libera/##covid-19/ Monday, 2021-12-27

xxno way00:03
frumiousfew, not my school district.
BrainstormUpdates for Ghana: +1881 cases (now 136436), +5 deaths (now 1274) since 2 days ago — Turks and Caicos: +41 cases (now 3276) since a day ago00:09
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Coronavirus Can Persist for Months After Traversing Body →
BrainstormUpdates for Guinea: +79 cases (now 31117) since 23 hours ago — Netherlands: +12217 cases (now 3.1 million) since 23 hours ago00:34
mrdatathe suggestion that omicron deaths are low has had hazardous effects. either people have completely abandoned covid protocols, or the virus is breaking them. there is a lag, for those who it will hospitalize and kill, between infection and severe consequences. it is spreading so fast, there hasnt been time to tell00:40
mrdatapopularizing the perception of relative safety is premature00:41
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): The second thing about ribavirin is, even if it were a viral mutagen (and the quoted references show it may not be at clinical doses, and its antiviral effect is not dependent on it), it has only been used in viruses with much less explosive potential [... want %more?] →
hyrclockdown measures are harmful and counter productive.  neither social distancing nor effectively prevents aerosol spread.  the track and trace regime has no utility for an endemic disease.00:47
hyrc*nor masking00:47
hyrcthe data are in00:47
xxpeople abandoned covid protocols a year ago00:48
xxhyrc: proper masking works00:49
hyrcwhat do you get when you mix politics and science?00:49
xxif you claim it doesn't, then why do they wear masks in level 4 labs?00:49
hyrc.. politics00:49
hyrcthat is not relevant to mask mandates00:50
hyrclook at the studies the impact of mask mandates00:51
mrdataas omicron surges, thousands of doctors and nurses are calling in, sick00:51
hyrchow many have been fired00:51
mrdataare masks not working for this variant?00:51
xxmask mandates are pointless, properly wearing a mask however is not00:51
xxprotect yourself, ignore others00:51
mrdataairlines have cancelled thousands of flights due to pilots and flight attendants getting sick00:53
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Notably it was used for HCV and RSV, but HCV as a bloodborne pathogen like HIV is not transmitted by casual contact, and RSV has a R0 near 1. SARSCoV2 Delta has a R0 of 5-10 and Omicron estimates are 20. →
mrdataif omicron R0 is 20, then it is more contagious than measles00:55
xxyeah it definitely isn't more contagious than measles00:58
sdfgsdfgI think Michael is probably mentioning the highest R0 seen in any of the nations maybe01:00
sdfgsdfgit could be the upper limit of omicron R001:00
xxthat guy is moving more and more into the territory of spreading panic without sufficient evidence for spreading panic01:02
xxlike yeah, rona is bad, real bad, but the world is far from ending01:02
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Now there is one final argument defending molnupiravir, and this is the only one with enough logic and applicability to SARSCoV2 to be worth debating. The argument is that the lower virus #'s due to molnupiravir at least offsets the higher mutation #'s [... want %more?] →
mrdatayou need both R0 and serial interval to predict spread01:05
sdfgsdfgyou also need context01:06
BrainstormUpdates for Kuwait: +240 cases (now 415151), +23908 tests (now 5.9 million) since a day ago01:11
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: COVID-19 Attributed Cases and Deaths are Statistically Higher in States and Counties with 5th Generation Millimeter Wave Wireless Telecommunications in the United States. →
xxwait what01:20
xxthat's some bullshit01:20
mrdata5G conspiracy theory crap?01:21
mrdatawhat if exposure to microwave radiation stresses the immune system?01:21
mrdatahow do we rule that out01:22
hyrcthere may be intarctions we don't understand with non-ionizing RF.   the EU DECT studies with glioblastoma showed significant correlation with portable phone use01:22
mrdataas far as i am aware there is no causative link from RF to cancer; but for those with cancer, maybe outcomes are worse?01:25
hyrcthese were epidemiological studies01:26
frumious"Overall use of a cellular phone was not associated with brain tumor risk;"01:26
hyrcthere were enough significant findings01:27
hyrcDECT are not cellular btw01:27
frumiousthat paper included DECT.  others focusing on DECT find similar01:30
hyrcif you're citing a paper feel free to link it01:31
frumious5 minute google search and reading abstracts01:31
hyrcunfortunate google didn't yield the papers I found01:32
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): SARSCoV2 isolates tend to have about 2 mutations per transmission cycle, with a serial interval of about 3-5 days, so that means naturally SARSCoV2 genomes accumulate about 1 mutation per 2 days in the… →
LjLit's trivial to find the paper being cited by putting "Overall use of a cellular phone was not associated with brain tumor risk" on google01:41
LjLon the other hand you said "EU DECT studies" but you didn't say which01:41
LjLjust saying01:41
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): As #SARSCoV2 evolved to Omicron, transmission and immune escape reached new levels. Fortunately, 3 independent studies from top labs, including one in a well regarded in vivo model, all show reduced lung infectivity vs Delta @SystemsVirology  @GuptaR_lab @hkumed [... want %more?] →
hyrcit's not really on-topic though01:48
hyrcquantifying cancer risk factors is notoriously difficult01:51
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: QR check-ins and two-metre rule mandatory in NSW from today as COVID-19 hospitalisations rise →
hyrcand we expose ourselves to risk all the time.  it's part of life.01:52
xxwell I expose myself to a little less risk by wearing a proper mask properly01:53
hyrcany 'if we can prevent even one death' rhetoric is imbecilic01:53
xxI'm all for not preventing any deaths, except mine01:53
hyrcevery individual makes risk tradeoffs based on his/her subjective valuation01:55
hyrcit's important to learn this lesson01:59
hyrcevery decision and action necessarily incurs opportunity costs01:59
hyrcif you choose one option, you are exclusded from choosing some others.  there are costs to any choice.02:00
xxwhen did this become ##philosophy?02:01
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): The danger zone is the first 2 days of therapy (or people who stop after 1 or 2 days of therapy) when virus is still replicating okay in MOV (if it weren't then you wouldn't see similar titers on day 3 between MOV and placebo) despite having 2.5-10 mutations. →
xxwe're here for covid rants02:01
hyrcopportunity costs are a fact of life, and shutting down one option imposes costs02:01
hyrcfor example cancer screenings were prevented by lockdown policies chosen by politicians and bureaucrats02:02
hyrca significant number of lives have been shortened and ended by them02:02
LjLthey would argue the opposite is the case02:03
hyrcnow ask yourself; were those implications of lockdown mandates weighed-in during the decision making?02:03
hyrcthey were not at all02:03
xxnobody at the top really cares about cancer patients02:03
LjLyes, in fact they always mentioned here that those measures were partly being taken to avoid hospitals from being overwhelmed so that "non-COVID" healthcare could take place02:03
hyrcthis is the problem of the 'Seen and the unseen'02:03
LjLyou can definitely argue both ways02:03
hyrcas the great economist Frederic Bastiat described02:03
xxhardly great02:04
hyrcthe direct effects of the policy proposal are highlighted and praised, the indirect harms ignored02:04
LjLi'll say a couple of things02:05
LjL1) it's interesting how you're entirely happy to rant offtopic even while shutting down my slightly passive-aggressive request to cite your "EU DECT studies" with one study that reaches no conclusion, a letter about said study, and another study that never mentions DECT02:06
LjL2) it's interesting that you do this while ban evading02:07
LjLis there a reason i shouldn't just ban you again except for the fact that you'll probably ban evade again and it won't be any fun?02:07
xxyou think those *!*@p* are the same person?02:08
LjLthere are probably a lot of people from such hostnames so i'd say generally speaking, no02:09
hyrc  Lockdown policies have led to Big Declines in Cancer Screenings, New Diagnoses02:10
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Then you have 10x lower levels of functional viruses taking MOV than not taking MOV at day 2, but those viruses each have 5-10 times more mutations. Seems about a wash. Can we conclude MOV doesn't increase the potential to generate variants of concern [... want %more?] →
hyrccolonoscopies decreased the most — by 45%; however, diagnostic and screening procedures in the other three categories also experienced a big decline: Prostate biopsies dropped by 29%, cystoscopies for bladder cancer by 21%, and chest CT scans for lung cancers by 12%.02:11
LjLhyrc, you're intentionally modifying the title of the thing you're posting. you're acting dishonestly. i'll take that as my answer to the above02:11
LjLau prochain host02:12
xxinteresting seeing a quiet on $a:brainstorm, but I guess +v are exempt02:13
LjLsometimes Brainstorm may need to stfu, such as when he links to studies about 5G making COVID worse02:15
LjLyou see02:15
LjLif only i weren't banned from r/COVID19 i may voice my unhappiness with such a post02:15
xx5G does make it more likely you're gonna catch corona though - because it lets you go out and still have nice internet, instead of having to stay at home to enjoy nice internet02:17
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Recall people are producing viruses with 1-2 mutations per transmission event and we're not getting immunoevasion all the time. That's because the immune response is polyclonal: multiple antibody species are produced that target multiple locations on spike. →
LjLxx, i'm going to make a very low-effort guess without reading the study or anything: it is specifically about mmWave in the US (5G here isn't any particularly fancy frequencies, it can sit together with 4G), and mmWave is only deployable and meaningful in dense urban areas, as the range is too short for anything else, and that's where you need the insane bandwidth. dense urban areas are probably more likely to have bigger covid spikes in the first place, just due02:20
LjLto the density.02:20
frumiousare you sure you didn't peek?02:21
xxhonestly, I guess I should have read that link, just for consistency, but I actually just dismissed the 5G claims outright instead02:21
xxI've read enough bullshit about it that if someone actually came up with legitimate proof, it would get lost in the noise02:22
LjLfrumious, positive. i looked at the things hyrc linked and after that i had no particular interest in peeking any further02:22
xxjust like there probably is a penis-enlargement pill out there, but the company simply can't manage to market it because it gets shut down for spam every time02:22
frumiousI just mean your guess was close on target02:23
Jigsy[01:22:23] <xx> just like there probably is a penis-enlargement pill out there02:23
LjLfrumious, well the mmWave part was in the title, and i know what mmWave is because i recently bought a 5G phone ;(02:23
JigsyThere is. It's called viagra.02:23
JigsyThough it depends on your definition of "enlarging."02:23
LjLJigsy, i took that as "... a non-temporary penis enlargement pill"02:24
xxviagra helps with covid too, apparently02:24
LjLanyway about the first study hyrc linked, it's funny because peeking in the abstract makes it immediately obvious the study itself doesn't trust itself02:24
LjL"In the 10th decile of recalled cumulative call time, > or =1640 h, the OR was 1.40 (95% CI 1.03-1.89) for glioma, and 1.15 (95% CI 0.81-1.62) for meningioma; but there are implausible values of reported use in this group." and "There were suggestions of an increased risk of glioma at the highest exposure levels, but biases and error prevent a causal interpretation."02:24
BrainstormUpdates for Germany: +9135 cases (now 7.0 million) since 12 hours ago02:38
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Viable mutated viruses that exist early in MOV treatment, or in patients who skip a dose or discontinue treatment, may then become new variants of concern. The arguments for why this is unlikely to happen are not satisfactory enough. →
xxsometimes I feel like Brainstorm only reports tweets from that guy02:39
xxthat guy should do some science instead of sitting on twitter all day02:39
dTalwith a name like that he could start a tyre company02:43
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Why is this important?It potentially adds to the immunity wall built from vaccinations, boosters and prior infections. That the  itself may be less pathogenic. →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Supreme Court throws out National Opera vaccination complaint →
xxdTal: heh I just spotted that03:05
xxwonder if the parents were being funny03:06
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Commentary: Omicron may be the final variant of concern →
xxfinal? We already have some new VoI, no?03:07
xxsome of which will turn into VoC03:07
LjLi don't know, it says "Scientists have been surprised at how the SARS-CoV-2 virus has behaved so far but viruses cannot improve indefinitely, says an immunology researcher."03:13
LjLand i kinda thought that was what evolution's all about03:13
xxlots of scientists don't understand (or don't even believe) evolution03:13
LjLwhat it actually says at the end of the article is "The virus cannot, however, improve indefinitely. The laws of biochemistry mean that the virus will eventually evolve a spike protein that binds to ACE2 as strongly as possible. By that point, the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to spread between people will not be limited by how well the virus can stick to the outside of cells."03:14
LjL... so it will be limited by something else, which it will evolve for?03:15
xxwhich means it will continue improving in other aspects... indefinitely03:15
frumious(pseudo)life finds a way03:16
xx'improving' = collecting mutations that favor larger/faster/whatever spread03:16
LjLto be fair it's true that evolution often "gets entrapped" in local minima (or maxima as you prefer)03:16
LjLbut that's not the same as a claim that something cannot improve indefinitely03:16
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: US pauses distribution of Regeneron, Lilly antibodies over omicron concerns →
LjL"concerns" = they don't work03:17
LjLmolnupiravir though...03:17
xxwhy don't we just equip everyone with flamethrowers and instruct them to point them at anyone closer than 10m?03:18
xxthat should kill the virus03:18
LjLi assume that would include themselves, as you tend to be closer to yourself than 10m03:19
LjLand may harbor viriises03:19
xxwell, you know the old adage03:19
xxGive man a fire, and you'll keep him warm for a night. Set man on fire, and you'll keep him warm for the rest of his life.03:20
LjLadmittedly, i do know that one03:20
xxI was promised a future where we mount flamethrowers on our vehicles, where is it?03:20
LjLin America?03:21
LjLi mean i thought it was in America03:21
xxyou're right, I've seen some trucks that had flamethrowers pointing upwards03:22
LjLthat might tackle avian flu03:22
xxmight tackle avian anything03:22
xxplus you might end up with literal cooked pidgeons landing directly in your mouth, so that's a plus03:23
minthospeople should dress up as spiny sea urchins with 2m spikes, in honor of the spike proteins03:24
LjLi beg to diff-ew03:24
minthosthat will also help against crowding indoors as most doors aren't 4m wide03:24
xxminthos: +103:24
xxI wish people would stay at least 2m away from me on the street anyway, irrelevant of any pandemic03:25
minthosair travel would solve itself03:25
LjLback when taking the metro was a thing for me, i'd sometimes thought of having spikes on my elbow for the ones that can't read the "Let passengers alight before boarding" sign03:25
LjL(i.e. all italians)03:25
LjLbut that was the fantasy. the reality was that i'd say "sorry"03:26
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Hundreds in Australia mistakenly told coronavirus test result was negative when they were positive →
LjLHundreds! As opposed to the likely many more almost everywhere else ;(03:30
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Quebec gathering caps reduced, hospitals shut to visitors as province battles with explosive Omicron wave →
xxLjL: just dress as a homeless guy, people usually give you space then03:39
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Covid-19: Pharmaceutical giants, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in International Criminal Court complaint - The Rio Times →
LjLwhat's going on with r/covid19 tonight03:53
xxsame thing as every night03:54
LjLhm i think i recently changed the feed from the default to rising.rss, that must be why03:58
LjLalthough these are more like sinking than rising03:58
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Support for Japan PM up as voters welcome his COVID measures →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: For third day, COVID-19 crimps Americans’ holiday travels →
BrainstormUpdates for China: +199 cases (now 113943) since 8 hours ago — Netherlands: +318 cases (now 3.1 million) since 11 hours ago04:37
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: 'This virus will ultimately become endemic': Scientists find key in alpha variant to fight omicron →
user27seem to be a whole new zombie of anti-vax'ers with Omicron04:51
user27same tired arguments04:51
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: ANOTHER RECORD: Nearly 50,000 new COVID cases in NY →
sdfgsdfghyrc ? oh he's gone05:17
sdfgsdfgmaybe he wanted to cite this paper :D05:17
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: No sailors on a navy ship have needed hospitalization after Covid outbreak →
sdfgsdfginteresting.. he is a specialist in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, and the effects of low-intensity microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (MWV-EMF) on the human body.05:21
lastshellhow things going on ?05:25
sdfgsdfgthings aren't moving fast enough05:28
lastshellis like the calm before the storm or maybe there is no more storm :D05:29
sdfgsdfg"wont stop the variant" could mean so many things05:29
sdfgsdfgthat article made me angry again05:29
lastshellI wonder how filter articles05:29
sdfgsdfgit first checks if you have a history of searching alex jones and adds those to the list ? :P05:30
lastshellrelated to that
sdfgsdfg"only 45% after 10 weeks"05:31
sdfgsdfgconsidering the length of covid waves, a city like london can spend more than a season under a big wave...05:32
sdfgsdfg10 weeks is crap05:32
lastshellin sense is bad or doesn't matter ?05:34
sdfgsdfgI think it's good, if government can send special forces at homes and forcibly jab people every 10 weeks05:36
lastshellto be honest people are not happy that they need to get a vax every N months05:37
lastshellcreate a trust issue with the vaccine efficasy05:37
sdfgsdfgI think israel lost almost 10% of people with following doses.. or something similar05:38
sdfgsdfgevery booster dose already costs a % of trust05:38
lastshellI'm vaxxed and boosterized, but is very common to see this memes
sdfgsdfgwe can probably keep up this game until dose #7, a few more can be done with the promise of a vaccine that will work on every variant05:41
lastshellI don't thing the govverment is very upfront about the situation with Covid and the vaccine05:41
sdfgsdfgshow that it works on a few more mutations and you have yourself another great marketing campaign05:41
lastshellI was reading this article the other day
lastshella vaccine that covers many variants will be good05:42
lastshellI hope the virus mutate to a less killer version and we can go back to normal05:44
mrdatait is as likely to become more deadly05:47
lastshellwhy mrdata?05:52
mrdatawhy not?05:55
mrdatawhat is the evoutionary pressure to make it more or less deadly?05:57
mrdatawith covid, it kills you well after you have finished passing it on to others05:58
lastshellspanish flu is less deadly ?05:58
lastshellin general virus want to spend more time with the host, not killed05:58
mrdata"want" isnt the right word there05:59
mrdatait has no wants05:59
lastshellbut you know what I mean05:59
mrdatafitness for the virus lets it be communicated to more people06:00
mrdatasometimes a more deadly virus can burn itself out06:00
mrdataif, for example, it kills a whole village before it can get out to neighbours06:01
mrdatabut this one takes a few weeks to kill, usually. which is plenty of time06:01
lastshelllike ebola ? that kills faster ?06:01
mrdataan example evolutionary pressure that might matter, is human response. if it is very deadly we work hard to stamp it out06:02
mrdataif it is not so deadly, we dont work as hard06:02
mrdatabut each mutation can affect that in any direction06:03
LjLi think you're already wrong when you say "in general, a virus"06:03
LjLthere are viruses of all sorts that behave in all sorts of way06:04
LjLmany of them have been around for a long time06:04
LjLclearly there's not just one winning strategy06:04
lastshellI wonder if the doctors know what makes asymptomatic vs symptomatic06:07
lastshellthat will be a huge win06:07
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: I took N.J.’s free at-home COVID test. It might not be as easy as you think. →
winningstrategy[The Winning Strategy To End The Corona Virus COVID Pandemic Is Fasting, Not Vaccine06:07
winningstrategy[To know more, you can read my new book Fasting Like Jesus, Buddha To End The Corona Virus NCOVID Pandemic Event:
lastshelloh boy ...06:08
mrdatathere may be some mumble around demographics, ethnicity, age06:08
mrdatait isnt clear to me06:08
mrdatasome blood types might have a rougher time06:08
lastshellwhich ones mrdata ?06:09
mrdatahuman immune system is complex06:09
mrdatalastshell, i have not been able to corroborate what i was told06:10
mrdataso it's rumor06:10
lastshellso is like the fasting like jesus rumor06:10
sdfgsdfgfasting does have an incredible boosting effect on immune system06:11
sdfgsdfgby the way06:11
mrdataa prophylactic or treatment?06:11
lastshellyeah I was just been sarcastic because some dude post a ebook06:11
sdfgsdfgmaybe we should starve the ICU patients :P06:11
lastshellsadly fasting require also endurance06:12
lastshelland depends how often you exercise06:12
lastshellI recently not able todo to many fasting because I do exercise almost all day06:12
lastshellhunger is crazy06:12
sdfgsdfgif you can fast like buddha or jesus.....06:13
lastshellthe more I fasting is 16 hrs06:13
lastshellIm 6 feet and 200 pounds06:13
lastshellI can't hold to much06:13
sdfgsdfgapparently buddha was 6 ft tall as well06:15
sdfgsdfgHe was about six feet tall (S.I,62) and when young, before his renunciation, had long black hair and a beard (M.I,163). All sources agree that he was particularly good-looking. The brahman Sonadaõóa described him as ‘handsome, of fine appearance, pleasant to see, with a good complexion and a beautiful form and countenance’ (D.I,114). These natural good looks were further enhanced by his deep inner calm.06:15
sdfgsdfgThank you for your email of 10 April 2021 with your concerns on the use of ethylene oxide to sterilise swabs used in testing for Covid-19. The sterilisation process consists of a number of highly controlled and monitored stages, including removing ethylene oxide after treating the swabs. The amount of residual EO that is allowed has been set (by the international standard ISO 10993-7:2008) according to contact time of the medical device with the06:23
sdfgsdfg person........In the highly unlikely event that a swab does contain a residual amount above the allowable limit, the risk to the user is still considered to be very low.06:23
Brainstormsdfgsdfg: From Freedom of Information request on use of ethylene oxide to sterilise swabs used in testing for Covid-19 - GOV.UK06:24
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Evolution of enhanced innate immune evasion by SARS-CoV-2 →
BrainstormUpdates for New York, United States: +82350 cases (now 3.2 million), +43 deaths (now 58980) since a day ago — Ohio, United States: +20917 cases (now 1.9 million) since a day ago — California, United States: +20794 cases (now 5.3 million), +13 deaths (now 76139) since a day ago — Bahia, Brazil: +4065 cases (now 1.3 million) since 23 hours ago06:29
user27yep, same old tired arguments06:36
sdfgsdfg.cases uk06:36
Brainstormsdfgsdfg: United Kingdom has had 12.0 million confirmed cases (18.0% of all people) and 148324 deaths (1.2% of cases; 1 in 448 people) as of a day ago. 395.6 million tests were done (3.0% positive). 51.6 million were vaccinated (77.7%). +567 cases since 22 hours ago. See
user27"people" blah blah06:36
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Immunogenicity and Safety Following a Homologous Booster Dose of a SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein vaccine (NVX-CoV2373): A Phase 2 Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Omicron Is Pushing America Into Soft Lockdown →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: ‘Magic’ weight-loss pills and Covid cures: Dr. Oz under the microscope →
Malvoliohow to cheer up and stay positive.07:16
Malvoliook i am looking forward to the next thing and. it's gonna be wonderful and good and i will be happy. one must not let isolation and loneliness get to oneself. you can socialize. it's great. wonderful. so many good things.07:19
MalvolioU_U good night sweet drams this time for sure07:24
BrainstormUpdates for New Caledonia: +65 cases (now 12646) since 3 days ago07:31
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Pathology clinic sends another 995 negative COVID-19 results in error, Sydney, Australia →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Covid: Travel chaos spills into new week →
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Australia records first Omicron death, authorities stick to reopening plan →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: China’s Covid-19 surge continues with 150 new cases in Xian epicentre →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Thread | December 27, 2021: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
BrainstormUpdates for Maharashtra, India: +1648 cases (now 6.7 million), +17 deaths (now 141433) since 23 hours ago — Delhi, India: +290 cases (now 1.4 million), +1 deaths (now 25105) since 23 hours ago — Haryana, India: +92 cases (now 772633) since 23 hours ago — Rajasthan, India: +62 cases (now 955480) since 23 hours ago09:30
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express (Health): Food & Wine: Suresh Raina enjoys the ‘season of sarson ka saag’; here’s a recipe you can try →
sdfgsdfg^ lol09:52
sdfgsdfgsuresh raina's chicken tiqqa masala09:52
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Singapore must expect new wave of Covid-19 cases in coming days due to Omicron: Lawrence Wong →
sdfgsdfg"the risk following COVID-19 vaccination was largely restricted to younger males aged less than 40 years, where the risks of myocarditis following vaccination and infection were similar. However, the notable exception was that in younger males receiving a second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine, the risk of myocarditis was higher following vaccination than infection, with an additional 101 events estimated following a second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine10:25
sdfgsdfg compared to 7 events following a positive SARS-CoV-2 test"10:25
Brainstormsdfgsdfg: From Risk of myocarditis following sequential COVID-19 vaccinations by age and sex | medRxiv10:26
sdfgsdfghere we go10:26
sdfgsdfgCI:  Infection: 2.02 (1.13 - 3.61) --- Dose 1: 1.66 (1.14 - 3.41) --- Dose 2: 3.41 (2.44 - 4.78) --- Dose 3: 7.60 (1.92 - 30.15)10:29
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: China’s local Covid-19 cases edge higher as Xian remains in lockdown →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Record 100,000 Covid infections registered in France in 24 hours →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Tsitsipas respects Djokovic’s privacy over Covid vaccination ahead of Australian Open →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_ITALIA: Le storie dei No vax in rianimazione: «Hanno paura che li vacciniamo mentre dormono» - Open →
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: In under-vaccinated Congo, fourth Covid wave floods hospitals →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Covid-hit Xi'an tightens measures as China sees 21-month case record →
BrainstormUpdates for Libya: +881 cases (now 386279), +14 deaths (now 5665), +5797 tests (now 2.0 million) since a day ago — Nepal: +251 cases (now 827522), +1 deaths (now 11586), +9157 tests (now 4.8 million) since a day ago12:06
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Record 100,000 Covid infections registered in France in 24 hours →
sdfgsdfg"The Sheba Medical Centre study in Ramat Gan outside Tel Aviv “will zero in on efficacy of the vaccine in producing antibodies, and safety, in order to ascertain if a fourth vaccine is needed in general”, a spokesman said."12:08
sdfgsdfglol, fourth dose and the following research on efficacy begins12:09
sdfgsdfgon large scale ?12:09
sdfgsdfg"Some 63% of Israel’s 9.4 million population have received the first two vaccine doses, according to ministry data. Almost 45% have also received a third dose, or booster shot. "12:10
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids →
BrainstormUpdates for Germany: +10007 cases (now 7.0 million) since 22 hours ago12:31
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Steve Miller (@SteveMillerOC): South Africa’s first wave after vaccinating ~60% of the most at risk age group has peak daily deaths ~70% lower than their fist wave and 87% lower than Delta.(which means total deaths declined by more than that)It’s not just the vaccination. [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from BioNTech: BioNTech to Present at the 40th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: MAINZ, Germany, December 27, 2021 — BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX, “BioNTech” or “the Company”) announced today that CEO and Co-founder Ugur Sahin, [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Delta Air Lines’ flight to Shanghai turned back because of COVID-19 rules →
BrainstormUpdates for Fiji: +208 cases (now 53023), +856 tests (now 470510) since 3 days ago — Bangladesh: +373 cases (now 1.6 million), +1 deaths (now 28061), +17271 tests (now 11.4 million) since 23 hours ago — Macau: +1 cases (now 78), +49 tests (now 5068) since 21 days ago13:33
BrainstormNew from The Indian Express: World: Israel tests 4th Covid vaccine dose, awaits ministry green light →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Covid Fact Check UK (@fact_covid): Sky News understands there are no plans for the prime minister to make an announcement today on tightening restrictions following a COVID data briefing.… →
BrainstormUpdates for Qatar: +343 cases (now 248435), +1 deaths (now 616), +5527 tests (now 3.1 million) since 19 hours ago — Gibraltar: +72 cases (now 8220), +571 tests (now 444210) since 23 hours ago14:10
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: Weekly Scientific Discussion Thread - December 27, 2021: This weekly thread is for scientific discussion pertaining to COVID-19. Please post questions about the science of this virus and disease here to collect them for others and clear up post space for [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Taiwan changes COVID-19 testing rules for travelers, migrant workers →
BrainstormUpdates for Germany: +10084 cases (now 7.0 million) since 22 hours ago14:35
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Gunhild Alvik Nyborg (@GANyborg): Note "Suggested interventions""Continue to strongly recommend COVID-19 vaccination for children age 5 and up and boosters for those eligible"Why is @Folkehelseinst not recommending vaccines, approved by EMA, for kids? Science supports this as safe & [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Denmark: +15525 cases (now 715133), +7 deaths (now 3217), +299779 tests (now 105.3 million) since 23 hours ago — Iceland: +2253 cases (now 24340), +14408 tests (now 1.3 million) since 4 days ago — Saudi Arabia: +524 cases (now 553319), +1 deaths (now 8872), +75682 tests (now 32.9 million) since 23 hours ago15:00
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Omicron Cases Pass U.S. Peak Seen With Delta, But With Fewer Hospitalizations →
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: No new Covid rules to be announced in England on Monday: The PM is being briefed on the latest Covid data soon, after two days without published figures. →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Our covid times :-( →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD): Age-adjusted rates of Covid associated hospitalizations by vaccine status. Adults over age 18. Data from Jan-Nov 2021 h/t @WHCOS →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Prof. Akiko Iwasaki (@VirusesImmunity): In #longCOVID patients, “exercise capacity was primarily limited by impaired systemic EO2 of such severity that what should have been an adequate increase in DO2 was insufficient to allow for an increase in VO2.” Via @YalePCCSM [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Jon Favreau (@jonfavs): As a parent who’s been extra worried about our unvaccinated 1-year-old since the arrival of Omicron, I found this @ProfEmilyOster analysis of the data very helpful:… →
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: The omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern does not readily infect Syrian hamsters →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Every week @UKHSA publishes an extensive report on variants, transmission, vaccine effectiveness, and… As do many other countries. Here is the @CDCgov report full content →
BrainstormUpdates for Switzerland: +35970 cases (now 1.3 million) since 3 days ago — Netherlands: +11437 cases (now 3.1 million), +12 deaths (now 21193) since 17 hours ago17:36
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Prof. Shane Crotty (@profshanecrotty): Our conventional understanding of GCs is that they are islands. The GC B cells are confined to an individual GC, and they evolve in isolation. →
xxsyrian hamsters?18:09
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Boris Johnson will impose no further Covid restrictions before new year →
lastshellhow many vaxx until covid ends ?18:12
xxvaxx won't end rona, hygiene will18:13
lastshellI thing we need to just get the rona18:13
xxand people will only start observing proper hygiene and protection once there is a variant that actually kills a worrying number of people18:14
lastshelland wish for the best18:14
xxlike, if covid actually killed 20% of infected across the board, you bet they'd stay at home and use masks outside properly18:14
xxinstead they now view omicron as a minor case of sniffles18:15
lastshellI hope some smart guy/gal find what is the trick from symptomatic vs asymptomatic18:16
lastshellthat will be key to end this nonsense18:16
lastshellis there any science that can explain that ? why some people are asymptomatic ?18:17
lastshell"Findings  In this systematic review and meta-analysis of 95 unique studies with 29 776 306 individuals undergoing testing, the pooled percentage of asymptomatic infections was 0.25% among the tested population and 40.50% among the population with confirmed COVID-19."18:19
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Now a 4th study, also in the Syrian hamster model, shows markedly diminished Omicron replication, infectivity,  and pathology in the lungs compared with the D614G strain @KU_Leuven…… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): ICYMI, on 12/23, the last news day before a long holiday break, FDA approved the viral mutagen molnupiravir as an at-home COVID19 drug. It sounds worrisome because it is. I wrote in the @washingtonpost that immunoevasive variants could arise from its [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Greece: +9284 cases (now 1.1 million), +67 deaths (now 20496), +95147 tests (now 45.3 million) since a day ago — Italy: +30799 cases (now 5.7 million), +142 deaths (now 136753), +343968 tests (now 135.7 million) since a day ago18:39
BrainstormNew from r/COVID19: COVID19: Potential implications of lipid nanoparticles in the pathogenesis of myocarditis associated with the use of mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Well FDA has now made a decision, and distressingly, it was the wrong one, to grant EUA to molnupiravir. There is now news to cover. The most shocking thing about the EUA is that FDA explicitly recognizes that antibody-evading mutants could arise, and [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for United Kingdom: +251063 cases (now 12.2 million) since 2 days ago — Montenegro: +581 cases (now 163954), +1 deaths (now 2395), +2532 tests (now 957504) since a day ago — Cuba: +128 cases (now 964857), +1 deaths (now 8321), +56141 tests (now 11.6 million) since a day ago19:03
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Despite encouraging lab and animal studies on Omicron's potential reduced pathogenicity, there's still plenty to worry about, especially in the US—70 million people unvaccinated, including children—the immunocompromised (>3%), even w/ 3-doses—the unknowns [... want %more?] →
LjL-MatrixWhen looking at FFP2 masks I saw some that claim they have 3 layers, some 4 (not many), some 5. It's not always stated what the layers are, but anyway if I try to google it I find... many such masks but no explanation of what the layers are supposed to be. Any clue? Just marketing?19:09
xxas long as they are certified, it's fine19:10
xxthough about 2 years ago I said screw it and have worn a proper mask with replaceable filters instead19:10
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Theo Sanderson (@theosanderson): Omicron supreme ~everywhere →
xxI'd almost pity the people who refuse to wear proper masks "because they look ugly"19:17
xxfinancially, a proper mask with replaceable filters beats every other solution19:17
xxbut again, people probably just wear the same one respirator since the start of the pandemic...19:17
TuvixThat's what I ended up being gifted (a replacable filter mask.) ≥98% filtration down to 0.1 micron, which is slightly smaller than SARS-CoV2 virus at about 0.15 microns.19:18
LjL-Matrixxx: to be fair there are FFP2 certified masks that are very different (as in clearly much better or worse) than others, so I wouldn't say just being certified is fine...19:19
TuvixNice TPU shell and filters you can buy in single-use packaging (well, 2 filters each pack) and you just replace based on your mask usage rate.19:19
xxLjL-Matrix: achieving ffp2 is easy, it's just that some of those masks are almost ffp319:20
xxthat's how ffp2 masks differ between each other19:20
LjL-MatrixA 3M Aura tries to pry my eyes open when I put it up, but it has very clearly better seals and also better hydrophobic material inside than random KN95 masks (only I can't use Aura for my parents because blah blah straps behind the head and too claustrophobic)19:20
xxI've even been told before that all manufacturers aim for ffp3 material, and do batch testing, and based on results label it as ffp3 if it's good or ffp2 if it's not good enough19:21
LjL-Matrixxx: yeah but for example if some of the internal layers are properly hydrophobic I think it does make a difference because, well especially when there's almost 100% humidity like now, they can get *very* humid inside and an Aura will just have drops "sliding" inside without getting wet, other ones will get wet19:22
xxthat's why valved masks are better19:22
LjL-Matrixxx: that does seem like and I've never really aimed for FFP3 in particular just because other things like fit and, like, not having HOLES in it due to impression printing (does happen!) would be way more important19:23
LjL-Matrixxx: I know but I'm buying more FFP2 masks now because they're making them compulsory on public transport and in schools, so they'll quickly be sold out I think, but the mandate is for valveless masks, it's generally *very* frowned upon here to use valved ones and they may not let you into various places. I know it's stupid...19:24
TuvixAh, apparently the TPU & replacable filter mask I have does ship to "some international countries using DHL Express Worldwide" if you wanted something with a sealing, filter replacable option:
xxwhat I do is have a valved mask, and then put a surgical mask over the valve19:25
BrainstormNew from COVID19 Vaccine Tracker: valerie: AnGes: AG0302-COVID19 →
TuvixIt's got no formal US ratings, but aims to meet, and actually well exceed based on the local state university independent testing, the NIOSH requirements on particule capture.19:26
xxI've seen people write 'ffp2' using a black marker on masks in order to comply with mandates...19:27
xxI expect that to be very common19:27
BrainstormUpdates for Israel: +2717 cases (now 1.4 million) since 23 hours ago — Canada: +10136 cases (now 2.0 million), +4 deaths (now 30207) since 21 hours ago19:35
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Second, this is not just a scientific issue. In fact, as a drug to treat a pandemic with a risk of making it worse, it is primarily *not* a scientific issue. We don't have lab scientists (PhDs, generally) making decisions about whether and when to [... want %more?] →
Juerd19:21 < xx> I've even been told before that all manufacturers aim for ffp3 material, and do batch testing,19:37
Juerdxx: I don't know about all manufacturers, but I do know about 3M Auras. The FFP3 ones are heavier.19:37
xxI'm talking about the first stage of making the material, even before it has all the imprints on it19:38
JuerdI don't think they are made heavier after batch testing, so they probably do have different ways of making them :)19:38
* Juerd cuts one open to see if it has more layers19:38
xxI should have kept some old ones, instead of incinerating them19:39
JuerdI keep old ones for occasions like this :)19:41
xxI avoid the old ones like they're infected with ebola19:43
JuerdAnyway, the ffp3 one seems to have 2 thicker meltblown layers, and the ffp2 one seems to have 4 thinner meltblown layers19:44
Juerd(Samples taken from 9322+ and 9332+, which are ffp2 and ffp3 respectively, both valved)19:50
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): The 3rd vaccine shot (booster) substantially helps protect against Omicron symptomatic infections (VE ~70-75%). A mechanism for this may be related to the breadth of memory B-cell response, not seen from a 2-dose… →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: France further tightens COVID measures, but no curfew for New Year's Eve →
hirogenstarting to think vaccines leave behind some strange side effects20:22
BrainstormUpdates for Cyprus: +1925 cases (now 152685), +2 deaths (now 630) since 23 hours ago20:31
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: No further restrictions in England before New Year, Sajid Javid confirms →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Merck's first human data release (data, not top-line news) occurred in the FDA docs on 11/29, which were followed by the AMDAC meeting the next day. Not only was that right after Thanksgiving, it was also when Omicron first arose and everyone was busy [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Throughout the pandemic, Puerto Rico prevented outbreaks better than any US state. Then came Omicron. →
LjL-MatrixJuerd: 3M Auras are basically a completely different beast from the random KN95 one finds20:57
JuerdYes. KN95 isn't regulated anyway. It is legal and common for manufacturers to put that designation on the mask without independent certification.20:58
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Thus we just witnessed a rushed stealth EUA: Merck released what little data they had days after Omicron, FDA made a decision within a month while the press was busy dealing with Omicron, and FDA released the EUA the day before the most important [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Turkey: +24129 cases (now 9.3 million), +157 deaths (now 81733), +362535 tests (now 117.2 million) since 20 hours ago21:08
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: News Scan for Dec 27, 2021: COVID-19 and poor pregnancy outcomes Two Listeria outbreaks Vaccine-derived polio in Africa →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Covid Fact Check UK (@fact_covid): Another fantastically informative thread from @ChrisCEOHopson on how the NHS is currently coping with COVID-19 and other pressures.… →
LjLJuerd, in Europe KN95s must be re-certified as FFP2 but there have been all sorts of scams or near-scams anyway21:33
BrainstormUpdates for France: +30383 cases (now 9.3 million), +256 deaths (now 123883) since 23 hours ago — Djibouti: +21 cases (now 13593), +307 tests (now 257259) since a day ago21:33
LjLand i find it suspicious there's like 40 qualified lab (just guessing a number, but i have the list) but 99% of masks are certified by 3-4 of them21:33
Juerd2163 is highly suspect in my opinion21:34
Arsaneritis 2163 that the estimated year for when the pandemic is over ?   ;)21:35
JuerdArsanerit: Ouch21:35
TuvixI'd happily settle for significantly reduced impact, yet despite very effective vaccines, most locations are just not at a high enough adoption rate to make enough of a dent to slow this down to managable levels.21:37
Arsanerit+ improved hospital capacity and therapy + a cure for long covid21:38
TuvixWell, right, that's all part of managing it. We could just say tripple hospital & outpatient worldwide, but that's not really a near-term fix, and also sounds crazy expensive.21:39
xxTuvix: I'm not convinced vaccines slow the spread21:39
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Puerto Rico went from <3/100,000 to >160/100,000, a >50X, in less than 2 weeks (these are 7-day averages)Even if only a small % get very sick......28% of residents are unvaccinated (and that's lower than 45 US states) Respect Omicron's potential for harm. →
xxin fact, they might accelerate it, because vaccinated people don't need to show recent tests to go to places21:39
Tuvixxx: Spread isn't part of managing it necessarily. The common cold spreads a lot, but doesn't typically require hospitalizations to manage as an obvious counter-point. Spread isn't bad necessarily, _if_ it's at managable levels, which is what our point was.21:40
TuvixHospitals that are full and reducing quality of care across the board? That's not even close to managing.21:40
xxwell I know how to fix the hospital problem too, but nobody listens to me21:40
Arsaneritxx: how?21:40
xxdon't admit unvaccinated people21:40
TuvixThat's flat out not legal in my country, and many others.21:41
Arsaneritwho has the burden of proof in your proposal?21:41
ArsaneritWhat if I'm vaccinated but I don't have my certificate on me?21:41
xxdon't really care, the antivax people will not bother faking it21:41
ArsaneritThere are plenty of fakes.21:41
ArsaneritIn Germany there is a lucrative trade in fake vaccination certificates.21:41
xxplenty, yes, enough to make it a problem for hospitals? no21:41
ArsaneritBut my question was, if I don't have my vaccination certificate on me and I get a traffic accident, do I get admitted into your hospital?21:42
xxwe're talking about tens of thousands of fakes, compared to tens of millions of actually unvaccinated21:42
xxArsanerit: I meant don't admit people suffering from covid into hospitals21:42
xxif they are unvaccinated21:42
ArsaneritThat is a different statement.21:42
ArsaneritGood that nobody listens to you.21:43
xxwould save a lot of work for hospitals, and finally give a small bit of rest to the staff21:43
xxsave a lot of money too21:43
Spec_is that like refusing treatment to people in traffic accidents that don't wear seatbelts?21:43
xxmeh, sure, why not21:44
TuvixOnce again you have rather non sequitur comments that are both impractical and lack basic understanding of how systems (like hospitals) function in the real world.21:44
ArsaneritIt would save even more money to treat nobody at all.21:44
xxArsanerit: finally we agree on something21:44
Spec_the numbers would look good21:44
xxTuvix: maybe how they work is not how they should work21:44
xxI don't believe everyone should have access to healthcare21:45
lastshellxx why ?21:45
xxbecause healthcare prolongs people's lives21:45
TuvixThen go run for political office or on the board of a major hotpital system and be the change you want to see. Hell, an 8-year medical education might actually help reshape some of your frankly nonsense opinions.21:45
lastshellI guess that is a good thing unless you are not pro-life21:45
xxTuvix: I actually have a year of med school behind me, long ago though21:46
xxcouldn't take the nonsense21:46
ArsaneritDid they kick you out because you didn't want to take the hippocratic oath?21:46
xxyeah, something like that21:46
xxeffective I said I do not wish to treat some patients, and they said "well tough shit, that's the job"21:46
Arsaneritit is21:46
xxit shouldn't be21:47
Arsaneritwhen an attempted suicide bomber has survived but injured 10 people including himself, and he is the worst hit, he gets first treatment21:47
xxhealthcare workers shouldn't be treated as subhumans who have no right to choose21:47
xxthey are not slaves21:47
TuvixTriage is a real thing. It just doesn't work like how you seem to think it "should."21:47
xxand I honestly find it disgusting how people treat healthcare workers21:47
xxI couldn't take it21:48
xxlastshell: I'm pro-death21:48
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): Essentially I've analyzed each of them and found all lacking some essential understanding, e.g. on drug biodistribution, the lack of viral suppression early in treatment, the unprecedented use of a mutagen on a highly contagious disease, that rare [... want %more?] →
xxi.e. don't prolong people's lives21:49
ecksweird choice to pick medical school21:50
xxwell I quit/was kicked out21:50
ArsaneritMaybe xx wanted to invent a virus that wipes out all of humanity.21:50
ArsaneritNot sure if med school would be the best career path for that.21:51
xxwhat would? (not a serious question)21:51
ArsaneritI think you'd need a multidisciplinary team.21:51
ArsaneritAnd probably a virologist will tell you this is not possible except in science fiction.21:51
minthosI wouldn't mind if omicron got a bit more deadly, to clear out some stupidity21:52
xxanyway, if you tell me that people's feelings of entitlement and expectations are warranted that a doctor should do everything possible to save their life, even at the expense of the doctors own well being, without the person actually doing anything towards their own health, then...21:52
minthosscience progresses one funeral at a time21:52
ArsaneritI wouldn't mind if omicron became very mild, to make the stupidity not so harmful to society.21:52
ArsaneritThe doctor's own well-being is not harmed by the patient but by their employment conditions.21:53
ecksthere is a slight difference between "doing everything possible at the expense of the doctor's own well-being" and "pro-death"21:53
xxI just can't take this prevalent view of "Doctor, you are my slave, I demand you fix my bad decisions in life"21:53
simpletoneveryone I know has covid21:53
ecksor rather, there is a spectrum21:53
ArsaneritWith enough staff, the doctor and nurses can do 8 hour shifts and don't need to become totally overworked.21:53
Arsaneritsimpleton: where are you located?21:53
simpletonToronto Ontario area21:53
xxand sadly schools are trying to churn out slaves like that21:53
Arsaneritsimpleton: how many people do you know?21:53
simpletonabout 3021:54
Arsaneritand all have covid?  impressive.  Do you?21:54
xxArsanerit: how do you not even consider the fact that even in an 8 hour shift, having 10 non-vaccinated patients die on you will take a mental toll?21:54
simpletonI am pretty sure i did but due to high demand for testing I wasn't able to get a test for 7 days and I felt fully recovered after day 5(yesterday)21:54
xxcompared to those people dying at home, away from the doctors mind21:55
Arsaneritxx: it will take a mental toll21:55
xxlike seriously, nobody even thinks about the doctors anymore21:55
Arsaneritxx: but then saving other people's lives (vaccinated or not) probably gives them some motivation again?21:55
Arsaneritxx: I don't think many doctors agree with you, so not sure if your appeal to the doctor's interests will work for your argument.21:56
TuvixYou clearly listen to a lot different sources of news and pandemic information than I do; the impact on healthcare staff including for proposed policy changes impacting my areas is a common point of discussion. I guess this must be a bunch of "nobodies" talking about it, then?21:56
xxsome doctors actually agree with me, though usually only after a great many drinks, away from other doctors who could hear them21:56
ArsaneritI also hear quite a lot about doctors and nurses in the media, not quite as much about other healthcare workers.21:56
ArsaneritPeople are not reliable after many drinks.21:57
simpletonthats why i stick to pot21:57
simpletondrinking impairs too much21:57
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Unvaccinated father-of-seven, 50, dies of Covid after he 'didn't get round to having jab' - spurring wife, 45, who 'didn't believe in vaccine' to book her first dose →
simpletonI lost an uncle to covid already21:59
simpletonhe was into natrriopathic medicine and said the vaccines were experimental and dangerous21:59
simpletonand now he's dead21:59
simpletonmodern medicine in general is experimental, but it's better than relying on things we have lifetime health history until death from a large sample of people22:00
simpletonlike if everything took 90 years to get approved we would be far worse off than we are now22:01
simpletonI am alive because of clinical trials I was dying22:02
xxthat's the issue for some antivax people, things used to take "90 years" to approve, but suddenly a year is enough?22:02
simpletonbut they are the ones mostly dying22:03
minthosthat's another issue, the cost in lives of making approval costly and slow vs. the harm of approving drugs that shouldn't be22:03
simpletonmy family has a history of long lives that wouldn't have happened without clinical trials for things that are now approved treatments22:04
minthosI think the pr cost of wrongful approvals is disproportionately high compared to the benefit of more and cheaper drugs/treatments, similar to the outrageous pr cost of nuclear power22:05
BrainstormNew from r/WorldNews: worldnews: Price tag to vaccinate the world: $7 billion. And the U.S. is already coming up short. →
minthoswe happily destroy ecosystems and people's lungs with coal and oil, but one nuclear reactor meltdown and suddenly nuclear is the devil22:09
simpletonnuclear meltdowns are caused by human error, not the technology itself22:09
simpletonplanes used to go down all the time, every time one goes down we learn why and it doesn't happen for the same reason again22:10
Arsaneritthat's one hope for self-driving cars22:10
Arsaneritthere will still be accidents, but in theory all self-driving cars can learn from every accident22:10
simpletonthe problem with self driving cars is for it to be safe, everyone needs a self driving car22:11
BrainstormUpdates for Aruba: +248 cases (now 17896) since 23 hours ago22:11
Arsaneritnuclear meltdowns are quite rare, but why invest in a technology that still depends on government subsidies 70 years after it has been invented?22:11
simpletonbecause it's more clean and sustainable22:11
Arsaneritsimpleton: for safety that isn't needed, but for progress probably so; a self-driving car in some places would probably stand at the roundabout forever because other drivers are too agressive to engage safely22:11
minthosnot true simpleton, it just makes it harder to make them safe - not impossible22:11
Arsaneritsimpleton: wind is much cheaper22:12
ArsaneritHinkley Point C has a strike price of an estimated £50 billion and who knows when it will be finished22:12
simpletonsure, but it requires a lot more space and it must be specifically appropriate space22:13
simpletonanyone can build a nuclear reactor anywhere pretty much22:13
ArsaneritNo fully privately funded nuclear power plant has ever been built.22:13
simpletonthat the public knows about22:13
ArsaneritNuclear power only survives due to government subsidies, in particular military interest.22:14
ArsaneritI'm not against nuclear power in principle, but I think it has its time.22:14
simpletonI am a nuclear physics hobbiest22:15
Arsanerit*has had its time22:15
darsieoops nm22:15
ArsaneritThe mass energy density of the nuclear fuel is impressive, but the mass energy density of the solar power fuel is infinite.22:15
simpletonbut this is going off topic a lot22:15
ArsaneritIt is.22:16
TuvixWell, not quite infinite, but quite close. We're not going to see a Dyson Sphere anytime soon…22:16
simpletonthe problem with solar power is that we can't monopolize it, or make it scarcer, leading to widespread adoption driving prices so far down they are negative22:16
minthosnuclear is also great for providing dependable power 24/7, but the political will isn't there so it hasn't been given enough investment to make it cheap22:16
ArsaneritTuvix: The mass of solar radiation is zero, so its  mass energy density goes to infinity.22:17
Arsaneritsimpleton: Who are "we" in that sentence?22:17
Arsaneritminthos: Nuclear has been given plenty of investment in the past 70 years.22:17
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, PhD-MD  (@michaelzlin): so with luck COVID19 may be over before we even switch our funding sources. Our reputation and survival is not dependent on our success in COVID19 work (yet — hopefully we can avoid that). More details are in the mega-thread… →
ArsaneritThorium not so much, but nuclear fission a lot, in particular by the nuclear weapon owning countries.22:17
minthosthe cost has been rising, not decreasing22:18
simpletonnuclear weapons are bad, but if you have one people will not attack you22:18
Arsaneritsimpleton: then why is there still war in Kashmir?22:19
Arsaneritthat's rather a risky bet to take, "if you have one people will not attack you".22:20
ArsaneritArgentina also attacked the British Falkland Isles at a time Britain was a nuclear power.22:20
minthoswe're definitely going to blow ourselves up22:21
simpletonnow that we have supersonic ICMBs MAD isn't really as big a probloem anymore. Also Kashmir is a problem where the targets are too close for safety22:21
simpletonyou can't nuke someone when you will irradiate yourself in the process22:21
minthosI think covid proved that we can't rely on logic22:23
ArsaneritWe knew that well before covid.22:23
ArsaneritWe've known of the ecological consequences of our environmental crimes for decades but action is minimal.22:24
ArsaneritHumans have been harming the biosphere for tens of thousands of years.22:24
ArsaneritWe've just gotten "better" at recently, in particular since the industrial revolution.22:25
minthosreminded is a better word than proved22:25
Arsanerit"shows once again"22:25
Tuvix10k's of years? Yes. It's been quite recent that we've been changing it _this_ much though. Randall has a great graphic illustrating that point:
xxy'all might be interested in then22:27
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Flu season and COVID-19 are adding to stresses at Cincinnati Children's →
ArsaneritTuvix: At the latest with making the big grazers and predators outside Africa extinct we have had a large impact.22:28
ArsaneritTuvix: According to some theories, the extinction of the big grazers in north Asia, to which humans contributed significantly, had such a big impact that Siberia changed from a park-like landscape to a dense forest, decreasing the albedo of the planet and warming the climate.22:28
Arsaneritxx: Are you a member?22:29
xxdoes it even have membership?22:29
BrainstormUpdates for Gabon: +831 cases (now 38870), +1 deaths (now 287) since 4 days ago — Congo: +599 cases (now 20089) since 6 days ago — Liberia: +299 cases (now 6228) since 6 days ago — Central African Rep.: +202 cases (now 12163) since 14 days ago22:29
minthosxx: I haven't bred yet but I generally think I should do my part to fight against the dumbening of humanity22:38
minthosby breeding as much as I can22:39
minthosI just haven't made it a priority, I value my spare time too much22:39
dTalwhat makes you think you have smart genes22:41
minthosother people22:41
dTalI've met lots of dumb people and they all think they're smarter than average too22:42
dTalso that's not very strong empirical evidence22:42
minthosI know I'm dumb, but I'm smart enough to understand how astonishingly dumb most people are22:43
dTalbesides, I'm pretty sure at this point that smart/stupid has a lot more to do with the environment you're brought up in than your genes22:43
minthospulling the average up doesn't take much22:44
minthosof course, upbringing and education are an integral part of human evolution22:45
minthosour genes and culture corvolve22:46
minthosI think it's mostly moot by now since we are probably only a few generations from ASI22:49
BrainstormUpdates for Bahrain: +304 cases (now 280109), +21886 tests (now 7.9 million) since 23 hours ago — India: +5908 cases (now 34.8 million), +21 deaths (now 480018) since 16 hours ago23:01
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: CDC recommends shorter COVID isolation, quarantine for all →
ArsaneritThere's also accelerationism.23:11
Arsaneritbut then specifically that we should accelerate everything that's bad, so that humanity will go extinct and the planet can go on23:12
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: 1 Million Test Kits Headed To NYC Schools, As Educators Wonder About January 3rd Return →
minthosI don't think that's a good plan, I think intelligent life is pretty cool but we need to cross this "uncanny valley" of being just intelligent enough to destroy the ecosystem but not intelligent enough to restore it23:16
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Coronavirus: Goldman Sachs will require U.S. employees to get booster shots →
LjL-MatrixLooks like Italy is about to shorten quarantine for vaccinated people who come into contact with positives from 7 days (it's 10 for unvaccinated) to either 5 or even 323:31
LjL-MatrixAt least it's not for those who are actually positive...23:31
BrainstormUpdates for Spain: +214619 cases (now 5.9 million), +120 deaths (now 89139) since 4 days ago — Rwanda: +962 cases (now 105989), +1 deaths (now 1348) since a day ago — Netherlands: +11685 cases (now 3.1 million) since 22 hours ago23:32
ArsaneritCould melting permafrost release smallpox?23:32
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Steve Miller (@SteveMillerOC): Number of people admitted to the hospital with covid inNew York City:810 on Dec 26452 on Dec 23343 on Dec 22532 peak last winter on Feb… →
BrainstormNew from NPR: CDC cuts the recommended isolation and quarantine periods for coronavirus infections: People who test positive need to isolate themselves for 5 days if they don't show symptoms. The change reflects "what we know about the spread of the virus" and vaccine [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD): Omicron infection enhances neutralizing immunity against Delta — suggesting that Omicron will help push Delta out, as it should decrease likelihood that someone infected with Omicron will get re-infected with Delta. New preprint from Sigal Lab. [... want %more?] →

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