libera/#devuan-dev/ Saturday, 2020-06-13

ShorTieWarning: The home dir /var/lib/usbmux you specified can't be accessed: No such file or directory00:26
ShorTieit then adds user usbmux (UID 105), but then says  Not creating home directory `/var/lib/usbmux'.00:27
g4570nhello, in gitea there are no Snippets like in gitlab?01:18
rrqafaik there's no "Snippets" notion at all with gitea01:28
g4570nI migrated it manually, I only had one created in the gitlab01:35
g4570n to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯01:36
bgstack15I was using gitlab before they had their snippets concept, so I just merged all my github gists (snippets) into one repo, with each "snippet" in its own directory with a text file named description for each on02:00
Dekkardso, just noticed that changing timezone/format on the live iso crashes the clock applet19:32

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