libera/#maemo-leste/ Thursday, 2021-08-19

Wizzupuvos: nice video02:01
Wizzupparazyd: we could also tweet uvos' video12:08
Wizzupor keep it for the news post12:08
Wizzupwe're much closer with finishing that now anyway12:08
parazydYeah I can tweet it later12:18
parazydAnd it definitely goes in the news post :)12:18
Wizzupuvos: could a screenshot of the phone ui on the n900 in landscape mode help?14:18
Wizzupfreemangordon: ping me a bit later today and I can elaborate on how the provider type and such was selected15:00
Wizzupfreemangordon: when I showed you my VM I had apt upgraded which nuked my local changes15:00
inky_people, i see /dev/media* and /dev/video* devices exist on pinephone17:13
inky_i have read here that17:13
inky_donig this: media-ctl --set-v4l2 '"ov5640 2-003c":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x7200]' -d /dev/media117:13
inky_should setup the /dev/video1 device17:14
inky_and i found out from dmesg that in my case it should be:17:14
inky_media-ctl --set-v4l2 '"ov5640 4-004c":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x720]' -d /dev/media117:14
inky_(they also have a typo with 7200/720)17:14
inky_but after that if i try to take a photo with ffmpeg then17:14
inky_it says 'Not a video capture device.17:15
inky_/dev/video1: No such device'17:15
Wizzupthings not to do: xml syntax errors in gconf .schema files17:37
Wizzupgconf just silently fails17:37
uvosbtw Wizzup where is the stuff stored by profilex located17:40
uvosit could not find it in gconf-editor17:40
Wizzupuvos: can we tweet the video ahead of the news post btw?17:40
Wizzupuvos: sec, I think it's probably the profile stuff17:40
uvosany and all videos in the videos directory are for your use for any purpose17:41
WizzupI think it's libprofile btw
uvoshuh another settings system17:43
Wizzupit might be using gconf, I am not sure17:43
Wizzupthis is what mer/sailfish also uses17:43
uvoswierd that they dident use gconf directly17:43
Wizzupin any case it seems simple enough to use, but yeah, dependencies eh :P17:43
uvos looks like parazyd posted it allready btw17:44
uvoswhat happend with the pixels :P17:44
uvosso it just stores it in a ini file somehwere17:46
uvoswhy not do that for everthing then and avoid gconf dependancy17:46
uvosnokia be wierd17:46
uvosok ill have to figure out how to make autotools do what i want17:47
Wizzupdo you want me to add --enable-libprofile to for you?17:47
Wizzupok 5 mins17:47
Wizzupuvos: the guy did somethin weird with SPHONE_LIBS17:55
Wizzuplet me fix it17:55
Wizzupuvos: shall I commit it, or do you want it as patch?18:02
Wizzupuvos: ^ now you just need the right debian/rules override to enable/disable18:03
Wizzupuvos: oh lol that stderr stuff should go 1s18:03
uvoscommit is fine18:04
Wizzupwant me to commit that patch then?18:04
WizzupI tested both --enable-libprofile and --disable-libprofile18:05
freemangordonWizzup: won;t have time today, most probably18:40
Wizzupfreemangordon: yeah, all fine, I just wanted to answer the questions I didn't have an answer to18:40
Wizzupbasically in the Advanced settings, there is a Providers tab, and you can select a provider there.18:40
freemangordonno worry, as soon as somebody knows how it works, its all fine :)18:41
freemangordonyeah, I think that's what we agreed upon back then18:41
Wizzupyeah, I just forgot.18:42
uvostmlind: could we throttle the cpcap battery low interupt?20:00
uvostmlind: i have a problem where the d4 gets notably slower and also consumes a lot of power when close to empty due to the interupt fireing many times every second20:01
uvosdue to it triggering on noise20:01
uvosfrom a functional perspective i dont see why we should not just disable the interupt for 5 sec every time i fires but the battery voltage is to high to nessecsitate a shutdown20:02
tmlinduvos: heh ok sure using some timer there makes sense20:05
inky_i am rebuilding photolightmeter, updated it.23:22
inky_the build is in progress on phoenix.23:22
inky_just first thing i did before that, was i clicked 'play' on photolightmeter-repos, and that thing failed.23:22
inky_then i clicked 'play' on photolightmeter-source, that worked.23:23
inky_and now it is in progress, i clicked photolightmeter-binaries.23:23
inky_ok, looks like amd64 version already built.23:23
parazydYou just need to start the -source job23:23
parazydEverything else is a pipeline23:23
inky_btw i don't remember where was it taking version from.23:23
inky_indeed, yes, i did not click -binaries, i clicked -source23:24
inky_so does it take version from changelog?23:24
parazydThe version comes from debian/changelog, and the repo has to have a corresponding git tag23:24
inky_i think i did not use git tags. let me see if that is a problem.23:25
inky_well i did git log to see if i used, before pushing23:25
parazydYeah you need to add a 1.3.1 tag23:25
inky_and whether git log doesn't show that, or i didn't use tags. but now you said i think i was using tags23:25
inky_ok thank you!23:25
parazydOr whatever version you're building23:25
parazydYou also have to merge master branch into maemo/beowulf branch and push it23:26
inky_ah, thank you!23:32

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