libera/#maemo-leste/ Thursday, 2022-10-27

uvossome thing with compositing inside of xorg instead of just absconding the rendering to ouside tools00:00
uvosthat happend because the stake holders in x could not agree on how to do it in x00:00
uvos*same thing00:01
norayrwhich pictures? was disconnecting whole day, probably missed phone pics from the event?00:36
bumpkinbye[m]<uvos> "1. 8 bit key codes, you cant..." <- So wayland is not an improvement for the n90004:00
bumpkinbye[m]Vsync is great on xorg for me and a nonissue04:02
uvoswayland is an especially massive advantage on very low end systems like n90010:34
uvosdisregarding defficancies in the x11 client protocoll, having the compositor and the display server in one process saves a lot of ram, and processor time vs shuffeling things around via ipc10:36
uvosnow uncomposited xorg can be on par with this with wayland10:37
uvosbut uncomposited xorg is not whats used on n90010:37
freemangordonuvos: I don't see how WL can be any faster than h-d, unless *all* rendering is done on GPU, which I don't think is possible ATM13:09
freemangordonleste has fps drop when h-d is running because of the compositing h-d does, not because xorg13:09
freemangordoni.e, h-d uses TFP/offscreen buffer, but that means that all the application rendering shall be done before h-d start dealing with that texture13:11
freemangordonkinda glReadPixels()13:11
freemangordonso, there might be some performance penalty because of xorg protocol, but it is negligible compared to waiting for all application offscreen buffer GPU rendering to complete before bliting to the front buffer13:14
freemangordonnot to say that this WL thing smells to me like gdi32.dll, those who know WINAPI will understand13:21
buZzi think my SD card of yesterday just broke, making a fresh install from new image tarball now, copying my /home/user over13:29
buZzshould be enough, right? :P13:29
buZzmaybe /etc to /home/user/oldetc just in case ;)13:30
uvosfreemangordon: its not about presenting13:36
uvosfreemangordon: h-d has to sync its clutter geometry with the postitions of xwindows via ipc with x13:37
uvosthis takes extra cycles than if the the clients just told h-d directly about window state13:37
uvosinstead of it going client -> xorg -> hd -> xorg -> client for every event13:37
uvosalso if an application dose any rendering via x this is slower too than the application just doing it in its own process context13:38
uvosrendering via x here bing using core x draw calls or xrender13:39
freemangordonbut I don;t think this has *that* big performance impact13:40
uvosand sure the diff in composed x vs wayland is less than the diff between uncomposed x and composed x13:40
uvosbut i wasent talking about that13:40
freemangordonuvos: for sure there is overhead and deficiencies in x protocol13:41
uvosi was specificly talking about the speed difference between composited x and wayland, wich as you say, rendering is mostly the same13:42
freemangordonbut I don;t think that is a sane reason to throw the baby with the water, and this is what upstream is doing13:42
uvosbut x has extra ipc penalty13:42
uvosin comperasin plain old x is quite sane imo13:42
uvossure as i said they should have just depricated the draw calls and such and called that x1213:43
freemangordonalso, I am regularly using git gui running on d4 and my PS runs Xephyr as display server for that git gui13:43
uvosway less pain for most of the beneifit13:43
freemangordonI don;t think anything like that is possible with WL13:43
freemangordoncould be wrong though, I am not familiar with WL protocol13:44
uvoswhat remoting?13:44
uvosor nested display servers?13:44
uvosboth are possible with wayland13:44
freemangordonit it?13:44
uvosits less "nice"13:45
uvossince it needs display server support13:45
uvosand there are manny wayland display servers13:45
uvoswhile on x it just works universally13:45
freemangordonok, /me is back to work13:46
uvoson wl you really need to spin up a speical display server for the windows you want to push to antoher machine13:46
freemangordonsounds more like a hack13:46
uvoseh i mean not really13:46
uvosnot more than just pusing bitmaps over x11 is13:46
uvoswhich is what happens with modern apps in the remote case13:47
uvosbut yeah not ideal either13:47
buZzhehe, feels this new 2022-10-23 image boots faster than my old install :P13:58
buZzbut i also moved from my old 16GB sd to a new-ish 64GB13:58
buZzhmmmm .. 'ok' keys dont work on the new image by default?14:03
buZzi thought we made those the default ages ago, (i tried 'ok' plus ',' to get ';')14:03
uvosudevadm hwdb --update14:03
uvosudevadm trigger14:03
uvosit may not work on first boot14:04
buZzits the third or fourth boot14:05
buZzbut, didnt enable -devel yet, just did, updating now14:05
uvoswell did updating the hwdb help?14:05
buZzwhats the package for 'making calls' again?14:05
buZzsome meta pkg?14:05
uvosthere is14:05
uvosidk name tho14:06
buZzudevadm hwdb --update; trigger doesnt do anything14:06
buZzi mean, doesnt fix the keyb14:06
uvosor so14:06
buZzoh right14:07
buZzo hey, we already have pocophone-f1 targets in package tree? TIL14:08
buZzhmm, -mobile was already installed, weird14:11
buZzwelp, got agenda back, contacts back and sync back, guess this is fine for now :P14:18
buZzoh, guess i wont have wireguard yet, thats probably not stored in /home/user ?14:19
buZzyou know, i'd like a nicer default theme :P one that doesnt have black-on-black in calendar and some other views :P14:26
buZzanyone know the meta package to get xmpp working? :P the presence stuff i guess?14:37
buZzat least gprs data works first try :P14:37
buZzuvos: btw, rebooting after apt update did get me functional 'ok' keyboard keys14:38
buZzwell, enabling -devel and updating and rebooting14:39

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