libera/#devuan-dev/ Wednesday, 2018-07-25

louisdbanybody here?14:52
louisdbhello, can someone help me solve a problem I have with my Devuan install please :
fsmithredlouisdb, there's a discussion about that at I can find it in a few minutes.15:47
louisdbthank you15:51
fsmithredI'm having trouble finding it. There's a file that needs to be edited, and I can't recall the name.15:56
fsmithredcoffee needs to kick in.15:57
louisdbok so there is no real fix16:14
louisdbwhy is it still not fixed? is there the same problem with systemd?16:15
louisdbalso if I replace sysv with openrc, it complains about a dependency loop related to lvm16:16
louisdband try to fix it automatically16:17
fsmithredI don't know. There are a couple of debian bug reports about the shutdown delay.16:19
fsmithredI haven't tried lvm or luks with openrc.16:19
fsmithredcan you paste the error message somewhere? (not here)16:20
louisdbThe error msg is in the SO post16:22
fsmithredI meant the message you get when you try to install openrc16:24
louisdbit's not when I install it, it when openrc start16:24
fsmithredsorry, I don't know what any of that means.16:33
fsmithreddoes the system boot, and does everything work?16:34
louisdbthe only difference between sysv and openrc is that openrc detect a dependency loop16:35
fsmithredsearching for the error message gets some hits16:39
fsmithredopenrc: Found a solvable dependency loop: cryptdisks16:39

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