libera/#devuan/ Sunday, 2022-02-13

unixman_homeGreetings, y'all. I need to get davmail 6.0.x to be able to have the latest OAUTH2 stuff and continue to use my @WORK e-mail with a decent mail client from Linux. Unfortunately Chimarea does not have that version. It is in daedalus and ceres. Are either of those able to be used in production yet?00:49
unixman_homeGonna go do Saturday stuff, since it is Saturday here. I'll check back.00:53
fsmithredunixman_home, I'm running daedalus on a laptop, and it runs well, but I'm getting 50-100 updates every day or two.01:18
fsmithredyou might want to wait until bullseye goes into freeze.01:18
fsmithredbullseye? Is that the right one? Whatever is debian testing right now and corresponds to our daedalus.01:19
fsmithredwhen bookworm goes into freeze then the updates will slow down01:21
unixman_homeIs there an ETA for when the freeze will happen? My company changed their O365 Exhange server to no longer allow simple auth. So, my work mail has to be read with that crappy Lookout web thing. Meanwhile my mail reader that has all my filters and process scripts is unusable.01:31
fsmithredunixman_home, 2023
Tenkawayeah I was about to say by current debian guidelines it would be at least 202301:36
Tenkawajust for Debian01:36
Tenkawato get to Bookworm01:36
plasma41Using debdiff to compare a debian source package against its devuan-forked version should work, right? I tried to compare the bullseye-to-chimaera versions of dbus and at some point in the process gpgv gets called to check the signature on the devuan source package, but can't find the right public key. I have the chimaera version of the devuan-keyring package installed.01:40
plasma41The signature of the public key gpgv fails to find is 72E3CB773315DFA2E464743D94532124541922FB.01:41
fsmithredthat's an old key01:42
fsmithredyou should have the 2017 key01:42
fsmithredI think it's this one: E032 601B 7CA1 0BC3 EA53  FA81 BB23 C00C 61FC 752C01:43
plasma41It may be the old key, but it's the key the chimaera dsc file is signed with.01:45
plasma41gpgv: Signature made Fri 11 Jun 2021 12:17:50 PM CDT01:45
plasma41gpgv:                using RSA key 72E3CB773315DFA2E464743D94532124541922FB01:45
fsmithredon which package?01:45
plasma41dbus_1.12.20-2+devuan2.dsc freshly downloaded using `apt source dbus/chimaera`.01:46
fsmithredmaybe bring this up in devuan-infra01:48
fsmithredI don't know how packages get signed01:48
plasma41LeePen made the last entry in the changelog.01:50
unixman_homefsmithred, thanks. Since 2023 is going to be a long time to wait to use a decent mail reader again I may just go ahead and get daedalus. Is it possible to dis-upgrade to that, or will I need to do a fresh install?01:59
fsmithredyou can dist-upgrade to daedalus. Another option would be to backport davmail. That might be easy or not.02:01
plasma41unixman_home: There's always the option of trying to compile the daedalus source package on chimaera.02:01
unixman_homeHmm, yeah. Since davmail is Java, it might work fine.02:01
unixman_homeI think it needs at minimum JRE 8.02:02
plasma41plasma41: Roll your own backport, effectively.02:02
plasma41I hate it when I do that.02:03
unixman_homeplasma41, I wondered why you were talking to yourself. ;)02:03
plasma41Tab completion is happy to oblige when the word I'm looking at and the word I'm typing get crossed in my brain.02:05
micdudanother option is installing a package from unstable/testing in to stable , depending on dependancies , it might be easy and just work or pull in majority of new system , unless holds are placed02:24
micdudbut option i love best , is i use schroots for  testing  and unstable systems when i need just a package or two but cannot compromise the main system , absolutley fullproff02:25
micdudeven ran minecraft(java) for nephew in a schroot, with half a proprietary nvidia driver (just libs) inside of schroot using the restf of nvidia driver outside of schroot02:31
micdudbasicaly you can have a full testing and an unstable system inside of stable, without runing virtualisation like kvm or xen02:34
micdudsharing a stable kernel02:34
Guest63i mounted the iso and did the find command  the package was there but when i install the iso it didnt install them09:20
rrqyes it only installs what is asked for09:48
Guest63ok well how do i install it then10:05
gnarfaceGuest63: once your /etc/apt/sources.list file points to the cdrom (and it is mounted) then you should just be able to run "apt-get install [package name]" to install any given package, where [package name] is the name of the package (no brackets)10:33
gnarfaceGuest63: sorry, run "apt-get update" once immediately before the apt-get install command, then it should work10:33
gnarfaceGuest63: it is smart enough to automatically include any dependencies if they're also on the cdrom10:35
Guest63i made desktop iso11:34
gnarfaceGuest63: yes, the desktop iso can also be used as an apt repository after you've installed with it13:31
gnarfaceGuest63: if you have a network connection this is unnecessary but i had assumed you knew that13:31
ananimususHello everyone. Just installed devuan, as soon as the problem arose: the wireless network does not work. With the combination of ifupdown + wpa_supplicant + dhclient, at least the ethernet connection worked, but before I removed avahi-autoipd it also did not work.  What could be the problem?14:02
buZzananimusus: fyi, wpa_supplicant has nothing to do with ethernet14:24
buZzavahi needing -removal- before ethernet works sounds like a network config issue outside of your fresh devuan install14:24
fsmithredyou can dist-upgrade to daedalus. Another option would be to backport davmail. That might be easy or not.14:47
gnarfacewell, i always remove avahi for breaking my stuff too14:52
gnarfacebut i understand that it works very well it just implements features i don't want14:53
buZzi havent ever seen 'uninstall avahi made eth0 work' before14:54
buZzbut ,... i guess its possible?14:54
buZzi think its just some coincidence14:54
gnarfacewell avahi implements ethernet autoconfiguration based on hotplug events, if your ethernet hardware has that feature, and it can tend to become an annoyance because autoconfiguration also includes deconfiguration15:24
buZzah? i thought it was just mdns , but i guess the autoconfig ips are from it aswell?15:25
gnarfaceif you've set up expectations based on a static config the results can be fairly harmful15:25
gnarfaceand that's all entirely aside from the inherent security problems that come along with the bonjour protol stuff15:26
ananimususInitially I wanted to switch to unstable.  There is no more of that strange problem with avahi.  But of all the connection options, only wired via dhcp still works.15:50
buZzi dont understand you using 'still'15:51
buZzdidnt you just install this system fresh?15:51
gnarfaceananimusus: if you paste the error to i'll actually take a look at it, but with wireless hardware you might need a non-free firmware package15:58
charleshas anyone been able to get tailscale to work on devuan?15:58
ananimususbuZz: It is a fresh system. Doesn't work the same as it did before upgrading to daedalus on chimaera.16:57
buZzi dont get it, what does 'upgrading a system' have to do with this fresh system?16:58
ananimususfirmware-misc-nonfree and firmware-realtek already installer16:58
ananimususDo not know.  I just hoped it would help somehow.17:02
APicDevuan does not come with any Kind of „Personal Firewall“ activated by default, does it?20:09
debdogthere's (g)ufw, dunno whether it is installed AND activated by any task20:14
fsmithredno, there's no firewall by default20:22
fsmithredseveral that you can install20:22
micdudlogrotate with copytruncate on a tmpfs for a file that is being (colortail -f logfile.log) , causes colortail quickly eat up all the mem . (not the tmpfs allocation)   should not copytruncate be invisible to the program tailing ? like (echo "" > file)20:33
XenguyAPic, I used to use Shorewall, but now just install ufw, which is fine for the basics21:06
* APic does not actually _want_ a Firewall that runs on the same Box ☺21:06
XenguyWell good luck with that, let us know when you've figured it out21:07
ananimususI tried to connect to the network manually, without ifupdown, and it worked for me. I did not expect that the problem lies in it. lol.22:08
rrqananimusus: presumably a configuration mistake of course22:32

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