libera/#devuan/ Friday, 2021-07-02

stealth_Hi, would I be able to use backports for Devuan? Specifically, in the sources.list?05:37
stealth_holy moly05:38
golinuxBut use the release name not the suite in your source.list05:38
fsmithredbeowulf-backport (use a devuan repo)05:38
fsmithredsorry: beowulf-backports (plural)05:38
stealth_Yes, I just added it.05:39
stealth_Thank you sir05:39
fsmithredI assume you know not to go crazy with the backports05:39
fsmithredoh well05:39
fsmithredwe'll know in a day or so05:39
luser978why not "go crazy with backports"?06:29
ahkmI'm trying to compile electricsheep here is the link but it gives me an error08:04
ahkmcould you please help me?08:04
ahkmthis is the error08:04
jyriOMG, is that thing still runnin?08:05
jyrihmm, ./configure: line 18578: syntax error near unexpected token `PTHREAD_OK=true,PTHREAD_OK=false'08:16
jyriis this the one you run into?08:17
ahkmi ran make08:18
jyridid you run autoreconf before?08:19
ahkmshould i?08:19
jyriprobably worth a try08:20
adhocahkm: did you compile other packags from source?08:20
ahkmi compiled flame308:21
adhocyou probably have to link in the paths to the inclide files and libraries in your configure step too.08:21
adhocso, if you compile stuff by hand, you have to tell the other tools where those packages live.08:21
adhocahkm: what was the install destination ?08:22
ahkmi don't know08:22
adhocwhen you compiled that library, you did08:24
adhocmake insatll08:24
ahkmbut it's stuck in make08:25
adhocok, so where did the make install put the binaries/libraries ?08:25
adhoc"stuck" ?08:25
ahkmthe error occur after i executed make08:26
adhocahkm: ok, so what failed?08:32
ahkmsomething about opengl08:33
ahkmfor more information check this link
ahkmafter executing autoreconf it gives me this output here
ahkmadhoc: did you figure something?09:32
schillingklausfigured that netsplits appear also in libera09:34
GyrosGeierif they come back, tell them to add -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES11:44
GyrosGeierthe ARB functions are extensions to the base OpenGL standard, and you need a feature flag to be able to see them11:45
sysvnoobhello you beautiful people13:30
UsLwell, hello13:30
sysvnoob:))) so, i kept seeing memes about how systemd is bad and sysvinit is better and people going on and on about devuan13:30
sysvnoobso i installed it13:31
UsLah, memes. What would devuan be without it13:31
sysvnooband i'm not sure why it asks me to mount the installation media when i want to install packages13:31
UsLbecause it doesn't do auto mount13:32
UsLyou need to mount it to use it. You should just be able to rightclick it and then mount13:32
sysvnoobnono, it asks me this " please insert the disc labeled Devuan GNU/Linux [version-name here ]"13:34
sysvnoobinto /media/cdrom13:34
UsLoh, you need to remove that line from sources list13:35
sysvnoob:))))) i know where that is, i used ppa13:35
UsLyeah I just realized I only read the first words there. Didn't see "install packages". I should read more careful.13:36
sysvnoobdon't worry bout it, happens to the best of us13:37
UsLdevuan is great. The most stable system I've used.13:38
sysvnoobi do hope it shall serve me well13:39
sysvnoobdistrohopping was fun in the beginning, seeing what other distros had to offer, but now it's just tiring13:40
sysvnoobi hope to stay with devuan for a good long while13:40
tuxd3vahkm, "Client/ but option 'subdir-objects' is disabled"13:41
UsLyeah, I did some hopping and then I read up on the whole systemd debacle and here I am13:41
sysvnoobmodifying the sources file worked13:41
sysvnoobthanks a million13:42
tuxd3vahkm, libgl-dev?13:42
UsLsysvnoob: what people coming from systemd distros have issues with are usually the run levels and how to set them. Just read up on it and then use "sysv-rc-conf"13:42
sysvnoobi have not messed around with run levels yet13:43
UsLuntil you do then : )13:43
sysvnooball i know about init stuff is typing init 1 closes almost everything except the very basic needed programs13:43
schillingklausopenrc has different ways as well13:43
UsLoh, yeah. I guess I assumed since the nick was sysvnoob.13:44
schillingklauslet alone runit, s6, sinit... if feasible on devuan13:44
UsLs6 seems nice..13:44
sysvnoobUsL was right, i do use sysvinit13:45
sysvnoobnot by informed choice tho13:45
sysvnoobmemes and the installer told me "if you don't know what these are, just select sysv"13:46
sysvnoobso here i am :)))))))))))13:46
UsLyeah. Hope it will be as good for you it has for me. And everyone else using it I guess.13:47
sysvnoobthanks a bunch for the good wishes and the help and the willingness to help13:48

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