libera/#maemo/ Tuesday, 2020-11-17

brolin_empeyIf anyone has access to an installation of Ubuntu 20.10 then can you please tell me if minicom as distributed by Ubuntu finally has twelve keyboard macros instead of only ten?  From what I can see on the Web site, it looks like it finally does but I do not have access to an installation of Ubuntu 20.10 so cannot check by myself.04:30
brolin_empeyWell, I can try to download the archive file for the source package in Ubuntu and see if the source code has pmac11 and pmac12 instead of only up to pmac10 but I wanted to only use a Web browser without having to work with files outside of the Web browser.04:34
sixwheeledbeastpackages ubuntu will be correct09:53
sixwheeledbeastfocal is from debian stable and groovy is from sid.09:57
sixwheeledbeastwmo down for everyone?10:07
KotCzarnyCouldn't authenticate against garage. (DB problem)10:08
KotCzarnyseems so10:08
warfaregarage had a db problem, a postgres restart did fix it so far.14:58
warfareApparently we don't monitor the postgres ;)14:59

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