libera/#devuan/ Saturday, 2022-08-20

FilipZgnarface: Hi! Could you check those logs ? I set the dhclient and wpa_supplicant verbosity flags here, as you asked earlier.00:51
FilipZIf there is anything that could suggest that there is something wrong with my wireless connection, I mean.00:53
gnarfacethis FilipZ guy has to stick around longer01:04
gnarfaceand also someone needs to tell him i don't have any idea what is wrong01:05
gnarfacei fixed mine by changing devices and kernels both entirely01:05
gnarfaceoh and power supplies01:06
gnarfacethe old device still doesn't work01:06
gnarfacenot reliably01:06
gnarfacevery similiar to this01:06
gnarfacei have to presume a lot of the realtek ones just aren't working01:06
gnarfacemaybe some internal power management issue01:06
FilipZThank you for the answer. The Realtek network adapter I use is only for the wired connection, like I mentioned earlier. I use an Intel's network adapter for the wireless connection.01:27
gnarfaceoh yea, i forgot01:56
gnarfacemaybe it's not just realtek ones then01:57
gnarfacebut it's not all of them either01:57
joerglooks like a mess01:57
gnarfaceonly thing weird i see that i don't have is the thing about /proc/net/pnp but i also don't have connman01:58
joergwlan logs often looks like a mess, but this!01:58
joergeventually I thought "where's avahi? I'd expect avahi in this mess, causing it" then I felt nausea01:59
joergwhy does it look like every daemon and then a few were constantly fighting about routing and power management and DHCP leases and VPN?02:04
joergtried to understand what's going on there bit it gives me headache02:04
FilipZI decided to change connman back to the NetworkManager, but semething didn't worked out, and I cannot connect yo the internet, even though nm-tray shows a working connection.04:10
FilipZCould someone help?04:11
gnarfacedid you remove connman first?04:13
FilipZNo.I installed the NetworkManager first, and then stopped the connman, and then removed it, and restarted the NetworkManager.04:16
gnarfacei can't imagine what went wrong04:18
gnarfacebut i would have removed connman first04:18
gnarfacejust in case they share some dependencies04:18
gnarfacelike accidentally04:18
gnarfacesomeone has probably run into this before04:20
FilipZThen could reinstallation help?04:20
gnarfacei would "apt-get --purge autoremove" once first, then re-install network manager, see if it helps yea04:21
gnarfacebut their entanglement might be worse; connman could have left behind some configs or something that networkmanager is choking on04:22
brocashelmiirc, swapping connman with network-manager (and the other way around) messes with some configs like in /etc/network/interfaces04:22
gnarfacei don't use either one but i would expect it's a known issue when switching between them04:22
brocashelmi know it was impossible to connect to the internet when i switched out of connman and back to network-manager04:23
FilipZWhat exactly does the --purge autoremove do? It tells that it would free nearly 1.5 GB04:23
gnarfaceoh wow04:23
gnarfaceit removes packages that are supposedly orphaned04:24
brocashelmautoremove removes all packages associated with a package that you removed previously, whereas autopurge does that plus remove their configs04:24
brocashelmcheck orphaned packages with deborphan --guess-all04:24
brocashelmi don't have any packages for autoremoval, but deborphan/orphaner shows a couple of orphaned packages04:24
gnarfaceit's a good idea to run this after big updates; usually at the command-line it will tell you that04:24
gnarfacethey have to be orphaned and also not have been manually requested to be installed themselves by name directly04:25
FilipZApt already prints all those packages it tell that it would remove.04:25
brocashelmwhat i usually do is apt update && apt upgrade && apt autopurge && apt autoclean to clean and sanitize things automagically04:25
gnarfaceit only removes packages it knows are in conflict with the new ones; some times there are spare packages left over that aren't marked as in direct conflict with anything but sometimes they are actually causing problems. at the very least they're also wasting space.04:26
brocashelmautoclean is good for that04:26
gnarfaceand i think networkmanager wants to find something very specific in /etc/network/interfaces04:27
gnarfacemaybe nothing, or maybe just localhost, i really don't know04:27
gnarfacebut if there's actual configuration in there it can cause problems04:28
FilipZ"Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel." - why would it print things like this?04:37
gnarfaceuh, the module was loaded i think?04:40
gnarfaceseems self-explanatory04:40
FilipZI got an error while doing " apt autopurge && apt autoclean". "Could not open lock file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (13: Permission denied)"04:42
gnarfacewell you have to be root04:42
gnarfaceor using sudo04:43
FilipZI did use sudo04:43
gnarfacetry using sudo on each command, that's two in a row04:43
FilipZI did "sudo apt autopurge && apt autoclean".04:44
gnarfaceright, which is only using sudo on one of the two commands04:44
FilipZShould I now do sudo apt autoclean04:44
brocashelmsorry about that. i assumed you were already in a root shell04:45
FilipZAlright. I did this, and then network-manager reinstallation, but it didn't fix the issue.04:48
brocashelmyeah, something in your configs got corrupted due to connman being replaced04:48
FilipZHow should I fix it?04:49
FilipZDo I need to remove it completely and then install this again, using ifup/ifdown to connect to the internet?04:52
brocashelmdo you get any connection to the internet if you run sudo dhclient?04:54
brocashelmi don't think i fixed this problem myself other than going back to my last imaged backup04:54
FilipZbrocashelm If I do this now I get an error about /etc/resolv.conf not being a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf04:58
brocashelmi think that was the one04:59
brocashelmtry to create a symlink04:59
FilipZ"/etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc: Warning: /etc/resolv.conf  is not a symbolic link to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"05:01
brocashelmsudo ln -s /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf  /etc/resolv.conf05:01
brocashelmthat should solve it for you05:01
brocashelmthen try sudo service network-manager restart05:03
brocashelm(doesn't matter the init)05:03
FilipZNow that I look at it, it is a link to some connman related folder05:05
FilipZDirectory, it is05:05
FilipZIt works!05:11
FilipZThank you. :)05:11
brocashelmnp :)05:13
xisopoh interesting, service will call init.d scripts if that's what you use?10:43
xisopvery cool10:43
FilipZHi! Something strange happened to my system. Login screen look changed from the blue one, to the primitive looking with white and gray colors, on the left and right sides of the screen. When I entered login in the login field, It responded that "login failed", and the login text field didn't change instead to the password text field, how it14:41
FilipZhappened earlier. After I entered a correct password to this field however(after "rejected" login), I could log-in. I didn't even update the system in the previous session, but only did apt autopurge & apt autoclean. What could have happened, and how to fix it?14:41
FilipZI also see that the connection managing software ceased to work too.14:44
FilipZIt worked after I changed it in the previous session.14:45
FilipZProbably because the resolv.conf symbolic link that incorrectly pointed to /run/connman/resolv.conf, before I changed it, now points there again. Why would it change back to its previous state?14:50
sabasedighhello devuan19:33
gnarfaceFilipZ: there obviously has to be some parts of connman still doing that19:45
gnarfaceyou must have missed something19:45
golinuxsabasedigh: Just ask your question. :)19:56
rwpFilipZ, I think you were upgrading?  If so then the "xdm" (X Display Manger) may have changed from "lightdm" to "slim".  The description sounds like it to me.  Maybe.20:06
rwpFilipZ, As for the networking...  It doesn't seem like it should be complicated but unfortunately things have become complicated with regards to all of the things that touch the system.20:07
rwpFor example /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink if resolvconf is installed.  And I think also if network-manager is installed.  And they can fight over things.20:08
rwpAnd there is both IPv4 and IPv6 as a "dual stack" parallel configuration.  It's messy.20:08
rwpSometimes one just needs to reboot, log in, then very carefully walk through the small parts of it individually to figure things out.20:09

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