libera/#devuan-dev/ Friday, 2020-09-11

Unit193Perhaps #devuan would be the best channel, but Devuan has an overlay style repo for Debian right?  Eg, one can have the usual Debian repos but add the Devuan repo for just the changed bits?01:23
masonUnit193: I don't think that's an offering. The project uses a program called amprolla to make a merged respository.01:25
masonUnit193: Without that there will be some unpleasant conflicts, differing ideas of what's a critical base package, etc.01:25
Unit193Urgh..OK. :/01:25
masonUnit193: I suspect an interesting idea would be just running a local amprolla, but I need to dig into that more.01:26
Unit193mason: For personal stuff I just use mini-dinstall, but of course that's not ideal for this type of thing. :P  I had hoped there was a repo one could add atop Debian, well basically to just get an unscrewed network-manager...01:27
fsmithredaitor runs his own amprolla01:27
masonUnit193: There's so much more to get than that, though.01:27
Unit193mason: Well, depends on what you need really.  I do have a Debian box with sysvinit, openrc, and elogind.  The only issues right now are rsyslog and network-manager. :)01:29
masonUnit193: Don't forget eudev.01:30
Unit193Not in Debian as of yet. :/01:30
masonThat's why I'm recommending making the jump.01:30
masonAt this point I wouldn't trust that a Debian with sysvinit will dist-upgrade to n+1 safely. I just found another bug the other night, with unbound.01:31
masonThat said, I think if you grab amprolla and look at it, that might suggest what you want to do, one way or the other.01:32
Unit193mason: Regardless, thanks for the answers!01:41
masonUnit193: Sure! Happy to help.01:53
masonHm. So, looks like unbound, because of its bad pidfile handling, is vulnerable to the same issue as CVE-2020-1436716:18
masonI've reported it a couple places now so it ought to get into the pipeline.16:42
fsmithred so it should check for a pidfile and delete it if present before creating a new one when it starts?17:19
masonfsmithred: That'd be safer than what it does now, yeah.17:26
masonOn the plus side, with a CVE attached, I bet they fix it, and I bet Debian picks it up quickly, which means we won't have any work to do after all.17:27
fsmithredyeah, that thought crossed my mind. Nice find, mason.17:27
masonThe real win for me was that it got me to use BIND in the role, which was very pleasant.17:27
golinuxGreat work mason!17:32

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