libera/#maemo/ Monday, 2020-12-28

KotCzarnynice trick: printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:Terminus:size=20"12:30
WizzupKotCzarny: what should it do?12:37
KotCzarnychange terminal font12:37
Wizzupdidn't do it for me12:37
KotCzarnymight be working only in compatible ones12:38
KotCzarnyie. rxvt12:38
CatButtsI hope adobe didn't put a timebomb in flash 11 many years ahead of time17:11
CatButtsso I can still use flash on the n90017:11
CatButtsafter 31st december17:12
enycCatButts: curious, what do you use it for?17:32
CatButtscurrently, it gathers dust17:33
CatButtsI can open and save files, so that's nice17:34
CatButtsI can probably make musical tools with it(tracker)17:34
CatButtsnobody but a certain forum of mongolian basket weavers and their Flash subforum will care17:35
CatButtsand me!17:36
CatButtsflash kinda sucks performance wise, though17:36
CatButtsprobably worse than Java17:36
CatButtsthat reminds me, flash is currently opening in browser, which is not convenient17:37
CatButtsI should look for dedicated flash player app17:37
CatButtsI guess, it's misplaced nostalgia and format infatuation, enyc17:41
CatButtshmmm, this reminds me17:45
CatButtssome time ago, I tried a song in certain replayer, after long time of not accessing it17:48
CatButtsit crashes replayer, when it previously worked, that long time ago17:48
CatButtsI replace file, and all is ok17:48
CatButtsthe flash memory is degrading17:49
CatButtsis what I think17:50
CatButtshow does linux manage file extension/type associations?18:13
CatButtsor maemo, at least18:13
KotCzarnywindow manager does that18:26
KotCzarny /usr/share/applications/ or something18:27
sunshavialso see ~/.local/share/applications18:28
CatButts I take back whatever ideas I may have had about using Flash for a music tracker22:55
CatButtsthis is 16 channels with no interpolation of samples22:56
CatButtsI have overclocked my phone to 800mhz22:58
CatButtsand enable smartreflex22:58
CatButtsI have a feeling SR is actually making things worse22:58
CatButtsnope, it chokes just as bad without it23:07
CatButts1150mhz is no better23:09
CatButtsas much as I love it, flash is trully shit for performance23:10
CatButtsoh, I've recently come accross a low dependency, miniature SDL type thing23:19
CatButtshow would this look like on the N90023:19
CatButtsit's for gamedev, but tools have also been done with it23:20
CatButts*tool programs23:20

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