccination. →
BrainstormUpdates for Tunisia: +2373 cases (now 362658), +76 deaths (now 13305) since 20 hours ago — Namibia: +1045 cases (now 61374), +18 deaths (now 968) since a day ago — Canada: +16 deaths (now 25848) since 20 hours ago23:32
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: (news): UK to donate more than 100m surplus vaccine doses, says PM →

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