libera/#devuan-dev/ Tuesday, 2020-01-21

LeePenamesser: how is your testing of tomcat9 going?08:58
jaromilfrom maemo-leste a heads up and question about this bug:
jaromilany takers? (thanks Evilham for filing it!)11:40
EvilhamI didn't file it btw11:49
jaromilah was confused11:50
jaromilyou are the package maintainer11:50
jaromildo you think you can handle this?11:50
jaromilAFAIK there are no devuan specific flags so the last remark about checking can be satisfied11:51
EvilhamI got interrupted before finishing replying, sorry12:26
Evilhamdoesn't this get "fixed" on beowulf by not having lsb-release be different?12:28
Evilhamoh I see, yeah, that's an issue12:33
EvilhamI'm unsure I'll have the time bandwidth until next week, so if you want to take a go at it, go aheadc12:33
LeePenEvilham: I have just cloned base-files. I can have a go if you want. Codenames for unstable need updating too.12:51
Evilhamit should be just adding the line that the reporter mentioned13:04
Evilhamand compiling and testing :-D13:04
Evilhambut I can't really imagine booking the time for that this week '-.-13:04
jaromilack, thanks! yes LeePen go ahead if you can14:22
jaromilmaemo-leste will be presented at fosdem and a fix now will facilitate their work14:22
jaromilindeed i also thought could be fixed by lsb-release but no14:23
LeePenjaromil: Evilham: Fixes for #353 in unstable (10.3+devuan4) and beowulf-proposed-(10.3+devuan3.2)15:12
EvilhamLeePen: amazing, thank you, will test when pkgmaster picks it up15:14
LeePenDebian has version 11 which I have done a test merge locally for ceres, but not pushed yet. It makes a few changes that need more review first.15:16
Evilhamyeah, but that's for chimaera15:16
EvilhamIIRC buster had just 10.3 as well15:17
Evilhamor am I misremembering?15:17
EvilhamLeePen: it's purrfakt15:40
fsmithredI was away for a few minutes. What's going on?17:47
golinuxYou need to get on znc.  Nothing ever lost.17:50
fsmithredyeah, I could go to doc's logs, too17:52
fsmithredbut as usual, I'm doing three things at once17:53
LeePenWow: fixing #353 has fixed the sawfish build failure that yeti reported a few days ago!!!!!18:16
LeePenIt makes me wonder how many of our packages are built with the wrong flags?18:17
LeePenPossibly all? Does it matter?18:19
jaromilLeePen:amazing!!! \o/18:26
EvilhamI wouldn't think it matters enough to rebuild packages just because of that, but I'm unsure tbh :-p18:39
LeePenI suspect the hardening flags may not have been used.18:46
jaromilI am not sure is always the case that flags are ignored19:00
LeePenIt might be worth working out if and since when they have.19:01
jaromiltested on beowulf for /usr/bin/sshd and has the hardening flags19:17
jaromilI think only a few packages are affected19:17
LeePenjaromil: openssh-server isn't forked in beowulf. I think it is forked binaries that need checking.21:18
Centurion_DanLeePen: I think #353 is something that changed for buster/beowulf so potentially any package might be effected.  But also check to see how that flag is used by dpkg-buildpackage and if it has any potential to introduce systemd binary dependencies...22:30
masonCenturion_Dan: Will we be rebuilding apt? libelogind0 is systemd even if it's renamed.22:37
masonCenturion_Dan: Which is to say, I think we should rebuild it without that dependency.22:38
LeePenmason: amesser has a fork of apt without libsystemd0 in his git.d.o.22:49
golinuxmason: Removing libelogind0 from packages is not a viable option.22:54
golinuxAt least until we could automate the removal of libsystemd0 which is unlikely.22:55
fsmithredmason, I did an encrypted lvm install today and tested the patch. Looks like it works.23:02
LeePenCenturion_Dan: Thanks. I'll have a look tomorrow.23:23

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