libera/#maemo-leste/ Friday, 2021-07-30

Wizzupuvos: I think searching in the web archives for a file name might be tricky, but I'll ask10:51
uvosparazyd: could you revert 05897e9007087b2ea965e415cf9c91c16a552a3a on qtstyleplugins12:31
uvosthis dosent accutally cause the bug with the input fields12:31
uvosthe problem is that the input fields nolonger get QPalette::Base12:32
uvoswhich must be a bug in qt or in the style somewhere else12:32
uvosprobubly qt because it appeared on a qt upgrade12:32
uvosanyhow to get text input fields working for now pls revert the above12:32
parazydWizzup maintains this13:18
uvosWizzup: ^^^^^13:18
Wizzupuvos: it doesn't cause the bug?14:11
Wizzupuvos: you want this reverted? maemo5style: sanity check colors and adjust them if needed14:13
Wizzupplus daa1294b69450947d5a47889c6ce1c2bf899c835 then I guess14:13
uvosyeah so in qt14:15
uvosQPalellet::Base should be used for text input fields14:15
uvosin maemo style the text input fields are for some reason not resposive to QPalellet::Base breaking spec14:16
uvospreviously the text input fields where hidden thus the BaseText ended up ontop of window color14:16
uvosthis also breaks spec14:17
uvosto work around this 05897e9007087b2ea965e415cf9c91c16a552a3a inverts BaseText if it has low contrast with window color14:17
uvosand also inverts base if the new inverted BaseText has low contrast with it14:17
uvosbut now the input fields appear14:17
uvosand are not affected by base14:17
uvosso everything falls apart14:18
uvosthis bug is outside of 05897e9007087b2ea965e415cf9c91c16a552a3a14:18
uvosbut since it inverts BaseText and then expects the input field to change color with base it exposes this problem14:18
uvosnot that now that the hiding of the input field is broken the style is breakin spec less since it uses BaseText only on top of Base14:19
uvoswe should figure out why the hiding broke14:19
uvosand ensure it stays broken14:19
uvosthen the need for 05897e9007087b2ea965e415cf9c91c16a552a3a dissapears entirely14:19
uvosalso we must fix the bug that causes Base to to apply to the input fields14:20
uvos*to not14:20
Wizzupok, so we need to fix our style sheet14:22
Wizzupfreemangordon: made it initially14:22
uvosbut revert  maemo5style: sanity check colors and adjust them if needed to solve the immidiate issue14:25
uvossince we also will want to have it gone anyhow when we fix the sheet to not break spec in the first place14:26
lelIMbackK opened a pull request: (add support for rotating xinput touchscreens when entering or leaving portrait mode)14:46
uvosWizzup: ^^^14:46
WizzupI'd like freemangordon to take a look as well14:50
Wizzupdid you test this with various orientations and reflections?14:51
uvosno just no roataion and 90 deg14:52
uvosbut the maping code is taken from xinput14:52
uvosso i expect it works in all cases14:52
uvosactually is still usefull for leste-config to call after udevadm trigger14:53
uvosas ofc hildon-desktop has no way of knowing that this happend14:53
uvosso lesteconfig should still call xinput itself or use the script in hildon-desktop-rotation-support14:54
uvoswe should just add to the postinstall script of leste-config14:55
uvosand scrap everything else14:55
uvosanyhow the pr fixes the annyoing bug that sometimes the touchscreen would fail to rotate under heavy cpu load14:56
uvosand rotation is mutch snappier fealing14:56
uvossince the ts works immidatly14:56
parazydnote: it should check for available $DISPLAY and maybe $DEBIAN_NONINTERACIVE14:56
uvosand not like 2 seconds after rotation compleats14:56
Wizzupuvos: qtstyleplugins rebuilding in -devel14:58
Wizzupuvos: it built in -devel (qtstyleplugins)15:30
parazydSo they don't overheat :p15:44
AaronBurri volunteer to be the warehouse15:46
AaronBurr  surprised i haven't seen usb power with status display like this before15:48
WizzupAaronBurr: so what makes AaronBurr better than kshatriya or clort?15:51
AaronBurr/usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/gnu/stubs.h:7:11: fatal error: gnu/stubs-soft.h: No such file or directory15:53
AaronBurrits not findable with apt-file either15:53
AaronBurrah i need -mfloat-abi=hardfp15:56
AaronBurrer, =hard15:57
parazydWizzup: For ohm, they seem to be using libsimple-trace. Did you run into this already?19:25
parazydI can't find its source code19:26
parazydWizzup: Pushed ohm, with a hack workaround of libsimple-trace20:03
Wizzupparazyd: no idea what simple-trace is20:42
uvoswhat are we intending to use ohm for?22:06
uvosWizzup: why did you revert do not use tabs and spaces22:09
Wizzupuvos: I thought it was part of the same commit stuff, msg22:15
Wizzupuvos: ohm does audio stuff22:16
Wizzupuvos: the nemo/sfos stuff needs it22:16
uvosno its just a totaly unreated fixup of code style22:16
Wizzup(also it's also on fremantle)22:16
uvosok hmm22:16
WizzupI can't tell you how exactly, that comes after we have it :)22:17
uvosit seams very complex22:19
lelIMbackK synchronize a pull request: (add support for rotating xinput touchscreens when entering or leaving portrait mode)22:20
parazydWizzup: It seems it's used in one function22:21
parazydSee one of the commits I made22:21
parazydMaybe it's just debug stuff, but I didn't read enough to be sure22:22
uvosWizzup: sorry about the hildon-pr now having 2 differnet functions22:22
parazydAnyway, I can't find the source code for it22:22
Wizzupparazyd: ok, I will check tomorrow22:24

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