libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2022-05-08

used____Hmm shows updates for ghostscript ffmpeg and others for Debian on 02 May, but I think I did not see them roll in here on Beowulf.20:14
used____Maybe not relevant to this release.20:15
used____gs here is 9.2720:15
Xenguy_used____, Runnig Beowulf here, and haven't seen those updates either20:16
used____ffmpeg version 4.1.9-0+deb10u120:16
used____right, the ffmpeg is the fixed version20:17
used____gs 9.26a is the fixed one, not clear if it also affected 9.2720:18
used____libarchive (3.3.3-4+deb10u1) is on the system, 3.2.2-2+deb9u3 is fixed.20:20
used____Hmm so nothing broken here.20:20
used____openscad is quite old on Beowulf, but is also a "non standard" RC release not mentioned on -- specifically it is 2019.01-RC2 ...20:25
used____Locating a current version number on that site is a tail chasing exercise the dog would love, but I do not.20:27
systemdleteOK.  I admit I am baffled by git.   I have had a (very) working clone of my repository (on my "githost") and made some changes (ie, commit and push) just a few days ago without incident.20:27
systemdleteToday, I tried to push a change and got errors.20:27
systemdleteI have NOT touched the thing in several days, so I am not sure what went wrong.20:28
systemdleteIf I get on my "githost" (where the repo lives) and look at the zlib files, they are intact.20:28
systemdleteThe error I am getting depends on what I am trying.  On the githost, trying to clone the repo, I get "warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout."20:29
systemdletegit branches -a shows nothing.20:29
systemdleteThe HEAD file inside the .git directory (the repo) says "ref: refs/heads/master"20:31
systemdleteI have not deleted any branches.  In fact, so far, I really haven't created any new branches (I know there is a default, but I have not tooled with it)20:32
used____systemdlete: sorry, can't help, all I know about git is the shell commands mentioned in
used____systemdlete: BUT you could /join #github and be taught another 10 shell commands to memorize, I guess...20:33
systemdleteused____, precisely!   I have used several version control systems and never ran into bizarre error messages20:33
systemdletebut yet, used____ , the world seems to be in love with this thing20:34
used____Well ci and co were enough for me. I stick to diff-rcN-.tgz20:34
used____systemdlete: the same kind of world which loves systemd. Careful.20:34
systemdleteask people, what was wrong with CVS and they laugh at you20:34
systemdlete(good point)20:34
systemdleteThe biggest problem with CVS was not with CVS, but with programmers who ignored those <<<< ==== and >>>> lines and deleted them because their code did not compile.20:35
systemdleteand clobbered each others work.  It was hilarious.  But it wasn't a bug or a true issue with CVS.20:35
systemdleteI mean, do we really have to remind people that if it is possible on a project to have 2 or more people tearing up the same source file that there is this possibility of a conflict upon checkin?20:36
used____patch -p1 seems to handle diff-rcN just great. ALL my patches are diff-rcN's to be applied with patch -p1, since at least 200820:36
used____systemdlete: yes, we do need to remind, with a complex software which no-one understands, and, therefore, everyone loves and recommends.20:37
systemdleteand if the issue is that sometimes the main repo is not available, so comes this need to push and pull, then there is this version of cvs called DCVS which has that capability20:37
used____Game psychology 101: offer the player the satisfaction of apparently solving a complex situation to keep him interested and satisfied.20:38
systemdleteused____, I don't think CVS was a "complex software"20:38
used____This is about git, not cvs20:38
systemdletemy reference was to CVS, but I get your point20:38
used____cvs and rcs worked for 3 decades before someone (who was not Poettering, for a change), came up with the 15th standard to rule them all.20:39
used____4 decades even I think.20:39
systemdleteYes.  RCS has been around since about the 80s I think20:39
used____ 198620:39
systemdletethere you go20:39
systemdletebut... but...20:40
systemdleteit's not the newest thing20:40
used____ 198220:40
systemdleteI need the new smart phone 2023 already20:40
systemdleteplease don't make me wait20:40
used____We need to start applying "need to know". Any features not needed must not be known and therefore not implemented.20:40
systemdleteLet me write software based on a PhD dissertation to replace what everyone has been using for ages.20:40
used____Let's take this to -offtopic20:40
systemdleteI need my repo back...20:41
systemdleteI am thinking about using the xkcd approach with mine20:41
used____systemdlete: Sadly, git is Linus's love child. I interpret this as, he spent 3-4 years working on git instead of the kernel. Grr.20:41
systemdleteNot entirely true.  He was making changes to the kernel at the behest of one certain person.20:42
used____systemdlete: I linked those cartoons as a joke but I literally have a text file with tested git commands I use, and that's it. Does not work? Wipe and recreate.20:42
systemdleteI totally get it.20:42
systemdleteComputer Science needs to be renamed Rocket Science.20:43
used____Also, projects I "fork" from github, I get the .zip snapshot...20:43
systemdleteprobably safe thing to do20:43
systemdletetrouble is, I can't even clone my repo anymore.20:43
used____I am not the only one, apparently. does this too, with hundreds of Android apps.20:44
systemdleteIt only copies the .git sub dirs, not the actual files.20:44
used____systemdlete: do join #github and ask, I'm on there now.20:44
used____>> #offtopic please, golinux will hate us20:44
used____bummer vmlinux *-20 on beowulf lost / removed v4l2loopback.ko21:02
EmanuelLoos[m]Devuan Daedalus is stuck loading initramfs for me. I migrated from PureOS byzantinium (rolling release, essentially Debian Bookworm. I tried to fix it using `arch-chroot`, but it seems like `apt` creates a corrupt setup no matter which version of the Linux kernel I install from any related repo. Anyone got any ideas?21:17
EmanuelLoos[m]I'm using OpenRC as my init system.21:19
joergsystemdlete: used____ :
used____joerg: cheatsheet in very small font is not fair ;)21:32
joergthe pdf is better21:35
used____The pdf is 2 pages. Thus not literally a /sheet/ ;)21:35
used____Thanks for the links.21:36
joergit's still not the skill in a pill, but it helps me sometimes, I also don't really understand git21:36
used____;) welcome to the club21:36
fluffywolfI totally do not understand git.  I'm glad I'm not the only one.  :)21:36

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