libera/#maemo-leste/ Monday, 2021-09-27

freemangordonWizzup: do cdrom and usb drives get auto-mounted in leste Vm for you?17:32
freemangordonI remember in ascii cdrom was auto-mounted, not the case anymore17:33
Wizzupfreemangordon: would have to test, but I assume not17:33
freemangordonwhy is that? systemd is missing?17:33
freemangordonand most-important - how to fix that?17:34
freemangordonbecause I see those drives in hildon-fm17:34
freemangordonbut nothing happens when I click on them17:34
freemangordonneither I can mount with gio mount commend17:34
freemangordonuser@devuan:~$ gio mount -d /dev/sr017:35
freemangordongio: /dev/sr0: No volume for device file17:35
freemangordonparazyd: do you know how is that supposed to work indevuan?17:36
Wizzuphm, I would not expect things to automount, but we can control it17:40
Wizzupwhat do you want to automount and where specifically?17:40
freemangordonwell, I would expect gfvs automounts17:41
freemangordonlike in ~/.gvfs17:41
freemangordonWizzup: seems it requires policykit18:12
freemangordonok, aftre installing policykit (which removed libpam-ck-connector libsystemd-dev libsystemd0) I am able to mount with udisksctl18:18
Wizzupsounds like a nice package ;P18:27
freemangordonbut still unable to mount with gio mount18:29
freemangordonsomehow gio volume doesn't get added18:31
_uvos_i strongly dislike stuff automounting18:41
_uvos_so if gvfs is supposed to do this and we unbreak it ill ned to find the switch to turn it off18:42
_uvos_also i hope it dosent automount mmc devices18:42
_uvos_since automounting the android/fremantle partitions is not a good idea18:43
Wizzupuvos: yeah me too19:58
WizzupI think sd cards should be automounted though19:58
Wizzupbut that's quite different I think19:58
uvosbut how will it differentiate and sd card with the internal flash that just came in as a hotplug beacuse of udevadm trigger?20:06
uvoswe absolutly do not want it mounting the android system and bootloader partitions on mapphone for instance20:06
WizzupI think fremantle had logic for that20:09
freemangordonke-recv, yes20:13
freemangordonbut still, user should be somehow able to mount partition, without using shell that is20:13
uvosdoing so is impossible portably20:14
freemangordondoing what?20:14
uvosfiltering the devices20:14
uvosi dont think there is a way to know that random mmcn interface is internal flash portably20:15
freemangordonthat's why we shall auto-mount everything, if possible. however, gvfs has options to disable auto-moutn for a particular volume, which could be part of device support package20:15
uvos(portable as in between devices)20:15
Wizzupdts can be used for this, or hardcoded hw paths20:15
uvosautomounting everything is not ok20:15
freemangordonwhy not?20:15
Wizzupandroid has like 20 partitions20:15
Wizzupwe don't want to mount those20:15
Wizzupbut I think this is an edge case20:15
uvosand do you want to mount the bootloader with user permissions?20:16
uvosthats asking for touble20:16
WizzupI think mounting an internal sd card that you need to open the phone case for to change is a feature, not a bug20:16
Wizzuphow we do it is up to us20:16
freemangordonok, nut what about usb flash driver, cd rom drives, etc20:16
* Wizzup dinner20:16
uvosjust have the user select devices from a list to mount20:17
uvosand dont automount anything20:17
uvosthat also avoids having to have speciall config for the partition layout of every device20:18
uvosto avoid automounting bootloaders etc20:18
freemangordonis this list persistent?20:18
freemangordonalso, what UI is this?20:18
uvosdosent exist im suggesting something to implment20:18
freemangordonok, but until we have it?20:18
uvoscurrent behavior20:19
uvosautomount nothing or at least not suff that can be problematic20:19
uvosie cdrom would be ok20:19
freemangordonwhich is - you can;t mount at all unless using console20:19
uvosthats fine imo20:19
uvosrn all our devices run from sdcard anyhow20:19
freemangordonno, this is s phone dammit20:19
uvosso you cant insert anything20:19
freemangordonsure you can20:19
uvosand connecting sutff via otg is eadge case20:19
freemangordonmost of the devices support OTG20:19
freemangordonhow is that?20:20
uvosi dont think many people connect cdrom drives to phones20:20
uvosbut sure you can automount those classes of devices20:20
freemangordonusb flash drives for sure20:20
uvosas long as internal flashcant be mistaken for something to mount20:21
uvosand the user can turn automounting off20:21
freemangordonand we are to the point - nothing gets automounted, no matter the class20:21
freemangordonit seems we are either missing a daemon or a setting20:21
uvoswell if its ke-recv20:21
uvoske-recv dosent work atm except for the slider key20:21
freemangordonit *was*, in fremantle20:22
uvosas it uses vendor interfaces20:22
freemangordonnot really20:22
freemangordonit was using hal20:22
uvosno not real hal20:22
uvoslots of sysfs files too20:22
uvosthat are not anything20:22
freemangordonfor mounting it was using hal20:22
uvosi think it checks some lid sysfs20:23
freemangordonbut I still wonder why gio mount fails20:23
freemangordonuvos: forget about ke-recv20:23
freemangordonthe one that is supposed to work in shell does not20:23
freemangordon'gio mount -d $DEVICE'20:23
uvoswell the gio mount failing is likey down to perms20:23
freemangordondo you have any idea?20:23
freemangordonwell, idea how to trace it20:23
konastrace -f gio mount -d $DEVICE # ???20:32
freemangordonI think I tried it20:32
freemangordonbut this doesn;t help much, as there is no GioVolume, and that's what gio mount complains about20:33
freemangordonok, PEBCAK :)20:53
freemangordongetting there:20:56
freemangordongio: /dev/sdb1: Not authorized to perform operation20:56
freemangordonok, it needs policykit-1 (and friends) installed. and it also needs policykit rules to enable mounting for group 'plugdev' (find that over the inet) and also adding user to gtoup 'plugdev21:09
uvoshmm dosent work for me anymore (try listing fw files)21:52
uvosnot great21:52
freemangordonWizzup: kona: :)23:05
freemangordonit segfaults when you try to open the list of messages, but still, I guess this is a progress23:06

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