libera/#devuan-dev/ Thursday, 2021-05-27

bgstack15lost my connect to jitsi for some reason22:49
fsmithredsame here22:51
adam_free2airya, moi aussi & no reconnect....22:51
fsmithredoh, I get multiple repeating reconnects22:51
golinuxMe too.  Can't connect.  It's looping22:52
adam_free2airjaromil says: a new guy from devuan italy wanted to connect and he said he would now and then all went down22:52
fsmithredI just connected and was in there for about 10 seconds22:52
rrqmmm the server might need more RAM22:53
adam_free2airjaromil also just said: i asked alv to check if he can, the late hour doesn't helps22:53
adam_free2airjaromil also just sent sincere apologies. doesn't know what went wrong & new italian joiner likely coincidence.22:54
adam_free2airi'll see if alv can perform some percussive maintenance ...22:55

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