libera/#devuan-dev/ Monday, 2021-08-02

bb|hcbHeads up about gpsd - there is a serious problem since 3.20 that is pending to be fixed in the not yet released 3.23; see Debian bug #991739; Debian imported an unreleased patch from upstream, and we have followed respectively. All who use gpsd for timekeeping will be affected after 23.11.2021 and time will go back to 2002... More info here:
plasma41The syntax for the options is needlessly confusing, but TIL about the program git-debimport, a program to generate a git repository for a debian source package given an archive of previous versions. Very useful when the original repo is either not reachable or never existed in the first place.08:25
plasma41In my case I wanted to reconstruct the history of the pre-systemd udev source package.08:27
plasma41The comments in git-debimport (it's a bash script) are rather amusing09:17

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