libera/#maemo/ Wednesday, 2018-11-28

brolin_empeyWhy not have a Facebook account but use it only for Facebook Messenger?  On my handheld computer I have only the application for Facebook Messenger, not Facebook, installed and on my desktop computers I always have the Web site open but I have the Web site open only when I actually want to use it.  Facebook to me is primarily an instant messaging service, not a social networking service.00:24
fishbulbn900 doesn't do messenger does it?01:50
sicelobrolin_empey: application for Messenger is considered a nice spy app ... you may want to use the web site on your handheld as well09:40
fishbulbapart from a cool drum machine does this thing do more than make calls, browse very limited websites and do cli crap10:35
KotCzarnytold you yesterday10:36
KotCzarnyif you are whining, just change it to superduperlatest hexacore monster and be done10:36
KotCzarnyit's for people that know it's 10 years old phone10:37
fishbulbman i have to pay for that.10:37
sicelosomeone give fishbulb a hammer10:38
fishbulba computer with these specs would work10:38
KotCzarny256M of ram is not enough for todays browsing10:38
fishbulbthat's wasteful10:38
KotCzarny(and thats what you need)10:38
fishbulbi really only need maps that work10:39
KotCzarnyit equals to 'browsing' today10:39
sicelofishbulb: android has working maps. why don't you just use it?10:39
siceloor iPhone10:39
KotCzarnyyou might try open street maps in the browser10:40
KotCzarnybut they dont have navigation afair10:40
KotCzarnystill might be good enough for simple address finding10:40
fishbulbbecause i have to pay for it. not sure which one to get, i was using linegeos on an expensive hand me down10:42
fishbulbbut that project is not trustworthy and i don't have 800 euro to spend on something i basically hate10:42
KotCzarnyi recently bought alcatel for 48usd10:43
KotCzarny1gb ram, quad core mediatek soc, 5.5" ips screen10:43
KotCzarnyseems it would fit your use case perfectly10:43
sicelopaper maps then :)10:45
fishbulbcan i have it?10:45
KotCzarnysure, navigate to and choose the one you like10:45
KotCzarnylots of cheap phones10:45
fishbulbthat would be a phonebook here10:45
Vajb+1 for paper maps.12:08
KotCzarnypaper maps can get outdated quickly12:12
KotCzarnyand lack interactive features, for example traffic report12:12
inzReal men draw their maps with a pencil and update regularly.12:15
KotCzarnypencil? pencil?>!12:15
KotCzarnyreal men drive right through !12:16
inzThey take over the government and build a straight road to wherever they need to go.12:18
MoeIcenowypaper maps cannot schedule public traffic :-(12:46
MoeIcenowyand currently I must rely on some closed service for this :-(12:46
MoeIcenowyto be honest for OSM nowadays I only use it for walking (I have no driving license)12:48
MoeIcenowyor cycling12:48
MoeIcenowyBTw is there a good OSM reader on Fremantle?12:48
KotCzarnyosm2go looked nice12:51
MoeIcenowyI think I can try Mappero?13:00
MoeIcenowybtw seems that SpeedyHAM cannot workaround network speed issue...13:02
sixwheeledbeastIt doesn't improve network speed only the slowness of HAM stock.13:05
sixwheeledbeastReal men ride a motorcycle and don't worry about traffic...13:05
MoeIcenowywhat should I do when HAM reports "gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-extra" is missing?13:07
MoeIcenowyI'm trying to install Mappero on a system w/ CSSU13:07
KotCzarnymaybe you miss nokia mirror repos?13:08
MoeIcenowyoh I used linenoise mirror and it reports failure to update13:09
KotCzarnysixwheeledbeast: six wheeled monstercycle?13:11
MoeIcenowyHAM translation issue13:13
MoeIcenowyoh sorry13:13
MoeIcenowyI forgot zh_CN is not official13:13
MoeIcenowymaybe I should report to zh_CN translation maintainer?13:13
KotCzarnyif he/she is alive, why not13:14
MoeIcenowyI doubt whether they're alive13:15
sixwheeledbeastKotCzarny: 6x6 for off-road, no traffic scenario obviously ;)17:44
sixwheeledbeastsounds like nokia repos are down in that case, same with "Connect with Nokia Suite" type message17:45
sixwheeledbeastdown == incorrect/not installed etc17:45

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