libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2021-09-12

chomwittafter a lengthy discussion in oftc #lxqt i decided to create an issue
chomwitta lxqt developer suggested that devuan should move to lxqt 0.1700:14
golinuxWe move to whatever version Debian offers00:15
chomwitta related debian (so maybe devuan) related filelight issue
chomwittgolinux, ok , i just say what they said to me00:17
golinuxThanks for letting us know00:19
ham5urg_Is fwupd a good or bad thing?00:55
ham5urg_How does "root 2653 1 0 00:42 ? 00:00:01 /usr/libexec/fwupd/fwupd" got loaded? I can't find it in /etc/init.d/01:03
ham5urg_I guess it is autoload when fwupdmgr is invoked and not been shutdown afterwards.01:08
ham5urg_Unclean in my eyes.01:08
ham5urg_If so01:08
Hydragyrumany reasonably easy way to check which files in /etc differ from the defaults shipped with packages?02:33
gnarfaceHydragyrum: check for copies with an additional extension like .dpkg-new .dpkg-old or .dpkg-dist, stuff like that03:04
gnarfaceif there's a collision during an upgrade with a file a user changed, there's usually a backup of some sort03:04
gnarfaceoff the top of my head i can't think of a simple command to actually compare them all recursively without writing scripts to automate looping through the process of re-downloading the stock package from the repo03:05
gnarfacethe best practice of course is to have already made a backup of /etc03:06
gnarfacei realize that might not help much at this point though03:06
onefangOr use etckeeper.03:06
Hydragyrumyeah, I forgot to set up etckeeper on this install03:06
HydragyrumI usually do use it03:06
fsmithreddebsums -ca03:31
fsmithredHydragyrum, gnarface ^^^03:31
Hydragyrumwhere does that come from? apt-file doesn't find me a package containing anything called debsums03:32
Hydragyrumnvm my apt-file seems to be acting up03:33
fsmithredPackage: debsums04:22
fsmithredVersion: 2.2.304:22
fsmithredPriority: optional04:22
Hydragyrumyeah that worked really well, ty04:31
chomwittTrying to install an epson inkjet driver,but as dpkg --info shows and as dpkg -i complains it has a dependency on 'lsb' a package non existant09:58
rrqthe lsb package doesn't seem to provide anything other than a coupld of branding files and some subsystem dependencies, esp "cups"... an equivs package would probably wotk for you...10:16
chomwitti'll try $ sudo apt-get install printer-driver-escpr10:18
chomwittmust be the driver i need10:18
chomwittcool ,, its done, with cups installed i can print to a wifi printer while i am connected wired in the same access point10:48
nckxDoes Devuan rely on eudev by default, and if is there a plan regarding its deprecation?  <>11:40
nckx*if so11:40
fsmithrednckx, yes and yes. #devuan-eudev11:53
nckxI wasn't aware of that channel.11:57
fsmithredit's only existed for a day or two11:57
* chomwitt finds debtree diagrams on cool! 14:19
* chomwitt finds clickable debtree diagrams cooler ... 14:21
jason1234LFS guys...      unpack the rootfs.tar.gz and boot out of grub. you will get the smallest linux ever, without any base at all ... you can use it on top to make your own distribution of linux.  Only the -static is needed to run command.s  it allows to deploy devuan out of it, using tar and dpkg -x15:34
blockheadgotta love those git hub sites that don't even say what the project is or does *golf clap*.  Nothing to do with real Linux From Scratch, it turns out.  Oh, and oh dear, that's off topic, isn't it?15:42
fsmithredin beowulf and ascii, I could resize a qemu window by grabbing the corner with the mouse and moving it. In chimaera, this does not work. Any ideas on how to fix it?17:09
fsmithredgrep -v no longer works? wtf?17:30
fsmithredhow do I search inside every file on my computer to find the string 'lightdm-xsession' and only return lines that have that string?17:31
fsmithredor more to the point, how do I get xfce or whatever is sending me the error to stop trying to load a lightdm-xsession after lightdm has been purged and replaced with lxdm?17:31
fsmithredXsession: unable to launch "lightdm-xsession" --- lightdm-xsession not found; falling b17:33
ksx4systemfsmithred, only thing that comes to my mind would be writing a script executing cat and then grep on every file you'd like to "scan"17:54
ksx4systembut there's probably better solution17:54
fsmithredI'm grepping one dir at a time to skip /proc17:54
fsmithredwhich was spamming the console17:54
Xenguyfsmithred, grep -rv foo *18:20
Xenguyshould work, no?18:20
fsmithredXenguy, not today18:20
XenguyOtherwise, not sure how efficient it is, but could a combination of find and grep e.g.18:20
fsmithredI'm past that, anyway. Looking at $DESKTOP_SESSION now18:21
fsmithredyeah, I already used find with -exec to delete every file on the hard drive with lightdm in its name18:21
Xenguyfind . -type f -exec grep -i foo {} \;18:21
fsmithredno shit. I am pissed off about this.18:21
fsmithredsomething is telling Xsession to use lightdm-session18:22
fsmithredI suspect it may be startxfce4, but if so, it's new in chimaera18:22
fsmithredI've used lxdm with xfce in beowulf and ascii, and it worked fine.18:22
fsmithredjust had to set the session=/usr/bin/startxfce4 in lxdm.conf18:23
fsmithredand this isn't even the real issue. I just wanted to try lxdm to see if it made a difference.18:25
fsmithredhow to get xfce to respect the language/locale that is selected at boot in a live iso?18:25
fsmithredin desktop-live isos and refracta-runit isos it works. In new refracta-xfce isos it does not work. I only get the keyboard on the desktop.18:26
fsmithredfound it! in ~/.dmrc:   session=lightdm-xsession  (I changed it to default and set startxfce4 in lxdm.conf18:32
fsmithredI think that's where lightdm is going in Refracta18:58
systemdleteI am trying to set up a ssh and scp connection to a machine running dropbear (not openssh, etc).  I can successfully scp a file to the remote (dropbear server), but ssh does not work.  I'm using a ec22519 key pair.  on the local system, I am using openssh-client on beowulf.  Could there be a compatibility problem with this combination?21:03
systemdleteuser and root logins to the remote are disabled.21:04
systemdlete(the public key file was transferred to the dropbear server side; scp works.)21:05
systemdletethank you21:06
rwpsystemdlete, Was it that logins were disabled? Was that the end result of the debug?21:30
systemdleterwp:  Never mind.  I think I have this fire under control... ALMOST.21:30
rwpMost often on the client side I use 1 or 3 -v on the ssh to see what it says.21:31
rwpssh -v, Hmm... ssh -vvv, and hopefully find a clue in there.21:31
rwpMultiple -v's increase verbosity.21:31
systemdleteI think the problem is that I am specifying the wrong user.  But now it seems to be working, even though the pub file spec on the remote belongs to a regular user.21:31
systemdlete(yes, I did a trace.)21:31
systemdletebut root login is disabled.21:32
systemdleteon the remote I mean21:32
rwpIf scp works then almost by definition ssh should work since scp *is* ssh and is using ssh.  But your interactive login comment could be it.21:32
systemdlete"interactive login comment?"21:32
rwpEveryone disables root by default these days.  Which is a pity.21:32
rwpYou had said, ":04 <systemdlete> user and root logins to the remote are disabled."21:32
systemdleteI did that21:33
systemdleteI want all ssh and scp traffic to use secure connections.21:33
systemdletebesides, it avoids having to enter a password all the time21:33
rwpThe OpenSSH default these days is "PermitRootLogin prohibit-password".21:34
rwpWhich allows the use of keys, but not passwords.21:34
rwpBut many distros set that to an actual "PermitRootLogin no".  Which just blocks it entirely.21:34
systemdletewell, I have disabled root login with password on the remote.21:35
systemdletehere's what is puzzling me.  the key pair I am using was generated by an admin user not root on the local host.21:35
systemdleteI copied the pub file to the remote.21:36
rwpHow did you disable root login with password?21:36
rwpDisabled it in /etc/shadow?  Or used passwd -l or whatever?21:36
systemdletebut it allows root to connect without password, which I don't expect.  The pub file has the username and hostname of the local, not root for the local21:36
systemdletefirst off, the remote is running dropbear, not openssh.21:37
systemdletesecond, there's a UI for all of this for the remote (it's a router)21:37
systemdlete(openwrt router)21:37
systemdletehopefully that explains things more clearly.21:38
rwpOh it's OpenWRT.  Gotcha.21:38
systemdletesorry.  should have pointed that out more and earlier21:38
rwpYes.  I can *almost* but not quite know what is going on with OpenWRT.21:38
systemdleteI am also soliciting help in their channel with this.21:38
rwpThe problem being that I (we?) don't actually know what the web UI is doing behind the scenes internally on the box.21:39
systemdleteI am no expert on cryptography or ssh.21:39
systemdleteand it is a brand new release that has had some bugs so far21:39
systemdleteergo, y'know21:39
rwpFortunately we can mostly ignore the cryptography and just assume that part works like any other connection.21:39
systemdleteoh, I meant the keys and the manner in which ssh works in general, as opposed to specific tools and implementations21:40
rwpAnd since scp is working then we know that the crypto is working between the boxes.  So no concerns about incompatibility between the ciphers or anything.21:40
systemdletelike in this instance, the way the protocol is supposed to do matching of identities etc21:40
systemdleteright.  and ssh is working also.  but it is working for root, not just my regular user21:41
rssystemdlete: Are you specifying root while attempting to ssh to openwrt? Doesn't ssh need a user regardless?21:41
systemdleteyes and yes21:41
rsOr connect with "user"@host?21:41
systemdleteerase! erase! erase!21:42
systemdleteI got my windows mixed up21:42
systemdleteno, it really is the regular user that is successful with both ssh and scp21:42
rswhy would you not want to login as root on openwrt? with a key and no http, or http'd disabled unless needed, im not sure the need to block ssh to root@host.21:43
systemdleteit isn't.21:44
systemdletethe router blocks users including root from entering a password21:45
rwpRight.  I always unblock root entirely because I use long random generated passwords but with a key only is very safe.21:45
rsrwp: exactly. i also disable http entirely and use ssh to enable when necessary21:45
systemdleteis there a problem with things this way?21:46
rwpI also say no http/https on the WAN side but only allowed on the LAN side.21:46
systemdleteIt is more convenient not to have to enter a password for one thing.21:46
systemdleterwp:  currently the router only allows connections from the lan side.21:46
rwpThere is convenience.  And then there is the initial setup debug time when things are not working.21:46
rwpBut yes ssh keys are convenient and more secure.  So that is what I use 99.44% of the time.21:47
rssystemdlete: Well, you shouldn't need a password for anything -- assuming you command line everything via ssh.21:47
systemdletemoreover, these will be "canned" instructions -- specific scripts, not ad hoc instructions21:47
systemdlete(actually, really only one script.  so far anyway)21:48
systemdletethanks to you both btw21:48
rwpIf it wasn't OpenWRT but a standard system I would suggest looking in /var/log/auth.log for the server side of the debug trail.21:50
rwpDoes the OpenWRT have any log files available for that side of the debug trail?21:50
systemdleteeh, not so much no21:50
systemdleteI think there are ways to increase the verbosity and so on, but I have not done that really21:51
systemdletein fact, I have actually redirected logging to a local system where it is easier to do hunting21:51
systemdleteAlso uses less space on the router21:51
systemdletebut I am not having any problems now, thanks to you guys21:52
rwpThis is why my house router and WiFi Access Point is an actual small system running Beowulf.  Have a full software stack there.  Everything is just Devuan and normal.21:52
rwpYou have things working and happy now?21:52
systemdletevery happy21:53
rwpWhat was the secret that made everything work?21:53
systemdletethe secret?  Well, to start with, specifying the correct user on the command line to ssh  :D21:54
rwpThat would do it!  :-)21:54
systemdleteand then later, when I thought i was getting local root to execute ssh on the router, suddenly realizing the local shell was logged in as the local admin (regular) user, not local root!21:55
systemdleteI confused myself with that.21:55
rwpIt can be easy to get tripped up that way.  I most often do it when I am comparing three different remote system things and confuse myself on which terminal is which.21:56
systemdleteYeah, I am using several command windows also.  Some window managers don't keep up well with re-titling windows as I log in to remote systems, change users, etc21:57
systemdletebut on this desktop, which is lxde, it actually does a pretty good job of updating the window titles.  I am even wearing my computer eyeglasses.  So there is no excuse.21:59
systemdleteWhen they were giving out brains, I thought they said trains...21:59
rwpI use the normal PS1 which puts the user and hostname in the prompt.  That helps.22:00
rwpBut for OpenWRT I don't know what they have set up there.22:01
systemdletepretty much that22:01
systemdleteit is 'root@routername# '22:02
systemdleteand that shows up the same in ssh session, so that is fine.22:02
systemdletethe bigger problem is the window titles because I usually leave a lot of windows open all the time.22:03
systemdleteheck, I even label my desktop to reflect which host I'm on -- no kidding.22:03
systemdleteWhat I do is I change the comment field for the login user (not root) to say something like "welcome to beowulf" or whatever.22:04
systemdleteAnd that shows up in either the action widget or some other control on the panel for that desktop.22:04
systemdleteIt helps a lot when I have to update/upgrade my VMs22:05
rwpI (ab)use the /etc/debian_chroot file for that all of the time on systems that don't otherwise have a reasonable name.22:05
rwpThe default .bashrc file has PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ ' which puts the contents of that file in the prompt.22:06
rwpPersonally I don't use the window titles very much.  But it's a work flow ergo thing as everyone has different ways of doing things.22:06
systemdletelinux/unix are certainly flexible and adaptable22:12
rwp"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." --Dennis Ritchie22:12
systemdleteyeah, what you said22:13
rwpdmr said it not me!  I just quoted him.22:13
rwpAnd he should know.  One of the two main original authors of the Unix system!22:13
systemdleteand one of two creators of C22:14

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