libera/#devuan/ Wednesday, 2022-03-16

libhWhat did the installer mean by openrc is still experimental? I thought devuan was supposed to work with openrc, any gotchas I should be aware of because I wish to use openrc.11:38
ShorTiena, ir's good11:45
libhWas that meant to be for me ShortTie?11:48
gnarfacethe primary issue with openrc is just that there's a lot less people using it so if you run into issues you'll have to wait longer to get attention from someone who knows first hand11:50
gnarfacethere's a few people here who have had plenty of success11:50
gnarfacesome of them have had to craft a missing startup file here or there11:50
libhExperimental implied my system could stop working entirely because of openrc. I can deal with now and again having to create my own startup files or manually having to configure something.11:53
gnarfacewell there's a high bar to call something stable around here12:12
gnarfacealso, i'm not sure there were enough people around who had tried it to really know how well it would work when that was written12:14
gnarfacei think, if you're planning on doing something important with it, it might be a good idea to stick around and talk to some others who have used it, or check the forum for a thread about it12:14
libhI'll direct all openrc questions to the openrc channel unless something more devuan related happens. Thank you for the help.12:16
gnarfaceone thing should be noted12:17
gnarfaceit's debian's openrc build which relies on sysvinit scripts by default12:17
gnarfacedifferent from the gentoo one12:17
libhPoint taken. Thank you.12:18
gnarfacethough you can easily change it, i'm not sure if the openrc channel actually supports this method12:18
gnarfaceactually someone has changed them out, that build is around here somewhere but i think still not official12:18
gnarfaceand i think the difference is a path or a symlink or something, so you can alter it in place to behave like the gentoo one and just supply all your own startup files, which some have also done but i forget the details12:19
gnarfacemaybe there's info in the forum about that12:19
gnarfaceif you stick around here though someone will eventually show up who has used it12:20
libhI'll lurk for a while.12:21
gnarfacesome regulars do use it, it's just not the popular choice because alot of us are real old. sysvinit has its flaws but for us the cost has already been paid12:22
libhYou think in the future we could remove the dependency on sysvinit scripts for openrc and make it closer to gentoo's openrc setup?12:22
gnarfacenot my call12:22
gnarfacei know it has been discussed but we try to keep stuff as close to debian as possible where it's not directly related to systemd12:23
gnarfaceand by we i mean they, but i agree with the principle12:23
gnarfacei think there might be a better chance of a second version being put in some "proposed-updates" repo but my info may be so out of date on that that it may have already been done12:25
fsmithredthat and there needs to be someone to actually do it12:25
gnarfaceah, yea it would need a maintainer12:25
fsmithredthere are a few regulars on the forum who use openrc. My impression is that it works just fine.12:26
gnarfacejust leaving it the way debian does it keeps maintenance costs low12:26
fsmithreddebian has what, 1000 or 2000 devs/maintainers? We have around a dozen to maybe 20 depending on how you count.12:26
fsmithredI've made a few live-isos with openrc. The fact that it uses sysvinit scripts makes it work without having to do anything special. I never had any problems with those isos.12:29
tarzeaufsmithred: do you have publicly documented your live-iso creation? how long does it take per iso?12:31
fsmithredyes, it's documented. On my old toshiba laptop with hyperthreaded quad i7, it takes about 10 minutes on hardware and around 20 in VM12:34
fsmithredhang on...12:34
fsmithredyou want to see the code or the documentation for refractasnapshot?12:35
tarzeauhow would work for debian sid?12:36
fsmithredprobably close to the same12:37
tarzeaui'd like a Makefile i can run that creates an iso :) that i can fiddle around (edit iso name, add my own packages, and so on)12:37
fsmithredthere's really no way to predict what has changed12:37
fsmithredoh, you might want to look at live-sdk12:37
fsmithredrefractasnapshot copies the running live system to hard disk.12:38
tarzeau 40412:38
fsmithredlive-sdk does a debootstrap install and pulls packages from the rpo12:38
fsmithredit's not packaged. Just pull the git.
fsmithredif you want to use debian's live-build to make isos, talk to the devs for Star or Crows (devuan respins)12:40
tarzeauwill it work for the next 20 years?12:40
fsmithrednot sure if I'll still be on this side of the grass in 20 years12:40
tarzeaui'm asking because for i've basically started from scratch every release12:41
tarzeauand it's been 5 years without a release already12:41
fsmithredrefractasnapshot is the easier workflow. Install a system in a VM or on spare hardware. Set it up exactly how you want. Run refractasnapshot. Wait a few minutes. Test your iso.12:43
tarzeau basically unavailable as .deb12:44
tarzeaubut thanks for the pointer, will look at sources12:44
fsmithredlive-sdk you set up a package list and some build instructions and/or pre-edited config files, run it, wait about an hour, test the iso and see what it looks like. Rinse and repeat until you get it right.12:45
tarzeaureminds me of lh (live-helper)12:45
fsmithredrefractasnapshot-base and refractasnapshot-gui are in devuan repo12:45
tarzeauit was so unbearably slow, i just stopped trying12:45
fsmithredyes, live-sdk is similar to live-helper/live-build12:45
fsmithredit is good if you plan to make a lot of updated releases.12:46
fsmithredyou just run it and it pulls the latest packages.12:46
fsmithredand the same setup will build for both i386 and amd6412:46
fsmithredwith refractasnapshot you'd need two installed systems for that12:47
libhI'll admit that openrc has been a smoother experience than sysvinit has been for me. Example- I was trying a debootstrap install and installing sane-utils gave me an error 1. No such error with openrc. I'll admit the openrc was from a standard netinstall rather than a debootstrap attempt.12:48
libhThough I think I know why, I was using a package install script and I forgot a backslash \ to continue to the next line, which may have screwed up the entirely command making things difficult with sane-utils for sysvinit.12:59
wipthey, I upgraded from Devuan 2.1 -> 3.1 -> 4.0, but the last upgrade broke wifi. Is there something simple I'm probably overlooking?18:14
golinuxwipt: wicd is removed due to new Python version18:18
golinuxChoose another way yo do it until of if wicd returns.  And next time read the Release Notes.  ;)
wiptgolinux: thanks!18:20
golinuxChoose another way to do it until or if (need to start proofreading)18:20

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