libera/#devuan/ Monday, 2018-10-22

gnarfacei just want to state for the record that i think the devuan community cloaks are about as bad of an idea as suggesting everyone add their genders to their name tag00:08
gnarfacegreat way to start a fight00:08
gnarfacepoor way to do anything else00:08
gnarfacei get the concept of "showing support" but i think honestly it's really just exposing more attack surface.00:11
gnarfacei fear any attention it draws to the project will be more negative than positive00:11
Xenguy_Really gnarface ?00:28
Xenguy_For me it's just about showing support00:28
gnarfaceit gives up stealth, that's all00:29
Xenguy_I think I see your point00:29
Xenguy_I'm still going to go for the devuan cloak; it's a way of showing support00:30
buZzits the same privacy removal as putting a devuan sticker on your laptop really00:38
buZzthere's no stealth to cloaks whatsoever00:39
golinux<Xenguy_> Really gnarface ?    Yes.  It's about as silly as 'buntu beans or Discourse badges.00:51
gnarfacecould be just my paranoia, but i guess we'll see00:57
gnarfacei guess it bears more explanation00:58
gnarfaceit's not just the unnecessary risk i see00:59
gnarfacei really thought it would be better for the project if nobody thought it was very popular until after it was already very popular00:59
golinuxIf DNG is any indication, it's likely the rhetoric will be increasing00:59
gnarfaceif it quietly just gained users at a steady speed until it had achieved a silent majority00:59
golinuxThere are elements in Debian who really want Devuan to go away because we have been hanging on and new users coming in consistently01:00
golinuxYou are on DNG aren't you?01:01
gnarfaceno actually01:01
gnarfacei probably should be01:01
golinuxWell then you are out of the loop.01:01
golinuxHold on01:02
gnarfacethanks for the info01:07
gnarfacei had already heard some people mention it01:07
gnarfacebut thanks for the link01:07
Xenguygolinux: Well we'll agree to disagree in this case then01:08
XenguyI'm all for wearing the colors at this point01:08
XenguyIt's just a +1, no big deal01:08
XenguyAnd besides, it's an individual thing in this case I think01:09
XenguyBesides, you're already flying the 'dev' colors I see = )01:10
golinuxgnarface: Form somewhere in that thread: "Devuan is� questionable, when one�s used to all of Debian."01:12
golinuxCompletely misinformed about what Devuan is.01:13
gnarfaceyea, this is the type of thing i'm talking about.  weaponized willful ignorance01:13
Xenguydefine "questionable", I'd say01:13
golinuxAnd this really pissed me off:01:13
golinuxSeveral people have said they believe that to be the end of Devuan,01:13
golinuxand I concur, from what I�ve read.01:13
golinuxThat is all one quote from that thread01:14
gnarfaceyea of course they think it's impossible to find a maintainer for sysvinit01:14
XenguyAha, the Naysayers have landed01:14
gnarfacebut it can't be all that hard01:14
XenguyI'm surprised there's no one to pick up on the sysvinit work01:14
XenguyBut there probably is, somewhere in the wings01:15
XenguyIt is important work tho01:15
gnarfaceon craigslist ad away01:15
XenguyIf someone steps up, they better be steady about it01:15
gnarface*one craigslist ad away01:15
XenguyIt may have to be One Of Us01:16
XenguyThe Usual Suspects01:17
golinuxXenguy:  Read the DBG archives.  You are totally out of the loop at this point01:55
golinuxOops DNG01:55
XenguySo what's the lastest news01:56
XenguySomebody's got to step up to maintain sysvinit, no?01:56
golinuxStart here:
Xenguysigh, OK.  I do appreciate timely info, so thanks, but there's so many rabbit holes too... I suppose this is an important issue01:58
golinuxWe were having a discussion on -dev until Ed decided to post to DNG and then . . . well.01:58
golinuxThe most important since the fork.01:58
XenguyOh gawd01:59
XenguyAlright, will have to read of course.  There seems to be a steady new wave of people who don't get traditional *nix, who just want to innovate all the risky possibilities02:00
golinuxIt about something different than that02:01
XenguyI'll read some more then ; -)02:01
golinuxPlease do.02:01
golinuxYou'll be at it a while02:01
golinuxYou snooze, you have lots of catching up to do.  :)02:02
XenguyMeh, the world turns02:02
golinuxI keep up ewith it and it's still a lot02:02
XenguyYeah, online takes time02:03
Xenguy70,000 miles/per/hour02:04
golinuxUnfortunately I don't have the skills to actually solve the problem so just watching from the sidelines and waking people up02:04
XenguyI'll guess that someone has to adopt sysvinit...02:05
XenguyBut younger folks think it's a passe thing...02:05
XenguySo someone else who has reverse vision will need to step in02:05
XenguyAnd w/e happens:  Don't Panic!02:06
golinuxPlease don't generalize.  That could offend the younger members on this channel02:06
XenguySo what?02:07
gnarfacewell you don't want to alienate the few who get it02:07
golinuxThey may not fit your stereotype and that's just rude.02:07
XenguyMeh, ppl gonna hate, blah02:08
golinuxCop out.  Just fess up that was a stupid thing to say02:08
golinuxAnd take responsibility for not thinking before writing/.02:09
XenguyNot at all02:09
XenguyI'm all in for critical thinking02:09
gnarfacei'm able to recall that sysvinit was already considered archaic when i was young and first picked it up02:10
gnarfacedespite that i was able to see the sense in the design02:10
XenguyIt's been around a long time, and worked02:10
gnarfacemy point is that if i was able to see it despite being too young, there may be others02:12
gnarfaceageism is actually harmful in both directions02:12
XenguyIt's the ism's that make one weary02:12
XenguyThe self-censoring type of mental discourse02:13
XenguyIt's a CPU hog man02:13
XenguyLook, we're going to all die, let's not worry too much about age02:13
XenguyOlder people get it a bit more directly, amirite?02:14
golinuxlabeling and judging is usually not a good idea because generalizations will always have exceptions.  You are smarter than to fall into that abyss02:16
XenguyConvictions cause convicts, sure I get it02:17
XenguyBut yeah, maybe someone will pick up sysvinit02:17
golinuxLet''s take this silliness to #debianfork02:17
XenguyI need to read some more, obv02:17
XenguyOh yeah, wrong channel, apologies02:17
XenguyBut first, a Public Service Announcement...02:27
XenguyRow row row you boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream02:27
MinceRrow row row your goat02:42
XenguyBetter a goat than a sheep = )02:51
Centurion_DanI'm already working on devuan-baptise a dpkg-trigger base tool that on package install converts systemd units into the relevant init-scripts (sysvinit initially, but will also easily do openrc and others), cron jobs and [x]inetd service configs08:58
Centurion_Danthat will cover the common cases.08:58
WonkaCenturion_Dan: cool, that sounds interesting10:10
HumanG33kCenturion_Dan, really really cool, What language do you use?11:07
HumanG33kSome of you had some issues with php heap and current stable kernel ?11:11
Centurion_DanHumanG33k: I'm probably going to use sh and awk to minimise pre-depends.11:13
HumanG33kCenturion_Dan, ok good, where the code will be ? gitlab ?11:18
Centurion_DanI'm just figuring out if we can use the sd-notify api for services that should be supervised or have a watchdog timer.  It appears we can use it.  Service daemons compiled with libsystemd0 can spit out data to an AF_UNIX socket defined by the Environment variable $NOTIFY_SOCKET.  The sd_notify api is described here
Centurion_DanHumanG33k: at this stage it's still in the design phase...11:25
HumanG33kGood to know, it can be a good thing to use unit testing for your code ? to improve quality11:26
negevhi is there an openssl 1.1.1 package available yet?12:24
negevand/or gnutls 3.6.4?12:24
Centurion_DanHumanG33k: absolutely!!12:24
KatolaZnegev: pkginfo.devuan.org12:26
Human_G33kCenturion_Dan, i will create an account soon, i m a little bit busy at least until december.13:07
Human_G33kKatolaZ, there is some devuan/companies partnership program or something like that ?13:07
KatolaZHuman_G33k: what do you mean?13:42
Human_G33kKatolaZ, to let’s know to the world all company are currently using devuan.13:48
KatolaZHuman_G33k: partnership means somehting else :)13:49
KatolaZthat's why I am asking13:49
Human_G33kit can be more but for the moment i dont have ressources for that. But i hope i will have some dedicated server in 2019 for an autobuild architecture and repository. (debian + devuan)13:59
Human_G33kand maybe one or two fulltime dev13:59
Human_G33kbut for the moment nothing is done but it’s the plan14:00
Human_G33kand the fact some of you will become the debian sysvinit package it’s a good thing14:01
stevelittgnarface, I like your phrase, "weaponized ignorance." From now on I'll use that phrase often.16:42
HumanG33kthere is a way to track dmesg error and memory usage by program/package ? with nice graph ?16:50
stevelittWhich do you guys like better, logger, rsyslog, or syslog-ng?17:25
nemostevelitt: I use metalog personally17:26
nemobut that's on gentoo ☺17:26
furrywolfI haven't had to interact with any logger enough to have a preference.17:27
nemoon debian/devuan I tend to use defaults as much as possible17:27
stevelittnemo, apt-cache shows a "metalogger server" called lizardfs-metalogger. Anybody else using any sort of metalog?17:54
nemostevelitt: I gotta say I picked metalog like... 15 years ago ☺17:55
nemotimes change..17:55
nemoat the time it had a rather nice feature set17:55
nemoand was more active17:55

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