libera/#devuan-dev/ Monday, 2022-01-10

golinuxInteresting . . . mirabilos, a Debian dev, posting to DNG . . .03:41
* rrq gets some popcorn ... though I wonder if one could nudge dng off that cc list04:05
fsmithredWhat time will the new isos arrive?13:08
* fsmithred checks the time stamp on the last set13:08
brocashelmwill devuan continue to provide xfce-only live isos? what was the reason for passing up on mate or lxqt, or just not offering those isos for anyone not interested in xfce but wanting an out-of-the-box experience?17:10
golinuxIt should be obvious . . . (wo)man power.  We are barely treading water.17:16
golinuxEveryone has ideas of how to improve things and very few actually provide the solution.  Flapping gums iow17:17
golinuxBlah, blah, blah . . . show us the code or shut up17:18
fsmithredthe code for a mate devuan-live is pretty simple. Just change a few lines in the package list.22:11
fsmithredFigure on around 4 hours to make and upload two desktop isos if everything works, which might happen after you've done around a dozen builds to debug it.22:13
fsmithredso it comes to about a normal work week.22:13

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