libera/#devuan/ Saturday, 2020-03-07

BlackMugi was wondering do you guys add packages to devuan separately to debian? or when its added to debian it will be added to devuan?19:06
plasma41BlackMug: If a package gets added to a release of Debian, so long as it doesn't depend on systemd, it will automatically propogate into the corresponding Devuan release.19:13
plasma41BlackMug: Is there a specific package you have in mind?19:14
BlackMugother question19:18
BlackMugwhen devuan will be based on buster? took too long isnt? or there is something im missing?19:18
fsmithredbeowulf is based on buster19:19
fsmithredonly thing missing is installer media19:19
fsmithredyou can upgrade from ascii or wait until beta isos are out, probably next week19:20
BlackMugyou mean no iso for it?19:20
fsmithredright, no isos yet19:20
fsmithredwell, there are some mini.isos19:20
BlackMugi see19:20
BlackMugis there onion repo for devaun? couldnt find it19:21
fsmithredfor packages, yes19:21
BlackMuglink so i can read if possible19:21
fsmithredscroll to bottom of page19:22
plasma41BlackMug: Well, no /official/ isos yet. Feel free to try these WIP ones and report back any issues.
BlackMugah thanks found the repos , to be honest horrible way to find things in devuan website19:23
fsmithredthat's all being re-worked19:24
fsmithredbecause we agree with you on that point19:24
BlackMugah great19:24
BlackMugplasma41 the link doesnt work19:24
fsmithredit works here19:25
plasma41works for me :-/19:25
BlackMugclearnet or Tor?19:25
fsmithrednot using tor here19:26
fsmithredok, it works in tor here19:26
BlackMughmm weird situation one sec19:27
fsmithredyou want amd64 netinstall or other? I can give you direct link for wget.19:27
BlackMugyeah i can enter now problem with exit node19:29
BlackMugsince i can see only CD version what is the DE coming up with it?19:30
BlackMugDebian CD if someone want it with DE it comes with xfce19:30
BlackMugsame for devuan?19:30
BlackMugalso any signatures for verification?19:31
plasma41See the WIP site for DE details.19:31
plasma41BlackMug: Unfortunately rrq hasn't signed the WIP ISOs.19:32
fsmithredxfce is the default desktop19:34
BlackMugi see, thats cool then19:34
fsmithredyou'll get it with a netinstall or with the dvd (if you do offline install) or CD1 and CD2 together.19:34
fsmithredCD1 (server) and DVD (desktop) can do netinstall or offline install19:35
BlackMugwill do my testing and report back if there are issues19:35
BlackMugi want to ask is by removing systemd the OS slow down or getting faster?19:36
BlackMugsome say by the time it boot up it take longer time, how much true is that? and why would it be?19:37
fsmithredsometimes it boots slow and sometimes it boots fast19:37
plasma41I so rarely reboot it doesn't make a noticeable difference to me.19:38
fsmithredI haven't figured out a reliable pattern19:38
fsmithredI haven't seen it boot as slow as the slower debian/systemd boots I've encountered.19:40
BlackMugi see19:41
fsmithredthose times when some job is waiting...19:41
BlackMugis there any work willing to be done towards devaun template for qubes?19:41
fsmithrednobody has stepped up for that19:42
fsmithredI like the idea19:42
fsmithredprobably others do, too19:42
fsmithredis there a debian template?19:42
BlackMugyes there is19:43
onefangI suggested I might get around to it one day, but life got in the way and I'm well behind in my projects.19:43
fsmithredmirrorherd ^^^19:43
plasma41BlackMug: If that sounds like a project you'd like to pursue, I say go for it!19:44
BlackMugdevuan can be what Qubes base itself instead of Fedora , but there are limitations within debian (wish list) thus qubes cant be ported to debian.19:44
onefangI think fsmithred means I'm one of the Devuan mirror herders.19:44
fsmithredonefang, yes.19:45
BlackMugplasma41 im from whonix community ,release tester and social media manager and do help I2P as well so alot on me already.19:46
BlackMugbut im here because i was playing around with devuan19:48
fsmithredI'm looking at debian/qubes info and I'm a little confused19:48
plasma41BlackMug: Neat. Whonix sounds vaguely familiar. What's it based on or is it independent?19:48
fsmithredis current situation that you can run a debian VM inside qubes OS?19:48
fsmithred...and I have to go outside and stack some firewood19:49
BlackMugplasma41 its anonymous os based on debian , currently buster.19:49
fsmithredyeah, that's the page I'm looking at19:49
plasma41I had thought Qubes was based on Debian, not Fedora. Or am I getting it confused with Subgraph?19:49
fsmithredqubes is fedora19:50
fsmithredgotta go. bbl.19:50
BlackMugfsmithred there is HVM and TemplateVM , i can run devuan and any other OS as HVM but TemplateVM is the fun part.19:50
BlackMugplasma41 yes are confused19:50
BlackMugSubgraphOZ is based on debian and dead by now19:51
plasma41Subgraph died? That's sad to hear. I hadn't even gotten around to trying it yet.19:52
BlackMughaving anonymous/secure OS directly connected to the hardware its almost impossible to be secured one.19:53
BlackMugnot because of the bad software but because of the bad hardware19:53
plasma41I have a literal list of various OSs and distros to try out. Trying out weird and esoteric systems is my hobby.19:54
BlackMugha! same here :)19:54
onefangLast I checked Qubes is based on Fedora as the host OS, but includes Whonix and Debian guest OSes.19:55
onefangOther guests are available.19:56
onefang"Last I checked" that was Debian Jessie, things might have changed since then.  lol19:56
BlackMugonefang yes didnt changed from fedora to lets say debian due to these issues
BlackMugonefang TemplatesVM available are Fedora,Debian,Arch, soon Kali19:58
BlackMugand whonix for sure19:59
BlackMugsome built ubuntu and centos but never tried them20:00
BlackMugactually it ease the development to have Qubes OS20:01
onefangWell if people are working on Debian, and get that done, then Devuan would be easy.  I can remove that from my overflowing TODO lists.20:01
BlackMugyep i hope so, wish you good luck20:02
BlackMug checking first links doesnt contain anything for beowulf , just directory20:06
BlackMugso only from here i can get the image right?20:07
plasma41BlackMug: Yes. rrq, who is building the WIP ISOs, is only hosting them on his server until we have an official beta build.20:10
BlackMugofficial beta build will be released next week or when?20:11
plasma41Faster with help20:12
plasma41Hoping to have an official beta this week, but we shall see. No promises.20:13
BlackMugwhat took it so long to be released?20:15
BlackMugalso is the kernel debian vanilla kernel or libre-linux kernel? (stripped out from systedm)20:16
golinuxIsn't that obvious?  Everybody wants something and very few do anything.20:16
plasma41People having time to work on it.20:16
golinuxEven if we have time there aren't enough of us.20:17
BlackMuggolinux playing with kernel isnt lego , it needs some skill which many doesnt have20:17
plasma41Debian kernel, though I personally run the linux-libre kernel.20:17
golinuxDevuan doesn't mess with the kernel20:17
BlackMugplasma41 i see , well would you like me to play with devaun buster based now or after beta ?20:18
golinuxWe are not making any changes until the release20:19
BlackMuggolinux we in whonix lack the same thing only 1 core developer and the rest are helpers20:20
BlackMugwhat devuan suffers is almost the same for the rest20:20
golinuxUnfortunately, it is not sustainable.20:21
* golinux goes back to the kitchen20:22
BlackMugthats true , one man distro is risky and many distros/projects already died due to this factor20:22
plasma41BlackMug: Go ahead and play with Devuan Beowulf now. Just be sure to report back any rough edges.20:22
BlackMugalright .. downloading ..20:23
BlackMugis you guys wasting energy on 32bit builds20:37
BlackMugi think (if i remember correctly) debian will deprecate 32bit sooner or later20:38
fsmithrednope. We make 32 bit because people use it.20:38
BlackMugwhat if debian deprecate 32bit builds?20:38
BlackMugdevuan will do the same right?20:38
fsmithredthen I guess we won't have a 32-bit kernel anymore20:39
BlackMugi see20:39
bpmedley$ sudo lshw -class network | grep DISABLED shows "*-virtio1 DISABLED".  How can I enable eth1?20:39
fsmithred99% of packages come from debian unchanged20:39
BlackMugi hope next time releases can be downloaded over onion or i2p or at least torrent20:57
plasma41BlackMug: Torrent will be available20:58
bpmedleyIssue was lack of configuration.. oops..21:07
mike_yHello, I"m unable to access "semanage"22:38
ErRandirbpmedley: there could be many reasons for that. Is the iommu on in /proc/cmdline?23:20
ErRandiroh wau you found it already. sorry for the noise23:20
bpmedleyErRandir : It was lack of experience with multiple nics.. :-023:20

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