libera/##covid-19/ Monday, 2021-11-15

BrainstormUpdates for Colombia: +2610 cases (now 5.0 million), +43 deaths (now 127809), +44155 tests (now 27.4 million) since 23 hours ago00:06
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): On self-inflicted wounds to the US workforce, the court battle against @OSHA_DOL standards for protection vs Covid , key thread by @ASlavitt below and @NewYorker piece by @tnyCloseRead…… →
BrainstormUpdates for Cayman Is.: +776 cases (now 4203) since 3 days ago — Jordan: +2452 cases (now 892123), +23 deaths (now 11238), +35769 tests (now 11.5 million) since a day ago — United Kingdom: +36235 cases (now 9.6 million) since 22 hours ago — Brunei: +43 cases (now 14215), +4826 tests (now 560141) since a day ago00:31
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Cruises during Delta, the laboratory for studying transmission:"We found that vaccination coverage & rapid antigen tests had a larger effect than mask mandates alone, indicating the importance of combined interventionsagainst Delta to reduce event risk [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): My 3rd dose was Moderna bc I had a choice and it was a high dose, most immunogenic.But by the time you're at third dose, you're splitting hairs.Please don't sweat it. Just protect you & yours. →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): Moderna full adult dose: 100 ug mRNAPfizer adult dose: 30 ugModerna boost dose (#3): 50 ugPfizer 5-11 kid dose: 10 ugThey are not proving to be different in ways other than dose. →
BrainstormUpdates for Uruguay: +143 cases (now 396545), +6179 tests (now 4.0 million) since a day ago — Paraguay: +45 cases (now 461957), +2 deaths (now 16337), +1934 tests (now 1.9 million) since a day ago01:08
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): What is THE hardest thing for public to understand about vaccines? →
BrainstormUpdates for Ivory Coast: +8 cases (now 61511), +12717 tests (now 1.1 million) since 23 hours ago01:33
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Prof Francois Balloux (@BallouxFrancois): At times the COVID-19 pandemic feels a bit like a shipwreck to me, with all of us trapped in a slowly listing boat. There would be lifejackets for most, but some refuse to wear them, as they feel they are strong swimmers.1/ →
joerg LjL-Matrix >>I wasn't told to avoid exercise or strenuous physical activity by anyone<< fire your doctor! here ist's standard to get adviced to not do any workouts or overhead work for a few days, when you receive a vaccination02:33
joergsorry, I'm late in backscroll02:33
joergby "standard" I mean I get that advice even when receiving my yearly flu shot02:38
joergand I am absolutely sure I got it when receiving my first covid shot. Not on second one though, maybe because I signalled it's boring and I already know all that stuff02:39
LjL-Matrixjoerg: well my doctor has nothing to do with the COVID vaccine which we get at centers, but also work it out with de-facto because last I checked he's from the same country and he said he was positively told he *could* exercise immediately when he asked :P02:40
de-factoi asked for how long i could not go for a run, and the MD said i should only not do it if i feel weak, e.g. not force myself, yet I did not anything with high pulse rate for the following two weeks, just a walk to get some blood circulation without high pulse rate02:44
de-facto*I did not do anything with high pulse rates02:44
de-factothey compared it to other respiratory diseases where boys also have a higher probability of heart issues, yet i am not young anymore (unfortunately)02:47
de-factobut that comparison kinda makes sense to me, chill and relax, do some moderate mobility and give some time (about 2 weeks) to recover02:48
joergooh, I also been adviced to not drink alcohol the day of vaccinaton, which I ignored instantly  :-)02:50
joergthough I guess they referred to "capilar-delation amounts of alcohol" - I jad a small beer02:51
de-factoactually in July they gave me a good advice: continue to wear masks02:51
de-factoi really hope the coming week in Germany will become better, right now we are at Rt(4d) ~ 1.2-1.3 hence doubling incidence each 2 weeks, a real problem at 50k daily new infections for 83M ppl02:55
de-factobtw we just passed 5M registered infections in Germany and 50k per day also is an all time record03:01
joergwell, technically we are at 49k unless you look at the date of fax transmission rather than at the date if diagnosis/test, but yeah03:07
joergsoon we will crack the true 50k/d too03:07
joergand 12 days is exactly what I calculated yesterday for when we'll crack the 100k/d03:08
joergsomebody caimed test capacity might saturate, forbidding a 100k/d but I strongly doubt that03:10
de-factowell in reality we are far beyond 100k per day, but for registered infections it will happen in about two weeks if things dont change03:10
de-factoout of each 6 tests at least 1 is positive03:12
joergbut, you know, "impfen impfen impfen! Auch wenn keiner kommt. dann impfen impfen impfen! Auch wenn keiner kommt. dann impfen impfen impfen! Auch wenn ...<< Won't do us any good before february/March, even if they sent military to force everybody to the vax center03:13
de-factowe need at least an order of magnitude more testing03:13
de-factoat least they restored free quicktests and reopen vaccination centers03:13
joergI hope we will get that, plus mandatory home office, plus 2G+03:14
joergidiots debating about laws03:14
joergthere's exactly ZILCH reason to have that turmoil now about our epidemic laws03:15
de-factoit really looks like test cap already may have saturated: weeks 41-44 positivity of 8.12%, 10.87%, 12.15%, 16.03%03:15
de-factowhile performed tests were: 857989, 906917, 1159772, 116671203:16
de-factoso around 1.2M, yet we would need more than 12M03:16
de-factoi dont see how we can regain control without lockdown03:17
de-factomaybe they will waste more time with debating, but eventually when Rt~1.2 stays they will need to enforce contact restrictions03:18
de-factothey will not call it lockdown of course03:18
joergI just hope for the meanwhile well known effect of preemptive obedience aka "common sense" - people noticing what gonna come as regulations and anticipating the resulting behavior ahead of time03:20
de-factoi hope so too03:21
joergeverybody I talk to expects a new lockkdown03:23
de-factowell its the result of 1) we need to break this trend 2) all other options seem to be less realistic to be effective03:24
de-factoof course it would be ideal if people would behave in a sane way by themselves03:24
joergI wish they had the vax centers and amount of vax doses to run *massive* boosters of *everybody*, since... >80% against transmission foe at least 2 months03:25
de-factobut just look at carnival... i doubt they would stay outdoors when its that cold for longer time, hence they will party indoors03:25
joergdon't get me started! I already added "Küln" in my corona-warn-app statistics03:26
joergKöln too03:26
LjL-Matrixinteresting little tidbit about the uh honesty of scientific journals that I guess those of you who have dealt with them already know, but I didn't03:26
joergwhere's the scientific journal in that?03:29
de-factoif that did increase the incidence we may see a rise in Rt the week starting at 22th of Nov03:29
joergthanks, I was already wondering03:30
joergabout timeframe03:30
joerg22nd sounds plausible, yes03:31
de-factoid assume something like 1-2 weeks03:31
BrainstormUpdates for Peru: +995 cases (now 2.2 million), +30 deaths (now 200635), +41474 tests (now 19.6 million) since 23 hours ago — Netherlands: +12052 cases (now 2.3 million) since 23 hours ago — United Kingdom: +36217 cases (now 9.6 million) since 23 hours ago03:31
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: WHO calls distribution of Covid boosters a ‘scandal’ as poor nations struggle to get first shots →
joergmeanwhile  sorry german languange. That dude is on crack or something, "asked scientists, epidemiologists and virologists and **none of them seen that 4th wave comming**" WTF?! really now? jackass03:33
joerg>>Söder hat auch auf die Empfehlung der Stiko geschissen. Söder macht das was er will wenn es schief geht haben andere Schuld nur nicht der bayerische „ Krisenmanager“.<<03:39
joergpoliticians :-/03:39
joerg%tr <de Und statt Bevölkerung zu schützen gehts mal wieder nur um Rettung vom eigenen Arsch. Pfui teufel! Die Spatzen pfeifen es seit langem von den Dächern, RKI hat fast genau die Situation seit August vorhergesagt. Aber Ihr Dummschwätzer wart halt nur mit den Lockerungen beschäftigt.03:41
Brainstormjoerg, German to English: And instead of protecting the population, it's all about saving your own ass again. Ugh, devil! The sparrows have been whistling from the rooftops for a long time, RKI has predicted the situation almost exactly since August. But your foolish talkers were only busy with the relaxation. (MyMemory, Google)03:41
joerg>>But you morons were only...<<03:43
joergwe're governed by dumbarses03:44
Brainstormde-facto: From DepositOnce: Nachhaltige Strategien gegen die COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland im Winter 2021/202204:00
Brainstormde-facto: From Microsoft Word - Offener Brief Medizin und Wissenschaft_121121_15 Uhr.docx04:01
de-factobtw in the epidemic plan of our government at the first pages they recommend to create a consortium of experts, yet politicians refuse to do so, they rather want to preserve their freedom of "experts picking" and thereby deciding by themselves which of their decisions they want to back up by useful scientists04:03
de-factoi hope the next government follows the epidemic plan more closely04:04
de-factomany asian countries did exactly that, followed their epidemic plan and it worked out much better than here04:04
de-factoanyhow have to catch some sleep04:04
joerg>>hope the next government follows the epidemic plan more closely<<  I think they gonna go the "as long as FDP party / Lindner is happy" way04:17
joergso far Union/SPD coalition voted together with Gruene for "Epidemische Notlage"  But now that Union is preparing for being their own opposition and SPD & Gruene try to build a coalition with FDP, they suddenly can'T do that anymore. Instead they cheat the public and the parliament with lies about why this law isn't applicable any longer and why we need a new one that reads like Lindner04:20
joerghimself wrote it04:20
joergmy comment: s/rock 'n' roll writers/politicians/g
LjL-Matrix<joerg> "where's the scientific journal..." <- he certainly isn't going to name the specific journal(s) he had this experience with... I'm sure he likes being sued just about as much as the rest of us do04:26
joergaah I see, thanks04:30
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: 200 South Australian police still unvaccinated as deadline hits →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Efficacy of Covid-19 shots wanes, fueling boosters debate →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): The surge in Europe, yet another manifestation of vaccines working—saving lives. The countries with low vaccination rates in Eastern and Central Europe are experiencing very high death rates, while those in Western Europe, w/higher vaxx rates, the lowest fatality [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Germany: +19203 cases (now 5.1 million) since 22 hours ago — New Zealand: +173 cases (now 8866), +1 deaths (now 34), +24438 tests (now 4.5 million) since a day ago05:36
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Ron DeSantis Is on Team COVID, and Damn Whatever Happens to Florida →
BrainstormUpdates for India: +10229 cases (now 34.4 million), +125 deaths (now 463655) since a day ago06:01
BrainstormUpdates for Araucania, Chile: +10103 cases (now 110068) since 23 hours ago — Los Rios, Chile: +152 cases (now 50745) since 23 hours ago — Lombardy, Italy: +1020 cases (now 905429), +5 deaths (now 34240) since 23 hours ago06:32
BrainstormNew from Il Sole 24 Ore: Il Covid dopo due anni: ecco perché l’obbligo a vaccinarsi non è più un tabù: Tra gli esperti, di fronte a un virus che non sembra ancora diventare endemico, cresce la spinta verso l’obbligatorietà del vaccino →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: China faces biggest Delta outbreak as COVID-19 infections grow in northeastern city of Dalian →
BrainstormUpdates for United Kingdom: +36989 cases (now 9.6 million) since 23 hours ago07:34
BrainstormUpdates for Taiwan: +9 cases (now 16496), +15103 tests (now 7.9 million) since 22 hours ago08:30
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Incredible "What We Know So Far About Waning Vaccine Effectiveness" is front page @nytimes tomorrow, missing many reports (as noted in🧵)   asserting the waning is only vs infection in some people, when it is across all age groups and for severe disease, the basis for [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Science-Based Medicine: Pfizer’s new COVID-19 protease inhibitor drug is not just “repackaged ivermectin”: Pfizer recently announced that its new protease inhibitor-based drug was 89% effective in preventing hospitalization due to COVID-19 and it [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Czechia: +5670 cases (now 1.9 million), +60 deaths (now 31541), +55313 tests (now 41.9 million) since 23 hours ago09:07
BrainstormNew from EMA: What's new: Event: EMA regular press briefing on COVID-19, Online, 15:30 - 16:00 Amsterdam time (CET), from 18/11/2021 to 18/11/2021 →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): China_Flu: Israel's COVID vaccine works against Delta variant - new data →
BrainstormUpdates for Germany: +19203 cases (now 5.1 million) since 20 hours ago10:34
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Opinion: Why two emergency physicians’ kids took part in the Pfizer vaccine trials: After watching their parents on the frontlines of the pandemic, our children were eager to contribute in some way, so we enrolled them in Pfizer's Covid-19 [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Slovakia: +3345 cases (now 563445), +61 deaths (now 13598), +10999 tests (now 4.2 million) since 23 hours ago — Laos: +826 cases (now 55018), +5 deaths (now 104), +4941 tests (now 712719) since 9 hours ago — Uganda: +42 cases (now 126965), +1 deaths (now 3239), +10783 tests (now 1.9 million) since 12 hours ago [... want %more?]10:59
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Covid booster doses to be offered to over 40s: Also, 16 and 17 year olds should get a second dose of vaccine according to official UK advice. →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Dr Emma Hodcroft (@firefoxx66): A new update to! To keep up with the Delta-clades recognised by @nextstrain, CoVaraints now shows 21A (Delta), 21I (Delta) and 21J (Delta). Importantly - these are all part of the @WHO Variant of Concern Delta.1/6 →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch): Question for UK Covid data watchers:Just to make sure I’m not going mad, is it true that neither Wales or N.Ireland publishes any time series data on vaccine uptake by age?Both only seem to publish a current snapshot in dashboard form, with no time [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Hungary: +21060 cases (now 960844), +304 deaths (now 32171), +102447 tests (now 7.9 million) since 3 days ago — Poland: +9508 cases (now 3.2 million), +12 deaths (now 78879), +40933 tests (now 23.1 million) since a day ago11:43
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: New Covid-19 outbreak prompts China to lock down university campus →
BrainstormNew from ECDC: Data on the daily number of new reported COVID-19 cases and deaths by EU/EEA country: The downloadable data file is updated daily and contains the latest available public data on COVID-19. Each row/entry contains the number of new cases and deaths reported per day and [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Finland: +3166 cases (now 170285), +23496 tests (now 7.7 million) since 4 days ago — Indonesia: +221 cases (now 4.3 million), +11 deaths (now 143670), +264425 tests (now 50.4 million) since 23 hours ago12:08
BrainstormUpdates for Croatia: +1135 cases (now 539887), +55 deaths (now 9936), +19282 vaccines (now 2.0 million), +3602 tests (now 3.3 million) since 23 hours ago — UAE: +61 cases (now 741006), +1 deaths (now 2144), +230869 tests (now 97.3 million) since 23 hours ago — France: +47 cases (now 7.4 million) since 14 hours ago12:33
BrainstormUpdates for Nepal: +367 cases (now 817333), +1 deaths (now 11478), +7554 tests (now 4.5 million) since a day ago — Senegal: +4 cases (now 73958), +1269 tests (now 857137) since 12 hours ago13:10
BrainstormUpdates for Vietnam: +8616 cases (now 1.0 million), +100 deaths (now 23183), +420353 tests (now 64.5 million) since 23 hours ago — Iceland: +420 cases (now 15741), +9998 tests (now 1.2 million) since 2 days ago — Qatar: +143 cases (now 241232), +5077 tests (now 2.9 million) since 15 hours ago — Germany: +19218 cases (now 5.1 million) since 23 hours ago13:35
BrainstormNew from New Scientist: Covid-19 news: UK panel advises booster vaccine for 40 to 49-year-olds: The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Dutch extreme right-wing politican Baudet calls unvaccinated people "the new Jews", claiming the people who condone this are nazi's →
BrainstormNew from WHO Euro: Regions for Health Network members share experiences during 26th annual meeting: At the 26th Regions for Health Network (RHN) annual meeting, 80 speakers from 15 countries and 26 [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Austria: +11889 cases (now 971541), +40 deaths (now 11746), +399798 tests (now 103.7 million) since a day ago — Switzerland: +9707 cases (now 918745) since 2 days ago14:37
BrainstormUpdates for Saudi Arabia: +38 cases (now 549260), +3 deaths (now 8816), +64080 tests (now 30.9 million) since 23 hours ago — Namibia: +19 cases (now 129060), +4831 tests (now 769427) since a day ago15:08
BrainstormNew from EMA: Human medicine assessment reports: (news): Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Comirnaty, Tozinameran,COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (nucleoside modified), COVID-19 virus infection, Date of authorisation: 21/12/2020, Revision: 14, Status: Authorised →
BrainstormUpdates for France: +308 cases (now 7.4 million), +4 deaths (now 119106) since 17 hours ago — Gibraltar: +52 cases (now 6561), +587 tests (now 399346) since 16 hours ago — Zambia: +13 cases (now 209996), +2329 tests (now 2.7 million) since a day ago15:33
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): Constant stream of bad news on #LongCovid. And when European wave hits here full force, we may doom a million more to this hell.… →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Brazil joins 55 countries surpassing US vaccination rate →
BrainstormNew from FDA Press Releases: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Updates Test Policies to Help to Ensure Accuracy and Reliability of Tests and Increase Access to At-Home Tests: Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): 8. New data today from the UK shows boosters restore vaccine effectiveness for protection vs symptomatic infection to over 90% (AZ 93%, Pfizer 94%)…… →
BrainstormUpdates for Canada: +1187 cases (now 1.8 million), +9 deaths (now 29388) since 18 hours ago — United Kingdom: +913 cases (now 9.6 million) since 21 hours ago16:35
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Countering waning immunityThe new data from England today shows a booster (3rd) shot increased vaccine effectiveness from 44% to 93% for Astra Zeneca and from 62.5 to 94% for Pfizer, vs symptomatic infection, age… →
BrainstormUpdates for Chile: +26 deaths (now 38001), +70733 tests (now 24.6 million) since 21 hours ago17:00
BrainstormNew from (news): Healthcare Provider Human Papillomavirus Education and Professional Skills Intervention →
BrainstormNew from (news): Emphasizing the Personal Versus the Social in Educational Interventions For Decreasing Vaccine Hesitancy →
BrainstormNew from (news): Refractive Error in Chinese Students →
BrainstormNew from (news): Safety and Immunogenicity of 9-valent Human Papillomavirus (9vHPV) Vaccine Coadministered With Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA)-1273 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine (V503-076) →
BrainstormUpdates for Netherlands: +19197 cases (now 2.4 million), +16 deaths (now 19193) since 14 hours ago — Greece: +6950 cases (now 838824), +72 deaths (now 16838), +107798 tests (now 30.5 million) since 23 hours ago17:43
BrainstormNew from (news): Immune Response to Third Dose of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in a Cohort of Cancer Patients on Active Treatment →
BrainstormNew from (news): COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) Psychiatric Outcomes →
BrainstormUpdates for Italy: +5199 cases (now 4.9 million), +44 deaths (now 132819), +248825 tests (now 111.1 million) since 23 hours ago — Greenland: +49 cases (now 1039), +2452 tests (now 97942) since 3 days ago18:02
BrainstormNew from (news): Treatment of Post-covid Syndrome in Patients Treated in Intensive Care →
BrainstormNew from Transmission of COVID19 in Crowded Environments: Conditions :    Covid19 Testing;   Sars-cov-2 Infection Antibody Testing;   Sars-cov-2 Testing →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: China coronavirus: apology after officials beat pet dog to death with iron bar after breaking into home of woman in quarantine while she watched on CCTV →
BrainstormUpdates for Andorra: +88 cases (now 15907) since 2 days ago19:04
BrainstormNew from Contagion Live: Prevention is the Best Treatment: Vaccines and Antimicrobial Resistance: Dr. Leonard Friedland calls antimicrobial resistance “the silent pandemic,” and says vaccines are how we prevent it. →
BrainstormUpdates for United Kingdom: +40183 cases (now 9.6 million), +47 deaths (now 143384) since 23 hours ago — Spain: +9798 cases (now 5.1 million), +43 deaths (now 87716) since 3 days ago — Dominican Rep.: +1160 cases (now 397016), +7977 tests (now 2.3 million) since 21 hours ago19:29
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch): Of course, big question is whether we’ll look back on this as first in a regular series of boosters, or the 3rd dose of a three-dose vaccine.The higher levels of protection hint at this being a new dose rather than just a recurring top-up, but more time [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Here's the @FT graph of the study (Table below) from England today showing marked efficacy of the 3rd shots for 2 different vaccines vs vaccinated with 2 shots and vs unvaccinated via @jburnmurdoch… →
BrainstormNew from NPR: Austria and Germany impose restrictions on unvaccinated people as COVID cases surge: Austria has placed some 2 million unvaccinated people on partial lockdown. Similar restrictions in Berlin have been [... want %more?] →
LjL-MatrixHeard about B.1.640 making its way to France? Apparently it has "unprecedented" mutations according to media, namely some deletions in S20:16
de-factodeletions would probably mean immuno-evasive20:18
TimvdeBut that will definitely have an impact on how well it spreads, no?20:25
TimvdeAlthough it can go either way20:25
BrainstormUpdates for Maldives: +159 cases (now 89999), +3906 tests (now 1.7 million) since 22 hours ago20:31
semOK is this the channel for this question20:40
semI am curious how so many white tailed Deer in the USA are carrying covid now, when earlier we were told that people needed 15 minutes of incremental exposure to contract it20:40
semso either someone is spending 15+ minutes with a deer, or there are other ways of it spreading more easily, like deer eating an apple that a human took a bite of20:41
de-factoyeah thats what i would guess too, deers eating used food from infected humans, maybe also from garbage bins?20:42
de-factothe problem is that there probably also is transmission from deer to deer, hence they may be a natural reservoir for the pathogen20:43
de-factoalso their biology is slightly different from humans, hence the natural selection of SARs-CoV-2 may go into a slightly different direction, optimizing for fitness in deer, so if that comes back to humans it may be that our antibodies would not fit so well anymore20:45
semmaking me think that there will always be a pre-covid and post-covid20:47
semjust like there is a pre-9/11 and post-9/11 world20:48
de-factoi guess humans should stay away from deers, also dont hunt or eat them, treat their bodies as potential biohazard20:49
semlike most animals!20:50
de-factobtw by far more breeding of SARS-CoV-2 could happen in mink farms as their population is much bigger hence an outbreak there would mean far more "processing power" for mutations20:50
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): Concept that there are mystery people whose T cells clear virus before it takes off is not at all new or confined to SARS2. This is one of those longstanding hard to prove hypotheses. I wouldn't count on… →
semdang I keep forgetting that there are farms of these. The mink i've seen outdoors always run away from people20:51
de-factoyeah and they are highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infections20:51
de-factoDenmark hat 13 000 *tons* of culled minks20:52
de-factothey succeeded in containing their outbreak, afaik the SARS-CoV-2 strain from the outbreak in the mink farm is extinct20:53
Brainstormde-facto: From Covid-19 : un nouveau variant détecté dans une école en Bretagne [Exclusif] - Coronavirus - Le Télégramme20:59
de-factoLjL-Matrix, do you mean that one?20:59
BrainstormUpdates for Barbados: +223 cases (now 22316), +1 deaths (now 194), +1229 tests (now 415129) since 22 hours ago — Kuwait: +26 cases (now 413034), +20616 tests (now 5.1 million) since 21 hours ago21:02
de-factodid you find a sequence or list of mutations?21:06
de-factoe.g. where did you read about the deletions?21:06
LjL-Matrixsem: I've always been quite skeptical of indications like that "15 minutes" thing precisely because people would misinterpret them like this. There is definitely no need to be exposed to someone for 15 minutes to get COVID from them. It could take seconds, or conversely you may not get it for longer. It's basically an arbitrary cutoff for what counts as "contact" when doing tracing.21:07
LjL-Matrix... or preventative quarantine, or similar21:07
semyeah false sense of security21:07
LjL-Matrixde-facto: deer must be hunted though to avoid their population exploding in some places... either that or you must introduce predators but then you have other issues21:08
de-factoyeah well then their corpses should be treated as biohazard and burned rather than sold for their meat21:10
BrainstormNew from Gazzetta Ufficiale italiana: MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE - ORDINANZA 11 novembre 2021: Adozione  del  «Protocollo  condiviso  di  regolamentazione  per   ilcontenimento della diffusione del COVID-19 nel settore del  trasportoe della logistica». (21A06798) →
de-factohmm LjL-Matrix i cant really find that B.1.640 in the public databases21:19
de-factothey say it was imported from Africa into France21:20
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): Kinda still amazed at how we are excited by dramatic immune evasion etc of amazing SARS2 variants whose asses delta is handing them.Your fave variant is only as good as it successful. Delta and derivatives are still T rex. →
de-factoi am just curious to see the s-protein sequence of it for comparison, so far i dont see a reason to be worried21:22
LjL-MatrixI don't know de-facto , it's been listed by the ECDC as a variant to keep an eye on but even the ECDC page on it is devoid of any real information21:26
LjL-MatrixThe fact it has deletions is just stated on "general media" articles about it21:27
de-factoyeah i want to see some data, but i did not find any so far21:27
de-factogoogle search basically is broken since they removed exact string match feature21:28
LjL-MatrixThey removed it? :|21:32
Brainstormde-facto: From Prof Francois Balloux (@BallouxFrancois): "Thanks for the update. I'm personally not overly worried about AY.4.2 or Delta+ (Delta+E484K). The one that triggers the EFD in me is B.1.640. Pre-Delta, this might have been a beast. Post-delta, I don't really know ..." | Hungary-based nitter instance by Hackerspace Szeged21:35
de-facto"Thanks for the update. I'm personally not overly worried about AY.4.2 or Delta+ (Delta+E484K). The one that triggers the EFD in me is B.1.640. Pre-Delta, this might have been a beast. Post-delta, I don't really know ..."21:35
de-facto"Eric Feigl-Ding, I could have referred to some other panic-prone commenters ..."21:35
Brainstormde-facto: From Touna  (@touna14): "Ce variant B.1.640 a réussi à émerger fin septembre au Congo alors que Delta y était majoritaire depuis fin juillet, c'est assez notable pour être signalé; il me semble qu'il n'y a pas d'autre exemple de variant ayant réussi à émerger dans un environnement dominé par Delta" | nitter21:38
Brainstormde-facto: From outbreak.info21:38
de-factoS:Y449N, S:F490R, S:N394S21:38
LjL-MatrixIt's in Italy also? lovely21:39
de-facto"the congo variant"?21:40
BrainstormUpdates for France: +3307 cases (now 7.4 million), +75 deaths (now 119177) since 23 hours ago — Canada: +1676 cases (now 1.8 million), +15 deaths (now 29394) since 23 hours ago — United Kingdom: +40110 cases (now 9.6 million) since 21 hours ago21:40
Brainstormde-facto: From outbreak.info21:41
de-factobut yeah idk it did not explode into our faces yet, so hmm21:41
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): I'm tired of excusing people. You're keeping us all miserable with COVID, which should have been a MUCH lesser problem. #GetVaccinated →
Brainstormde-facto: From Emerging B.1.X variant lineage in Europe and Africa with conserved Spike mutations: P9L, E96Q, R346S, Y449N, P681H and T859N · Issue #297 · cov-lineages/pango-designation · GitHub21:46
Brainstormde-facto: From Georgi Marinov (@georgimarinov): "When they measured it, Delta convalescent serum showed 33x reduction of B.1.351 neutralization B.1.640 should be much worse. The most optimistic estimate I've seen is that 33x reduction is where you lose all protection against severe disease too, it's a new virus essentially..." | 42l - nitter21:47
de-factohmmm that does not really read like good news at all21:48
LjL-MatrixWho is that though?21:49
LjL-Matrixor where is he getting the info anyway21:49
de-factogood question21:50
de-factothis account looks credible though
de-facto"B.1.640 has appeared very recently but has a very long branch length implying cryptic circulation or very recent emergence."21:54
de-facto"It has an interesting spike profile (including Δ136-144, R346S, N394S, Y449N, F490R, N501Y, P681H) and the Alpha-like ORF8 truncation."21:54
de-facto"Still dont think alarm bells need to be rung too much but B.1.640 definitley needs a close eye kept on it"21:55
LjL-Matrix%title also21:57
BrainstormLjL-Matrix: From Tom Peacock (@PeacockFlu): "Update: taking the seq from Congo at face value it would appear this new thing is growing 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘦 Delta - major caveat is its unclear if this is targeted or unbiased sequencing (or even border sequencing) so take with major grain of salt." | nitter21:57
de-facto"Added B.1.640 as a variant under monitoring"21:57
LjL-MatrixI think I just remembered why I'm scared to be in this channel21:59
de-factowell we do not know yet what those s-protein mutations mean in terms of properties, but since they mean quite a lot of changes it potentially could mean that antibodies raised to an ancestor of it may not neutralize it, that will be the question to answer for B.1.640: What is its fitness in fully vaccinated populations?22:02
Brainstormde-facto: From SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern as of 12 November 202122:13
de-facto"B.1.640" "The Republic of Congo" "D614G, F490R, N394S, N501Y, P681H, R346S, Y449N, 137−145del"22:14
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: What All Hunters Need to Know About Coronavirus in Whitetails →
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Yes, there are surges, as seen here, but the high % vaccinated countries of Western Europe are generally in far better shape with respect to hospitalizations, ICU, and deaths compared with many in Eastern/Central… →
BrainstormUpdates for Bahrain: +23 cases (now 277246), +17382 tests (now 7.2 million) since a day ago23:07
BrainstormNew from COVID tweets: Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian): Don't tell SARS2 it's beautiful, it'll go to our head. →
BrainstormUpdates for Jordan: +3441 cases (now 895564), +17 deaths (now 11255), +47391 tests (now 11.5 million) since 23 hours ago — Trinidad and Tobago: +403 cases (now 62670), +12 deaths (now 1870), +10204 tests (now 423692) since a day ago — Bangladesh: +234 cases (now 1.6 million), +4 deaths (now 27926), +17700 tests (now 10.6 million) since 23 hours ago [... want %more?]23:32

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