libera/#devuan/ Wednesday, 2022-10-12

gnarfacerrq, rwp: i figured out the qemu usb thing, thanks. user running the guest just also needed permission to the /dev/bus/usb node for the device.06:23
gnarfaceturns out it's just one additional dev node so it's less complicated than it seems at first glance, a second udev rule with the SUBSYSTEM=="usb" qualifier did the trick06:27
HackphiLLe Salut à toutes et tous \0/07:01
msiismSo, /etc/manpath.config is supposed to set up a mapping of binary directories to man page directories.22:54
msiismNow, I wonder whe it says `MANPATH_MAP  /opt/bin  /opt/man`.22:55
msiismAnd also `MANPATH_MAP /opt/sbin  /opt/man`.22:55
msiismAs far as I'm informed, /opt/ is supposed to contain a per-package or per-vednor hierarchy.22:56
msiismIn other words: /opt/bin and /opt/sbin do not normally exist.22:57
msiismEspecially /opt/sbin is really weird.22:58
msiismIt also seems to be impossible to add to the predefined manual page paths in a useful way by using the MANPATH environment variable.23:06
chomwittsorry for that23:36
rrqmsiism: also cute to see the MANDB_MAP declaring cache for "/snap/man" .. as if "/snap" would be a thing..23:43
msiismNow, I wonder whether that's worth reporting to Debian.23:59

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