libera/#devuan/ Wednesday, 2021-12-29

Hunter[m]I noticed redshift suggests systemd when you install it01:16
Hunter[m]No thanks.. I wish there was an alternative to redshift without geoclue and the other crap dependencies01:16
fsmithredHunter[m], I use redshift without geoclue01:22
Hunter[m]You mean it installed without it?01:23
fsmithredftw add: '--no-install-recommends'01:23
Hunter[m]I know you can manually set temperature which is what I always do.. but geoclue is still there01:23
fsmithredand you can run it manually01:23
fsmithredI run a script that uses yad as frontend, so it's all clicky01:24
av6metala: i know nothing about podman, but i've seen people mention that they need to install debian-podman-config-override on devuan02:39
av6i would assume it makes podman not depend on journal for logs02:40
metalaav6: thank you. I will check that out. Then after NYE I'll debug the docker issue.02:56
midoriis anyone here08:58
midori(usually IRC is dead and everyone is a lurker)08:58
midoriI want to know what the fuck is this08:58
midoriso normally I have eth0 as my in-computor eth port08:58
midoribut when I put a usb ethernet adapt-r in08:59
midorienx000ec6ae4762: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 150008:59
midori        inet6 fe80::20e:c6ff:feae:4762  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>08:59
midori        ether 00:0e:c6:ae:47:62  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)08:59
midori        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)08:59
midori        RX errors 1  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 008:59
midori        TX packets 9  bytes 1546 (1.5 KiB)08:59
midori        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 008:59
midorieth0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 150008:59
midori        ether f2:50:67:c4:c1:79  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)08:59
midori        RX packets 1  bytes 60 (60.0 B)08:59
midori        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 008:59
midori        TX packets 15  bytes 2514 (2.4 KiB)08:59
midori        TX errors 1  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisi08:59
midoriinstead of something like eth0,1,2,3,4,508:59
midoriI get the systemd enx000ec6ae476208:59
midoriWHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!08:59
midoriwhy am I getting systemd-devu bullshit????09:00
adam_free2airhi midori: udev does dynymic device naming, not systemd.09:02
adam_free2airmidori: the fine devuan dev team implement eudev as the udev service, which does all this systemd free.09:07
adam_free2airmidori: see upstream gentoo project
midoriadam_free2air: It is not fine to have these bullshit names09:16
midoriI want the normal eth123456789009:16
midoriI cant' type ethehsxjuhuh7w33y3634526782y7247382u7wd87837486287su129sw892i897486825878w7w483712929ued7y832ydce8xu2h8ygwd787w8163tr28974wyw76qtgeyc82h8163ry2473ehdc09:17
Mirko[CHIP]@midori but is this only a cosmetic issue, or - doesn't it work as expected ?09:17
midoriI want the normal things09:17
midorinot this FUCKING BULLSHIT09:18
midorithis is one of the things we hated systemd for09:18
midoriand yet you say09:18
ShorTienuff with the F word09:18
adam_free2airmidori: the link i sent gives you information on how to change naming rules by configuring eudev.09:18
midori"oh well we arent using SYSTEM D, so it's ok"09:18
adam_free2airmidori: if you start conversations like this in irc channels, it's not surprising that "(usually IRC is dead and everyone is a lurker)" for you.09:18
midoriadam_free2air: I've been using IRC for 20 years09:18
midoriit used to be alive09:18
midorialso no women like ShorTie09:18
midoriShorTie: suck on a dick, cunt09:19
midorilike God made you for09:19
midori(Old testament God, not the new faggot white scum worship)09:19
midoriadam_free2air: anyway thanks for the links09:19
midoriill go read the docs09:19
midoriadam_free2air: also could you add ChaosEsque Anthology to Devuan09:20
midoriit's only 8GB09:20
midoriand it updates like every week09:21
midoriadam_free2air: an easy package09:21
midoriShorTie: just to let you know who called you out as an XX woman female09:21
midoriand told you to do your natural work09:21
midoriwouldn't want you to wonder about who you should complain about09:21
midoriadam_free2air: anyway thanks for the tips09:22
midorisee you later09:22
raindodgerman I didn't know eudev had the power to make people sperg out like that10:10
raindodgerAlso, why would you use an ethernet USB adaptor? If you need more ethernet ports, you'd be better off connecting a hub or a switch to your existing ethernet port, rather than wasting a USB port.10:20
raindodgerAnyway, I'm gonna go play some vidya. I'll catch everyone later10:24
buZz'does bandwidth exist' :)10:25
alvhi fsmithred how are you doing ???14:25
fsmithredI'm ok, but hexchat isn't doing so well.14:26
alvwhat's up ?14:26
fsmithredI can identify manually but not automatically when I log in.14:26
fsmithredusing same password.14:26
alvyou can add user and password generally14:26
fsmithredit's broken on the desktop computer that I haven't been using in the past couple months14:26
fsmithredand it works on the laptop14:26
fsmithredyeah, it's in the settings14:27
fsmithredand it used to work14:27
alvi been restoring the qwebirc14:27
fsmithrednever heard of it14:27
alvand i was having the same problem14:27
alvwith weechat14:27
alvnow all is ok14:28
fsmithredbrb. gonna try something.14:28
alvit's ok now ?14:30
fsmithredmaybe hexchat is mangling my password14:32
fsmithrednicserv tells me it's wrong, but it works when I log in manually14:32
fsmithredand btw folks, midori is mikeeusa14:32
fsmithredadam_free2air, ^^^14:32
alvmaybe it's where you put in the wrong place14:33
alvthe password i mean14:34
fsmithredin the place marked "Password"14:34
alvthere is a server password or a nickserver password14:34
alvin the my conf14:34
UsLah, I thought so. I remember mikeeusa to be exceptionally rude.14:35
alvone work and the other don't14:35
ShorTieya, it's like  /msg nickserver password14:36
UsLfsmithred: did you set the correct login method in server settings ctrl+s ?14:45
fsmithredyeah, it's the same as it was when it was working, and it's the same as on the laptop that is still working14:45
fsmithredonly difference is username in the fourth row of the first screen. And I tried using the one that the laptop uses. (fsr)14:46
fsmithredalso tried a different login method14:46
UsLmaybe you need to register with username fsr as well? I have UsL on all name fields I could find. Except the secondary and third which adds the underscore14:48
fsmithredok, I did /msg nickserv set password <blah>14:51
fsmithredand it took the password14:51
fsmithredI used the same password I've been using14:51
UsLusername is what's in the address mask when someone is banned/lined/identified. Not the nick. (I believe, haven't followed in the last 18 years)14:51
fsmithredand when I click on the connect button in hexchat, it tries, and then tells me the password is wrong.14:51
fsmithredI type it correctly. Hexchat can't read.14:52
UsLhm, weird. Have you chosen utf-8 for the server in settings?14:52
UsLthen I am no further "help"  : )14:53
fsmithredthanks for trying14:53
fsmithredping joerg ^^^14:53
joergwhere does this topic start?15:05
joergfsmithred: whats up?15:08
fsmithredabout an hour ago?15:08
fsmithredhexchat tells me I'm using the wrong password when I auto-login, but not when I log in manually15:09
fsmithredonly on the desktop computer. It still works on the laptop.15:09
joergpassword too long?15:09
fsmithredI've been using only the laptop for the last three months15:09
fsmithredtoo long password should always fail, shouldn't it?15:09
joergI seem to recall hexchat had a limited length for password15:09
joergno, the IRC message max length is incl header incl realname and all15:10
joergafk bbl15:10
fsmithredI think you just solved it15:11
fsmithredrealname on laptop is fsr and is fsmithred on desktop. But changing it to fsr on desktop did not fix it.15:11
wikanhi, can you tell me something about this "issue"?15:11
wikanhave no idea how to "fix" it ;)15:18
joergfsmithred: try a password <30char15:18
joergonly ASCII chars15:18
joergno spaces15:19
fsmithredwill do15:20
joergmake sure to use a /query nickserv for all communication to nickserv15:21
fsmithredit's already less than 2015:21
fsmithredbut will try a change15:21
joergthen it's not related to pw-length15:21
joergthe length thing was a user who used a ~50char pw15:22
joergor 6015:22
fsmithredreciting poetry?15:22
joergI suggest asking in #libera, if you're lucky you can dodge the trolls and get a reply from somebody honest and savvy15:23
joergI think that user used a password generated by some tool15:24
joerghexchat has quirks15:25
fsmithredI might just try copying the configs over from the laptop15:25
fsmithredoh, laptop is chimaera, desktop is beowulf15:26
fsmithrednot sure if that matters15:26
UsLdo a diff. I'm invested now : )15:26
* fsmithred is glad he installed sshfs15:27
joergthe config should be identical re app version15:30
joerga very "popular" problem are non-printing chars in password15:32
fsmithreddifferent version, but also different stored passwords15:32
fsmithredwill try to change it again15:32
joergis the password stored in plaintext? (hope so)15:32
fsmithredone more time...15:34
Kingsydoes devuan come with any weird firewall that would stop be mounting a nfs share? its just timing out and am I sure the setup is correct.15:35
Kingsymount.nfs: Connection timed out15:36
joergconsider firewalls in router too15:37
Kingsyits not that. the same command works on 2 other machines on the network15:37
fsmithrednano to the rescue! I just edited the config file.15:39
fsmithredso much for gui controls15:40
joerghexchat has quirks15:40
fsmithredyeah, it needs a 'Save' button in the edit panel15:40
joergwere you able to compare passwords?15:40
fsmithredon this box, both the old pw and new were in servlist.conf15:41
joergoooh THAT. Yeah it has a "save config" menu item15:41
joergfsmithred: you might have missed:  <Kingsy> does devuan come with any weird firewall that would stop be mounting a nfs share? its just timing out and am I sure the setup is correct.15:42
fsmithredno default firewall15:42
fsmithredand the old password was in the freenode section of servlist.conf15:42
joergediting wrong "server"?15:44
fsmithrednot according to my gui choices. I am removing fleabag from the server list15:45
joergor did that mess called config get messed up even more by the app?15:45
fsmithrednot sure15:45
joerghexchat *shrug*15:45
fsmithredok, now 'freenode' does not appear in servlist.conf15:46
fsmithredI had previously erased the password for freenode in hexchat, but the change did not stick.15:46
joerg"save config" ;-)15:47
fsmithredctrl-x, yes15:47
fsmithred(in nano)15:47
joerghapens to me all the time, /ignore getting lost, aliases and autoreplace getting lost... Koversation client though which does _not_ have _any_ "save config" :-S15:48
joerghahaha nano, now I know :-) you edited while hexcaht still running. When you close it it overwrites new config with old one15:49
fsmithredno, I edited when closed15:49
fsmithredhexchat is what wouldn't save the settings15:49
fsmithredmaybe it's time to upgrade desktop to chimaera15:50
joerg*shrug* prolly hexchat invented one _more_ way to trick users ;-)15:50
furrymcgeegconf-service or dconf-service?16:07
joergdconf sounds like poettering, really16:32
* joerg wishes they could finally come up with a comprehensive generic middleware concept.16:34
* joerg mumbles freesmartphone.org16:35
fsmithredgconf saves in plain text, dconf in binary16:47
alvhi @fsmithred i sent you a email to your account can you check ??18:29
alvok thanks18:32
alvit works then !!!18:32
used____Anyone ever compiled some tcl extension against libcups? Printing on Linux?20:42
used____Sorry, wrong channel, should be #tcl20:43

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