libera/#devuan/ Saturday, 2021-04-24

user__Hi. Does Devuan use a git installed on some private servers? I just found this in another context:
user__It lists a number of alternatives to github at the end. I assume Devuan went it's own way with this?14:51
user__furrymcgee: is that marketing or are you answering me?:)15:24
buZzuser__: there is btw15:25
furrymcgeeI am not talking about devuan private servers but the issues with gitlab15:50 is git related somehow?16:22
furrymcgeejoin #git17:09
XenguyWith wicd taking a vacation in chimaera, do the alternatives basically boil down to network-manager (nm) and connman?17:29
Xenguyrm, of course, but for managing public wifi etc.?17:30
rmdunno. I'm only half-serious of course17:30
rmwicd doesn't work with my laptop's wifi for some reason even in beowulf17:31
XenguyI agree with you, for a PC that mostly just stays put, in one location17:31
rmI don't use a ton of different wifi networks, so I'm fine with /e/n/i so far17:31
XenguyENI, I like it : -)17:31
XenguyI have read people who use wpa-supplicant and assorted hacks to manage different public wifi connections, so it's probably doable17:32
XenguyI do prefer some setup that isn't too crude17:33
XenguyAnd somehow I have a feeling that I just can't bring myself to use nm17:33
XenguySo maybe connman is the first wicd alternative to try17:34
XenguySo that was amusing:  I uninstalled wicd, and then tried to apt-get install connman  : -P18:21
XenguyBased on this I was able to deduce a clear need for more kawfee!18:21
XenguyI was able to ifdown and then ifup eth0, gain a network connection through ENI, and then did:  apt-get install connman cmst18:23
XenguyThe latter is a QT based interface to the connman daemon, and so far I like it, and it works quite easily...18:23
XenguyOne thing I'm not sure about is the namserver situation, as I have /etc/resolv.conf chattr'd to immutable, and AFAIK am using unbound for DNS, yet connman appears to be referencing my ISP's nameservers, so will need to investigate this further...18:25
Xenguyfsmithred, Did you ever recall what it was about connman that rubbed you the wrong way initially?18:26
fsmithredXenguy, not sure what it was before, but currently, I don't like connman because it doesn't show the IP address easily and it doesn't show nearby wireless signals easily.18:35
Xenguyfsmithred, Good point, I have only verified that it handles my wired connection, i.e. haven't tested any wifi functionality yet18:37
Xenguycmst shows the current IP address in one of the tabs18:37
XenguyHuh, cmst seems to be showing wireless AP's fine also.  Were you using the GTK frontend perhaps?18:39
fsmithredI tried both.18:43
fsmithredwicd shows it the easiest - you just hover on the tray icon.18:44
XenguyYeah, takes a couple of clicks to get that in connman18:45
XenguyNot a showstopper, but I don't like how connman rescans the wireless AP's so frequently (perhaps there is a way to configure rescanning to be manual only).  But again, not a real showstopper...18:46
Xenguytuxd3v is mentioning a ncurses program called 'ceni'.  Might have a look at that too.18:47
fsmithredI've tried it; it works; it's probably the lightest of the bunch.18:48
fsmithrednot counting setnet.sh18:48
XenguyOh hyeah, I think you mentioned that script once upon a time...18:48
XenguyI really only need this kind of thing for public wifi managment, otherwise I can just use ENI actually, since I use ethernet at home, not wireless18:49
fsmithredit's in devuan experimental18:50
fsmithredand has been there since jessie18:50
onefangENI works fine for WiFi at home.  They wont let me run an Ethernet cable across the hallway.18:50
XenguyLooks like it's in beowulf here18:50
fsmithredwhere are you looking?18:51
Xenguyfsmithred, me?18:51
fsmithredyeah, what's in beowulf?18:51
fsmithredI have my laptop set up to use e/n/i with bridged networking in runlevel 2, and then uses wicd in runlevel 4 for when I'm away from home.18:53
Xenguyfsmithred, Sounds like a fancy setup18:54
fsmithredyou could have just said 'ceni'18:54
XenguyI though I did = )18:54
fsmithredceni should be in all suites. It's not new.18:54
XenguyCool, think I might take it for a spin, but more kawfee first18:55
XenguyWas wondering how I was going to remember 'ceni', and then realized it probably stands for 'curses e/n/i'19:11
XenguyRight or wrong, it's a mnemonic that works for me : -)19:12
fsmithreddoes it edit that file?19:27
XenguyConfirmed, I just looked at the man page for ceni, and it gives this:19:29
XenguyOh sorry19:29
XenguyScratch that19:29
Xenguy       Ceni - Curses /etc/network/interfaces19:29
Xenguy^^ that19:29
gnarfacei vaguely recall that wpa_supplicant is extensible through bash script hooks, and you can indeed manage wifi connections that way if you're clever19:37
gnarfacei found it simpler to just have a static config too though19:37
Xenguygnarface, Maybe one of those is the script previously mentioned?19:38
gnarfacenot sure really19:39
XenguyI'm thinking Ceni might be the sweet spot, but will need to do some testing19:39
XenguyGonna stick with connman/cmst I think; Ceni looks a tad crude20:46
unixbsdplasma41: have fun, 18mb, and little memstick ;)   I made a little bootable memstick to run on my notebook:
Xenguyfsmithred, I spotted one more GUI called wpagui, ever messed with that one?21:15
unixbsdno yet. I am trying to decode plpbt.bin to try to see how it works.21:16
unixbsdXenguy: why not in FLTK, do you need one?21:17
Xenguyunixbsd, FLTK?21:18
fsmithredXenguy, I looked at it very briefly. It's not a candidate for default.21:23
Xenguyfsmithred, Certainly, just curious about it as a minimal method to manage changing public wifi configs21:24
fsmithredprobably good for anyone who doesn't know how to edit wpasupplicant files (like me)21:24
XenguyMight try it sometime if we're ever allowed to get out and about again21:25
unixbsdI just made a little gui for your wpa gui21:43
unixbsdhave fun... sh
melodieI am trying to get new users in Devuan 32bits to get the same look and feel as I wish to configure. I have a first user with another background, icons and gtk theme, and did a full sync of the ~/.config/xfce4 directory to /etc/skel/.config but when I create a new user the background (which I put into /usr/share/backgrounds) is not there, instead it's a dark blue bg (not bad, but not what I expected). Also two other things have not come throught : I22:08
melodie replaced the exo-utils www-browser icon with the one from Midori, in the whisker-menu (I prefert whisker-menu) and also as quick launcher on a secondary xfce4 panel : same thing, the changed icons didn't come through. What could I do about it?22:08
Walexmelodie: some bits of the configuration probaly are in 'dconf' because they are in 'xfce4-settings'22:46
Walexmelodie: you can find which files contain which bit of configuration indirectly by changing the configuration and then running in the home directory something like 'find. -type f -mmin -5' afterwards.22:47
Xenguyfind .23:07
melodieWalex what is "-mmin" ?23:09
melodiethanks Xenguy23:09
melodieI have done a cp -R on xfce4 (in .config) to xfce4-backup, then changed some things, then did a diff -r23:10
melodiethen changed some parts in /etc/skel/.config/xfce423:10
Xenguymelodie, np (the space matters).  I think -mmin etc. is saying to find, "find all the files that have changed in the last 5 minutes23:10
XenguyBut I don't know for sure, just a guess.  man page would know, of course23:10
melodieI will check dconf now23:11
melodieyes of course23:11

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