libera/#devuan-dev/ Monday, 2021-08-09

plasma41Anybody know who's behind this?:
golinuxplasma41: That project is barely a zygote . . . LOL!07:11
plasma41golinux: I read the headline "OpenBSD running systemd fork" on Distrowatch and did a double-take.07:13
golinuxGuess the "extend" phase is beginning . . .07:15
golinuxAfter which it will take over everything . . .07:16
plasma41Interesting reading list, at least.'-Study-Guide07:18
LeePenplasma41: Resend the submit email to
masonplasma41: Ah, systemd running on OpenBSD is in the same category as people emulating VAXen in Javascript on web browsers.15:49
masonWhich is to say, someone had too much free time.15:49
sadsnorkPlease tell me JaVAXscript isn't a real thing.16:18
masonsadsnork: I made that up but someone recently mentioned something horrific implemented in JavaScript.16:31
sadsnorkPhew! :-)16:32
masonI can't find the detail now, but this just indicates that I've effectively ejected it from my head.16:33
sadsnorkI'm still trying to wrap my head around that one... so bare metal would have an OS, with a desktop environment, running a browser, running Javascript, running Linux, running a desktop environment, running a browser.16:46
sadsnorkWhat could go wrong?16:46
masonsadsnork: The VAX doesn't seem so far-fetched now, does it? :P17:09
sadsnorkIt seems both plausible and depressing.17:24

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