libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2022-03-13

fsmithrednyov, oh I didn't notice you're using https. Only some of the mirrors are set up to use that, and we don't have control over that.00:00
nyovit's all good - I found the https mirrors on that second link ;)00:01
golinuxYou can also just use http00:10
onefangDon't use https for, for exactly that reason.00:28
rwpI recommend only using http:// protocol to avoid all of the problems of time skew and root certificates and all of that.01:17
rwpThings are designed to be secure using an insecure protocol.  It's okay to use http:// as https is NOT needed for securely upgrading systems.01:17
fsmithredhttps will prevent your ISP from knowing what packages you install, if that helps.01:31
brocashelmfsmithred: like for your sources list?01:34
fsmithredmine? I don't use https.01:35
brocashelmi didn't until trying it out now. getting this: W: Failed to fetch  Certificate verification failed: The certificate is NOT trusted. The name in the certificate does not match the expected.  Could not handshake: Error in the certificate verification.01:35
rwpI think if one is going to use https:// then it will be necessary to select an individual close mirror and then use the name associated with that mirror.01:37
nyovyes, http is sufficient for integrity purposes. it may, however, be exposing your software usage and therefore potential attack surface to an mitm on an untrustworthy network.01:37
rwpI don't like my current ISP but if I thought they were taking advantage of me at that level and had no other choice then a full VPN is the better alternative.01:38
brocashelmyeah, i'm behind a paid vpn 99.9% of the time01:38
brocashelmbut to use https is even better, since, why not01:39
nyovobviously use-cases differ. running a public server behind a vpn is not usually the point of running the server :D01:39
rwpDon't let me say that https is always good or always bad but if bootstrapping a system it might have a clock set to 0 aka 1970 in which case no certificates will validate.  For one example where https is troublesome.01:41
rwpBut regardless one might want to install the ntp packages so that they can use those to set the clock.  Which would then allow https to validate.01:42
brocashelmi got ntpsec installed a long time ago01:43
rwpJust a data point. I tried which is listed as an https mirror.  But all attempts get this error response: Invalid response from proxy: HTTP/1.0 403 CONNECT denied (ask the admin to allow HTTPS tunnels)01:44
rwpSame thing from too so I am sure that I don't understand what is happening.  Other than reinforcing my avoidance of https to avoid problems.01:46
brocashelmi've always wondered why debian/devuan systems aren't really security-minded by default. packages like ntp, fail2ban, debsecan (i don't remember if they come installed), lynis, chkrootkit, tiger, etc. should be available out of the box IMO01:47
brocashelmespecially since debian/devuan mainly targets servers01:47
rwpServer admins are generally equip'd to fully specify and fully configure what they have installed.  I always start with the minimum and then install what I want from there.01:50
nyovhmm. if you get a 'HTTP/1.0 403 CONNECT' it looks like you may be using a http proxy that won't tunnel to a 443 https port01:56
nyov...or the mirror may be misconfigured01:56
rwpOh!  Yes.  Good catch!  Sorry.  I had forgotten I had configured a proxy.01:56
rwpYes.  Fixing that by removing my local apt-cacher-ng proxy and both and work okay.  No problem.  Sorry.  My bad!02:00
Soltisfsmithred: a variation of what you suggested worked, though the install steps I did didn't differ significantly from what I did originally.10:24
Soltisjoin #mariadb10:44
SuccessusHi, I want to know the situation with Devuan's packages, are all packages patched so that they don't depend on any systemd component?15:24
gnarfaceSuccessus: yes*15:50
gnarface* except for these ones:, and the roughly ~60,000 other packages that didn't need to be patched15:52
syco\o/ installing ntp solved my clock drift problem! thanks for the help :)16:00
SuccessusI see16:05
XenguyCan anyone remind me which application does various scans when installing new software with apt-get ?19:26
Xenguye.g. with output like this:
rwpXenguy, I don't run needrestart in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99needrestart (I comment it out) but that looks like probably needrestart?20:00
rwpThe main reason being it spams every bash terminal saying that bash needs to be restarted.  Which I find a step too far.20:02
rwpThe secondary reason being that the actions during apt action time I don't prefer and prefer to run "needrestart -b" as a separate step afterward.20:02
Xenguyrwp, I think that's it, thanks very much20:03
XenguyFor anyone familiar with 'needrestart', it will sometimes offer to restart certain services...20:03
XenguyI learned the hard way that restarting the 'slim' service will remove my current X session, which of course makes perfect sense in retrospect...20:04
XenguyCurrently I'm wondering what the outcome might be if I were to restart the 'dbus' service?20:04
XenguyI haven't gone ahead and tried that yet, but it was recently one of the services that 'need restart' offered to restart.20:05
rwpI think dbus is one of those impossible to restart services that can only be started at boot time.20:05
XenguyInteresting, hrm...20:06
XenguyI suppose I could just try having 'needrestart' make the attempt to restart 'dbus', since it does offer to do so, and find out what happens...20:07
rwpI think the reason is that if dbus is restarted then every dbus-client daemon also needs to be restarted.20:07
rwpIf you try it and find out either yes or no I would be interested in the details.20:08
XenguyMy main concern would be to avoid the same outcome as restarting 'slim', i.e. losing my current X session20:08
Xenguyrwp, I'd certain be happy to report back...20:08
rwpYes restarting slim or lightdm or gdm will kill the associated X session.  Bummer you learned that the hard way. :-(20:08
XenguyI'd probably identify the current 'dbus' process ID, before attempting to restart the service, etc., and find out that way20:09
rwpA little poking around finds that on systemd systems systemd itself depends upon dbus and therefore restarting dbus requires systemd to be restarted.  Requiring a reboot.20:09
rwpWhich means that on non-systemd systems that I don't know the complete dependency tree.20:09
Xenguyrwp, I probably should have been able to anticipate the outcome of restarting 'slim' : -)  Well, now I know for sure20:09
rwpXenguy, This is informative:
XenguyThanks kindly20:15
rwpI'll note that issue was first logged in 2005 and if it hasn't been addressed by now in 2022 that it seems unlikely ever to be address.20:29
XenguyMakes sense20:32
fsmithredXenguy, confirmed: restarting dbus kills the xsession. I've done it in the past, but that was probably in wheezy or earlier.22:15
Xenguyfsmithred, Good to know, thanks.  Still running Beowulf here, but from reading the article that rwp referenced, it looked like the best I could hope for if I restarted dbus would be a bunch of broken connections with other apps, and a non-sane state.  Tellingly, all 'needrestart' offered (in this case) to restart 'slim', 'dbus', and 'unbound', only the latter was checked off by default.22:19
fsmithredall I did was log in again when the login screen came up22:19
fsmithredI did check all services to see what's running, and I think it's ok.22:19
XenguySame as I did when I checked off 'slim'22:19
fsmithrednot really sure what all should be running.22:20
fsmithredsystemd is not running. I'm sure of that one.22:20
XenguyHow did you inventory the running services BTW?22:20
Xenguyhah, let's hope so22:20
fsmithredservice --status-all22:20
fsmithredI just learned that one this year22:20
fsmithredto give you an idea of how much I've done with services in 21 years of using linus22:21
XenguyI wasn't aware of it, but makes perfect sense that the option would exist, as I use 'service' regularly for other more normie uses22:21
XenguyThere's always more to learn, one of the things I love about *nix22:22

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