libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2022-04-03

gast0nhi, can we use wicd in chimaera? or what is the meaning of the package that appears in the repos?01:19
gnarfacehmm, something got removed it hink01:26
gnarfacei think*01:26
gnarfacecould have been wicd01:26
gnarfacehmm, seems like it is present still in chimaera though01:27
gnarfacemaybe it was removed from the next release01:27
golinuxwicd is removed until someone ports it to the current python version.01:37
gast0nok, i'm on the devs mailing list and today i saw a notice that the version of wicd had changed in chimaera and for a moment i got excited :D01:43
golinuxgast0n: Perhaps someone has made some progress02:04
fsmithredno, it's a transitional package so that when you upgrade, you get something to replace wicd.02:06
fsmithredI got excited too, and I was about to install it until I noticed that none of the other parts are there.02:07
trivaltohi all04:52
trivaltoany chance someone has installed bareos on devuan ... and dealt with the sysv init scripts ??04:53
Guest73hello. could someone running latest stable devuan with latest apt upgrades run 'ss -tu' and let me know if they also get these lines on the output please?
uncloudedGuest73: Not me.  I only have :ssh and :nfs ports05:26
gnarfaceGuest73: :ipp is probably cups (print server), i don't recognize the others05:30
gnarfaceGuest73: oh, sorry those are all cups probably05:30
gnarfaceGuest73: note it's only to and from localhost, try running "/etc/init.d/cups stop" as root, see if they go away05:31
Guest73gnarface the [::1]:56728                                    [::1]:ipp type entries persist05:36
gnarfacehow about saned? do you have sane running? i forget but it might use ipp too05:40
unclouded`ss -tnlp` shows you which process opened those ports05:40
uncloudedor `ss -tup` is closer to your original command05:41
Guest73it appears it's cups but somehow it persists. I'll update-rc.d disable and remove it and reboot05:43
Guest73thank you both. brb05:43
Guest61gnarface & unclouded: update-rc.d remove nuking cups and rebooted worked! thanks! :)05:48
Guest61the entries appeared some of these last few weeks after some upgrades and surprised me. glad it's just cups05:50
* Guest61 waves05:53
Kingsywhcih iso contains non free firmware?11:33
Kingsyhrm nevermind it just seemed to work, perhaps there was a fallback12:44
Kingsyhowever I am having issues getting it to use EFI mode. any special considerations on this?12:44
fsmithredKingsy, all the isos have non-free firmware.14:23
fsmithredWhich iso are you using and what efi issues are you having?14:24
Kingsyfsmithred: I think I fixed it.. I just reinstalled using the same netinstall iso, and it just "worked".. haha15:06
fsmithredsometimes that happens for no apparent reason15:09
Kingsyfsmithred: ah right, so its a known thing?15:50
Kingsygood to know15:50
fsmithredI'm not sure exactly what problem you had with efi, but sometimes grub does unexpected things.15:51
fsmithred(keeping in mind that computers only do what we tell them to do, not what we want them to do.)15:51
Kingsyfsmithred: one other thing, how do you install slack? If I download the .deb from dpkg says -> libappindicator3-1 is missing and is not installable15:54
fsmithredconfiguration management program for lazy admins?15:55
fsmithredit's in the repo15:55
Kingsyerm no. its a workplace chatting application for communication of teams -> slack.com15:56
fsmithredchimaera has libappindicator3-0.1-cil15:57
Kingsyfsmithred: I see this ->
fsmithredare you running chimaera?16:00
Kingsyfsmithred: yes16:01
fsmithreddid you try 'apt -f install' ?16:01
fsmithred (--fix-broken)16:02
Kingsyyeah it just does -> Removing slack-desktop (4.24.0) ...16:02
fsmithredmaybe let it remove that, then install the listed deps. The versions in chimaera are new enough. Then try installing slack again.16:03
Kingsyyou mean just install libappindicator3-0.1-cil ?16:04
fsmithredand anything from that list that doesn't get pulled in with it.16:04
Kingsyno problem16:04
Kingsyfsmithred: could I ask one more thing.. so the main reason I am using devuan is for apt, and a better experience with sound (puloseuadio or whatever) - are there any special steps I need to take to setup sound on devuan?16:05
fsmithredapt remove pulseaudio?16:06
fsmithredonly partially kidding16:06
fsmithredit should work without any setup16:06
Kingsywell this is why I am asking. I am just so sick of weird intermittent sound issues.16:06
fsmithreddid you install the full desktop from the installer iso?16:07
Kingsyno, just "basic system utilities" I install X and awesomewm myself16:07
fsmithredif you don't need pulseaudio, get rid of it. I recently installed it on my laptop so that I can easily switch between onbaord sound and usb headset16:07
fsmithredok, then don't install PA if you don't need it.16:08
KingsyI do need it, Teams (which is need *pukes*) needs it16:08
fsmithredso you want pulseaudio and pavucontrol16:08
Kingsyso what packages do I need for a basic stable setup? alsa, pulseaudio, pavucontrol ? thats it?16:08
fsmithredyeah, alsa-utils I think16:09
Kingsydoes it needa  reboot?16:09
fsmithredyeah, there is no longer alsa-base package16:09
fsmithrednot sure about reboot. Try it and let us know.16:09
Kingsyyeah it just worked without a reboot after unmuting in alsamixer16:10
Kingsyslack desktop stills fails with the same error even after installing libappindicator3-0.1-cil16:11
fsmithredyeah, well it wants 3-1 not 3-0*16:11
fsmithredmaybe some creative symlinking could fix/fool it into working16:11
Kingsyany way to just insetall ? I jhavent got a clue what to symlink16:12
Kingsy3.1 ***16:12
fsmithredoh! I may have found the answer. "Now, open up the file “./unpack/DEBIAN/control” and remove libappindicator3-1 and replace it with libayatana-appindicator3-1."16:14
fsmithredi.e. open the package, change that one dependency to a package that exists, re-pack the .deb16:15
fsmithredit's actually pretty easy to do.16:15
Kingsyoooo interesting.16:18
Kingsyhow do you remove a package with all deps? I just want to get rid of libappindicator3-0.1-cil16:18
fsmithredapt remove <package>16:20
fsmithredapt autoremove16:20
Kingsyah ok16:20
fsmithredsecond one gets rid of the deps16:20
fsmithredaptitude remove <package>16:20
fsmithredand it takes the deps with it16:20
Kingsyif I get this -> W: GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY EB3E94ADBE1229CF <- can I add the key so I don't see the warning?16:21
fsmithredwhen are you getting that error? what command?16:21
Kingsyapt update16:21
KingsyI installed a .deb from teams which has added it I assume16:22
fsmithreddid you add a repo to your sources?16:22
fsmithredlook in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:22
fsmithredmaybe the deb added a file there16:22
Kingsyyeah it did -> mteams.list16:22
fsmithredso yeah, if you want to install stuff from that repo, either add the key or just download the needed packages and install manually. (and get that file out of the way)16:23
Kingsyfsmithred: yeah, how do I add the key? sorry I should have been more specific16:23
fsmithredI don't know what else they might provide, but I would pin that repo to a low priority so it didn't install anything without my explicit orders16:24
fsmithredapt-key add ... (I think)16:24
fsmithredor if they have a key package, download and install with dpkg -i16:24
Kingsyok got it. thanks16:26
Kingsyso that guide you linked me, wants me to update the slack deps to libayatana-appindicator3-1   <- is this reasonable?16:27
fsmithredyeah, I think so16:27
fsmithredwell, in terms of how the package system works, it makes sense16:27
fsmithredI have no idea about the code in the app16:27
fsmithredand it's the first time I've seen the "linuxcapable" website, so I don't know how good they are.16:28
Kingsyseemed to work!!16:28
fsmithredstackoverflow says same thing16:29
fsmithredthey're usually right16:29
Kingsythis is great. thanks so much!16:29
Kingsyhrm I need to find a good config for awesomewm now. Curious, what DE / WM you use?16:30
fsmithredusually xfce, sometime openbox with lxpanel16:30
Kingsyah cool16:31
fsmithredyou can probably find some info about using i3 at the forum. I think a couple of the derivatives use it.16:31
fsmithredoh, you said awesome. Where did I get i3?16:31
Kingsyhehe! no idea.16:31
Kingsybut yeah. awesome for me. I love dwm but I HATE configuration with NC16:32
KingsyC **16:32
fsmithredLuke! Listen to the force!16:32
fsmithredKingsy, ^^^16:40
lunariohi, i have the following line in my fstab which i use to have an external media player mount via usb with a script, via uuid. but whenever the line is activated, i get an fsck error on boot (the device is not mounted at that point). when i comment it out, the error does not show up on boot. what could be the reason?16:43
lunarioUUID=39B8-1D02 /home/no/media/walkman/ vfat noauto,defaults,errors=remount-ro 0  116:44
djphlunario: dont think fat plays nice with fsck16:47
sadoon_albader[mYeah you probably need to trim it off before you boil the fsck16:48
lunariodjph: that is not the issue though, i am quite sure. i had the same problem some years ago and had to change some of the options (noauto, defaults, errors=remount-ro or another one...) i just can't figure out which one and unfortunately the old installation where it worked is gone16:48
djphwell, noauto stops automount, and i believe the auto fsck at mount16:48
djphor you could set the autofsck (last "1") to 016:49
Kingsyfsmithred: thanks again16:51
lunarioi will try the latter, djph16:52
Kasreynany idea why "cfv" tool was in ascii and jessie but can't be found in chimaera?
fsmithredKasreyn, maybe the last changelog entry is a hint:  Thu, 10 May 201217:02
Kingsyperhaps I'll just start with awesome-copycats and go from there./j debian20:40

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