libera/#maemo-leste/ Sunday, 2021-07-04

bencoh(say, I wanna run sigstoped)00:00
parazydMaybe check if XDG autostart is supported00:00
parazydI don't actually know though00:00
stando you run sessions independtly from booting the device?00:00
parazydIf not, it's probably something we'd want to support00:00
stani start things in /etc/rc.local00:00
stanoh right some things need running services and x00:01
bencohxdg-user-dirs is installed at least00:02
Wizzupbencoh: I'd go for xsession if it's for a package00:02
bencohWizzup: in /etc?00:02
Wizzupif it's your own thing, then yeah, .xsession or so00:02
Wizzupif it's a package, yeah00:02
bencohthe thing is ...
parazydThing is our code might not read it at all00:03
parazydThe local ones00:03
bencohdoes it look for x-session-manager and friends if ~/.xsessionrc is present?00:03
parazydDon't think so. We aren't running h-d as a session00:03
bencohah, got it00:04
parazydIt's just a sub-component of the default session iiuc00:04
bencoh.xsession *replaces* syswide session manager, .xsessionrc is just read on top of it00:04
bencohso let's try the rc thing00:04
_uvos_Wizzup: sweet :) ill try it as soon as im back @home10:36
_uvos_so are you ignoreing the return value or did you figure out why wpa was returning -1?10:36
stanold EB41 battery was reporting only 1040mAh.  Tossed in a 3800mAh today and it loves me long time.
Wizzupuvos: former, I need more time to figure out why, but the code has no debug statements at all, so I'd have to add them and recompile a new .a file11:39
lelMerlijnWajer synchronize a pull request: (WIP: add providers tab to advanced iap settings)14:54
sicelostan: mine reports 811mAh16:02
stanif you want to buy a replacement battery, the one uvos reccommended looks good16:03
stani had a bigger one lying around, so i sacrificed a back cover16:03
Wizzupnormal aging battery still lasts me 2 days or so16:04
Wizzupusually I find a place to charge it by then16:04
siceloi just need to find the highest capacity that'll fit - have no plans to host an oversize battery16:05
siceloWizzup: what capacity does it report?16:05
siceloheh, so mine is super finished then :D16:07
Wizzupthis is from status applet btw16:08
Wizzupnot sure where you look16:08
siceloyes, same16:08
stani haven't found a bigger one that still fits16:08
siceloi wonder  if there's no site that allows you to search LiPo/LiOn batteries by physical size and capacity16:09
sixwheeledbeastdirect site not ebay16:11
sixwheeledbeastif that helps16:11
bencohwow, I didn't think they'd sell directly16:11
* sicelo wants/needs a battery that's available at least in South Africa16:12
sixwheeledbeastwannasee electronic in berlin16:12
stangood advice sicelo16:13
sixwheeledbeasti have recommended those batteries for N900/5800 for years.16:14
stanhad good results with their n900 replacement also16:14
stanyeah that is only 5-6mm shorter than original EB41.  unlikely we'll find a bigger one16:15
sicelommm, they say they send batteries as a "letter shipment" ... i.e., they put battery in envelope and send?16:20
stanin germany there's a shipment class for small cartons called 'letter' but you'd have to check with them to be sure16:21
siceloi see their site (polarcell) has Swaziland as a shipping destination ... maybe i should try and buy when things quiet down here16:22
stanmy big problem with those is soldering wires to the zinc tabs.  i need to spot-weld wires to those.16:23
sicelowell i need a battery for my S7 too - no mods needed. wouldn't be a bad idea to get one for the N900 as well16:24
stanok i went through all batteries - this is the best for a modded case, 6mm 78x46x6 - with a repositioned controller it's about 74x46x6
stanSiarhei Siamashka seems to have a kernel patch for that verycheap/small USB Otg hub
freemangordonWizzup: BTW, IIRC there is advanced tab for non-wifi connections as well21:45
freemangordonthat's provided by default21:45
Wizzupfreemangordon: what is that in response to?21:46
freemangordonjust a random thought21:46
Wizzupso there is a way to load a plugin for connui for advanced tabs21:47
Wizzupbut the problem is you can only have one per connection type21:47
Wizzup(so it's not fit for providers)21:47
freemangordonI think maybe it is better to have that providers tab there by default21:48
freemangordonbut lets not discuss it now21:48
freemangordonI am too tired and could be that I am talking nonsense21:48
Wizzupfreemangordon: yes, I implemented that (as wip) in connui21:48
freemangordonbut, wlan wizard overrides this, no?21:49
freemangordonah, right21:49
freemangordonit just adds "Other" page21:49
Wizzupso connui-internet can load one plugin for connection/iap type, but this is always there, like proxies and ip settings21:49
WizzupI need to dynamically load some of it from gconf I guess, as opposed to hardcoding the providers21:50
Wizzupand that is a bit tricky since the code is spread over two files, but I'll figure it out21:50
freemangordonalso, it makes no sense to add the page if tehre are no providers installed21:50
Wizzupright, we could probably skip that, otoh, we might make them part of the core pkg (depending on size and such)21:51
Wizzups/core pkg/core install/21:51
uvosWizzup: looks like the wlan scanning issue is now resolved22:10
uvoshowever another new issue exists22:10
uvosi think you know this one22:10
Wizzupwhat is it?22:10
uvosbut if i click on some network i dont have psk for and then cancle and reopen the dialog22:10
uvosthe networks are scanned and displayed just fine but everything is grey22:11
uvosi have to close the dialog again22:11
uvosand reopen it again to accually connect22:11
bencohthe wifi Hydra22:11
Wizzupuvos: is your modem online?22:12
uvosWizzup: no22:12
uvosthis is with no sim22:12
Wizzupdo you have libicd-network-ofono installed?22:12
Wizzupthere is some odd interaction with icd2 and plugins that do not finish searching that causes this22:12
Wizzupi.e. you will be seeing it, but most others won't22:12
Wizzupif you online the modem I think the problem will be gone22:13
Wizzupbut yeah, it warrants a deeper look22:13
uvosseams sensless to block every connection untill every plugin is ready22:13
Wizzupsee 98a6ea87cd5a073ef3352ac86e56a503376593f5 on connui-internet22:13
WizzupI guess it needs further work22:14
freemangordonuvos: actually kinda makes sense, otherwise you risk clicking a connection you don;t want to22:18
bencohfreemangordon: I think that's how it works on fremantle22:19
freemangordoni.e. - the results might be delivered the moment you click22:19
uvostrue, but some connection types can take a loong time to discover22:19
Wizzupyeah but if we know the ofono plugin isn't going to return anything (modem offline), it should not block22:19
uvosso ux wise its worse if it just unblocks immidatly22:19
freemangordonbut, it should return immediately then, no?22:19
bencohat least that's the end result for the user on fremantle, I dunno how they implemented it22:19
Wizzupfreemangordon: yes, but it doesn't atm22:20
uvosi think idealy maybe it would unblock all connections per module22:20
uvoswhen that module is finished22:20
uvosand show modules in the oder the report ready22:20
uvosthen you cant missclick because a new module comes in22:20
uvosand fast modules arnt penalized by slow ones22:20
freemangordonuvos: the problem is that connections are ordered by priority, IIRC22:21
freemangordonsaved>GPRS>WLAN etc22:21
uvosfreemangordon: saved first certenly makes sense22:22
uvosbut we could order per module too22:22
uvosi guess22:22
freemangordonthe point is that if WLAN is ready before GPRS, once GPRS becomes ready its connections should go on top of WLAN22:22
freemangordonso the list is reordered22:23
uvosnot sure why thats nessecary22:23
freemangordonbecause of the priority22:23
uvosright thats how it is now22:23
freemangordonGPRS > WLAN22:23
bencohI'd rather say: because you don't wanna scroll down the list just to reach your gps connection22:23
uvosi dont see why this is important22:23
freemangordonand we want to keep it22:23
freemangordonbencoh: exactly22:23
uvosidk wlan is preferd over gprs no?22:23
freemangordonthe same goes for saved connections22:24
uvoswhat youd rather have gprs or wlan?22:24
bencohuvos: there might be a dozen unwanted wlan22:24
uvossurely wlan22:24
freemangordonwlan is preffered for auto-connect, but in the list GPRS has higher prio22:24
Wizzupuvos: I think we want to avoid things appearing at the top just when click/select something22:24
Wizzupthen it can cause terrible UX22:24
uvosWizzup: right22:24
Wizzupjust when a user*22:24
uvosthats why im saying ditch the priority mechanisum22:24
uvosand just show in reporting order22:24
freemangordonno way22:24
uvosthen you can missclick22:24
stangprs appear first seems sensible22:25
uvosand the dialog can allways be unblocked22:25
freemangordonnot until we have all the results22:25
uvosright because of the priority mecanisum22:25
freemangordonand it is here to stay22:25
Wizzupuvos: I think it's mostly a non issue if we fix the current bug (which it is)22:25
uvosyou cant have both the priority and unblock before every module is ready22:25
freemangordonuvos: as Wizzup said - we have a bug to fix in one of the plugins22:26
Wizzupgprs is usually available instantly when the modem is online and the gprs is already provisioned22:26
bencohuvos: seriously though, are you willing to scrol down everytime you want to connect to gprs?22:26
uvosbencoh: why would i ever dissconect gprs22:26
uvosso why would i care22:26
uvosthe dialog is just for rare uses really (for me)22:26
freemangordonbecause you want to connect to WLAN22:26
uvoswlan autoconnects22:26
uvosso its just when i want to connect to new wlan22:27
uvosso quite rare22:27
freemangordonuvos: only if you ar @ home22:27
uvoswhenever i have something saved22:27
standon't connect to any random wlan - e.g in a store or shopping mall22:27
bencoheven @home I don't use autoconnects (neither wlan, nor gprs)22:27
bencohmy battery thanks me :)22:27
Wizzupbencoh: were you planning to submit that wifi pkg to -extras?22:27
freemangordonI use 30 minuts for auto-connect interval22:27
uvosbencoh: well then you dont use any ip messaging22:27
freemangordonuvos: trust those who are experienced with maemo ;)22:27
bencohWizzup: yeah, I need to finish some cosmetics first22:28
WizzupI don't really see the point of this discussion ( freemangordon  uvos ) we just need to fix the bug and then all problems are gone22:28
Wizzupbencoh: cool22:28
uvosright fine22:28
bencohand for some reason, autotools insist on building static libs, even though I added AC_DISABLED_STATIC22:28
bencohand LT_INIT([disable-static])22:28
Wizzupmaybe depending on how it's defined in it still does it?22:29
freemangordon./configure --shared?22:29
freemangordonor what was the option to disable static...22:29
Wizzupuvos: well pls let me know if most of the other wifi problems are fixed for you as well, then I will push it to stable in 1-2 days22:29
bencohfreemangordon: the macro should change default22:29
bencohWizzup: do you know if any platform should unload driver instead of just ifconfig down on leste?22:31
uvosdont ever do that22:31
uvosif the driver is that broken fix it please22:31
bencohfine by me :)22:31
Wizzupbencoh: I would just go for disabling the iface yeah22:33
uvos(maybe alos use rfkill interface)22:33
uvosaltho any reasonable driver will shutdown the chip with the if disabled and no other users22:34
uvosso why do we have lots of maemo stuff in sbin?22:45
uvos"/sbin contains binaries essential for booting, restoring, recovering, and/or repairing the system "22:45
uvoswe have binarys in there that strech this definiton22:45
uvos(im noticing this because im diffing the output of the cmake mce package to the current one)22:46
uvos <--- defenition from here22:46
Wizzupmce is pretty essential for booting maemo22:46
uvosi think booting here is sysinit22:47
uvosmameo is not in sysinit22:47
Wizzupmgm, no strong opinions22:47
uvosmaemo stuff i mean22:47
Wizzupalthough I am not sure if there are scripts that have the abs path in them22:47
uvosthat might be a problem22:47
uvosalso the system really works fine wihtout mce (just lacking the fatures you would expect) but you can boot to hildon so its not "essential"22:50
uvosi gues ill move it and see if anything breaks (and look at all scripts i can think of first ofc)22:50
uvosdevlock-blocker is deff in the wrong place22:53
uvosits not even run by root22:53
uvosuser dosent even have it in PATH per spec22:54
Wizzupuvos: assuming mce will online modem for us, it's quite essential for making phone calls22:56
Wizzupbut it's kind of a moot discussion imho22:56
uvosim just trying to do whats right per spec22:56
uvosthe real diff is if user has it in PATH22:57
freemangordonWizzup: I think in   iap_advanced_create() there should be another section that checks if "service providers" page shall be added, like, have a separate   iap_advanced_sp_pages struct that's processed only if needed23:05
freemangordonlike, add similar code like and
uvosWizzup: so with jenkins mce would now have lots of recomended dependancies because it now works without any other maemo stuff23:07
uvosWizzup: but the maemo stuff needs to be there at build time (or the relevant modules are not built)23:07
uvosis that possible to do somehow23:07
uvosor do i need to keep the "fake" hard build time dependacies for now?23:08
uvos(untill i also split mce into mce and mce-maemo-modules or something)23:08
Wizzupuvos: I don't really know how that works in debian packages23:13
WizzupThere is no equivalent to "use flags" on gentoo iiuc23:13
uvosWizzup: ok23:13
uvosparazyd: ^^^23:13
uvosparazyd: any ideas? how dose jenkins react to  Recommends or Suggests23:14
Wizzupit won't install them for build23:14
uvoshmm :(23:15

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