libera/#devuan/ Thursday, 2023-07-27

rwpThe nvidia driver probably also installed a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/something file too.00:01
squeaktoythere's nothing inside00:02
rwpUnfortunately I don't use the nvidia driver nor the dkms that automatically builds the shim for it so do not know what to suggest.  But hopefully another person will know.00:02
rwpWhich nvidia adaptor do you have?  That would probably be useful and maybe someone else with it will know.00:03
rrqnote that daedalus has a non-free-firmware section00:03
rrqin addition to main, contrib and non-free00:04
squeaktoyis it good?00:04
squeaktoyrwp: HDMI00:04
rwpDebian created a new suite and moved the non-free firmware from non-free to non-free-firmware.00:04
squeaktoyBut I don't understand why even nouveau fails to work00:05
squeaktoyOkay after adding non-free-firmware I can install nvidia-driver00:06
rwpGood catch rrq!00:06
squeaktoybut nvidia-persistenced is still broken as always00:08
rwpBTW...  Does not matter now but I was expecting to hear something like GeForce GT 1030 or some such rather than HDMI. :-)00:09
squeaktoyWell you said adapter00:10
squeaktoySo I say the adapter00:10
rwpIs this a laptop?  I was thinking desktop.  And PCI-e adaptor.  But a laptop rarely has that type of choice.  I think of HDMI as an interface.00:11
gnarfacesqueaktoy: check the version of nvidia-persistenced, it's probably broken because it's still the previous release's version and there simply isn't one for the current version. i don't know why, but they just don't always bother updating it even though it doesn't work unless it's current. the important part is knowing that either way you don't actually need it. just uninstall it and move on with your life.00:12
rwpSince about 2015 most display vendors have dropped the DVI and converted to HDMI or HDMI and DisplayPort.  Just generally.00:12
squeaktoyBut [GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER]00:12
squeaktoyit sucks lol00:13
squeaktoyit's novideo00:13
gaje4dswhere to put NFT tables rules so they are loaded on boot asap?14:33
gaje4dsor how to set it up14:33
gaje4dshow to see what services auto-start at boot, and edit that easily?14:41
debdoggaje4ds: usually the links inside /etc/rc2.d trigger the start scripts14:42
debdogdepending on init system, of course14:42
onefangsysv-rc-conf is a useful tool.14:44
___usedcat /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.Debian -> what's this about migrating to dependency based boot sequencing?14:48
___usedthe verbiage sounds like Poettering.14:51
onefangNote the last sentence refers to "Linux-2.6 kernel boot process".  That's ancient information.  These LSB headers have been there for ages.15:15
ballsxd2hey guys can you help me getting cron working?23:51
ballsxd2i have used crontab -e to add cronjobs and i see them appearing in /var/log/syslog however the commands do not seem to be executed23:51
gnarfaceshow me the cron line23:52
ballsxd2the contents of the cron file?23:53
gnarfacewell if it's more than one line just /msg it to me23:53
gnarfaceyou could be kicked for flooding if you paste too much23:53
ballsxd2oh like that23:54
gnarfaceor you could use paste.debian.net23:54
gnarfacei can try to sanity check your commands23:54
gnarfaceyou can also set MAILTO in the crontab to have it mail you any errors23:54
gnarface(check the man page)23:55
gnarfacei've never seen '00' used like that in a crontab. you sure that's syntactically allowed?23:57
gnarfaceballsxd2: ^23:57
ballsxd2not pretty certain, but it seems partially logical if its representing a minute23:58
ballsxd2however the entry with all *'s also doesnt seem to work. so i doubt the problem is in the double digit 023:59
gnarfaceit could be if those are all in the same crontab and you've caused a parsing error23:59
gnarfacetry putting the all stars one first23:59

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