libera/#devuan-dev/ Sunday, 2020-11-08

masongnu_srs: I might ping you once I've had more chance to explore what the kfreebsd people are doing, as it seems like you've already dug in.00:55
masonIt feels like it'd be something that'd be right up Devuan's alley.00:56
masonEveryone else: I'm poking at Debian GNU/kFreeBSD a little. It might offer the best of both worlds.00:56
masonAnd it seems like what Devuan does would be necessary background work for both. Might be stuff they do that we want, or vice versa.00:57
plasma41mason: Personally, I'd love to run a De{vu|bi}an GNU/kOpenBSD03:24
masonplasma41: That'd be interesting, but no ZFS.03:25
plasma41Does OpenBSD not support ZFS? I wasn't aware of that03:26
masonFreeBSD supports it best, although NetBSD isn't too far off.03:31
yetiloooong ago...

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