libera/#devuan-dev/ Wednesday, 2022-02-09

agroTrying to find a place to report a bug in the packaging (maybe my own misunderstanding) is hard.... libseat-dev installed when trying to compile wlroots with meson it fails with "wlroots| Run-time dependency libseat found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)23:50
agrowlroots| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency libseat"23:50
agrocommenting out "Requires.private: libsystemd" in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/libseat.pc makes things go.23:50
onefangI approve of that solution.  B-)23:51
agroHahaha, I don't think that is the solution, or at least there probably is a better way to solve it.23:52
agroI should also mention that I am "Pin: release a=testing" ie: I am running off of testing23:52
agroAnyone need anything before I drop? I am not a IRC guy, and like i opened with, I didn't see any sane/easy way of reporting the issue so came here. I am interested if someone needs more info or if there is something I am doing wrong etc.23:54
agros/guy/person/ for woke folks23:54

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