libera/#devuan-dev/ Wednesday, 2020-02-19

arnautdanielJust a random question, but could anyone shed some light on any documentation groups in the project.  I'm interested in learning to help out with that.01:35
golinuxarnautdaniel: and
arnautdanielThis might be a dumb question, but is most of the work done in markdown?01:44
xrogaanbeowulf, upower is listed as obsolete
xrogaanapparently, I have a ton of obsolete stuff04:48
LeePenxrogaan: Debian upower dropped its systemd dependency, so we have reverted to using their packaging directly.13:12
LeePenHowever, because of the  Devuan version number has an epoch, you will have to do something like13:13
LeePenapt install --allow-downgrades upower/beowulf13:14
LeePenIt is included in the beowulf Release Notes that chillfan and golinx are preparing.13:15
fsmithredLeePen, when you have a minute would you please move refractainstall-gui_9.5.5 from unstable to beowulf? There's a bug fix in it.16:44
LeePenfsmithred: refractainstaller-gui | 9.5.5         | beowulf    | source, all17:07
LeePenAnd also chimaera.17:07
fsmithredyeah, thanks17:13
joshbowyerugh the screensaver problem is back again and i didnt change one single thing.18:19
LeePenjoshbowyer: consolekit or logind?18:19
joshbowyerit worked perfectly since yesterday18:20
LeePencheck the session is correct: loginctl18:20
joshbowyerit is18:20
joshbowyerbut even just starting cinnamon-screensaver from the shell, it gives the accountsservice error18:21
joshbowyerbefore even trying anything18:21
joshbowyerrunning as an unelevated user, says user (null) has uid: 0 which is the original problem but stopped for a while and now its back18:21
LeePenSo is accounts-daemon running?18:24
joshbowyerat least nothing from `ps aux | grep -i accounts`18:26
joshbowyeri dont see anything under rc2.d either, how should it be invoked?18:27
LeePenOK. What does 'busctl | grep accounts' show?18:28
LeePenI think it is DBus activated (sigh!)18:28
joshbowyerbusctl and dbusctl (in case of typo) not found18:29
joshbowyerdont have the command18:29
joshbowyernot present using mlocate18:29
LeePenThen you don't have elogind installed?18:30
joshbowyeri do though18:30
LeePenbusctl is part of elogind.18:30
joshbowyerand it even tries to connect to elogind on launch and succeeds18:30
joshbowyerit aint there lol18:30
joshbowyeri forget, apt doesnt have an equivalent of "yum provides" does it18:30
LeePenNever used yum, so I don't know.18:31
LeePendpkg -S $(which busctl)18:31
LeePenelogind: /usr/bin/busctl18:32
joshbowyerdoesnt exist18:32
joshbowyerok but heres the weird thing18:32
joshbowyerif i apt search elogind18:32
joshbowyerit doesnt say elogind installed but does say upgradable from 234.4-2 to 241.4-218:33
joshbowyerbut if i try to install elogind18:33
joshbowyerit says it will remove libsystemd018:33
joshbowyerisnt that the devuan shim?18:33
LeePenNo, that is what it is supposed to do.18:33
LeePenIt will replace libsystemd0 with libelogind018:34
joshbowyerok well18:34
joshbowyeris that a normal part of the upgrade from ascii then?18:34
LeePenWhat does 'dpkg -l elogind' say?18:35
joshbowyerbecause i upgraded from ascii to beowulf and i still have libsystemd0...18:35
LeePenThen you can't have elogind installed then.18:35
joshbowyerit says ii elogind  234.4-2  amd6418:35
LeePenOK. That is the ancient ascii version.18:35
joshbowyerit is installed though, thats the weird thing...18:36
joshbowyerso it didnt get installed/upgraded upon a dist-upgrade18:36
LeePenYou need beowulf's: 241.4-218:36
joshbowyerjust installed it, rebooting to be sure18:37
joshbowyermaybe that should be an upgrade note for ascii -> beowulf?18:37
LeePenMaybe, although last time I tried it upgraded smoothly. How did you upgrade?18:38
joshbowyersed -i 's/ascii/beowulf/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && apt dist-upgrade18:39
joshbowyerok after installing/upgrading elogind, same issue, same warning...18:39
joshbowyerand busctl | grep accounts has no output18:40
LeePendpkg -l accountsservice18:41
joshbowyerii  accountsservice  0.6.45-218:41
joshbowyerapt list --upgradable shows nothing btw18:43
LeePenHave you got cinnamon-core or cinnamon?18:47
LeePenAnd gir1.2-accountsservice-1.018:49
joshbowyerwonder if i need dpkg to reconfigure something?18:52
LeePenOK, let's see if you manually start the accounts-service daemon it fixes the screensaver.18:52
LeePensudo /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon18:53
LeePenThen busctl | grep accounts should show it.18:54
joshbowyeryeah, shows two entries for root18:55
LeePenDoes the screensaver work now.18:55
joshbowyerok cool warning is gone18:55
joshbowyerit works now18:55
joshbowyerso accountsservice isnt running on boot then18:55
LeePenSo the issue is that accountsservice is not being activated.18:56
LeePenYou were using something on top of lightdm IIRC?18:56
gnu_srs1joshbowyer: sed -i 's/ascii/beowulf/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && apt dist-upgrade: Did you forget apt-get update?19:03
joshbowyerLeePen: figured it out19:29
joshbowyerin /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.Accounts.service, the Exec line is commented out...19:30
joshbowyerthis is not a change i made.19:30
LeePenGlad you sorted it.19:32
LeePenIt isn't commented in the file shipped in 0.6.45-219:33
joshbowyerwonder if it was in the ascii version?19:33
LeePenJust checked, seems OK in 0.6.43-1 too.19:38
joshbowyeror maybe i just need to set my bash history to infinite lol...19:42
fsmithreddebsums can tell you all the files that have been changed19:58
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