libera/#maemo-leste/ Friday, 2021-06-04

dreamerhmm, how can you type `:` in the terminal?00:13
dreamerit just puts `.`00:13
Wizzupdreamer: d4?00:13
Wizzupok + ':'00:14
dreamerthat does `.`00:14
WizzupThe [OK] button?00:14
dreamer`[OK] + .`00:14
uvosudevadm hwdb --update ; udevadm trigger00:15
Wizzupweird, it works for me00:15
uvosas root00:15
dreamermaybe I missed some transitional package with key bindings?00:15
uvosand why the **** dose that still happen00:15
buZzhe just did ~600 updates in one go00:16
dreamer"just" couple hours ago00:16
uvosleste-config should still do the above00:16
uvosthere is no condition on it running it even00:16
dreameruvos: should I restart the terminal?00:16
uvosbut it sill happens00:16
uvosto me too00:16
dreamerhmm, nope00:16
dreameruvos: your command doesn't change anything00:16
dreameroh, sure00:16
uvosyeah as root00:17
uvosboth commands00:17
dreameris this set pormanently now?00:17
dreamerhmmm, and for `_`? :)00:21
Wizzupshift + '-'00:21
Wizzupcapslock + '-'00:22
dreamerthat does some kind of undo, not sure what this behaviour is00:22
Wizzupbut it is shift :)00:22
dreameroh right, and shift is ctrl00:22
uvosthe button labled shift is ctrl00:22
lelMerlijnWajer created a repository:
Wizzupuvos: heh I think the d4 that just showed the logo has a broken battery connector18:05
Wizzupthat explains a lot18:07
uvosmakes sense18:08
uvosvery dead battery is quite simmular to a broken connector :P18:08
uvosgood now you have one more18:09
Wizzupone battery less though, but yeah ;)18:10
Wizzupone seems to have broken microusb18:11
Wizzup(going through the ones I couldn18:11
Wizzup't make work outright)18:11
uvosWizzup: ok can i have that one (if you have not sent the package jey18:12
uvosseems like a good candidate for a board swap18:12
Wizzupdo you need the battery? or shall I put hat battery in the other phone that I just found with broken battery18:13
uvosno i have way more batterys than phones18:14
uvoslike 4 batterys in excess18:14
uvosthe real problem is battery doors i only have one in really good shape and 2 with broken tabs,  but i guess you have the same problem18:17
Wizzupsame. like 10 came without battery door.18:18
uvoswould be great to find a stock of those inductive charging backdoors18:19
uvosi could also reverse engeer the cover and sla print it18:28
uvosif worst comes to worst18:28
Wizzupuvos: mhm18:30
tmlinduvos: you can just tape some stock inductive charger to the cover if you want19:52
uvosyeah i know its the pogo pins are just 5v in right? but we are interesed in the covers themselves rather than the chargers really.19:53
uvos+2 gpio19:54
uvosrealy the pogo pins are just asking for a vusb implementation on cpcap-mcu :P19:54
tmlinduvos: yeah 5v. hmm what do you mean for vusb on cpcap-mcu? those arm gpio pins19:56
tmlinddon't think either is pwm capable though..19:56
uvostmlind: any reasonable uc can bit bang low speed usb on gpio.19:58
uvos"arm gpio" what are they connected to? i thought cpcap19:58
uvosto the omap?19:58
tmlindomap yeah19:59
tmlindoh gpio_121 has pwm it seems, it can be muxed to gptimer11_pwm_evt19:59
tmlindso i guess it could feed a clock using pwm20:00
uvosyou could bitbang usb on that with a m3 core20:01
uvosif it supports interupts to the m320:01
uvosdo the m3 cores have acess to the gpio pins even?20:01
tmlindnot sure, might be a limited set20:01
tmlindi was thinking i2c devices :)20:02
uvosi was thinking usb lte modem :P20:03
uvoson 1.5mb/s usb20:04
uvosbut still beter than edge :P20:04
uvosand bionic with the extended cover has lots of room back there.20:04
tmlindheh ok20:04
Wizzupuvos: usb port would be sweet20:40
Wizzupuvos: or ... (galaxybrain) for another keyboard!20:41
uvosWizzup: you have seen a man type with 10 fingers on the keyboard22:05
uvosWizzup: but have you seen a man type with 10 keyboards on the finger?22:06

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