libera/#maemo-leste/ Tuesday, 2022-01-04

huckgThanks for asking, I was just getting some of the pieces together. The sparks will fly later tonight.00:07
uvosWizzup: tmlind: little question here, how do you get from the gpio numbers in userspace to the gpio banks in dts00:09
uvosi mean i know form expiramentation that <&gpio6 12> is 17200:09
uvosby way of 5 banks of 32bit + 1200:10
uvosbut where is this defined?00:10
Wizzuphm... I'm trying to remember how I figured this out last time00:12
Wizzupit might be in the logs, iirc you helped me with that00:13
uvosi probubly told you the (bank-1)*32+dts_number rule00:13
huckgIt appears that I will have to do a crash course in qemu and bridging.00:14
uvosbut i just found this rule by expieramenting with the interface and what changes :P00:14
Wizzuphuckg: hm, bridging what? we probably need to document things if you run into problems00:16
uvosyou have to brige the adb usb if into quemu00:16
uvosto root moto andorid 4.100:16
huckgI have already rooted and installed safestrap and lineage 14.1, do I need to do these steps?00:18
uvosdo you have linageos on the stock slot or a sdcard slot?00:19
huckgnot on stock slot00:19
uvosthe stock slot os need to be rooted00:19
huckggot it00:19
uvosalso you will lose safestrap00:19
uvosyou atm cant boot android00:20
huckgok, the bionic is just a toy for me now, not relying on it for anything important.00:20
uvosand leste at the same time00:20
uvos( on bionic on d4 you can )00:20
huckgstock is 98.72.XT875.Verizon.en.US so I believe that I need to use the procedure outlined in
uvoshuckg: i dont know the numbers of the top o my head00:24
uvosthats android 4.1 right?00:24
uvosok, yeah you need that00:26
uvosunfortionatly this also means you have the very locked bootloader00:26
huckguh oh is that a showstopper?00:27
uvosjust makes it harder to recover if flahsing fails00:28
mighty17[m]tmlind: regarding the mmc quirks, is it related for all omap devices having wlan on sdio?10:47
mighty17[m]setting smth similar to that breaks wifi for me10:59
* mighty17[m] sent a code block:
mighty17[m]so that most likely isnt the issue10:59
* mighty17[m] uploaded an image: (67KiB) < >11:23
mighty17[m]pretty sure it doesnt even go in `omap_hsmmc_init_card`11:24
* mighty17[m] sent a code block:
Wizzupuvos: bbiab, but lmk what patches you think we ought to carry in our upcoming kernel for leste devices11:28
WizzupI think hp detect we might have already, but teh slow ramp up we don't11:28
uvosWizzup: yeah12:27
uvosWizzup: i cced you in the slow ram patch, do you need it anywhere else?12:27
uvosthere is also the led patch12:27
uvosthat i will prepare today12:28
uvosplease use the hp detect patch that i submitted on the ml12:28
uvosinstead of the old one currently in the leste kernel12:28
Wizzupuvos: nah mostly just a confirmation I guess12:30
uvosWizzup: something is up with the slow ramp patch tho12:33
uvosso sometimes the battery status indicator on leste inverts the state with it applied12:34
uvosboth /sys/class/power_supply/battery/status12:34
uvosand /sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent are allways correct tho12:34
uvosso it seams like a udev bug to me12:34
Wizzupcould be some udev or upower event missing12:34
Wizzupsometimes upower just doesn't get notification and then it gets weirdly behind12:34
Wizzupcheck if sysfs is correct12:35
uvosas stated, its correct12:35
Wizzupmaybe upower is missing events then12:35
uvosor somehow im not creating the events12:36
uvosi gues uevent would be wrong then tho12:36
uvosudevadm monitor -u looks ok12:40
uvosso probubly not12:40
uvosWizzup: the series on leds12:56
uvosill also send it to the m-l soon12:57
Wizzupuvos: cool, this is for the droid3 as well?12:59
Wizzupuvos: so summarising: new hp detect, maybe ramp up depending on upower problems, and led series12:59
uvosWizzup: yes13:00
uvosWizzup: but only the ts-button lights for now13:00
uvosi havent added the other channels13:00
uvosbut will do13:00
uvosWizzup: yes13:00
lelIMbackK opened a pull request: (bionic and droid 3: add ts-buttons light to mce now that the kernel c…)13:08
uvosWizzup: companinon leste config patch13:08
uvosfreemangordon: you said to remind you so here: and
Wizzupthat scale 1.7 is for all devices, or?13:19
uvossame size as gtk2 elements13:19
uvoswhtch also dont scale13:19
uvosso yeah13:19
lelparazyd closed a pull request: (Improve gtk3 usability some)13:37
Wizzupparazyd: don't issue a release for that yet ^13:48
huckgafter my bionic on boot shows motorola logo a couple of times, then twin tux penguins appear at top of screen, then frozen.15:20
uvosdid you flash kexecboot to bspw via fastboot?15:21
uvossee steps 7-1015:22
uvosstep 11 is not nessecary on your device15:22
huckgno i followed and flashed with install.sh15:23
uvosthats incompleat15:23
Wizzupuvos: we should make sure that links to the wiki if it is incomplete15:24
uvosparazyd: could you ajust that to end with the installed root for android 4.1 and point to
uvosstep 515:25
wunderwWizzup: Just tested the latest image of Leste for N900 and the problem is fixed15:26
wunderwI mean graphics and displaying problem15:26 forced a reboot which led to frozen condition15:27
uvosdosent matter15:27
uvosremove the battery15:27
uvosand boot with vol-down pressed15:27
uvosthen follow steps 7+15:27
huckgwill do, thanks!15:27
Wizzupwunderw: yup15:27
huckgSending 'mbm' (256 KB)         FAILED (remote: 'unsupported command')15:31
uvosyour fastboot is to old15:32
uvosno the fastboot utility on pc15:33
huckgoh, i have up-to-date Debian 1115:33
uvosthe package is ainchent unfortionatly15:34
huckgah yes, Debian stable15:34
uvosfastboot needs to be at least v30.015:35
uvosyou can just grab it form here15:37
huckgok, thanks, i will install that and continue later, have to go to work now.15:38
Wizzupmaybe he can just get deb from newer debian?15:41
bencohI don't remember using a newer fastboot for droid415:42
bencohwhy is that different for bionic?15:42
Wizzupuvos: any idea how I can git am your mail to linux-omap?15:49
Wizzupjust copying the body of the email isn't enough15:49
Wizzupah I had to copy the headers as well15:50
Wizzupuvos: hmm your three rfc patches do not seem to apply on top of each other15:50
Wizzupuvos: wait15:57
Wizzupuvos: yeah the third patch gives me 'corrupt patch' no matter what I try16:00
tmlinduvos: looks like you're mostly done with the led patches16:01
tmlindmighty17[m]: the mmc quirks are only needed on few broken devices, should not be needed otherwise, you may have other issues like unconfigured regulator if not detected16:04
mighty17[m]<tmlind> "mighty17: the mmc quirks are..." <- It just doesn't work on a cold boot16:22
mighty17[m]I don't understand what's wrong16:22
mighty17[m]If i boot into twrp first and then reboot to mainline nmc5 works16:22
uvostmlind: wich ones?16:40
Wizzupuvos: could you maybe send me the third hp patch again16:41
WizzupI can't get it to apply without patch or git am complaining16:41
uvosWizzup: ok16:41
uvostmlind: do you remember the commit id of the motorola patch that worked around an idle bug in the firmware16:41
uvosthat we considerd as the cause of the d4 reboots in the 5.10 era16:42
uvosbut was patched in firmware at some later time so was unessecary16:42
uvosi wonder if im wondering if maybe since xt860 was never updated by moto if this problem is the cause of the extra reboots16:43
uvosah i see the problem16:49
uvosthe patch got wraped to 75 lines somehow16:49
uvosits resent16:52
uvosbencoh: there is a range of versions of fastboot with a bug that causes it to fail with mbm16:54
uvoson all devices16:54
uvosyou probubly used a version old enough16:54
Wizzupuvos: this one applies fine, ty16:56
Wizzupfreemangordon: did you test with CMA of 16 or 24 MB?17:03
freemangordonI did test with 24MiB17:13
uvosWizzup: please also add this patch:
freemangordonbut to me it makes sense to test 16MiB17:14
uvosit drives me up the wall17:14
Wizzupuvos: yeah the whole droid3 keyboard needs a keymap counterpart for X17:15
Wizzupuvos: ok17:16
Wizzupbtw, looks like solidrun now says lead time is 8 weeks17:17
uvosnot having shift-number be anything on d3 is a realy strange decision17:17
Wizzupthey keep changing it around17:17
Wizzupquite frustrating, if there was an alternative I'd probably cancel the order17:17
uvosseams like they just added the number row to the a855 layout without thinking17:18
tmlinduvos: heh i'll try to find that patch..17:18
uvosWizzup: :(17:18
uvosWizzup: btw could you setup a xt862 with rooted android and cpcaprw17:25
uvosWizzup: i need to query some registers to implement the led channels for the alt and shift led17:26
uvosi would use
uvosas thats a lot easier and makes it a proper andorid binary17:27
uvosahm tmlind ^^^ @pr17:27
Wizzupuvos: ok, will try to do it today, can't promise17:28
uvosnot today is fine17:29
uvosi dont have the time today to interpret results anyhow17:29
tmlinduvos: i think the pita random hang issue got fixed with commit b3d09a06d89f ("ARM: OMAP4: PM: update ROM return address for OSWR and OFF")17:31
lelMerlijnWajer opened an issue: (Set up droid3 with rooted android and cpcaprw)17:33
lelMerlijnWajer assigned an issue: (Set up droid3 with rooted android and cpcaprw)17:33
uvostmlind: yes but thats not the patch i mean17:35
uvostmlind: you consierd a different patch around the fw17:35
uvostmlind: but discarded it because on d4 the fw was newer than the moto commit message explained it as fixed in fw17:36
uvostmlind: (also it dident help with reboots on d4 at the time)17:36
uvostmlind: ill try and find it in irc.txt later17:36
PaliFYI I released a new version of 0xFFFF
WizzupI suppose we could try to flash leste to emmc then at some point17:51
tmlinduvos: hmm yeah not sure, yeah irc.txt grepping might be needed..17:54
tmlinduvos: maybe grep for .S files, it was some assembly restore patch17:55
tmlinduvos: found it, copied the patch to
uvos tmlind: thanks!19:10
uvoslooks like xt862 has 1.3.5 R2 vs d4's 1.6.4 R219:10
uvosso this sounds very possible19:10
tmlindyeah might be19:16
tmlinduvos: you had some test case of playing some music for that bug i recall19:23
Wizzupyeah that was a good way to trigger it for me19:32
Wizzupbut the droid3 hangs much more often and it's pretty easy to trigger19:32
uvostmlind: yeah playing high bitrate music via mpv hanged it pretty reliably21:26
uvostmlind: the d3 hangs so often it dosent matter tho21:26
uvosim testing the patch right now21:27
uvostmlind: btw is there some debuging function that would allow me to pin regulators on without chianging dts?21:27
Wizzuphi hi!21:42
BoshtannikI'm new!21:43
BoshtannikHave found maemo leste os, and remembered that I had my lovely rx-51 phone, that helped me learn programming. So I bought a new one, and put leste on it!)21:44
BoshtannikI'm happy, that this os is still Live!21:45
BoshtannikThanks to all of you, guys!21:45
BoshtannikCan someone help me?21:46
uvoswhats the problem21:48
WizzupBoshtannik: great to hear21:49
Wizzupinteresting, n900 now uses more pm when off more is enabled, probably another subsystem that goes nuts22:11
uvosi think the d3 stopped hanging22:16
uvosat least i hasent lived this long before22:16
Wizzupuvos: that'd be great22:35
Wizzupuvos: with tony's patch?22:35
uvosWizzup: yeah22:41
Wizzupok, shall I apply it to the 5.15 tree then?22:43
uvosWizzup: im not sure it helps yet, but it cant hurt either22:43
uvosWizzup: since the vendor kernel contains this patch22:43
uvosso if you like for testing22:44
Wizzupif it doesn't hurt d4 :)22:44
uvosboth vendor kernels contain it22:45
BoshtannikI guess that default layout is English. And I do have English symbols but adapted to the Russian keyboard.22:48
BoshtannikAnd spec symbols of software layout does not match to the marks of physical one.22:49
BoshtannikHere is my problem.22:49
BoshtannikI still want to use this phone as learning pocket machine.22:49
Wizzupso there are a few things: I haven't gotten hildon input method to actually switch keyboard layouts yet (with X/xkb), and perhaps we lack the keymap for your specific physical layout22:50
Wizzupdo you have a schematic or photo? maybe we can get the files from old fremantle nokia22:51
BoshtannikBut can not type free for example in vim, or monodevelop caused by for example semicolon... Just red your new message.22:51
Wizzup(I will be away from the keyboard for a bit, please stick around tonight or tomorrow and we'll be able to fix it)22:51
BoshtannikYes, I can send you.22:51
BoshtannikOr how I can send it to you?22:52
Wizzupdoes email work?22:52
BoshtannikHave it sent.22:57
BoshtannikGod damn it could be awesome, if it would be ported to fxtec pro phone, or for some tv sticks. Hiddon is exactly made for those.22:58
uvostv sticks? not really hildon has exactly zero keypad naviagion23:00
BoshtannikFor the fun, I,ve compiled python 3.10, but could not write programs there, because vim requires lot of special symbols to operate with it.23:00
BoshtannikI am about the simplicity of the interface)23:02
BoshtannikIt is comfortable.23:03
BoshtannikYet more hidden things for special symbols in my default maemo on phone. I could double press blue arrow on left side of keyboard, and I then I had special menu opened with special symbols there. Because there was a lot of them, it had multiple pages.23:06
BoshtannikI believe they are exists in the default os, and could be ported from there.23:07
BoshtannikIt is better to say - guess)23:07
uvosthat menu exits in leste23:08
uvosit might be temporarly broken23:08
uvosalso it only works on gtk2 applications23:09
BoshtannikHmm, tomorrow I ll try.23:12
WizzupBoshtannik: thanks for the layout, I got the email23:12
Wizzupwe are also looking at (eventually) doing the fxtec port23:12
WizzupI will be away for most of the evening but I will search for fremantle keyboard layouts tomorrow23:13
BoshtannikThanks to that phone, and to n-team iam a developer now, and maybe I could help with some testing on my n900.23:14
BoshtannikI would like to write some gui app, for example for fm transmitter with using of the kivy framework, or just tkinter.23:16
uvosthe fm transmitter dosent work on any device atm23:16
BoshtannikBetter would prefer kivy.23:16
siceloisn't kivy going to be heavy on N900?23:17
BoshtannikI guess I saw somewhe on the YouTube, that some guy had it run on his leste.23:18
siceloand FM transmitter does work on N900 ... if it doesn't, will likely be a trivial fix, as it was working before23:18
Boshtanniksicelo: I do not know23:18
uvosit dident when i tried23:18
uvosbut maybe23:18
uvosi mean leste runs on more devices than n90023:18
uvosall of which have way more resources than it23:18
BoshtannikIt is only touched driver for sound card?23:18
BoshtannikAhh, gou you.23:19
uvosbut no idea how heavy kivy is23:19
BoshtannikIt could be run with opengl23:20
BoshtannikBelieve gles 223:20
uvossure but n900 is still very very slow23:21
BoshtannikBut not sure if the drivers are on leste.23:21
uvosopengl works23:21
uvosbut its very slow23:21
uvoscompeard to modern expectations23:21
BoshtannikI do not want to bare it.23:21
BoshtannikThis phone is still amazing for me.23:22
uvosanyhow im not saying that kivy will be to slow, qml is suprisingly sortof tolerable on n90023:23
BoshtannikI have deployed there some django server, using yggdrasil mesh client on it.23:23
BoshtannikI have tried it once to be installed with just pip install kivy, but did not succeed with run of simple dummy app, it was argued, believe, on lacking compiled option to be run on gles, I guess, that because it was no gles driver there.23:25
BoshtannikIt was about 1,5 yrs ago.23:25
BoshtannikDo not know how is it now.23:26
BoshtannikSo I could not run spec symbol menu in my terminal app. Please correct me if I am wrong.23:27
BoshtannikAnd it is does work now.23:30
BoshtannikThank to you all, I'm going off.23:32

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