libera/##covid-19/ Friday, 2021-06-11

BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: G-7 nations expected to pledge 1B vaccine doses for world →
BrainstormNew from The Lancet (Online): [Comment] From routine data collection to policy design: sex and gender both matter in COVID-19: Vaccine equity is a growing concern of COVID-19 vaccination roll-outs and uptake globally. Gender has a role in vaccine uptake1 but goes largely unrecognised in vaccine policies and programmes, undermining attempts to ensure [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Study shows hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatments increased coronavirus survival rate by almost three times →
Lindisfarneim sure it was the zinc01:11
LindisfarneHCQ was pushed by grifters01:12
finely[m]<Brainstorm "New from r/WorldNews: worldnews:"> What a shit show. Billions fewer doses than we need.01:32
finely[m]<LjL "more fire over AZ in Italy... a "> That's sad. It seems the risk of this decreases with age, and the severity of clotting decreases with age.01:34
LjLfinely[m], yes, so it's not clear that we should be giving it (even optionally) to young people, especially young women, also considering we have no problems with Pfizer supply right now01:37
finely[m]It you have Pfizer, of should be an easy decision.01:42
BrainstormUpdates for Canada: +20 deaths (now 25852) since 23 hours ago02:01
LjLbin, is the "old" phase 3 paper for Pfizer (the latest interim that i'm aware of), it may not have the exact same data as in the latest press release, but it tells you how many participants were in the vaccine vs placebo arm at least, and how many cases (i think the final adds 1 in the vaccine group?)02:18
binthats awesome02:18
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: T.O. firm co-sponsors psilocybin trial to treat front-line clinicians experiencing COVID-related distress →
BrainstormUpdates for Palestine: +474 cases (now 311018), +4 deaths (now 3524) since 2 days ago — United Kingdom: +5408 cases (now 4.5 million), +5 deaths (now 127996) since 21 hours ago — Netherlands: +2337 cases (now 1.7 million), +9 deaths (now 17840) since 21 hours ago02:39
BrainstormNew from Holiday travel explains spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant: The emergence and spread throughout Europe of a SARS-CoV-2 variant, 20E (EU1) in the summer of 2020 illustrates how a virus may become dominant not by increased transmissibility but through travel and lack of effective containment and screening. The SARS-CoV-2 variant 20E [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Indian state sharply raises COVID-19 death toll prompting call for wide review →
BrainstormUpdates for Ecuador: +2153 cases (now 436023), +46 deaths (now 20949) since a day ago — India: +31547 cases (now 29.2 million), +3367 deaths (now 359676) since 18 hours ago03:04
LjLbin, what i mean is that i want to engage here, and i want this to be the COVID community that used to be on freenode before, and i'll nudge the people who are still there to move here. i won't start having a COVID debate on that side, as i do not really want to revive it.03:10
binLjL: yeah that makes sense. I think the exodus from that channel is going to continue03:10
LjLthis network isn't perfect, and i have my gripes with staff (as i did before), but it's like comparing a car with a broken air conditioner to one without brakes03:11
binyeah agred03:11
LindisfarneI think open source contributors can rightfully assume that their backdooring implies shoulder-jumping of IP by patent trolls, at a minimum03:12
bn_mobileIs it safer to talk over here?03:16
LjLbn_mobile, i would think so03:17
LjLpotentially at least03:17
BrainstormUpdates for Iran: +12398 cases (now 3.0 million), +153 deaths (now 81672) since a day ago03:41
BrainstormNew from Politico: European Commission increasingly isolated on COVID patent waivers: French president Emmanuel Macron and the European Parliament endorsed making vaccines more available to the poor. →
LjL<Brainstorm> New from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Evidence grows stronger for Covid vaccine link to heart issue, CDC says →
LjLwe could do without this04:16
bn_mobileSo LjL , back to the topic of the Pfizer-BioNTech phase 3 results, the #s look strange, so basically of the ones that got infected :  8(+1)/21,720 in vaccine group vs 162/21,728 in placebo group. Both are less than 1%04:19
LjLbn_mobile, is that surprising though? it says it's a "multinational" study and right now i don't really know where the participants were from, but04:20
LjL%cases Lombardy04:20
BrainstormLjL: In Lombardy, Italy, there have been 838341 confirmed cases (8.3% of the population) and 33696 deaths (4.0% of cases) as of 20 hours ago. See for time series data.04:20
LjLi live in one of the hardest-hit regions, and it's still "just" 8.3% of the population (okay, that's the identified cases, anyway)04:21
LjLconsider that in the Pfizer trial they also looked at symptomatic cases, too04:21
LjLand how long did it last? certainly less than the whole pandemic04:21
LjLdid it last less than 1/8 of the time the pandemic went on in Lombardy?04:21
LjLall in all i'd say that depending on exactly which regions the trial was done on and at which times, 1% infections isn't necessarily less than expected04:25
bn_mobileLjL: I meant that if both placebo & experimental group are both effectively 1%, wouldn't that pretty much mean (dare I say) not much benefit in getting the vaccine?04:30
BrainstormUpdates for Jamaica: +170 cases (now 49110), +18 deaths (now 989) since 8 hours ago — Ivory Coast: +58 cases (now 47605) since a day ago — Sierra Leone: +38 cases (now 4289) since a day ago — Lesotho: +7 cases (now 10846) since 2 days ago04:31
bn_mobile(based solely on the #s)04:31
LjLbn_mobile, uh, err? 8/21720 = 0.00037, while 162/21728 = 0.0074. it's an order of magnitude more. 0.0037/0.0074 = 0.05, i.e. if my math is right, exactly that 5% that got the infection despite getting the vaccine, whereas 95% didn't04:32
LjLthey're both "under 1%" but one is sort of 1%, the other is *a lot less* than 1%04:33
bn_mobile9 (vaccinated) vs 162 (placebo) out of 21,72X, is that statically significant?04:33
LjLlooks pretty darned significant04:33
LjLthe denominators are roughly the same04:33
LjLand large04:33
LjL9 vs 162 is as significant as it gets04:34
LjLthe paper comes with confidence intervals though i'm sure04:34
bn_mobileSorry, yes, I rounded up for both to 1%, & yes, it's an order of magnitude different04:36
LjLif this disease were even more devastatingly infectious than it is, you may come up with bigger numbers in both arms, but given that thankfully it isn't (or we'd have all been infected well before any vaccines were ready), you have to expect that even though you take as big a sample as 20000+20000 people, the actual cases will be few. but still, the difference looks very significant. i do not know how to calculate confidence interval and p, honestly, so i'm just04:39
LjLcalling it significant intuitively, but the paper comes with a confidence interval and there is no reason to believe that's statistically false (someone would've called it out)04:39
LjLalso, real-world third-party population studies (such as in Israel) have confirmed a >90% vaccine efficacy for Pfizer, which is consistent with their paper04:40
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Israeli oral Coronavirus vaccine proven effective as booster in preclinical trial →
LjL%tell de-facto oral vaccine in Israel:
BrainstormLjL, I'll pass de-facto your message when they are around.04:44
bn_mobileThat's what I was about to ask next:  what the confidence intervals were04:47
bn_mobile> Among participants with and those with- out evidence of prior SARS CoV-2 infection, 9 cases of Covid-19 at least 7 days after the second dose were observed among vaccine recipients and 169 among placebo recipients, corresponding to 94.6% vaccine efficacy (95% CI, 89.9 to 97.3)04:47
bn_mobileHow are they getting 94.6%?04:48
LjLright. that's a pretty good confidence interval isn't it?04:49
LjLwell it's the same as i got, roughly. i got 95% but i rounded the numbers a little04:49
LjLthat's the center point, the "spot value". the actual vaccine efficacy is very liely to lie within the confidence interval though04:49
bn_mobileI would hardly expected it to be 1-(9/21720), no?04:49
LjLbut that's not what it is04:50
LjLi made the calculations earlier04:50
bn_mobileDamn autocomplete04:50
LjLyou have to compare the amount that got it with the vaccine to the amount that got it with placebo04:50
LjLotherwise why would you even have a placebo arm?04:50
LjLyour formula isn't doing that04:50
bn_mobileSo effectiveness against placebo , hence the division you did earlier of the two rates?04:51
LjLthe formula is... ugh de-facto would be better at this, but, 1-(9/21720)/(162/21728)04:52
LjLat least i think, i should pay more attention to the maths, but hey, the numbers check out04:52
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: CDC looking into reports of heart inflammation after Pfizer, Moderna vaccine second jab →
LjLsecond jab in particular :\04:53
LjLthis bothers me a lot more than the (high) efficacy04:53
LjLhopefully it won't become another AstraZeneca04:54
LjLat least it seems to be a lot milder than what happens with AZ04:55
bn_mobileLjL: so do you all have the Pfizer-BioNTech one over there?  If so, would you get it if you had a choice?  It seems more effective than the other vaccines from what I've been reading although it too seems to have recently become associated with heart inflammation in younger vaccine recipients05:02
LjLbn_mobile, we have Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and J&J, i'd say in roughly this order of availability. Pfizer is overwhelmingly more used than the others, though, although AZ was used a lot previously. i have gotten Pfizer last saturday. it wasn't exactly a choice, but it's the choice i'd have made if i had had a choice. both AZ and now Pfizer show signs of possible rare side effects, but, they are rare, and the thing that concerns me the most is the efficacy05:04
LjL(especially against variants, and the AZ trial in South Africa didn't shine at all)05:04
bn_mobileYou didn't have a choice?05:05
LjLbn_mobile, we can't choose our vaccine in Lombardy. we don't even *know* what vaccine we'll get until we're there and are shown the paperwork. the only choice is to accept it, or walk away (and end up at the bottom of the list)05:09
LjLsince Italy's healthcare is region-based, other regions do it differently. in Latium, apparently they can choose their vaccine.05:09
LjLin Sicily, there have been so many refusals to take AZ that they have shipped their excess AZ to other regions.05:09
bn_mobileLjL:  oh, I thought you meant they forced you to take a vaccine :)05:12
LjLbn_mobile, that isn't on the table at this time, except for healthcare workers, and maybe teachers05:12
LjL(but even for those categories, it's just "being considered")05:12
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: G-7 nations expected to pledge 1 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses for world →
BrainstormUpdates for United Kingdom: +5426 cases (now 4.5 million), +5 deaths (now 127997) since 21 hours ago — France: +36 deaths (now 110324) since 7 hours ago — Netherlands: +2295 cases (now 1.7 million), +9 deaths (now 17841) since 21 hours ago — Eritrea: +76 cases (now 4766), +2 deaths (now 16) since a day ago05:33
bn_mobileinteresting discussion on the efficacy rates & difficulties in comparing them.06:00
BrainstormUpdates for Belgium: +846 cases (now 1.1 million), +7 deaths (now 25068) since a day ago06:10
LjLbn_mobile, yeah, that's interesting. and indeed it's very hard to compare. people tend to end up in camps, i'm in the mRNA camp partly because AZ has just seemed to make so many blunders and their efficacy rates are anything from 60% to 90% depending which trial / agency you ask. which may actually just corroborate what the video says... but i dunno, AZ had terrible efficacy on the SA variant when tested specifically in SA when most of the cases where that06:13
LjLvariant. i also still maintain they couldn't demonstrate that it even prevents severe cases, too few people to say (around 20 vaccinated people got COVID anyway, and also 20 unvaccinated people, so zero efficacy, but none of the vaccinated got *severe* COVID, which they initially called "100% efficacy against severe cases", but that's a bit bullshit because those 20 people were young and fit, and you wouldn't necessarily expect any of them to become a severe case06:13
LjLor die)06:13
LjLi also disagree with that video on whether or not we should aim for "zero covid". i think we should, and any vaccine that actually prevents infections and transmission is welcome.06:13
LjLthe "100% efficacy against death" is also not the full story. they seem to have high efficacy against death, but in many cases in real populations it has proven to be less than 100%. i think it's not smart to "promise" people 100% efficacy against death, because then if someone died, what do you tell them? they'll think you lied.06:15
LjLso this video is reasonable but with some caveats, imo06:15
bn_mobileDid the video say not to aim for "zero covid"?06:22
BrainstormUpdates for St. Vin. and Gren.: +40 cases (now 2132) since 2 days ago06:35
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Health: Covid 19: Here’s how to improve lung function with physiotherapy →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Venezuela says payments to COVAX vaccine system have been blocked →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: China invites Taiwanese to come to get vaccinated against COVID-19 →
BrainstormUpdates for Catalonia, Spain: +10386 cases (now 629143), +84 deaths (now 14690) since a day ago — England, United Kingdom: +6275 cases (now 4.0 million), +5 deaths (now 112463) since a day ago — Moscow, Russia: +5245 cases (now 1.2 million), +63 deaths (now 20711) since a day ago — Paraiba, Brazil: +3911 cases (now 352264), +46 deaths (now 8003) since a day ago07:37
BrainstormUpdates for Mongolia: +1622 cases (now 72104), +8 deaths (now 342) since a day ago08:39
BrainstormUpdates for Kyrgyzstan: +526 cases (now 109193), +7 deaths (now 1876) since a day ago09:04
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Thread | June 11, 2021: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
b3z-%cases germany09:49
Brainstormb3z-: In Germany, there have been 3.7 million confirmed cases (4.5% of the population) and 89934 deaths (2.4% of cases) as of 3 hours ago. 62.3 million tests were performed (6.0% positive). Fatality can be broadly expected to lie between 1.8% (assuming prevalence as in tests) and less than 2.5% (considering only deaths and recoveries). See for time series data.09:49
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: News: International regulators and WHO address need to boost COVID-19 vaccine confidence →
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: General: COVID-19: latest updates →
BrainstormUpdates for Meghalaya, India: +603 cases (now 40586), +10 deaths (now 704) since a day ago10:31
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: China invites Taiwanese to come to get vaccinated against COVID-19 →
bn_mobileWhat the heck is going on with Walgreens?10:55
BrainstormUpdates for Russia: +12505 cases (now 5.2 million), +396 deaths (now 125674) since 23 hours ago11:02
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: As Delta Variant Rises, Hospital Suspends 178 Employees for Not Getting Vaccinated Against COVID-19 →
BrainstormNew from Politico: Coronavirus: Groups warn that UK vaccine pledge may be too little, too late →
BrainstormNew from ScienceNews: Here’s what you should know about COVID-19 vaccine booster shots: No one knows if coronavirus booster shots will be necessary. But researchers are working on figuring that out. →
ottavioIs it safe to fast before getting a vaccine?12:17
dTalSafe? Sure. Recommended? I wouldn't12:21
zuttottavio: you should consult your doctor for that question, but in general if you're not in the healthiest state when you're getting /any/ vaccination, the side effects might be worse12:21
ottaviodTal: what about after?12:24
darsieI heard fasting is pointless.12:25
ottaviodarsie: you are12:26
zuttthats quite uncalled for.. there are so many reasons to fast.. not all of them are for a good reason, and not all of them are for health reasons..12:27
ottaviozutt:  this is not the point.12:27
ottavioMine was a specific question. I am not asking advice on whether fasting is pointless or not.12:28
ottavioI have been practicing periodic fasting for ages and I have had multiple benefits.12:29
zuttottavio: yeah, I understood that.. I was trying to say that people who fast usually do it because they need to12:29
BrainstormUpdates for Puerto Rico: +61 cases (now 122454), +4 deaths (now 2529) since a day ago12:29
zuttand I also personally do fast occasionally too, not very often these days.. but it's quite nice12:29
ottaviozutt: once again, thanks but I am not looking for do-gooders that tell me I shouldn't fast.12:29
ottavioAnybody who says fasting is pointless is either a troll or a complete moron, here Ive said it12:30
zuttI am not telling you that you shouldn't fast, really12:30
zuttI agree that they are trolls12:30
ottaviozutt i wasnt referring to you12:30
ottavioDerailing a question is quite rude in my book.12:31
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Taiwan says Thailand is prioritising AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines for itself and not sending them to Taiwan →
dTalottavio nobody in here is a troll or a moron12:32
dTalthey get kicked out :)12:32
dTalre fasting, I think if ever there's a time to maximally fuel your body, it's around a vaccine12:33
dTalI also frequently skip meals, I don't think it's healthy to have 3 square meals every single day of your life12:34
dTalbut immune response puts load on your system, you want to make sure you're generating as many antibodies as possible and not bottlenecking on some micronutrient or other12:34
mambang[m]> New from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Taiwan says Thailand is prioritising AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines for itself and not sending them to Taiwan →
mambang[m]haha.. and Malaysia expecting Thailand gonna send to them12:37
ottavioWhat about Muslims who do ramadan and have a jab? That should kill them, right?12:37
ottavio^^^ irony intended here ^^^12:38
darsieIt's been a long time since I heard that and it's been quite general, IIRC. Maybe there are benefits in some cases, idk. I believe a lot of it is unfounded. Make informed decisions and be responsible.12:41
darsieA healthy diet is best, ofc.12:43
de-factoi think it also works with minor deficits, but then there might be unused potential in it working better without such deficits, be it nutrition, sleep or regeneration or metabolism12:44
Brainstormde-facto: At 2021-06-11 02:44:26 UTC, LjL told you: oral vaccine in Israel:
ottaviodarsie> A healthy diet is best, ofc. define "Healthy diet". Vegan, vegetarian, keto, carnivore, Nutella, kosher, my cousin who knows everything's diet?12:45
ottavioMy GP says I should eat more bread and potatoes because they're healthy.12:46
ublxi suppose that would depend on what you were eating instead of bread and potatoes12:47
ottavioMy GP says I should eat bananas and peanut butter, no kidding.12:47
de-facto.tell LjL very interesting thanks for the link about MigVax-10112:47
Brainstormde-facto, I'll pass LjL your message when they are around.12:47
ottavioSo my GP thinks that a diet of bread, bananas, peanut butter and potatoes is healthy.12:48
darsieMostly plant based, with carbohydrates, proteins, fats. If destroying nature doesn't bother you, some fish is healthy. Dunno about meat, dairy or eggs.12:48
Brainstormde-facto: From The Science | MigVax12:48
ottavioNever mind 3/4 of the population in Western countries are obese.12:48
ottavio If destroying nature doesn't bother you, some fish is healthy . Ok enough with that.12:49
darsieI eat mostly vegan food for environmental reasons.12:49
de-factoi dont think the very concept of "diet" makes any sense, why reducing variety instead of quantity?12:49
ottaviodarsie: thanks another one in my ignore list12:49
de-factofor me variety is key to prevent unknown deficits reducing it therefore means increasing risks of deficits12:50
ottaviode-facto: your statement is so generic that it makes no sense at all12:50
de-factoi intentionally made it generic, because its about the very concept at abstract level12:51
* darsie gets some chocolate ...12:52
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Unvaccinated most at risk from Delta variant: There have been nearly 30,000 new cases of the variant in the past week. →
ottaviode-facto: all of us have a diet, whether you like it or not. In the old times, people ate what they had in their garden.12:53
ottavioThat's a diet.12:53
ottavio" diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism."12:53
ottavioIt is impossible to eat a bit of everything.12:54
de-factofor some nutrition it may make sense to reduce quantity, and it also could make sense to change from time to time, but i think in general having as much variety as possible in the diet is a good idea12:54
de-factoyeah ofc its an ideal, not a goal that ever can be reached12:54
ottavioIt still doesn't make sense. You can not not restrict your diet. You don'thave unlimited access to all possible food.12:55
de-factoreally? i can get pretty much everything i want here, if not locally i order it in the internet12:55
ottavioA "healthy diet" just does not exist. It's a marketing slogan used by corporations to push that crappy food they market as healthy.12:55
ottaviode-facto: I'm pretty convinced that you have no idea of what you are talking about, but that's just my opinion and I am not selling it as truth as you do.12:56
* ublx apparently stumbled into ##dietculturewars by mistkae12:56
ottavioublx: Miss Take?12:57
de-factoi stated the reasons for understanding for the importance of variety: very simply avoiding *unknown* deficits (those for which we dont know about by tests etc)12:57
de-factobut sure ottavio, you can be convinced about the opposite, just dont expect others to follow you without providing reasons for that12:58
ottaviode-facto: can I ask you how old you are? You sound young and naive. Man has not developed on earth with food variety. Man has been eating whatever they found.12:59
de-factoi am 139 years old12:59
ottavioSo are you saying that the Eskimos are idiots because they basically eat only fish?12:59
ottaviode-facto: more like 13.9.12:59
de-factolol alright13:00
ottaviowhat pisses me off is that my Gp talks the same crap.13:00
ottavioWe have diabetes because the medical profession told us we shouldn't eat meat or butter or cheese.13:01
ottavioBut cornflakes? Yes go ahead.13:01
ottavioDiabetes kills more than Covid.13:02
ublxare you in UK, ottavio?13:02
ottavioublx: unfortunately13:03
ublxi mean, if you are concerning yourself in detail with effective differences between veganism, keto, etc, you're already way past the point a GP has time to entertain13:04
ublxunless there are specific medical factors relating to your diet that the doctor has to consider13:05
ottavioyeah but the way the system works is that I need to go through my GP and I have to convince him/her that I deserve help13:06
ublxwith diet?13:06
ottavioFor example blood tests, which I passed in full despite eating a pseudo-keto diet that should be "unhealthy"13:06
ottavioI am not on keto anymore btw, I'm having a lot of personal shit13:07
ublxwhy wouldn't you pass general blood work tests under a pseudo-keto diet?13:07
ottaviobecause that's what the NHS says, that keto kills13:07
ottavioNHS; Keto = no good13:08
ottavioSugar = good13:08
ublxif by pseudo you mean you are not being a fanatic about getting carbohydrates down below 5%13:08
ottavioI used to go below 5% before the aforementioned shit13:08
ublxi don't exactly interact with the nhs on this point but i struggle to believe they have teams waving banners about how good sugar is13:09
ottavioI lost 25 kgs in 3 years with keto and regained 10 in 3 months after quitting keto13:09
ottavioublx: well, if you say that fats and proteins are bad, what is left? Of course they won't say that sugar is good.13:10
ublxtbf, keto IS dangerous if you do it blindly and are capable of ignoring your body's response to it13:10
ottavioublx: scientific evidence? I can give you 10s of studies about the benefits of ketones.13:11
ottavioForget the diet thing. Its the ketones that are good.13:11
-RSSBot[LjLmatrix- Feed: Pubblicazione degli elenchi della associazioni culturali ammesse e non ammesse al riparto del 2X1000 dell&#39;IRPEF ( )13:12
ottaviowtf is this^^^^13:12
ottavioThe NHS are repeating the old lie that ketosis = ketoacidosis13:13
ottavioWhat a fucking lie and how dishonest they are13:13
BrainstormNew from ECDC: Data on the daily number of new reported COVID-19 cases and deaths by EU/EEA country: The downloadable data file is updated daily and contains the latest available public data on COVID-19. Each row/entry contains the number of new cases and deaths reported per day and per country in the EU/EEA. →
ublxfor the westerner accustomed to decades of three carbohydrate/sugar rich meals a day, it is a wrenching change to make, and one that would be all too easy to lead to malnutrition in the interim13:14
ottavioIf you're not diabetic there is zero chance that you can develop ketoacidosis simply by cutting carbs13:14
ottavioublx: yes but its my choice Im not imposing it on evrybody like the vegan fanatics do.13:15
ottavioIts easy for corporations to sell vegan food for  a profit .13:16
ottavioThe NHS are still banging on ketoacidosis in <insert date here>. What a bunch of liars and morons.13:16
ottavioAnd GPs are repeating it like parrots13:17
ublxGPing is hard13:17
ublxas i say, you're likely well beyond the point of study where it's appropriate for you to detain the nhs/your gp. just do what you have to do.13:17
ottavioyes but they make a lot of money13:17
ottavioublx: I have to lie to my GP to get a fucking blood test. What justice is this?13:18
ublxit's inevitable that one will have to editatorialise when presenting one's case to a GP13:19
ublxi wouldn't call that injustice13:19
ottavioha ha13:19
ublxjust time management13:19
ublxtime management in 10 minute interviews is your responsibility and the GP's13:19
ottavioI thought GPs were there to help me, not me to help them ticking their boxes but I was naive13:20
ottavioNow I know better13:20
ottavioBasically calling a GP is like calling Ebay customer service.13:20
ottavioWith the difference that at least Ebay CS is there 24/7.13:21
ottavioThey still dont have a clue but at least they say thank you so much for waiting13:22
ublxwhen a GP goes to their own doctor, to (sensibly) externalise their care, do you think they have difficulty communicating the particulars of their case?13:22
ottavioerr GPs are immortal13:24
ottavioI have doctors in the family. They dont trust any of their colleagues13:24
ublxmaybe not in the general case but they sure as heck will for specialisations13:27
ottavioIn any case, the "real" NHS is good, such as hospitals.13:28
ottavioGPs and dentists are not the real NHS, they are private companies funded by the taxpayer.13:28
ottavioAlways had 1st class treatment in hospitals.13:29
ottavioWhenever I was lucky to be referred to a hospital.13:29
ublxif you reeeally think you are a better systems analyst than the average GP, and think you would remain so under the constraints they have to navigate, maybe you should become a GP13:30
BrainstormUpdates for Mauritius: +68 cases (now 1564) since a day ago — Germany: +1722 cases (now 3.7 million) since 23 hours ago — Dominica: +1 cases (now 189) since 8 days ago13:31
ottavioublx: I could never become a GP if I wanted to13:37
ottavioHaving said that, if I was rich enough to own my own house and my own field, I'd probably become a vegan, but only out of convenience.13:38
ottavioMaybe a handful of chickens as well.13:38
ottavioI like social distancing, can we have it like for ever?13:39
ottavioSocial distancing should be the norm. Most people are unhealthy and smell horrible.13:39
dTalyou just here to rant or what13:42
* finely[m] < >13:55
* finely[m] < >13:56
-RSSBot[LjLmatrix- Feed: Covid-19: conferenza stampa su campagna vaccinale e andamento epidemiologico con Speranza, Figliuolo, Locatelli e Brusaferro ( )14:07
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: Document: Sotrovimab (also known as VIR-7831 and GSK4182136) - COVID19 - Article-5(3) procedure: Assessment report →
BrainstormUpdates for UAE: +2281 cases (now 593894), +3 deaths (now 1720) since 12 hours ago14:33
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Sri Lanka records highest single-day Covid-19 death toll →
ottavioHas anybody here had their 2nd Astra Zeneca jab? Any side effects?14:45
BrainstormNew from EMA: News and press releases: COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen: authorities in EU take steps to safeguard vaccine quality, , 11/06/2021: Authorities in the EU are aware that a batch of the active substance for COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen had been contaminated with materials for another... →
BrainstormUpdates for Nepal: +2709 cases (now 604396), +67 deaths (now 8305) since a day ago15:11
BrainstormUpdates for Switzerland: +354 cases (now 700051), +5 deaths (now 10858) since 10 hours ago — Germany: +1714 cases (now 3.7 million) since 23 hours ago15:35
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Biden joins the world leaders club at G7 with call for wartime effort against Covid-19 →
BrainstormUpdates for Bangladesh: +2454 cases (now 822849), +43 deaths (now 13032) since a day ago16:38
BrainstormNew from WebMD: Expiration Dates on J&J COVID Vaccine Extended: U.S. regulators have extended the expiration date on millions of J&J COVID vaccine doses by six weeks. →
pwr22ottavio: my second astra zeneca jab gave me less side effects than my first17:06
ottaviopwr22: ok so if my 1st jab made me feel I was dying, how would the 2nd be?17:08
pwr22I can't say anything other than my own experience17:09
pwr22I felt like I had very bad flu for a bit after my first jab17:09
pwr22The second I just felt a little under the weather17:09
ottavio1st jab I couldnt move my arms fr 3 days17:09
pwr22Both of them? Like you were paralysed?17:12
ottavioyes, 1st day17:19
ottavioHorrible feeling17:19
pwr22I ached all over like really bad flu17:20
pwr22If you were actually paralysed then I would discuss that with a medical professional17:21
pwr22Did you see anyone about your reaction?17:21
ottavioThat day I rang NHS 111 and I had to struggle to have somebody call me back.17:22
LjLif that's a uh, Italian-Briton sounds like, they sure mix them well17:58
BrainstormLjL: At 2021-06-11 10:47:20 UTC, de-facto told you: very interesting thanks for the link about MigVax-10117:58
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Officials flag rare myocarditis cases after Covid vaccination →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: With just 11% of people fully vaccinated, Brazil plans to allow vaccinated people to not wear face masks - Bolsonaro →
BrainstormUpdates for Lebanon: +435 cases (now 542375), +10 deaths (now 7790) since a day ago18:36
BrainstormNew from BMJ: Covid-19: Science the fall guy as Hancock seeks to shift blame: England’s health and social care secretary, Matt Hancock, blamed “scientific consensus” for key government failings during the covid-19 pandemic, as he came out fighting against his critics this... →
BrainstormNew from Politico: Biden in Europe: Potential coronavirus outbreak on G7 police ship →
BrainstormUpdates for Cuba: +1288 cases (now 154866), +8 deaths (now 1065) since 22 hours ago — Mozambique: +76 cases (now 71355) since a day ago19:38
BrainstormNew from Latest posts: Preliminary in silico assessment of the specificity of published molecular assays and design of new assays using the available whole genome sequences of 2019-nCoV: Updated to 1,415,475 high coverage COVID-19 WGS from GISAID using BLASTDB version 5. Run Date: 06/08/2021 Table 1. PSET analysis using SARS-CoV-2 as [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Spain: +4142 cases (now 3.7 million), +36 deaths (now 80501) since 22 hours ago — Italy: +1892 cases (now 4.2 million), +69 deaths (now 126924) since a day ago20:38
BrainstormNameError: global name 'CHANNEL' is not defined (file "/home/brainstorm/brainstorm/bot/modules/", line 5, in remove_on_part)20:51
BrainstormNameError: global name 'CHANNEL' is not defined (file "/home/brainstorm/brainstorm/bot/modules/", line 5, in remove_on_part)20:52
LjLuh oh20:52
BrainstormUpdates for France: +54 deaths (now 110342) since 23 hours ago21:02
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: News Scan for Jun 11, 2021: MIS-C disparities in US kids Muscle inflammation on COVID autopsy UK monkeypox cases More H10N3 avian flu case details New polio effort, cases →
BrainstormNew from WebMD: COVID Vacations: Plan, Be Flexible, Travel Safe: It's easy to get lost among the constantly shifting recommendations for summer travel, but consider your vaccine status, how you plan to get where you're going, and what COVID-19 numbers look like at your destination. →
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: Global COVID deaths in 2021 have topped all of last year's: Lianna Matt McLernon | News Writer | CIDRAP News Jun 11, 2021 COVID-19 surges continue in South America, now the hardest-hit continent, and Africa is seeing a host of vaccine issues. →
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: Trouble for some US COVID-19 vaccines: Stephanie Soucheray and Lisa Schnirring | Staff Writers | CIDRAP News Jun 11, 2021 The FDA says 60 million doses of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine cannot be used because of possible contamination. →
BrainstormUpdates for Monaco: +4 cases (now 2520) since 16 hours ago23:31

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