libera/#devuan/ Tuesday, 2023-05-23

fsmithredn4dir, I recall that you could have both sysvinit and systemd in debian jessie, and choose which init system to boot. Might have been possible in stretch, too. You can't have runt and sysvinit installed at the same time.00:16
fsmithredn4dir, install live-config-runit with runit-init00:16
n4dirfsmithred: ah, good thanks00:17
n4diri am not willing to experiment with init on this (main) PC, because UEFI involved and all, chroot wouldn't be easy for me00:18
n4diri will just switch as new hardware arrives00:18
n4dirgood to know00:18
fsmithreddid you start with a refracta iso?00:18
fsmithredor have one, actually00:18
n4diryeah, that was refracta00:19
n4diron the devuan install in qemu i already had runit00:19
fsmithredboot live, mount hard disk, mount uefi partition to /mnt/boot/efi, then run 'bind-mounts /mnt' and say yes, when it asks if you want to chroot00:19
n4dirso easy to, just not used to it00:19
n4dirthanks a lot00:20
fsmithredyeah, if you did it a couple of times it would feel perfectly normal00:20
n4diri am being honest: i mainly want to switch to runit so i people ask, they don't bother me with sysv being old00:21
n4dirit serves me well, is easy and all00:21
n4dirrunit seems a little bit lighter though00:21
fsmithredI've only used runit a little, so I can't really say much about it. It works.00:23
n4diryup. does. i sure tried it with devuan, installation, pretty sure with refracta too, and i have found an antix installation with it00:24
n4diralso void had it, iirc.00:24
n4diri don't recall any problems anywhere00:25
n4dironly me not knowing it well00:25
fsmithredwas it refractainstaller or refractasnapshot that was going to be removed?00:26
n4dirboth, but only gui, base stayed00:26
fsmithredI see I still haven't fixed the Recommends for refractasnapshot-base.00:27
fsmithredI need to add live-config-runit00:27
brocashelmfsmithred: the runit-services package from experimental converts more scripts over, hence why i had issues restarting network-manager00:27
brocashelmso i guess debian is finally making it happen to get closer to full runit implementation00:28
fsmithredyeah, I have not messed with that yet. I need to start fresh.00:28
brocashelmbut where the services are placed is a bit different from what the archwiki says00:28
n4diri found a wiki site debian about init choice, or init freedo00:28
fsmithredno, I'm the maintainer of live-config-runit00:28
n4dirwhen searching for what i asked, runit/sysvinit00:29
fsmithredoh, Lorenzo is working toward runit support in Debian.00:29
brocashelmbut i mean, instead of being in /var/service, it's in /etc/service (IIRC)00:29
fsmithredI know debian uses different locations for some of the files compared to other distros.00:30
brocashelmnot sure why they do that. /var is more sensible for service management00:32
fsmithredtime for dinner. bbl.00:32
brocashelmi see /etc as where the bulk of your system configs are stored, not services running currently00:32
hacksenwerkI have a little cosmetic bug here I think.10:22
hacksenwerkMy disk is encrypted. After choosing a kernel to boot from in grub, you get the prompt to dencrypt it.10:22
hacksenwerkHow ever, since daedalus this prompt appears in a line where something is already written.10:23
hacksenwerkIt looks like this then:
gnarfacei wonder if you can just add a line to the config file10:24
hacksenwerkgnarface: to wich config file? grub?10:24
gnarfaceor to whatever is outputting the prompt itself10:25
gnarfacei'm not sure if that's grub or something else10:25
hacksenwerkgnarface: plymouth had solve tat "problem" but I uninstalled plymouth now.10:26
onefangIf you can squeeze in a shell command or something, then something like this might help - echo ""10:29
hacksenwerkSorry was away for some minutes.10:41
hacksenwerkI see that there's still that quiet splash line instead if the default one in grub10:42
hacksenwerkmaybe chnaging that again might help.10:42
hacksenwerkIt must be chnaged anyway...10:42
hacksenwerkwhat was the default for: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT10:44
hacksenwerkInternet always says quiet splash but that's because the distros seem to use plymouth by default...10:45
hacksenwerkI guess only quiet...10:45
hacksenwerkI try this and reboot, brb.10:46
hacksenwerkNo that did nothing.10:55
hacksenwerkThere's also nothing about that prompt so I don't know where to put an empty line...10:57
hacksenwerkI also reconized, that the tty is a bit broken.10:58
hacksenwerksometimes at login when I did a typo and press ctr c for exmaple, my pointer flys over the text and text is broken10:59
hacksenwerkso maybe that's all a tty thing?10:59
onefangMaybe the "quiet" means "don't bother properly initing the tty, we wont use it"?11:00
hacksenwerkHmm.. I don't know.. I give up x)11:06
hacksenwerkIt's not a big deal anyway, just cosmetic. But a bit anoying, cause you can miss noticing the pop up of the prompt.11:07
hacksenwerkI think I'll dive deeper now into evilwm11:07
hacksenwerk(why is it called evil?)11:07
onefangDive deep enough to find out, then tell us.  B-)11:08
hacksenwerkonefang: about evilwm?11:08
hacksenwerkThat's a different thing11:08
hacksenwerkNot about that cosmetic issue. ;)11:08
onefangI know.  Guess you didn't get my joke.  lol11:09
hacksenwerkOh dive deep, to find out why it's evil?11:10
hacksenwerkI hope not. xD11:10
hacksenwerkIt's pretty small and easy, I don't think I'll find any suprises. ;)11:10
hacksenwerkI'll leave, I have to restart the xsession several times to test options of evilwm.11:13
hacksenwerkSee you later. :)11:13
hacksenwerkgnarface: now the alsa cmus fun happend:12:08
hacksenwerkI'm listening to sound at cmus and wanted to change the volumen in cmus and it didn't work and cmus complained about "mixer is not open"12:09
hacksenwerkI changed then from PCM to Speaker and restarted cmus and now I can control the volumen in cmus again. :)12:09
hacksenwerkThe only problem is: Speaker is my master volume in alsa...12:12
hacksenwerkSo if I change the volume in cmus my master volume changes12:13
hacksenwerkBut I am not quite sure if this is the default behaviour and cmus just doesn't have it's own volume, like freetube or other applications12:14
hacksenwerkI should have check this in pavucontrol before uninstalling it. x)12:14
gnarfaceyou can always setup a softvol device in your alsa config just for cmus12:16
gnarfacealso, if you check the CARD value in the output of "aplay -L" you should be able to use that instead of "default" in the cmus config for the name of the alsa device12:17
gnarface...and then it will use the usb device regardless of which order it shows up12:17
hacksenwerkoh ok :o12:17
gnarfaceor, you could make the alsa config just assign it to default by name instead of number, so it's always the default regardless of which order it comes up in, then you don't have to change cmus stock config for it to work... that's probably better actually12:18
hacksenwerkOk I will save that to my notes and maybe come back to it in the future. :)12:19
hacksenwerkThank you for your explanations!12:19
gnarfaceif you remove "quiet" from that kernel command-line it might fix the prompt misbehavior by the way12:20
gnarfaceit will output a bunch more status logs at boot though12:20
hacksenwerkgnarface: oh quiet too? I only removed splash12:21
hacksenwerkok I will try that12:21
n4dir might be of use, though as far i can tell it only uses the commands you'd usually use12:31
n4dirbut if you have it in ~/bin, it is easy to have a reminder for those commands12:32
n4dirin case you trust me, else hunt the ardour forum, they still host it somewhere, it usually came from  the jack-website12:33
hacksenwerkgnarface: so.. it can be said that it is better now, but it also can be said it is not xD12:36
hacksenwerkthe prompt now still has no extra line and instead of popping up at the begining of an existing line at now pos up atthe end of an existing line12:37
gnarfacewell it was worth a try12:38
hacksenwerkI wonder: is there something like very quiet for grub, so that it only shows the encryption prompt?12:38
hacksenwerkor at least hide that two lines that shows the kernel (in my paste file)12:39
hacksenwerkI'll do a search...12:40
hacksenwerkIt would be nice, cause imho for beginners it is nice to have plymouth, wich hides all that stuff that has the potential to scare them :)12:41
hacksenwerkif theres is such option, plymouth would be obsolete12:42
hacksenwerkhmm seems like not:
hacksenwerkquiet           [KNL] Disable most log messages12:48
hacksenwerkthat's the only one (I searched for quiet, and for message)12:48
hacksenwerkbut there is this here: { null | "" } Use to disable console output, i.e., to have kernel console messages discarded. This must be the only console= parameter used on the kernel command line.12:49
hacksenwerkBut I'm not sure if that can be put in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=12:50
hacksenwerkAnd if so, I don't know if it disables that encryption prompt too. xP12:50
hacksenwerkMaybe I ask at #kernel12:52
hacksenwerkgnarface: I tried now loglevel=0 in grub config, but it produces more output than quiet13:53
hacksenwerksomeone in #kernel suggested that to me13:53
hacksenwerkWhere do I have to go, to suggests adding a new kernel parameter for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=13:57
hacksenwerkThe kernel devs or the grub devs, or both?13:57
hacksenwerkI would like to suggets them to add a paramter, that hides all messages, except that decryption prompt and it's messages when typing the wrong or the correct passphrase. Something like: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=veryquiet or GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=cryptonly or something13:59
hacksenwerkThat would also make plymouth useless and therefor save time and effort to develop it.13:59
rustyaxemake it useless? It's been useless for years :P14:05
rustyaxethat'd be a kernel thing tho, and you can already make the kernel quiet14:05
rustyaxequiet loglevel=014:06
hacksenwerkrustyaxe: nah it's useful to hide everything except that decryption dialog, Especially beginners can get confused or scared when they see so much output.14:10
hacksenwerkrustyaxe: as I posted earlier loglevel=0 is even more verbose than quiet14:11
rustyaxeuse them together.14:12
rustyaxeof course beginners will be even more confused when something breaks and theres no useful log output to tell *what* broke....14:13
hacksenwerkrustyaxe: hm.. yeah I will try that14:16
hacksenwerkrustyaxe: But that's nothing beginners should have to struggle with. The focus must be, that they stay at the fre os and not going back to micr$oft or apple...14:17
hacksenwerkAnd tehre are still log files ;)14:17
rustyaxestruggle with? lol14:17
rustyaxeif they're afraid of computers they should stick to smart phones14:18
rustyaxeid much rather have useful console output during boot when the disk well might not even be accessible to the kernel yet14:18
hacksenwerkrustyaxe: Yeah great advice, that way you keep linux a niche on desktops...14:18
hacksenwerkyes _you_14:18
hacksenwerkbut others ar _not_ you14:18
hacksenwerkanyway that oft14:18
rustyaxei dont really care if it idiots can use computers. they have smart phones, tbh, designed just for that.14:18
hacksenwerkrustyaxe: ok you are some extremly arrogant dude.14:19
hacksenwerkVery social ey?14:19
onefangAnd we have #devuan-offtopic designed just for these sorts of conversations.14:19
hacksenwerkonefang: yes but this is not a conversation, I will block that guy that's healthier I think :)14:20
hacksenwerkThe oss club should get rid of their toxic people....14:21
rustyaxehacksenwerk: Nah just tired of linux getting less and less useful everywhere elsewhere in the name of making it a desktop OS for people who can barely operate a smart phone. (:14:21
rrqhacksenwerk: apparently you have "insmod progress" in your grub.cfg; remove that to get a clean boot15:02

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