libera/#maemo-leste/ Thursday, 2022-03-17

Scary_GuyTrying another PinePhone install, flashed through JumpDrive.  Just going to let it sit plugged in until something happens besides a red dot.01:12
Scary_GuyStill just a red dot...01:17
WizzupScary_Guy: is that the last image?02:23
Scary_GuyThe latest I saw on the website, yes.02:23
WizzupScary_Guy: I see the image builds are failing02:24
Wizzuplet me look02:24
WizzupI: Base system installed successfully.02:25
Wizzupblend_bootstrap_setup:3: number expected02:25
WizzupI suppose that might be this?03:05
Wizzup    [[ -n "$armsdk_version" ]] && req +=(device_name)03:05
Scary_GuyYou speak like I have any clue what I'm actually doing here.  I know just barely enough to complain about things :(03:15
WizzupI'm looking, but also at work atm03:16
Scary_GuyThanks, obviously real paycheck comes first though.03:16
Scary_GuyI just try to make things better in general too.  Reporting bugs is about the best I can do to help.  Probably will hop back on PmOS edge soon anyway.  I really need to get more microSD cards.03:17
Wizzuphehe, yes, more microsd cards help!03:41
freemangordonWizzup: this stacked windows bug is really annoying. I wonder if it happens on 32 bits as wee07:28
Wizzupis it only in qt?07:29
freemangordonI dn;t hink so07:29
Wizzuphm, ok, I didn't have problems before on anything non-qt07:29
freemangordoncould be qt related, yeah07:30
freemangordonhmm, no, seems not qt related07:30
Wizzuphow do I reproduce?07:31
freemangordonyou need addressbook :)07:31
freemangordonbut, you can build it07:31
freemangordonWTF ?11:24
freemangordonuvos: mce went nuts on my d4, see
freemangordonscreen gets dimmed every second or so11:42
freemangordonWizzup: seems stacked windows bug is only in 64 bits12:02
freemangordonmost-probably something in MB12:03
freemangordonseems somehow XWMHints structure is bogus on 64 bits15:35
bencohbogus in what way?15:59
freemangordonlemme push and you'll see ;)16:00
freemangordonyet another nasty one :)16:08
humpelstilzchen[wow, you were quick with that one16:10
bencohoh, nice catch16:17
freemangordonfortunately it works properly on 32 bits so it was relatively easy16:18
freemangordonhmm, github is giving 50016:19
freemangordonwhat the!16:20
freemangordon! [remote rejected] 0.2.106 -> 0.2.106 (Internal Server Error)16:20
Wizzuptry again/16:21
freemangordontried ~ 10 times already16:21
freemangordonnope, still broken16:24
freemangordonWizzup: so, ^^^ is the reason for broken stacked windows, not qt16:30
freemangordonWizzup: please, add addressbook to build scripts when you have some spare time16:31
Wizzupfreemangordon: it's already there17:03
freemangordonhmm, ok, will add gbp.conf and will try17:04
freemangordonWizzup: another topic - it seems qalendar supports some dbus interface, but it behaves in a weird way17:05
freemangordonfirst time I click on a birthday date in addressbook, calendar appears17:05
freemangordonbut, all other clicks are ignored, until I restart both addressbook and qalendar17:06
freemangordonI will investigate further, it could be something in addressbook17:06
freemangordonbut it is a simple dbus call there17:06
WizzupI think qalendar has some issue here17:08
* Wizzup zzz17:08
siceloi noticed that charge mode keeps the display on the whole time, at least on my droid 4. only the backlight is turned off, but the display can be seen if you angle it19:03
freemangordonyeah, lots of stuff is broken in mce, but I want to finish abook first19:19
inkyfolks, should i install modest from maemo repos? what about osso-abook?19:31
inkyoh let me reconnect19:32
norayrwould someone from pinephone users package megapixels?20:01
norayri almost did it once, megapixels doesn't build because it requires gtk4, but megapixels-legacy builds. i was using it on maemo-leste.20:01
humpelstilzchen[iirc rafael2k_ was working on megapixels20:38
freemangordoninky_: installing modest will pull osso-abook22:06
freemangordonthe library22:06
freemangordonadressbook, the application, is still not ready/available22:06
freemangordonit is being worked on, maybe in 2 weeks we'll have alpha in repos22:08

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