libera/#maemo-leste/ Monday, 2021-07-05

lelIMbackK opened a pull request: (Move to new build system: cmake)00:34
uvosWizzup: ^^^00:35
Wizzupwill chkec tomorrow00:40
uvosoh btw one thing i noticed while porting00:42
uvoshow did this ever work?00:42
uvosit ofc immidatly stopped working when i switched the build system00:42
uvosbut they just declare those varaibles in a header00:42
uvosand then include that header everywhere00:42
uvosand somehow it ends up as the same varaible everywhere00:43
uvosnot sure how this ever linked00:43
uvosnow its extern...  in the header and declared in one c file00:43
Wizzupif they are not static then that makes sense, no?00:44
uvosexcept it should not link00:45
uvosbecause you have multiple symbols with the same name no?00:45
uvos(thats also what happens)00:45
uvosbut with the original makefile it wokes - somehow00:46
Wizzuphm, not sure00:47
lelIMbackK synchronize a pull request: (Move to new build system: cmake)00:53
Wizzup hm00:56
uvosWizzup: see
uvosi gues <> is still better01:05
uvosi might have done that before i did the other change01:05
uvosWizzup: it seams autoconnect also now work fine09:47
Wizzupuvos: great09:53
uvosyes :)09:54
uvosmakes for quite the usability improvment09:54
lelIMbackK synchronize a pull request: (Move to new build system: cmake)10:38
lelIMbackK synchronize a pull request: (Move to new build system: cmake)10:39
Wizzupuvos: well let's test wifi a bit more and then we can promote it10:41
WizzupI'm getting my second shot today so I might get sick for a bit, so not planning on doing much, but we'll see10:42
Wizzupuvos: I was thinking of testing audio stuff in VM first, seems sane, no?13:14
Wizzupofc not call audio, but the general policy stuff13:14
Wizzupuvos: ^13:36
uvoswell we would need a ucm profile that emulates the phone ones with the profile names13:44
uvosyou could have a profile that has hifi and voice and all the output configs for those13:44
uvoswith the ones that dont make sense on vm just noop13:44
uvosthen you can do the pulseaudio stuff on top of that and have it work the same on device13:45
WizzupI think the audio profiles do not relate to ucm per se13:46
Wizzupfor example nemo doesn't seem to use UCM13:46
Wizzupso all of that stuff I should be able to build and test  without UCM13:46
uvoswell the maemo stuff driectly controlls mixers afaik13:47
uvoswe dont want to do that13:47
Wizzupsure, that part will have to change, but there are other things to do, e.g. volume applet13:47
uvoswe want it to set the profiles, because thats what we have to abstract away hw differences13:47
Wizzupphone calls are just a part of it13:47
uvossure if you are not touching that part then you can test the setup wherever,  gentoo maybe? :P13:48
WizzupI'm saying it's not a big part of the actual work involved in doing it13:49
Wizzupbut yeah, ucm for vm makes sense.13:49
uvos(both statements)13:50
uvosucm for vm should be trivial13:50
uvosjust take
uvosand remove all cset commands13:50
uvosthen you have a dummy setup that you can check with pactl to see if you stuff on top set the right thing13:50
freemangordonI really hope UCM is smart enough to be able to handle all the use cases14:12
freemangordonso far it has a deficiency that you cannot attach user data to profile (or whatever it was called)14:12
freemangordonmaybe we shall patch that14:13
freemangordonuvos: do you know if ^^ is possible already14:13
freemangordonuse case is volume applet, you have more steps on volume slider when using speakers as an output compared to when you use FMTX, for example14:14
uvosucm is not smart, and thats not its job14:19
uvosits job it so that there is one  mixer controll from alsa for pulse to worry about for eatch fucntion, not $(20-RANDOM-CONTROLS) that variy by device14:20
Wizzupfreemangordon: afaik UCM can help us switch the mixer values for us, but the policy we still have to do14:30
Wizzupi.e. when do we decide to switch UCM profile, and to what do we switch it14:30
Wizzupit's just easier to use than fiddling with alsamixer values14:30
Wizzupfreemangordon: I think for volume applet this can be done with pulse14:31
Wizzupunless I'm confused?14:31
lelparazyd created a repository:
freemangordonactually on fremantle the 'switching' is done by alsa-policy-enforcement, IIRC17:50
Wizzupfreemangordon: yes17:51
freemangordonthe point is that in PA 'profiles' one can attach some arbitrary user values (key-value pairs), that can be retrieved by PA functions17:51
freemangordonin fremantle that is17:51
WizzupI am not sure I understand the point17:52
Wizzupsee also
freemangordonso, we have a "Master volume" in PA, and we have a list attached to it with 10 (for example) volume levels that define 10 steps in volume slider17:52
Wizzupso really
freemangordonok, so we need this module it seems17:53
Wizzupok, but I am not sure if we are clear on things17:53
Wizzupalsa = (low level) kernel audio interface with lots of switches17:54
Wizzupucm = way to interpret alsa switches17:54
Wizzuppulseaudio can also use ucm17:54
Wizzupand we just need to instrument pulseaudio in various ways, first of all to have separate 'groups' of applications (iiuc), music playing ones and phone calls, and also attach tags17:54
Wizzupthat is entirely separate from corking streams, and actually having certain switches change at the right moment17:55
Wizzupassuming we have a proper UCM and pulseaudio understands "Call Mode" (as it does on the d4), we can utility pulseaudio-policy-enforcement to set the right PA modules depending on system state17:55
Wizzupthis is really as far as my understanding goes, I plan to understand more this week17:55
freemangordonWizzup: what I am discussing is on top of that17:56
freemangordonlook how volume applet initializes17:56
freemangordonwe have 2 predefined sinks17:56
freemangordon'normal' and 'in-call'17:56
bencohfreemangordon: wasn't xpolicy directly related to pulseaudio?17:57
Wizzupyes, this is what I mean with 17:54 < Wizzup> and we just need to instrument pulseaudio in various ways, first of all to have separate 'groups' of applications (iiuc), music playing ones and phone calls, and also attach tags17:57
freemangordonok, lets call those properties 'tags' if you wish17:57
WizzupIt's quite some work to pull that apart and reproduce it proper, but that's what I intend to do this week17:57
Wizzupto port the fremantle audio config (minus enforcement) so that volume applet can work17:58
Wizzupthat's basically what I plan to do17:58
Wizzupand then hopefully alarms will also work17:58
freemangordonLMK if you need help17:58
freemangordonthough I am on osso-abook17:58
bencohWizzup: you might want to check /etc/pulse/xpolicy.conf on fremantle17:59
freemangordonbencoh: and there is more to that, in /var/lib IIRC17:59
Wizzupbencoh: I have a tar of all the files on my ssd I think18:00
bencoh/var/lib/pulse{,-nokia} yeah18:01
freemangordonso, if I get that right, each sink has 2 user-defined properties that are used by volume applet18:01
freemangordonfirst is for volume steps when not in call, the second - when in call18:01
WizzupI believe so18:01
freemangordonthat's what we shall somehow recreate, at least in terms of volume applet18:01
bencohat least that's how it behaves from a user pov18:02
freemangordonnot only from user POV, see the code18:02
bencohah :)18:02
freemangordonI REed that, yeah :)18:03
freemangordonso, we ahve a properties, which are list of volumes in dB18:03
freemangordonand when a sink becomes active (?) the applet uses those properties to tune it's slider number of steps and to set the output volume based on the current step18:04
freemangordontaking in consideration if we are n call or not18:05
freemangordonthe particular values for n900 are in /var/lib/... IIRC18:06
bencohfreemangordon: wait, don't tell me the status applet is actually the one changing the output volume once the call stats18:06
freemangordonyes, it is18:06
Wizzupbencoh: what should do it in your opinion?18:06
bencohI dunno, but definitely not some UI element18:07
freemangordonwhy is that an issue?18:07
freemangordonit is not really UI element18:07
bencohfrom a logical pov, it sounds kinda ... broken18:07
freemangordonUI is just on top of its core functionality18:07
freemangordonand its core functionality is to change the volume :p18:07
Wizzupbencoh: I mean, something has to map keyboard key to pulse actio18:08
Wizzupand it's not pulse that does this18:08
bencohI don't expect status applet to take any active part in the actual system, only to allow me to interact with it18:08
bencohbut ... meh18:08
freemangordonbencoh: and who is supposed to do the actual volume change?18:08
freemangordonshall we teach PA on calls?18:09
bencohno idea, tbf18:09
freemangordonmy stance is - Nokia did it like that, unless we have some strong evidence it can be done better, lets not reinvent the wheel :)18:10
bencohI'd have expected telepathy / the telephony framework / the phone app to notify pulseaudio and switch output/volume, but ...18:10
freemangordonoh I'd say this is even worse18:11
bencohfreemangordon: yeah, I'm not really arguing about what we should do tbh18:11
freemangordonapplication should not control things like volume IMO18:11
bencohbut I think we had a similar discussion back at some point (when you RE-ed maybe? or it was another piece of software)18:11
freemangordoncould be18:11
freemangordondon;t really remember18:11
bencohme neither, until now18:12
bencohanyway, I don't really have a better idea for now, so ...18:12
bencohis pulseaudio in the same state than back in fremantle days? or does it have new abstractions we could benefit from?18:13
freemangordonno idea18:13
freemangordonPA is not something I am good in18:13
bencohfreemangordon: that function is fine, because it basically acts upon user request18:14
freemangordonbut the result of it is based on whether we are in call or not18:14
freemangordonno volume is changed otherwise (without user action)18:15
bencohthat's the part that bothered me I think:
bencoh(assuming I understand what it does)18:15
freemangordonyes, but I don;pt understand why you have issues with it18:15
bencohbasically receive a "on call" signal, update the slider accordingly, and change the volume18:15
freemangordonoh, no18:16
freemangordon'on call' signal just sets the call_active variable18:16
freemangordonso the next time user changes the volume, the appropriate list ov volumes is used18:16
freemangordonnothing happens without user interaction, IIUC18:17
bencohthen who switches the volume to the proper value when I answer a call?18:17
freemangordon'stream restore' functionality IIUC18:17
freemangordonthat's PA thing18:17
freemangordonbecause you change the output sink18:17
bencohthen it's fine18:17
freemangordontake everything I say about PA with a grainof salt though18:18
freemangordonbut I believe this is what happens18:18
bencohat least it makes sense18:18
bencoh(and it's much nicer than what I understood at first :) )18:19
freemangordonif I read that correctly, on 'stream restore' volume slider is modified to account for the new volume applied by PA18:19
* bencoh nods18:20
freemangordonBTW Nokia introduced "stream_restore_2" which was not upstreamed, but I was not able to understand what are the differences18:21
Wizzupnemo has the same18:21
bencohit's funny how they really patched the whole ecosystem to make that phone work :)18:22
bencoh(and I have to admit it's a great piece of work in the end)18:22
uvosthe patches are partially very hacky tho18:22
freemangordonWizzup: maybe we will need that too18:22
uvosnot that i blame them18:22
bencohuvos: yeah, but still :)18:23
uvosthey where loosing the war with android and with the symbian /wimo devision18:23
uvosso im sure they where under duress18:23
freemangordonthe war with android was not even started by then18:23
siceloactually maemo had nothing to do with android :)18:23
siceloit's symbian that was fighting18:24
uvoswell yes it did18:24
freemangordonthere was simply no android :)18:24
uvosandroid was around18:24
uvosso it was a competitor18:24
bencohit was more symbian/iOS back then; android was around, but still pretty infant18:24
uvosthe d1 came out around the same time18:24
uvosand was a huge sucess sales wise18:24
bencoh"with the first commercial Android device, the HTC Dream, being launched in September 2008"18:24
sicelouvos: seriously. maemo fremantle had nothing to do with android. in fact, it was even struggling to make a case against symbian itself, let alone android. anyway18:24
freemangordonbecause the code in question was *finished* 200918:24
bencohyeah, android was an infant :)18:25
uvossure ok but "compettion"18:25
uvosthe iphone for sure18:25
freemangordonnot really18:25
uvoscome one18:25
freemangordonit was internal competition in Nokia18:25
uvosthe fremantle ui apes the iphone18:25
freemangordonwith symbian18:25
bencohiphone 3/3gs was its direct "competitor" (of at all)18:25
bencoh(if* at all)18:25
Wizzupyeah nokia messed up internally a lot as well18:25
freemangordonwell, n900 was anno9unced as iphone killer :D18:25
freemangordonwhich it was really back then18:26
bencohhonestly, it might have been, if not for ... pretty much everything, apart from the technical aspect18:26
uvosfreemangordon: practicaly maybe18:26
uvoscomertially? no18:26
freemangordondespite that, I know lots of wealthy people who bought n900 back then18:26
freemangordonbut it was Nokia who screw it18:26
bencohsame, and I still come across people that tell me they had one at some point18:26
uvosbut no doubt of the big phones sold in 2009: the d1 the n900 and the iphone18:27
freemangordonnot technical guys18:27
uvosthe n900 did worst18:27
WizzupI had people tell me they had the phone way back when.... but they saw my d4 with leste and though it was n900 with fremantle ;)18:27
freemangordonok, I am back to osso-abook18:27
uvosWizzup: did you change anything with qt519:54
uvosor the calculator app?19:54
uvosbtw im very sure that fremantle takes inspiration from android 1.0 i mean look at os2008 and fremantle and a1.019:56
uvosbut its not important19:56
uvosanyhow calculator app: theming is broken again19:56
uvosthe text box is white now for some reason19:57
uvosso no input can be seen19:57
Wizzupuvos: I don't think I changed anything20:01
uvosi dident either local20:01
uvosthe hildon preeview is even still right20:02
uvoscoult you check on your device?20:02
Wizzupyeah same for me20:04
uvoshmm wierd20:04
Wizzupmaybe some pkg was promoted or something20:08
uvosby debian you mean20:08
uvos(as we are on devel for us ofc)20:08
uvosyeah maby a qt5 change in debian caused this20:09
stancalculator could be a candidate to add to default image20:09
stanor is it too different20:10
Wizzupit's very similar20:10
stanthen will you include it?20:11
sicelostan: isn't it already there by default?20:15
stannot in the device i have running now. maybe in the newer image20:23
uvosstan: if it dident install with updateing20:24
uvosyou dont have the metapackage installed20:24
uvoswhich is bad20:24
stanit's in the newer image, sorry20:25
uvosit should be in _any_ image20:25
uvosif you updated it half way recently20:25
uvosif its not your image is broken (its missing the metapackage at least)20:25
Wizzupyou probably just removed it20:25
uvosthe metapackage also dissapeard on an update for me too btw20:27
uvosi think something was conflicting at some point20:27
uvosthat was very long ago tho20:27
stanis there a forseeable way we could set system languages we want supported on our device, then prevent apt from downloading every translation available? e.g. 71-osso-pdf-viewer-l10n-zhhk 72-osso-pdf-viewer-l10n-zhcn21:42
uvostmlind: any idea what the difference between mbmloader_hs.bin and mbmloader_ns.bin is?21:59
lelIMbackK synchronize a pull request: (Move to new build system: cmake)22:25
uvosWizzup: ^^^ "" <> braket thing remove22:26
lelIMbackK closed an issue: (Mce should not depend on maemo)22:27
lelIMbackK closed an issue: (iio-als: do something with the iio-sensor-proxy "unit" prop)22:27
lelIMbackK opened an issue: (Doxygen documentation for mce-dev)22:29
Wizzupuvos: ok, I think I'll also want to ask fmg to take a look, but let's see if we can try to get it merged this week22:42
WizzupI guess this just replaces nokia-voice modules
stanpower use with wlan on, screen off is good but RET keeps increasing d=2021-07-05|t=23:07:54|i=OFF:0,RET:3646|p=133|c=NA|b=none23:08
stan3646 in 8 minutes23:09
uvosthats normal23:10
uvosmaybe a tiny tad high23:10
uvosif your uptime is just 8minutes its low even23:10
uvosthe count is pretty meaningless anyhow23:13
stanhappy i don't need to unload modules23:13
uvosas it tells you nothing about how mutch time the device spent in ret23:13
stanwould disabling the phone modem save power?23:13
stanit seems still tied to the snd_ playback23:14
uvosnot loading motmdm modules dose reduce power consumption some23:14
uvosas dose not loading cpcap_phy23:14

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