libera/#maemo-leste/ Tuesday, 2022-02-22

freemangordonWizzup: uvos: someone shall create   .osso-abook user directory, but I am not sure who09:49
Wizzupalso with contents?09:57
freemangordonno, just the directory10:01
freemangordonI guess it is osso-addressbook that creates it10:01
freemangordon(the executable)10:01
freemangordonbut I wonder if I can implement directory creation in the library10:02
Wizzupprobably better as postinst or something10:03
WizzupI suppose library can do it10:03
Wizzupit would just feel a bit weird perhaps10:03
freemangordonpostinst is not an option10:12
freemangordonthis needs to be in $user $home10:13
freemangordonWizzup: btw, modest with abook support is in the repo, please upgrade and share impressions :)10:28
freemangordonyou need to create .osso-abook user by hand, otherwise you won;t be able to "add contact" from modest10:28
freemangordonups, a crash :)10:30
Wizzupshould I copy it from n900?10:35
freemangordonwhich one? .osso-abook?10:35
Wizzupfreemangordon: it says I have no contacts :)10:38
freemangordonwell, do you have?10:38
Wizzupno :)12:08
freemangordonwell... :)12:14
freemangordonplease upgrae, I just fixed a nasty bug12:14
Wizzupdoing so12:15
freemangordonWizzup: and...?12:49
Wizzupfreemangordon: sweet :)12:50
WizzupI added some contacts from modest12:50
freemangordonwe need the real UI, but it is actually usable as it is12:51
Wizzupfreemangordon: going to toy some more with it now15:34
Wizzuphow much firmware does the droid4 need to function? I was trying to help assess someone the amount of fw, I could mostly think of wifi/bt and the 3d stuff15:39
Wizzupgoing to try to sync contacts15:48
Wizzupfreemangordon: is this still a valid path for contacts? file:///home/user/.osso-abook/db15:54
freemangordonhmm, this has never been afaik15:55
Wizzuphm, ok15:55
WizzupI am trying to find out how people sync contacts via syncevo15:55
freemangordonno idea15:55
freemangordonnever used15:56
freemangordonbut, I guess you can export from n900 in vcf15:56
freemangordonand import through evolution15:56
freemangordonmaybe ask on #maemo15:56
WizzupI think it used to work15:58
freemangordoncould be15:59
freemangordonnever used it15:59
Wizzupfor sure I got syncing from my n900 to my thunderbird working16:01
siceloWhat is the question exactly regarding syncevolution? I do use it on my Fremantle N900, to sync with my Android phone over radicale (and DavX on the Android phone)l16:03
Wizzupdo you sync contacts?16:03
siceloYes, sync contacts and calendar, that's what I use it for16:03
Wizzupother examples also have this btw:16:04
Wizzupevolutionsource = file:///home/user/.osso-abook/db16:04
* sicelo whips out his N90016:04
* freemangordon checks16:04
freemangordonWizzup: right16:05
freemangordonthis is where adressbook lives on n90016:05
freemangordonon leste it is where EDS keeps it :)16:05
freemangordonbut, we still have tp-cache folder16:06
sicelobackend=addressbook; database=file:///home/user/.osso-abook/db16:07
Wizzupso on leste we might leave database empty16:13
WizzupI will try again in an hour or os, I have to nuke my syncevo setu16:13
WizzupI messed it up16:13
Wizzuplooks like my current tb also doesn't sync contacts16:14
Wizzupso I'll have to fix that as well with n90016:14
freemangordonuvos: abook crash is fixed17:17
freemangordonthere are several other places with assert(0), I hope you won't hit them :)17:18
freemangordonkeep in mind the shortcuts functionality itself is yet to be done17:19
freemangordonso nothing will happen if you click on "ABC" etc17:19
freemangordonWizzup: /home/user/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system17:37
freemangordonthis is on leste17:37

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