libera/#maemo/ Saturday, 2021-07-24

siceloany awk gurus here? i'm trying out the following awk script: awk 'BEGIN{m=2}/<fullcount>.+<\\/fullcount>/{gsub(/<[^>]*>/,"",$0);print $1 " New";if($1>0)m=1;else m=0}END{exit m}'19:10
sicelobut it returns awk: cmd. line:1: error: Unmatched ( or \(: /{gsub(/19:10
siceloit comes from
siceloany ideas?19:11
L29Ahi'm pretty sure it no longer works19:28
L29Ahjust rewrite it in sed :)19:29
siceloi'd appreciate help :p19:32
sicelosed and awk are still a mystery for me, for the most part. the gmail feed does still work btw, and returns xml.19:33
L29Ah^ that's how i got into sed19:35
siceloi sort of fixed it now - one too many \20:55
siceloanyway, it turned out to not be something i would use :P20:55

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