libera/##covid-19/ Wednesday, 2022-02-16

BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): The updated graph for decreasing Covid fatality rate in England is even more informative, estimating what proportion of the decreased fatality is related to the immunity wall from vaccination or Prior Covid over time →
lastshellhey guys i recovered from covid, but today I did exercise and I noticed my hear rate is not to high but usually is normal not sure is because I over exercised or is a post covid syntom00:26
ublxslowly does it lastshell; don't undermine your recovery by overtaxing yourself; but definitely do what you can00:29
lastshellyou mean light exercise ublx ?00:32
ublxidk i guess it's a tricky balance, or a precise balance; normally one could say "listen to your body" in order to avoid overexertion; but illness can derange your sense of reasonable limits, and encourage you to rest to avoid discomfort when you might benefit from exercise00:34
lastshellbut i got it at the begining of the year is now middle of Feburary ublx00:36
ublxlisten to your body i guess, but keep exploring and pushing your limits but not in a floridly violent way; do things, observe result, adjust accordingly00:36
ublxwell you're embarked on exercise so you're probably alive to the ongoing investigation of your current state00:36
ublxi'm just saying be careful, while also saying i salute you, for your post-covid exercise efforts00:37
lastshellthank you, I thing this virus is the worst00:38
TuvixKeep in mind there's normal variation of resting heartrate over days, weeks, & months. Wearable health items like wristbands that monitor metrics can be useful, but it's not good to get overly obsessed with small changes.00:40
lastshellthank you Tuvix yeah I got stressed because of that00:42
TuvixMy fitbit frequently shows changes of ±5 bpm in either direction on resting heartrate for what is likely to be a whole combination of causes: stress, how well I'm sleeping, if I'm sleeping at home vs. elsewhere, or just minor other stuff going on in life.00:42
LjLlastshell, Tuvix: also i'm not sure if my Bip's heartrate sensor is as good as a Fitbit's, probably not, but i will say it's pretty random and really only reliable if i stop moving and explicitly tell it to take a reading. otherwise, maybe it's reliable on a rough average over an hour or so at best, and even then i believe when it can't get a proper reading, its algorithm sometimes uses the accelerometers to determine how much i was moving and thus guesstimate the00:48
LjLheartrate. which i think just shouldn't happen. but it does it.00:48
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): A review of the 23 studies of Covid vaccination for immunocompromised people indicates the level of responders varies with conditions. Even additional doses may not provide sufficient protection for some, requiring additional… [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Reunion: +21707 cases, +38 deaths since 6 days ago — Germany: +177524 cases, +214 deaths since 23 hours ago — Spain: +34380 cases, +310 deaths since a day ago — India: +28902 cases, +515 deaths since 17 hours ago01:04
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): The benefit of Paxlovid (the oral anti-Covid pill) may actually extend to preventing infection and its transmission, as seen in this new report in the Syrian hamster model…@NatureComms @KU_Leuven →
TuvixLjL: Yea, the fitbits, at least the last several generations, will use your sleeping / overnight heartrate as a baseline, provided you wear it to bed (I specifically bought one of the low-profile ones so it isn't hard to wear to bed.)01:31
Brainstormde-facto: From Changes in vital data after a COVID-19 infection · Science Blog01:32
TuvixOverall it seems to be pretty decent; often any notable fluctuations are when I am indeed getting less sleep or more stressed for that week. Not always, but it also matches my SpO2 finger-sensor I use down to 1 bpm of difference.01:32
LjLTuvix, uhm, well, my Bip also matches the SpO2 finger sensor pretty well *if* i'm taking both carefully while sitting still. it's just that the heartrate that the Bip gets "on the fly" while i'm walking, moving around, even typing, or whatever seems much less accurate than that01:34
LjLde-facto, what are you trying to title? the .title worked :P01:35
LjLTuvix, i use my Bip with Gadgetbridge, which is an open source app that lets you avoid using the data-sucking Xiaomi app, but it's not great in taking baselines and statistics ;( what i should do is get a database dump (it can do *that*) and play around with sql and/or python01:36
Brainstormde-facto: From Are breakthrough infections milder on average? · Science Blog01:36
* de-facto slaps Brainstorm01:36
Brainstormde-facto: Do as you wish!01:36
de-facto"Are breakthrough infections milder on average?"01:36
de-factois Brainstorm down?01:36
LjLi've done it before a bit, but i didn't end up with much, but also i was focusing on a mixture of aspects rather than just doing heartrate statistics01:36
LjLde-facto, i don't understand01:37
LjLBrainstorm posted what you asked. twice01:37
de-factooh now it responded three minutes later01:37
de-factowhat is going on?01:37
LjLit responded right when you asked for me01:37
TuvixI usually just use the sleep & HR stats, although the model I have can use bluetooth to my phone to get accurate GPS routes on my runs, which is nice.01:37
LjLmaybe there are still netsplits ongoing01:37
de-factoi did not see a response from brainstorm before i asked <de-facto> is Brainstorm down?01:38
TuvixCame though fine here.01:38
TuvixA netsplit would mean taht either you or the bot would have to be on the "wrong" side of the split.01:38
de-factohmm ok maybe i wait a bit until the network stabilized again01:38
TuvixBut since LjL & I can both see both of your chat, that's not the issue.01:38
LjLde-facto, just for expediency since the screenshot comes with timestamps
de-factojust wanted to post two links for lastshell01:38
TuvixThis isn't an IRC issue; could be your client doing something funky.01:38
TuvixGiven IRC uses TCP, you can't "miss" a message (although clients have been known to misplace them due to various bugs)01:39
de-factoLjL, i see an alternate timeline then01:39
LjLTuvix, sometimes netsplits are preceeded/followed by times of long latency across some servers. i didn't mean that a netsplit is currently separating Brainstorm from de-facto, but that if "netsplits are ongoing" in looser terms, there might be servers with high lag01:39
TuvixAh, Tor might delay your receipt of messages though, sometimes by up to 5 minutes (longer than that and the server will ping you out)01:40
TuvixThat's just the cost of using the onion routing globally though.01:40
LjLTuvix, i've definitely seen this type of thing before though... and it was an IRC issue, just depending on what server you were on if the links were having trouble01:40
TuvixBut then you or I wouldn't have seen one side of the messages.01:40
de-factoLjL, thats how it looks from my client01:41
LjLTuvix, well what i mean by "this type of thing" is exactly that someone sees something delayed while to other people it's normal and everyone is confused :P01:41
TuvixTor sometimes gives me lag of up to 40-60 seconds, and sometimesm worse than that.01:41
TuvixAnd yes, that's exactly how this would manifest if outbound traffic is still sent while the TCP sliding window is delayed. Again, cost of using a possibly "very" laggy router (ie: Tor)01:41
Tuvixsliding window for inbound.01:41
LjLde-facto, you sure have a few app shortcuts01:42
de-factoheh :P01:42
TuvixI could reproduce this same situation fairly well with a custom router that's designed to introduce 1 to several minutes of lag on-command.01:42
TuvixSometimes Tor actually craps out, but it's more common I lag out _while_ I'm still getting inbound messages, but the response to my client ping doesn't arrive.01:43
LjLde-facto, anyway looking at your screenshot, you seem to have lag to me after all!01:43
TuvixI disconnect and reconnect right away in those cases, despite not actually having experienced connection loss.01:43
LjLde-facto, like your "<de-facto> "Are breakthrough infections milder on average?"" was at 1:35:55 for you but i saw it at 1:36:46 and i bet so did Tuvix (modulo timezone)01:44
TuvixMy bet is that there was Tor lag getting your message out, which makes it seem like the bot is laggy.01:45
TuvixIn reality, the bot responded nearly as soon as it got it, but the IRC network didn't get the traffic until the Tor lag cleared. Again, that's just the cost of using a router that can introduce 10's of thousands of millisecond lag when it has a bump.01:46
TuvixWant faster TCP delivery? Don't use Tor ;)01:46
LjLi'm kind of confused, did de-facto say he was using tor? i don't see it01:47
Tuvix/whois shows the server one is using.01:47
LjLah, right01:47
LjLdidn't realize Tor had its own very special server01:48
lastshellthanks de-facto01:48
* LjL puts Brainstorm behind Tor to make everyone mad01:48
* Brainstorm starts to lech after LjL with some prehensile good 01:48
LjLBrainstorm, it's become prehensile now?01:48
BrainstormLjL: I've become much more infrastructure to make something like that too, and I'm sick of them, hence I can admit is that *some* definitely die of corona, yeah, and still are01:48
TuvixLibera exposes it as a hidden-serice with SASL-only auth (so you have to register first on non-Tor) due to abuse potential.01:48
TuvixHence the dedicated server for the HS01:49
LjLmakes sense01:49
LjLbut... you have a tor gateway cloak, while he manages to have a regular user cloak, how does that work currently?01:50
TuvixHe asked for a cloak ;)01:50
LjLso "uncloaked" users automatically get a gateway cloak with their account name?01:50
TuvixIf they're using a gateway, yes. Same for irccloud for exmaple.01:51
lastshellde-facto I had the 3 jabs01:51
LjLwell i know about other gateways getting a cloak, it just feels slightly unusual to still see an account name there01:51
TuvixLibera treats Tor users as gateway users via the HS, and blans clearnet connections from Tor endpoints (again, due to abuse)01:51
TuvixThat's so you can easily ban problem accounts coming in via Tor.01:51
de-factolastshell, yeah thats why i posted both links01:51
de-factotor requires cert auth login01:52
TuvixOr C/R, but CertFP + SASL is easiest for sure.01:53
TuvixSo anyway, what you had based on those timestamps was about 51 seconds of Tor-induced lag.01:54
TuvixYou didn't time out (you would have if you had lagged 4 minutes 9 seconds longer, or possibly less depending on when the server last sent you a ping)01:54
TuvixTor fixed the backlog, and, eventually, delivered your request.01:55
TuvixMeanwhile it was so long that you wondered if the bot was slacking. Poor bot didn't even get your request until the Pony Express got it there!01:55
de-facto33:05 - 36:34 = 3:2901:56
TuvixErm, I'm going off the 35:55 -> 36:46 reported above.01:56
LjLis CertFP used in conjunction with SASL-external on Libera while other networks (like OFTC) use it on its own? (yes, i guess this makes it obvious i've never use it and just rely on regular SASL but don't tell anyone)01:56
TuvixCertFP is just client-side keypair (presenting an X.509 cert.) It's separate from SASL, and OFTC doesn't support SASL at all.01:57
LjLTuvix, he probably had worse lag earlier on01:57
TuvixSASL ensures you're identified during connection, and prevnets any possibility you'd join here pre-identification.01:57
LjLTuvix, but OFTC does support some form of CertFP also to identify you, aiui01:58
TuvixIt's the same CertFP, it's just not *also* using SASL.01:58
TuvixHowever, on OFTC, that means you can technically join channels pre-identification.01:58
TuvixIt's a race-condition to CertFP-auth to services just like it is to manually /msg nickserv to identify. SASL ensures 1) that never happens, and 2) that your SASL fails if services is down.01:58
TuvixSASL fixes the race condnition, and on Libera solves the catch-22 of SASL-only ranges. (You can't manually identifiy to nickserv if you need to be dientified to send messages)01:59
LjLmakes some sense. i admit i started reading and then went "oh come on this looks ridiculously long, i'll just tell znc to ns identify" ;(02:00
LjLi mean, a while ago, when i did02:01
Tuvixfwiw, znc can do CertFP. It's not that bad, but there's a small learning curve if you're new to keypairs and certs. Thankfully most of the steps are copy/pastable :D02:05
Tuvix(SASL too, but that won't help you on OFTC)02:05
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Not so fast. The BA.2 variant has been considered as not meaningfully different from BA.1 with respect to pathogenicity or immune evasion. A new report from @SystemsVirology, in the lab and experimental model, suggests that may not be the case… →
LjLi "understand" asymmetric cryptography in principles, and i *shouldn't* be "new to keypairs and certs", but i effectively am :x it looked like too much copypaste to do without taking the time to understand it, so, err, i didn't take the time02:09
LjLi am using znc's SASL module on Libera, but without CertFP02:09
TuvixYea, honestly, no reason to change what you do unless you want to 1) avoid giving znc your account password, or 2) want per-host keypair revocation in the event of compromise or loss02:11
BrainstormNew from Paul’s Uncle Doesn’t Want to Get Vaccinated: From the authors of Paul Has Measles, Paul Stays Home, and Paul and the Mosquitos, comes , an illustrated book for children about vaccines and vaccine hesitancy. Uncle Henry doesn’t want to get vaccinated against COVID-19. [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronavirusEU: So if the vaccines were good etc why's he after dumping his stocks and deleting all his social media ? →
Alex1138[m]I’m as puzzled as you03:05
xxcause war03:05
xxno point having stocks if there's no stockmarket03:06
LjLwell, apart from the idiocy of the post03:07
LjL"In related news, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel sold 19,000 company shares last week, totaling $2.9 million and deleted his Twitter account after two years of inactivity, raising questions on the social media platform. Bancel sells the same amount of shares on a weekly basis, according to securities filings."03:07
LjLrelated to what? well, related to Pfizer's and Moderna's stock falling due to the "omicron wave subsiding"03:08
LjLand i'd add, maybe to various countries and the ECDC speaking against a fourth dose for the time being?03:08
LjLso, stocks go down because of a reason we can all see, he sells stocks03:08
LjLhe also has a twitter account that's been inactive for two years... uh, it's inactive, he deletes it03:09
LjLit happens "at the same time" as he's selling the stock, but apparently he's been selling stock for at least a few weeks03:09
LjLi can get into conspiracy theories as much as any, but i think the OP here should at least post something more substantial than just the claim and then a meme video if he wants me to believe them more than i believe that i can infer from the CNBC article03:10
LjLmeanwhile i guess xx has pissed off someone for real this time eh03:10
Alex1138[m]If the vaccines are so good why have they saved so many lives???03:10
Alex1138[m]Checkmate atheists03:11
LjLoh wait that was a part03:15
LjLand it's not even like she hasn't been doing it all along (except it's usually a quit so it fooled me less)...03:15
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Belgium permits four-day week to boost work flexibility post COVID →
LjLoh good lord, why do i get banned from reddit and then people like this are allowed to write anything on a computer at all04:13
BrainstormLjL, the URL could not be loaded04:13
LjLBrainstorm, ET TU04:13
BrainstormLjL: to bring politics into this, but is a safe medicine to take anyway, if they make them pay for hospital stays, they'd be more likely to go without any mask anyway, thanks04:13
-Bridgestorm- 🌕 Terremoto! Earthquake! Séisme! Sismo! 5.6 M tremor, registered by alomax, with 44 reports, occurred 7 minutes ago (04:32:36 UTC), duing a full moon night, São Martinho, Portugal (32.44, -16.88) ± 24 km, ↓13 km likely felt 60 km away (
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Michael Lin, MD PhD  (@michaelzlin): In Omicron, "hospitalization rates among children and adolescents were 4x as high as rates during the peak of the Delta period" "Children aged 0–4 years, who were ineligible for vaccination during this time, experienced the largest [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Nonetheless, the latest @UKSHA report showing vaccine protection vs BA.2 is as good as BA.l  should be considered quite reassuring… →
BrainstormUpdates for Krasnoyarsk, Russia: +7122 cases, +12 deaths since 23 hours ago — Novosibirsk, Russia: +5763 cases, +15 deaths since 23 hours ago — Sabah, Malaysia: +4374 cases, +8 deaths since 23 hours ago — W.P. Labuan, Malaysia: +311 cases since 23 hours ago07:05
-Bridgestorm- ⭕ Temblor! Sismo! Earthquake! 6.1 M tremor, registered by alomax, with 4 reports, 2 early, occurred 13 minutes ago (07:12:23 UTC), duing a full moon night, Nueva Concepción, Guatemala (14.12, -91.42) ± 5 km, ↓41 km likely felt 290 km away (in Nueva Concepción, Tiquisate, Villa Nueva, Santo Domingo Suchitepéquez, San José La Máquina, Quetzaltenango…) by 1.6 million people (
BrainstormNew from BBC Health: Concerns over 'enormous' backlog for NHS dentistry: Strict Covid protocols - which are still in place - have seen routine dental care dramatically reduced. →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Covid2019: COVID could launch an epidemic of chronic fatigue syndrome, doctors warn →
BrainstormNew from r/Coronavirus: Daily Discussion Thread | February 16, 2022: Please refer to our Wiki for more information on COVID-19 and our sub. You can find answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ , where there is valuable information such as our: →
-Bridgestorm- ⭕ Temblor! Sismo! Earthquake! 6.2 Mw tremor, registered by 8 agencies, with 4 reports, 2 early, occurred 55 minutes ago (07:12:26 UTC), duing a full moon night, Guatemala (14.22, -91.26) ± 4 km, ↓91 km likely felt 290 km away (in Ciudad de Guatemala…) by 4.5 million people (
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Marc Veldhoen (@Marc_Veld): Lessons from Long COVID: working with patients to design better research… →
BrainstormNew from Reddit (test): Covid2019: Boost and cruise: CDC pushes for COVID boosters in new optional program for cruise lines →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: Opinion: Coronaviruses are ‘clever’: Evolutionary scenarios for the future of SARS-CoV-2: The more new viral particles generated, the greater the chance that viral mutants and recombinants could emerge. Using vaccines to quench [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Gunhild Alvik Nyborg (@GANyborg): Major work on orphanhood as result of the pandemic by joint forces from Imperial College, U of Oxford, @WHO, CDC, U of Cape Town & others:… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Gunhild Alvik Nyborg (@GANyborg): Peru is among the countries most badly hit, with primary caregiver death rates of 10·2 per 1000 children. Many children will be in need of assistance on a global scale after this pandemic. →
BrainstormNew from PubMed: (news): COVID-19-Associated Mucormycosis-Arkansas, July-September 2021 →
Brainstormde-facto[m]: From Untitled (Sean Harrison)12:49
de-facto[m]"The effectiveness of vaccination against long  COVID"12:49
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Florian Krammer (@florian_krammer): Yesterday NYC had less than 700 new COVID-19 cases. That makes me really happy. →
BrainstormNew from ECDC: ECDC: Data on the daily number of new reported COVID-19 cases and deaths by EU/EEA country →
BrainstormNew from EMA: Human medicine assessment reports: (news): Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Spikevax (previously COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna), COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (nucleoside modified), COVID-19 virus infection, Date of authorisation: 06/01/2021, Revision: 18, Status: Authorised →
BrainstormUpdates for Indonesia: +64718 cases, +167 deaths, +566050 tests (11.4% positive) since a day ago — Germany: +195816 cases since 18 hours ago — France: +142933 cases, +391 deaths since a day ago — Palau: +72 cases, +1 deaths, +275 tests (26.2% positive) since a day ago14:10
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Tulio de Oliveira (@Tuliodna): Again, South Africa leading the science on re-infections with COVID! Good coverage of @SACEMAdirector work with @NICD in South Africa (ref 1)!… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Marc Veldhoen (@Marc_Veld): Virological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 BA.2 variantSome biological differences between BA.1 and BA.2; but both are recognised after… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Marc Veldhoen (@Marc_Veld): BA.2, outcompetes BA.1 Reproduction 1.4x higher and more replicativeAntigenicity is a bit differentMoved higher up the nasal trackAnd: more pathogenic. →
BrainstormNew from StatNews: STAT+: Pharmalittle: BioNTech reveals plan for vaccine production in Africa; EMA may nix Merck’s Covid pill: BioNTech disclosed details about its plan to boost vaccine production in Africa, but the effort was met with a mixed reaction because it snubs a [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from WHO Euro: Preparing the next generation of laboratory leaders: As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has proven on a global scale, laboratories are central to any well functioning health system. Acting like a central nervous [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD): Thoughtful essay in @TheAtlantic The problem with strategies aimed at focusing Covid mitigation on the most vulnerable is we never adequately protected themVaccination rates among elderly, especially boosters, are tragically low despite [... want %more?] →
BrainstormUpdates for Hong Kong: +4285 cases, +3 deaths since 14 hours ago — Switzerland: +9983 cases, +10 deaths, +75424 tests (13.2% positive) since 19 hours ago16:03
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Why is there so much complacency about #LongCovid?… @nature by @lfspinney →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Marc Veldhoen (@Marc_Veld): THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE STUCK IN PANDEMIC LIMBOWhat does society owe immunocompromised people?… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Nussenzweig_LAB (@NussenzweigL): Our new study shows evolution of antibody responses after a 3rd mRNA vaccine dose with increased SARS-CoV-2 antibody potency&breadth @FraukeMuecksch @VinciZijun @c_gaebler @PaulBieniasz @theodora_nyc… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Just published @nature Bats and #SARSCoV2"To conclude, our results pinpoint the present of new bat sarbecoviruses that seem to have the same potential for infecting humans as early strains of SARS-CoV-2."… →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Long before the Omicron wave ,hospital admissions were both "for" and "with" Covid. A careful assessment in 4 US centers showed marked variability with overall 68% admissions specifically for… →
BrainstormUpdates for Myanmar: +2740 cases, +4 deaths since 22 hours ago18:08
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Fergus Walsh (@BBCFergusWalsh): England, Scotland and Wales to offer Covid jab to five to 11-year-olds… →
BrainstormNew from Politico: Switzerland lifts almost all COVID-19 restrictions: Swiss people will no longer have to show COVID certificates, but some minor measures may remain until late March. →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Updated Table for all studies of booster vs Omicron infections shows consistent results ~50% of higher level of effectiveness →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Tulio de Oliveira (@Tuliodna): In spite of South Korea record number of cases due to omicron  (90,000 per day) deaths are at double digits (around 30 per day), of course every death is really sad, but the power of vaccination is being shown in South Korea with over 80% of population vaccinated. →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Jeffrey Barrett (@jcbarret): Have had my fourth exposure to SARS-CoV-2 spike. This one has been by far the worst (though not too bad, thankfully). →
LjLso i was looking at Switzerland's state of things since it says above they're lifting almost all restrictions19:47
LjLthen i saw this <Brainstorm> New from Reddit (test): CoronaVirus_2019_nCoV: Xi urges Hong Kong to get control as COVID-19 cases surge →
LjLand... i think i don't really get how the world works -.-;Hong%20Kong&byPopulation=yes&cumulative=no&legacy=no19:48
LjL(yes, i can see HK does have a spike, it's still just a bit surreal the juxtaposition of them)19:48
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Steve Miller (@SteveMillerOC): 3 shots and done4th shot adds minimal durable T cell response against severe disease, and lacks efficacy against Omicron infection… →
BrainstormNew from COVID19 Vaccine Tracker: valerie: Anhui Zhifei Longcom: ZF2001 →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Marc Veldhoen (@Marc_Veld): More viruses can jump to humans. But, SARS-CoV-2 vaccines also protect from these. Importantly, these are not the direct precursors of SARS-CoV-2, a furincleavage site in spike was absent. →
de-facto.title <-- hmm maybe lifting all restrictions is not such a good idea after all?20:23
Brainstormde-facto: From Denmark COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer20:23
de-factoi mean, of course it will rise Rt, hence prevent incidence from going down20:23
BrainstormNew from COVID19 Vaccine Tracker: valerie: AMMS: Ad5-nCoV →
BrainstormNew from COVID19 Vaccine Tracker: valerie: Airlangga University: UNAIR Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine →
DefiantNDoes infection with omnicron BA.1 give immunity to BA.2?20:56
LjLDefiantN, immunity with Omicron has been found to be some 50% or so after two or three months iirc, so it's not really like infectino with BA.1 gives immunity to BA.1 either. i mean of course it does to an extent, but i mean in either case, reinfection is perfectly possible21:06
LjLde-facto, did Denmark also lift them all? my collection so far was UK, Norway, and now Switzerland21:07
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: Remote COVID trial design, social media outreach may boost enrollee diversity: Mary Van Beusekom | News Writer | CIDRAP News Feb 16, 2022 Remote trials had 49% racial minority participation, compared with 14% in a clinic-based study. →
LjLalso wow, Denmark's death trends;Denmark&byPopulation=yes&cumulative=no&smooth=yes&legacy=no21:09
LjL(i always go back to offloop because i'm so used to the way the graphs look)21:10
pwr22So Denmark isn't doing great?21:17
LjLpwr22, not very, but i don't know if i should hasten to blame it on removal of restrictions - partly because i don't really know what they did with restrictions in Denmark, but partly because Denmark may have had an early BA.2 wave, and so for all i know that may be the reason they're still going up more stubbornly than other countries21:24
LjLalthough at the same time, Denmark and the UK are some of the few countries that can *recognize* a BA.2 prevalence, because they sequence and also test a lot with SGTF, while most of the rest of us don't do that at all, so, gah21:24
LjLanother country that greatly perplexes me:  what happened on almost exactly 15 January that turned what was a pretty fast decrease, about as fast as the increase, abruptly into R=1 and almost stable daily cases?21:26
LjLthat number of cases is way too high for comfort if it's to be the stable "background" cases21:26
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): Our covid times :-)by @PKuperArt @NewYorker →
pwr22I'm filling in a survey for the UK gov dashboard21:37
* pwr22 uploaded an image: (15KiB) < >21:37
BrainstormNew from COVID19 Vaccine Tracker: valerie: Adimmune Corporation: AdimrSC-2f →
LjLpwr22, uh oh you'll be profiled as a nonbeliever :P21:41
pwr22Now they've asked me this:21:44
* pwr22 uploaded an image: (27KiB) < >21:44
LjLGreece basically hasn't registered *any* BA.2 so it isn't that for them at least unless their sequencing is just too terrible. i know nothing about BA.1.1 though21:44
LjLi would say "reluctantly online" although i bet that's not what it seems like :P21:44
BrainstormNew from Politico: Coronavirus: Germany to cautiously lift COVID rules as neighbors quickly reopen →
LjLuh oh21:50
* LjL prepares for the de-facto tirade21:50
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: Rate of US COVID-19 cases continues to drop: Stephanie Soucheray | News Reporter | CIDRAP News Feb 16, 2022 New cases have dropped 40%, hospitalizations are down 28%, and deaths have decreased by 9%. →
de-factoi better dont comment Axel Springer, it will end in a rant22:43
TuvixWhile US cases dropping is indeed good news, the real question is how quickly the death rates drop and where they level off at. This pattern seems to happen after every wave subsides and I think misses the point of the continued impact of the pandemic here :\22:43
Arsanerithow about the next wave22:45
* Tuvix has not heard back from the repair-shop on crystal ball; maybe tomorrow I will?22:45
de-factowell in spring seasonality will hopefully help to lower reproduction number, hence the hope would be that we would not see a new wave until fall, yet who knows what mutants the travelers import in the summer22:46
TuvixSure, but this time it's Omicron as we slowly move out of winter here, not Alpha. How that'll change the math I'm not sure, but we also have fewer restrictions, although even a year ago most of our rules were very lax, and often just guidance.22:47
de-factoevery mutant was different so far, especially Omicron22:47
de-factohence the expectation value would be that the next mutant also is somewhat different22:48
TuvixThat also implies recovery may not look like last winter's recovery curve.22:48
TuvixFor *this* varient.22:48
de-factoyes probably22:48
de-factoimmunity status is different, hospitalized demography is different, Omicron is different etc22:49
TuvixThe US can't really look to our economic peers for predictions either, given how badly our Delta wave & very weak recovery was compared to many of them.22:49
de-factoi think it is important that we do *not* fall for wishful thinking again "the pandemic is over" etc, rather we should use the lower incidence gap in the summer to prepare for the impact of the next wave in the fall and winter22:50
de-factothereby we may make its impact less severe22:50
TuvixAbsolutely, but the #1 thing the US could do is improve our lagging vacciation (as above, compared to most of our peers) and secondly ensure our various systems are flexible enough to change in sync with a new varient.22:52
TuvixI don't see either happening very quickly if at all though :\22:52
TuvixI haddn't noticed OWID included a comparison of officall COVID deaths & excess deaths, but the US has an even worse showing by comparison to the UK since spring 2021.22:53
de-factoit may be difficult because people may fall for wishful thinking, and thereby make it challenging to get support and investment for preparing against the impact of the next wave, because some people still may be like "na, its not clear if the next wave will come, probably its over, look almost no infections in the summer, bla" etc22:54
de-factoyet i really hope countries will learn from the past and prepare22:54
TuvixI have contacts who have said as much, yes.22:55
TuvixThey were saying that back when Delta was clearly on the upswing, and refusing to endorse more mitigation that could have cut down on spread, with the same wishful thinking flawed logic :\22:55
TuvixWe're waiting on yesterday's CDC death update, but going by the 14th, the US has a 7-day rolling average death toll currently of 21.8 times that of the seasonal flu (if expressed as an annual average)22:57
de-factothe human brain aims for a consistent state, hence the bigger the wish for the end of the pandemic the more bias towards only integrating memes compatible with that wishful thinking and ignoring everything that contradicts with the desired outcome, even if especially that would be the most relevant info that determines deviation from that wishful expectation22:57
BrainstormNew from CIDRAP: Physician survey reveals cracks in the US drug supply chain: Mary Van Beusekom | News Writer | CIDRAP News Feb 16, 2022 Of respondents, 95% say the pandemic revealed drug supply chain vulnerabilities. →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): New @NEJM The protective benefit of 1-shot for people with Prior Covid to reduce reinfection compared with no vaccine (N >149,000; through Delta wave)82% reduced for people aged 16-6460% reduced for people age 65+No added benefit for 2nd [... want %more?] →
BrainstormNew from COVID on Twitter: Eric Topol (@EricTopol): We now have 3 studies for Prior Covid + 1-shot vaccine: Protection vs infection superior to no vaccine, and no added benefit w/ more shotsThru Delta wave Israel and……Omicron wave, in [... want %more?] →
TuvixWeekly death with grouping by age, sex, & state were updated today, and now Jan 2022 looks largely complete now. It looks like Feb might see similar (or even slightly more) values, but some initial trends as compared to the Delta peak are a bit more clear now.23:31
TuvixThe age groups covering 18-49 year olds each had roughly a halving of death in Jan '22 vs. Sept '21 (Delta peak.) However, 0-17 only saw a reduction to about 75% the Delta peak. The oldest 2 groups, 75 & older, did a bit worse in Jan/Omicron than in Sept/Delta, 65-74 nearly the same, and 50-64 some improvement, but not as much as halving like their younger groups.23:35
Tuvixn= values are fairly small, but 1-4 year olds did worse in Jan as compared to Sept.23:36
TuvixEvery age group under 50 saw Omicron look more similar in death totals as compared to last winter's Alpha varient impact actually, and that was pre-vaccine for almost all of that population too.23:40
Tuvix(All this data US-specific, since this is CDC data)23:41

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