libera/#devuan-dev/ Wednesday, 2020-09-30

rrqnote: we have lost the avatars at, it seems to be due to a race condition bug in gitea triggerred by a DoS-like access by someone10:17
yeti"Loading Heatmap…" seems to hang...10:27
yetimaybe there is broken more than avatars?10:27
yetidirect after login... clicking wildly around and going back, the heatmap shows10:29
rrqpossibly. too excessive acces now gains a baddie bagde and some 3 hours in lockout10:50
rrq.. far from perfect logic10:54
* yeti is too lazy to waste energy doing planned bad stuff. but accidentally errors may happen.10:55
rrqso, I've reclaimed all baddie badges and "improved" the logic away from "reasonable accidental errors"11:32
rrq... hopefully11:32

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