libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2021-03-23

tuxd3vhello, don't know how, but I got a file '/root/dead.letter' does this ever occurred to you?00:37
adhocI seem to recall you get this when you start to compose an email but don't end up sending it00:43
adhochas been a long time though00:43
tuxd3vthat could be the case, as it seems to be a mail message :)00:44
xrogaanStill no reply on :(03:18
iv4nshm4k0vxrogaan: Perhaps ask around on the -backports mailing list?06:37
john333idk why but thunar defaulted my usb drive to root whenever I plugged it in and can't read my ntfs sd card16:04
john333actually idk if it's a thunar issue with root16:05
gnarfacemight just be how you formatted it16:05
gnarfacepermissions will stay with the mounted device not the mount point16:05
john333It was all working fine until I opened up file manager settings I think16:06
john333I plugged in the drives to other devices and it read them fine16:07
gnarfacei'm not familiar with thunar, sorry16:07
gnarfacecan you remember what settings you changed?16:07
john333I didn't change anything from what I can recall16:08
john333I just opened the settings16:08
john333I did a chmod u+x on my usb and everything works on that but it's kinda a temporary fix16:08
hagbard_Sure it isn't the permissions/ownership of the mount point?16:09
john333on my sd card everything can be seen as a regular user and read outside of thunar16:09
john333can u alter the permissions/ownership in fstab?16:11
gnarfacedepends on the filesystem, but some of them yes16:11
john333I did that on the sd16:11
gnarfacewell undo it then16:12
john333didn't really do much16:15
john333probably thunar exclusive issue16:15
john333it's saying input/output error16:16
john333either the SD card is corrupted or i messed up thunar (or both)16:27
gnarfacewell a lot of things can go wrong anyway, but adding ntfs in there is a real wild card16:28
john333it's also a sandisk which kinda vary in quality16:29
gnarfacei have had no problems with sandisk honestly16:30
gnarfacelately i've heard some rumors of counterfeits though16:30
gnarfacebut ntfs write support has been experimental for a very long time, not sure if it's not still16:31
gnarfaceregardless of the condition of the SD card itself, you'd save yourself a lot of trouble not using ntfs16:31
john333never again16:31
gnarfacejust about anything else at all would be safer16:32
gnarfacefat32 would only be slightly safer16:32
john333I thought apple was nuts for excluding it but now I know16:32
gnarfacebut the rest of them would be greatly safer16:32
wdqJohn333 just try to chown the USB card16:39
wdqWorked for me16:39
xinomiloinput/output error usually means hw (adaptor/sd) fault..16:41
xinomilobut you can also try ntfsfix for ntfs16:41
john333yea probably corrupted16:41
john333weird how on windows I could see the files inside of the file manager though16:42
john333and is it normal to see a 400gb card say it's actually 394gb when plugged in16:43
john333nvm it's GiB16:45
wdqjohn333 try removing usbmount package and try and see if it works16:46
john333i dont think i have that package installed16:47
john333I actually might've gotten a fake sandisk16:53
buZzjohn333: there's tool to check if your usbstick/card is legit16:54
xinomiloanyone with a succesful migration path from bullseye/systemd -> chimaera?23:00
xinomilokeep getting : "systemd is the active init system, please switch to another before removing systemd."23:00
xinomilobut that's the issue, no other init can be installed, looping on the above every time..23:00
golinuxxinomilo: There are several threads in the forum about dealing with buster > beowulf migration.  It seems there are several ways to do this. We will likely modify the documentation to account for this23:14
golinuxI think one was from nixer23:15
xinomiloalready tried buster-> beowulf instructions, doesn't apply for bullseye23:15
xinomilothis helps to workaround the message :
xinomilobut haven't rebooted yet to check the outcome... :D23:16
xinomilolots of dpkg --force also, so far23:17
xinomiloyes, that doesn't work23:18
xinomiloyou can't install eudev23:18
golinuxthe dev1fanboy documentation is "incomplete".  The above link is nixers solution.  there is also another method.  fsmithred can point you to it.23:19
golinuxfsmithred:  ^^^23:19
xinomilomaybe i should mention system is arm6423:20
golinuxIt is possible.  I haven't crossed that bridge yet so no personal experience.23:20
euthyroxhello everyone, has anyone had some experience with setting up unpriv containers on devuan beowulf? they work okay for the most part but i can't figure out how to allow some cgroups for the life of me23:20
golinuxThis has been discussed on this channel and on the forum and probably dng also.23:20
golinuxThat comment was for xinomilo not euthyrox23:21
golinuxxinomilo: Have you read this thread on dng?
sadsnorkI have successfully followed a handful of times without issues.  I do not do the switch with any DE installed though.23:31
xinomilobuster -> beowulf upgrades using forum/dng guides work. my problems are with bullseye->chimaera migration..23:32
xinomilotrying to document something, but i keep getting broken systems..23:32
golinuxxinomilo: Apologies for the misread.  You might have to go buster > beowulf > chimaera for now.  I don't remember hearing any bullseye > chimaera discussion23:44
fsmithredxinomilo, I haven't tried bullseye to chimaera yet. What order did you do things?23:55
fsmithredthings: install sysvinit-core, switch to devuan repo, etc.23:56
fsmithredI think I only know two basic methods23:57
fsmithredalready mentioned23:57

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