libera/#maemo-leste/ Sunday, 2022-01-16

Wizzupuvos: parazyd: shall we set /proc/sys/vm/stat_interval to 600 in droid4-pm and n900-pm ?00:05
tmlindso the reason es2gears_wayland stopped working with wlroots is described in this pending mesa demos pull request:
tmlindthe branch to use for es2gears_wayland is: xdg-shell08:26
tmlindthen i think the reason why weston-simple-dmabuf egl is no longer working with wlroots is probably commit a04cfca4da42 ("Remove support for DMA-BUF flags")08:28
lad_Всем привет, дайте пожалуйста информацию, как установить maemo-leste на N900?08:56
lad_Hello everyone, please give information how to install maemo-leste on N900?09:01
dsc_hi lad_ there is some documentation here:
lad_Thanks bro09:05
lad_У вас большая сеть IRC09:07
dsc_да некоторые пользователи09:08
dsc_усердно работать)09:08
lad_Как эта прошивка? Стабильно работает?)09:08
dsc_да, это стабильно09:09
dsc_но все равно некоторых программ не хватает09:09
lad_Установка на флешку?09:09
lad_Или на основную память?09:09
freemangordonuvos: something got broken in mce (I suppose) recently:10:53
freemangordon1. lock with vtklock10:54
freemangordon2. press power button (vtklock to be displayed)10:54
freemangordon3. unlock10:54
freemangordon4. press power button again10:54
freemangordoninstead of power button menu being shown, device locks again10:54
freemangordonthis happens most of the times10:55
freemangordontmlind: with your TE patch (and my changes) device does not boot at all, like it hangs waiting for something after displaying a couple of 'TE not receined' and 'framedone not received' messages11:06
freemangordonor, did I get i wrong and my patch shall not be applied?11:07
freemangordonhmm, I guess yes11:11
tmlindfreemangordon: yes don't apply your patch, this test does not depend on getting te to work, it's just a hacky tear test11:17
freemangordonstill tears, lemme check dmesg11:18
freemangordonnothing there!11:19
freemangordonI mean - none of the prontks11:19
freemangordonthat's weird, no?11:20
freemangordontmlind: what is trace_printk?11:20
Wizzuplad_: typically we install on microsd card for now11:23
tmlindfreemangordon: assuming tracing is enabled, just do sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe11:24
tmlindnice for debugging11:25
freemangordonyeah, I see11:25
freemangordonwell tearing is still there, but I don;t really see why it should be fixed.11:26
freemangordonI mean - why do you expect   DSI_VC_TE bit to be set?11:27
tmlindthat means there are still bytes in flight to the lcd11:27
* freemangordon checks the conditions for this bit to be set11:28
tmlindit's a counter with two start bits, one for the current update mode and one for te11:28
tmlindfreemangordon: it gets configured in dsi_update_screen_dispc()11:29
freemangordontmlind: IIUC, you expect TE_EN to become zero?11:29
freemangordonbut, this is never set to 1 in the first place, unless I miss something11:30
freemangordonok, lemme think for a while11:30
tmlindTE_START or TE_EN gets used depending on the mode, it gets set11:30
freemangordonyes, and we use TE_START11:31
freemangordonbecause TE_ENABLED is false in panel data11:31
tmlindyou can monitor the register change with watch -n0.1 sudo rwmem 0x5800410411:31
freemangordonlemme try11:32
freemangordonhmm, no rwmem here :(11:32
freemangordonanyeay, lemme see how is that expected to worl11:32
tmlindtry busybox devmem11:32
freemangordontmlind: right11:34
freemangordonbut, IIUC, we set TE_START at some arbitrary moment, not is sync of panel refresh cycle, no?11:34
freemangordon*not in11:34
freemangordonand because transfer start immediately, we see tearing11:35
lad_[13:23] [Wizzup] ~  lad_: typically we install on microsd card for now // in the future, will it be possible to install on the main memory?11:35
freemangordonit is not that we don;t wait for transfer to finish before we start the next one we see that tearing11:35
tmlindwe configure VC_TE when we update the LCD11:35
freemangordonno, we don;t11:35
freemangordonbecause te_enabled is false in panel data11:36
tmlindwe still configure VC_TE, in the current mode soc dsi controller takes care of the transfer instead of the LCD panel controller that does the transfer in TE enabled mode11:37
freemangordontmlind: see dsi_update_screen_dispc11:37
freemangordonif (dsi->te_enabled) ...11:37
freemangordonif te_enabled is false, we configure TE_START11:37
freemangordonnot TE_EN11:38
tmlindTE_EN just makes the LCD panel do the transfer after BTA11:38
freemangordonsetting TE_START means "start immediately" if I get this right11:38
tmlindalso with TE_EN set dsi_vc_send_bta() makes the LCD panel controller start the transfer11:39
freemangordonI think TE_EN means "start transfer after conditions set in xSYNC registers are set"11:39
freemangordonanyway, my point is that we have issues with transfer start11:40
freemangordonbecause we start it in the middle of panel refresh cycle11:40
tmlindyeah it's possible if the LCD panel controller is supposed to wait something after TE_EN11:41
freemangordonI still don;t understand why TE_EN given that we use TE_START11:41
freemangordonlike, if we use TE IRQ, TE_START is set by the HW11:42
Wizzuplad_: yes regarding installing on the emmc / main storage, you can probably do it already, but we don't do it for recovery reasons11:42
freemangordonif we set it manually (which we do) transfer starts immediately11:42
tmlindfreemangordon: seems the te gpio case is different from the bus controlled te11:43
freemangordonthe only difference I see is who generates the irq11:44
freemangordonPHY vs gpio11:44
freemangordonbut maybe I am missing something11:45
tmlindwell the phy irq triggers right after the bta, but maybe that's only if the sync regs are not programmed11:45
freemangordonas for sure vendor kernel does that (programming sync regs)11:45
freemangordonalso, it programs 'te scan line'11:46
tmlindyeah but it might be also just left over stuff from the te cmos mode, easy to check though11:46
tmlindi'll see if the te irq triggers later after configuring the scan regs11:47
freemangordonI doubt, as vendor panel driver has some special handling for one of the displays, where cmos mode is used11:47
tmlindlet's hope your theory is correct, then we would get a proper irq after te is done11:48
tmlindnot sure what's broken with enabling te as the te interrupt stops happening pretty fast11:48
freemangordonbut it happens, right?11:49
tmlindyeah, for up to two mins, often for just few tens of secs11:49
freemangordonwell, then we misconfigure something11:49
freemangordoncould be something in the panel though11:49
tmlindsometimes there are signaling errors in the complexio regs11:49
freemangordonvendor driver send ~ 15 commends on init11:49
freemangordon*commands on11:50
* freemangordon needs more coffee :)11:50
tmlindseems like we can likely add one byte of add_device_randomness() based on the remaining buffer in framedone if there is something remaining :)11:51
freemangordontmlind: I still think we don;t have issues with unfinished transfers11:56
freemangordonbut with our transfer start being in the middle of the panel internal transfer cycle11:56
lad_[13:42] [Wizzup] ~  lad_: yes regarding installing on the emmc / main storage, you can probably do it already, but we don't do it for recovery reasons // thanks for the answer11:59
Wizzupsure, np12:05
freemangordonWizzup: were there any hangs? BTW, if the issue is a result from the fence patch, I think I know how to workaround it, until we find a proper fix13:06
Wizzupfreemangordon: no, not yet @ ioctl hangs13:13
Wizzupfreemangordon: btw kernel in repo has a fix for charging, please test when you can13:13
freemangordontmlind: hmm, see . this comment is in  dsi_framedone_irq_callback in vendor kernel13:15
freemangordonseems we need BTA on framedone to receive TE13:16
freemangordonwhich kind of makes sense13:16
tmlindfreemangordon: we already do the "more optimal" part described in the comments, see dsi_send_nop()13:38
tmlinddid not have any luck making the te interrupt happen later by maxing out the sync regs13:39
freemangordonI will try sending all those commands to panel later on13:39
freemangordonbtw, do you know which is the exact pane model we are talking about (in vendor kernel terms)?13:40
freemangordonthere are basically 5 different variants it seems13:41
freemangordonone of them being  MOT_DISP_MIPI_CM_430_540_960_AMOLED and this one needs special massaging for TE to happen13:42
freemangordonI guess I will have to trace the panel id13:43
Wizzupfunny how telepathy-qt has so much stuff for matching all these things  but a simple 'look up this nickname on this connection/protocol' is basically non existent13:43
tmlindpanel_id=0x90004 in stock dtb, add leading zeros when grepping the stock kernel13:48
tmlindfreemangordon: MOT_DISP_MIPI_CM_400_540_96013:49
Guest23good luck guys you are producing extraordinary work14:03
freemangordontmlind:   should be dsi_mipi_cm_400_540_960_m2_v1_panel_enable14:08
WizzupGuest23: thanks :)14:08
freemangordonand we have a comment saying   /* MIPI TE Drop out fix */14:08
freemangordontmlind: :D14:48
freemangordonno tearing!!!14:48
freemangordonwith panel init commands from vendor kernel it works14:50
freemangordonnot sure both parts of vendor init are needed14:59
Wizzupmvp :p15:01
Wizzupmost valued person, it was a joke :)15:02
freemangordontmlind: with that working maybe your vsync patch is not needed anymore?15:08
BlagovestPetrov[Hey, guys15:31
BlagovestPetrov[i'm trying to install the boot loader to Droid 315:31
BlagovestPetrov[it roots successfully15:32
BlagovestPetrov[but this happens when I try to execute install.sh15:32
WizzupBlagovestPetrov[: hmmm I recall seeing that before15:35
WizzupI am going to have to try really hard to remember what I did there15:35
BlagovestPetrov[I may try to do it manually :)15:35
BlagovestPetrov[copying the files, etc15:35
Wizzupso there is definitely a problem with something being read-only when it should be read-write and there is a way to do this with mount but on android everything is slightly messy15:36
Wizzupiirc -o remount,rw or something didn't work and I had to try something else15:37
Wizzuptrying to search the logs15:38
WizzupBlagovestPetrov[: I think it needs to be this:15:39
Wizzup20:09 < Wizzup> mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/system /system15:39
Wizzupunless that is already in install.sh15:39
Wizzupyeah nope15:39
Wizzuptry putting that there instead of adb shell "su -c 'mount -o remount,rw /system'"15:39
Wizzupadb shell "su -c 'mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/system /system'"15:40
tmlindfreemangordon: cool so that fixed your tearing test case?16:03
BlagovestPetrov[sorry, here :)16:06
BlagovestPetrov[the same happened and the phone stuck on boot logo. I'll try to do it line by line :)16:11
tmlindfreemangordon: yeah i wonder if the sync registers actually generate a real vblank interrupt?16:13
BlagovestPetrov[now Android is permanently stuck on the boot logo. I will need the stock image16:28
Wizzupdo you need me to share a link to it?16:29
BlagovestPetrov[Wizzup: the pushes were put before the mounts in the script. It looks like the main issue :)16:29
BlagovestPetrov[sure, if you have it somewhere16:29
BlagovestPetrov[does it work with fastboot on Droid 3?16:30
BlagovestPetrov[some of the older androids were using other tools16:30
WizzupBlagovestPetrov[: I think you need right?16:31
tmlindfreemangordon: nice, i'm not seeing any timeouts with your te patch :)16:33
BlagovestPetrov[I'm not sure16:33
BlagovestPetrov[yeah, it's mentioned in the readme :)16:34
WizzupBlagovestPetrov[: ok let me look at scp'ing it, make sure you know how to flash it16:36
Wizzuparg maedevu has so little free space16:37
BlagovestPetrov[for the fastboot to work, the phone should be in bootloader?16:37
BlagovestPetrov[I just don't get why we need the xml16:37
Wizzupit's just called .xml.zip16:38
Wizzupso are there instructions on how to flash it to the droid3 on the wiki or so?16:38
Wizzupdoesn't look like there are any16:38
Wizzupah I have a script16:39
Wizzup10 ins16:40
Wizzup10 mins*16:40
BlagovestPetrov[ok :)16:42
freemangordontmlind: maybe your vsync patch somehow interacts with this, as if you run gears in window and starts swiping h-d the tearing re-appears16:56
freemangordonor could be another issue16:56
WizzupBlagovestPetrov[: - see sh script and zip17:01
Wizzupdroid3 instructions are likely similar to the droid4 ones here but I will need to test it out to verify for sure17:01
BlagovestPetrov[thanks :)17:02
tmlindfreemangordon: interesting, i'll test locally instead of my rack setup with wlroots if i get a chance tonight17:24
tmlindno real vblank interrupts triggering17:25
tmlindfreemangordon: did the dbm patch work ok for you?17:26
tmlindfreemangordon: it seems it should be ok to do the vblank event on framedone, panel is just a few ms behind with the update compared to page flip and i don't think we need to wait on the panel regarding the page flip17:29
tmlindfreemangordon: also check if adding cpu load with dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null makes the tearing reappear?17:30
tmlindas that will cause dsi to always have data in flight on framedone probably as cpu does not idle17:31
freemangordontmlind: ok17:35
freemangordonbut, isn;t it doing DMA? why CPU?17:35
tmlindno idea..17:36
tmlindmaybe faster response to interrupts with no idle?17:36
BlagovestPetrov[Wizzup: it's my fault. The script is using /sdcard but I already flashed maemo there :)17:37
freemangordontmlind: BTW, I need that panel driver needs proper quirk handling, like panel specific enable function to be called17:38
WizzupBlagovestPetrov[: ah, yeah, try withotu sdcard inserted17:40
BlagovestPetrov[sure :)17:40
freemangordontmlind: no tearing with 'dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null'17:43
freemangordonbut, I see tearing when vkb pops, that's why I think it must be related with drmDirtyFb call somehow17:45
freemangordonhmm, if I disable drmDirtyFb calls in DDX, there is absolutely no tearing17:47
freemangordonbut, we are missing repaint, ofc17:48
freemangordonlemme revert vblank patch and see how itwill behave without it17:48
* tmlind reboots d4 without the vblank emulation patch17:48
freemangordonoh, with this TE change hildon swipe fps is limited to 60 :)18:01
freemangordonlike on android (as uvos said)18:01
freemangordontmlind: I don;t think TE can replace vsync - in order to have TE irq you need to queue transfer18:04
freemangordonin order to queue transfer, you need drmDirtyFb18:04
freemangordontmlind: oh, with vblank patch reverted I no longer see that ugly 'flashing' when rotating landscape<->portrait18:08
Wizzupoooh that'd be nice18:09
freemangordonhmm, actually I still see it18:09
freemangordonsomehow it got better18:10
tmlindfreemangordon: weird, with your te fix or some other earlier fix things mostly work for me with wlroots without the vblank emulation patch18:33
tmlindfreemangordon: looks like stellarium only gets about 6fps with your mesa compared to 12fps with the ti blobs that have the glmark2-es2-wayland hang issue18:34
freemangordonyeah, I think we shall drop vblank patch assuming that userspace is smart enough to know to call drmDirtyFb or somesuch18:35
freemangordontmlind: well, it could be that it is not 'my' mesa, but 'upstream' mesa at fault here18:35
tmlindhmm looks like weston-simple-shm has some stripes in it's window, that's about the only issue i now notice18:35
freemangordonas I did nothing more but to RE what was already in pvr_dri.so18:36
tmlindmaybe there's some debug or tracing option enabled now?18:36
freemangordonin mesa?18:36
uvosfreemangordon: android behavior is actually kinda wierd on this18:37
freemangordonnone I am aware of18:37
uvosfreemangordon: yeah the genneraly ui is limited to 60 fps18:37
uvosfreemangordon: but some vsynced games run at ~7018:37
freemangordonwell, what I see here is that h-d swipes (and refreshes) @ 6018:37
freemangordonbut gears and glmark render with > 6018:38
uvosregarding power menu on vtklock18:38
uvosi think this might be the fault of the patch that makes vtklock hold a grab18:38
freemangordonare you able to reproduce?18:38
uvoshavent tried yet18:38
uvosthe other "context" menu type windows are raised by grab transfer18:38
uvosa grab transfer is impossible if vtklock holds a grab18:39
freemangordonuvos: the actual issue is that device relocks in 2 seconds18:39
uvosoh ok18:39
freemangordonno matter if you press power button or not18:39
uvosi thought you siad that its impossible to open power menu18:39
uvosso how do you tigger this?18:39
freemangordonwell, that6's how I initially hit that18:39
uvoslet me activate tklock again and reboot18:39
freemangordonthe same, just does not press th epower button18:40
tmlindwith wlroots i also see es2gears_wayland run at 60 fps18:40
freemangordonuvos: I would recomment you to have a second uSD with vanilla leste on it18:40
uvosfreemangordon: hm so lock the device with tklock?18:40
uvosfreemangordon: and then what?18:40
uvosfreemangordon: press power?18:40
freemangordonand then swipe18:40
freemangordonto unlock18:40
freemangordonmost of the times it shows desktop for 1-2 seconds and then display gets dark (device gets locked)18:41
uvoswhat have you set as what in mce.ini18:41
uvospower key wise18:42
freemangordonno idea, like, whatever is set by you18:42
freemangordonI have changed nothing18:42
freemangordonlemme try to boot leaste, as I was charging in android :p18:42
uvosthe charging problem shout be fixed for you18:42
uvosofc i cant test18:43
uvossince i cant repo18:43
uvosit is?18:43
freemangordonthat's the next thing18:43
freemangordondidn;t test yet18:43
freemangordonwill capture a video for you to see what happens18:43
uvosok so tklock problem dosent show here18:45
uvosbut i allways change PowerKeyShortAction=tklock18:45
uvosbecause i dont like that the power key changes behavior depending on lock state18:45
uvoslet me undo that and restart mce...18:46
uvosso i reset mce back to defaults18:47
uvosi open power menu and lock the device there18:47
uvosthen i press power once18:47
uvosthen vtklock opens18:47
uvosthen i press power again18:47
uvosnothing happens18:47
uvosthen i unlock via slider18:47
uvosand nothing ususal happend18:48
uvosdispaly is still on18:48
uvoswas that the right sequence?18:48
freemangordondoesn;t happen every time18:48
freemangordonlemme capture a video for you18:48
uvoscan you repo it18:49
uvoswhile running mce with --verbose --verbose18:49
uvosie sudo su -18:49
freemangordonjust captured a video18:49
uvos /etc/init.d/mce stop18:49
freemangordonlemme give you the video first18:49
uvosmce --verbose --verbose18:49
uvosthat way we know what state mce is in18:49
uvos(It prints its global state)18:49
tmlindfreemangordon: glmark2-es-wayland score 143 fyi18:49
uvosso your repoing this on a mapphone, right?18:50
uvossince it might be timing related18:50
freemangordontmlind: no way18:50
freemangordontmlind: what is the fps on jellyfish, for example?18:51
tmlindfreemangordon: glmark-es2-wayland --size 960x540 --benchmark jellyfish score is 54 - 56, fullscreen18:52
freemangordon@ 1:1018:57
freemangordontmlind: I don't see how wayland can do 2x drm18:57
freemangordonthis is simply not possible IMO18:57
freemangordonunless sgx freq on your device is 2x compared to mine :)18:58
tmlindwell glmark2 terrain score is still 2 so unlikely :)18:58
freemangordonit is 1 here18:59
tmlinddo you have some test script that slows down the sgx rate still?18:59
freemangordonso, I would say something is broken in fps calculation in -wayland18:59
tmlindheh maybe18:59
freemangordonuvos: again, I really think you shall have second uSD to boot vanilla leste19:00
uvosfreemangordon: so at 1:10 you lock the device and unlock it via slider then you (double?) press the power button, and it locks again19:00
freemangordonI press nothing19:01
freemangordonbut it locks again19:01
uvosyou clearly press the powerbutton again in the video19:01
freemangordondo you see how the screen somehow 'flashes' after I unlock19:01
freemangordonno, it is my finger there, but I actually do not press19:02
freemangordonalso, somethimes single-clock gets ignore19:02
freemangordonoh, sorry, I have mce stopped ATM19:02
uvosfine let me flash sd19:03
uvoswhat is this on19:03
uvosdevel or stable?19:03
freemangordontmlind: glmark2 Score: 86, this is with Xorg (so blit)19:03
freemangordon-drm is vsynced @ 58 :D19:04
freemangordondinner, ttyl19:04
uvosfreemangordon: ok so i see an issue19:06
uvosbut its a different one19:06
uvosi gues19:07
uvosso if i have vtklock open19:07
uvosand click power once just after closing tklock19:07
uvosvia slider19:07
uvosthe device display is turned off again and it locks19:07
uvosinstead of showing the power menu19:07
uvosthis is an obvious race19:07
uvosif you close tklock and press the power button before mce gets the dbus message, it thinks its in tklock mode19:08
uvosso it shuts off the display on single press19:08
uvoslet me repoduce this on fremantle19:08
uvosshould have the same issue (maybe different timeing)19:08
uvosactually the difference is probubly xinput19:10
uvosxinput state stuff takes pretty long19:10
uvosso mce lags behind more19:10
uvosyeah that happens on fremantle too19:13
uvosexcept you have to press power way faster after closing tklock19:13
uvosas expected19:13
uvosso probubly what happens here is:19:14
uvosthe tklock mce state isents tightly syncronized at all19:14
uvosso we are in tklock19:14
uvosyou dissmiss tklock via slider19:15
uvosthen by chance the tklock relock timer expires in mce19:15
uvosbefore mce manages to update its state from the dbus message19:15
uvosand the device relocks19:15
uvosthis happens on fremantle to19:16
uvosbut our mce is mutch slower beacuse it dose way more, and waits on xorg to respond on xinput calls19:16
uvosso it happens way more often19:16
uvosyeah you can see the mce state change in the log19:18
uvosit laggs behind some19:18
uvosmaybe half a second or so19:18
uvosif the timer expires in this time or you press power button what you describe happens19:18
freemangordonuvos: ok, but this has to be fixed, as it is really annoying19:22
freemangordonand actually makes the device useless, as you are unable to unlock sometimes even after 10 or so tries19:23
uvoswierd i cant even make it happen via the timer19:23
uvosat all19:23
uvosthis is racy for sure19:23
uvosso the fix requires systemui to not close tklock19:23
freemangordonuvos: lemme get mce logs, maybe this is another issue I see here19:24
uvosuntill mce signals that its ready19:24
uvosor really we should rethink this entire thing19:24
uvosbecasue its a mess thats just asking to be racy19:24
uvoswith the required tight sync between mce and tklock/systemui19:24
freemangordonwell, it already has callbacks and such, maybe there is a bug in vtklock19:25
uvosor mce, its possible a wait should be there i havent looked at the code again for this bug19:25
freemangordonbut lets see if mce performs correctly19:25
uvosand wont tonight19:25
uvosany ttyl19:25
uvosactually if there is a wait allready19:27
uvosits broken in fremantle too19:27
uvossince you can cause the out of sync issue there too19:27
uvosnow really ttyl19:27
freemangordonnever seen on fremantle19:27
uvosyou can make it happen19:27
uvosunlock via slider19:27
uvosand then click power immidatly19:28
freemangordonand I am using vtklock for the last >10 years19:28
freemangordonlemme try19:28
uvosyou breifly see the desktop19:28
freemangordonand then power menu19:28
uvosand then the device locks instead of power menu19:28
freemangordonjust tried, lemme try harder19:28
uvosso same issue exists19:28
uvosmce is just faser19:28
uvos(known issue on mce now being a bit slow)19:28
freemangordonok, we have to make it faster, it doesn;t make sens mco on d4 to be slower than mce on n90019:29
uvossure we should make it faster19:29
freemangordonleste vs fremantle that is19:29
uvosbut thats not the real issue19:29
uvoswe should also fix the race19:29
freemangordonuvos: mce logs19:32
bencohI think there used to be a "visible desktop" bug in tklock on fremantle a long time ago19:44
bencohbut I might be misremembering19:44
tmlindfreemangordon: i'll do a droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.16 branch after you've sent out your te fix19:54
tmlindi wonder if some of the panel configuration commands are same as in the ILI9488-ILITEK.pdf i found online19:56
tmlindit has "5.3.42. Adjust Control 6 (FCh)" for reg 0xfc19:58
freemangordontmlind: I was not planning to send a patch for that:20:01
freemangordonIMO driver needs to be extended to support panel quirks and I don;t feels capable of doing so cleanly20:02
freemangordontmlind: however, if you say you're not going to send a patch, I will do it, but I don;t think this is going to happen soon - I already spend too much time on kernel I should have spend on osso-abook :)20:04
freemangordon*this is not going to20:04
freemangordontmlind: hmm, ILI9488-ILITEK.pdf - how is that related to mapphone panel?20:05
tmlindfreemangordon: i don't think that is related, but has at least some documentation on the dsi command mode20:10
freemangordonah, ok20:10
tmlindfreemangordon: your patch, you fix it and send it :p20:11
freemangordonwhat I did was just a quick hack20:11
freemangordonthis is not a proper patch20:11
freemangordonso, I will do, but in a month or so20:12
tmlindhow about type up some description for it and i'll do droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.16?20:13
freemangordonnot now though20:15
rafael2kanyone has a copy of xmonobut?20:18
tmlindfreemangordon: i added your patch as a wip patch and pushed out droid4-pending-pvr-omapdrm-v5.16 to github, only build and boot tested so far20:36
tmlindfreemangordon: here's the branch, maybe check i did not forget anything:
freemangordontmlind: ok, will do tomorrow20:44
rafael2kfound! and it still works!
tmlindfreemangordon: ok thanks20:45
Wizzuprafael2k: how did it go with the kernel?21:02
lelIMbackK closed an issue: (N900 touchscreen is broken with latest -devel hildon-desktop)21:12
tmlindlooks like the modem stuff has some issue merged into v5.16, need to continue looking at it tomorrow night.. ttyl21:25
rafael2kWizzup: working on it right now21:27
rafael2kWizzup: using it indeed... just need to play a bit with menuconfig... fininshing the rebase to 5.15.1321:27
rafael2kWizzup: make it boot without initramdisk and voila21:28
rafael2kbtw, did ofono made its way?21:30
rafael2kI did not see it upgraded yet21:36
rafael2kalready rebased:
rafael2know just need to play with config (kind of no-brainer to me this... but moving ahead)21:44
rafael2kbtw, is this alarm / phone off-on-off workflow you mentioned as the reason for not having a initrd works on pinephone?21:47
rafael2kWizzup: lemme know how ofono package update is going, in case of any help needed...21:48
freemangordonWizzup: uvos: upgraded d4 to latest -devel, battery icon gets animated on charger being connected, however, there is no "charging" or "unplug to save energy" messages21:55
freemangordonalso, device was started with charger connected, but it was not detected, I had to re-connect the cable21:55
Wizzuprafael2k: make it boot - made it boot?21:55
freemangordonconnecting charger does not unlock the device21:56
Wizzuprafael2k: will look at ofono once kernel is ok :)21:56
freemangordontmlind: btw, with vblank patch reverted, I no longer see "atomic complete timeout (pipe 0)!" messages21:59
rafael2kWizzup: :(22:00
rafael2kWizzup: does not makes sense, but anyway...22:01
rafael2kWizzup: not like the kernel, ofono is ready to go "upstream"22:03
rafael2kWizzup: I mean, kernel is ready... apart of this specificity of maemo not wanting initrd... thing I'm working right now22:06
sicelofreemangordon: at least the charger connected at boot issue is also there in android. i also have to reconnect there. maybe general cpcap issue?22:07
Wizzuprafael2k: not pushing or anything, just seems to make some sense to wait for it since our current (before your work) did not have modem working22:22
Wizzuprafael2k: will try to get to it real soon22:22
Wizzuprafael2k: been focussing on the telepathy stack22:22
rafael2kWizzup: -devel kernel was broken, but otherwise kernel 5.10 had telephony enabled and working22:29
rafael2kWizzup: cool!22:30
rafael2kWizzup: telepathy seems a monster to work with...22:30
rafael2kI remember to have skype on telepathy in my N900 looong time ago22:37
rafael2kdo you plan to integrate SMS in the stack?22:38
siceloN900 was the reason I still have a Skype account this day :-)22:38
sicelos/this/to this/22:39
rafael2k: )22:39
rafael2kmamma mia, how much time I lived without using make menuconfig!22:39
rafael2kso many new stuff22:39
Wizzuprafael2k: yes @ sms22:40
Wizzupsicelo: skype still works? heh22:40
siceloi use it on laptop and android now :-)22:40
sicelobut i think fremantle still logs in, but calls stopped working years ago, and i think there are issues sending text too, although i can't remember too well anymore22:41
Wizzupright, iirc it doesn't22:41
siceloah, doesn't even log in now22:42
Wizzuprafael2k: I am starting to understand tp22:45
rafael2kbtw, battery icon is now correctly - it shows full battery!22:49
rafael2kWizzup: almost there with the kernel... make localyesconfig really helped23:16
Wizzuprafael2k: ok, let's see how much bigger it gets?23:26
Wizzuprafael2k: great @ battery23:26
rafael2kWizzup: the difference will be minimal... I focused on just changing the needed parts to have mtd and video in core kernel... some kilobytes at most23:28
rafael2kstarting to compile soon23:28
rafael2kon a next round I can try to remove some modules not needed... but it is really not my priority in a world with cheap 64GB SD cards.23:30
rafael2kI want to keep the diff small to mobian pine64-defconfig, so mantainance will be easy23:31
rafael2kok, kernel compilation starting, all the patches updated in git23:59

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